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NonlinearConstraint in SciPy Optimize not working with vector bounds?

I asked ChatGPT and it wasn't helpful. Basically I want to implement a constraint on a Transformed vector of X, let's say T(X). How do I do that? Here is my code: def TransformFunction(X): ...
confused's user avatar
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`scipy.optimize.minimize` gives different results on GCP and Mac

SciPy's minimize() gives different results on different machines: sp.optimize.minimize(cost_function, x_init, bounds=x_bounds, args=args_in, method='SLSQP', options={'maxiter': sim_config['maxiter'], '...
AdityaT101's user avatar
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SciPy Minimize Constrain Around Internal Parameter, Not Input

EDIT 1: This question has been completely modified for improved clarity and to better state my intent. The original post is at the end. I think a lot of people are confused by my example code. It was ...
kriegersan's user avatar
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Using Preconditioners in scipy.minimize

Can I use Jacobi Preconditioning for the inner CG step in Truncated Newton Conjugate implementation of scipy? The options for the TNC solver do not include any support for preconditioning. I'm ...
atomr's user avatar
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BFGS algorithm finding almost good parameters but not converging with scipy.minimize()

I am estimating an Interval Regression model. I wrote my likelihood function (see intreg, STATA) as stated bellow, and compared my results with STATA. I am finding almost exactly (within 0.001) same ...
Youssef's user avatar
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Issue with _make_nonlinear_constraints() and scipy.minimize

I'm currently working on a project that involves multi-fidelity optimization using BoTorch. I'm trying to optimize an acquisition function, but I keep encountering a RuntimeError when I run the ...
Lisa Schmitt's user avatar
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SciPy Minimization Convergence Problems for Objective Function with Small Values and Numerical Derivatives

I’m having issues with minimization with SciPy for an objective function that returns a small value, and for a problem where I would like to use numerical derivatives in a gradient-based algorithm. ...
J Egg's user avatar
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fit the data with two type of fit combined or any one type fit, whichever is good fit

I have data x and y , want to fit one part with power_fit and other part with negative power_fit settling to zero finally and start from some -20nm with some 5nF values and goes down after that minima ...
user97975's user avatar
2 votes
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Defining dynamic constraints for scipy optimize in Python

I wanted to abstract the following function that calculates minimum value of a objective function and values when we can get this minimal value for arbitrary number of g's. I started with simple case ...
to4ka's user avatar
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Scipy Optimizing with Constraints

I am trying to find the values for my x where the sum of the columns of my data_matrix matches the intial_sums. However the results are: Variable 0: 1.0 Variable 1: 1.0 Final sums: [0. 4. 0. 2. 0.] ...
user25640830's user avatar
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converting curve_fit to optimize.minimize

I have the following code which functions correctly. However, instead of using the method curve_fit, I want to perform the fitting manually using scipy.optimize.minimze on each element. Is it possible ...
user1134699's user avatar
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maximization of function with constraints

let us consider following code : from scipy.optimize import minimize def obj(x): x1 =x[0] x2 =x[1] x3 =x[2] return (x1*1000+x2*1000+x3*500) def constr(x): x1 = x[0] x2 = x[1]...
AI ML's user avatar
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How can the starting values be vectorized before optimization, where should this be installed, at what point does the back transformation take place?

General goal: I want to optimize parameters from the Rosenbrock function with the minimize function in a Python script. My result is already good but I want to use vectorization for the whole ...
pythonbeginner's user avatar
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Can scipy.optimize Find Optimal Input Values When Multiple Products are Involved?

I'd like to find the optimal values for Input A for Product 1 and for Input A for Product 2 with the aim to maximize Total Output and subject to a given constraint. I've tried using Python's Scipy ...
Coder_Needing_Help's user avatar
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Scipy optimize SLSQP: How is the 'ftol' parameter used?

I am wondering how the 'ftol' paramater in scipy.optimize.minimize(method='SLSQP') is used. In the documentation it just says, that it is the precision goal for the value of f, which could mean ...
user25106562's user avatar
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Line search cannot locate an adequate point after MAXLS scipy.optimize.minimize() LBFGS

I am using scipy.optimize.minimize() from scipy to implement LBFGS method. But I am having the following problem: Line search cannot locate an adequate point after MAXLS function and gradient ...
Gabriel Mantilla's user avatar
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Different results for scipy-minimize using SLSQP dependent upon initalized values

I am using scipy.minimize in an attempt to optmize the inputs to my function. I have a given amount of budget/hours and 6 inputs where I'm trying to get the highest return from the input mix. Each of ...
runningbirds's user avatar
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Minimize - eps parameter for each element of array

In scipy.optimize.minimize the eps parameter controls the step size between function evaluations and is applied to all the elements of the optimization vector. How can I apply a different eps to ...
Dr. Paprika's user avatar
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scipy 'minimize' with method='trust-constr' raises ValueError('expected square matrix')

I am trying to solve constrained optimization problems using scipy.optimize.minimize with method='trust-constr'. My problems typically involve both equality and inequality nonlinear constraints. For ...
Scacco Matto's user avatar
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Fitting two curves with a variable number of parameters using `scipy.optimize.least_squares()`

I'm writing code to fit parameters of related pairs of functions from a family using the scipy.optimize.least_squares() function and it seems that the test parameters are not being passed to the ...
JoDraX's user avatar
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Ordering the starting parameter in Scipy Minimizer

Addressing a multi-variable function, Scipy minimizer will start with the smallest value in the initial guess array, regardless of the sort. Assuming that you are using the Nelder-Mead method, is ...
Amir Ghorbani's user avatar
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How to use scipy.optimize.minimize with x defined through database updates

I have a black box optimization problem I am dealing with. Due to the nature of the black box, the vector (or set of vectors) x cannot be redefined programmatically during optimization. That is to say,...
kriegersan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Use of scipy.optimize

I am using Python in FEA a solver and i have an objective function to minimize. I thought about using scipy.optimize but it doesn't work. No optimization is carried out and no errors either... See ...
Pierre Lechevalier's user avatar
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Why does SciPy minimize return different solutions when minimizing sum of squared error versus root mean squared error?

I am in the process of fitting a curve to data using scipy.optimize.minimize. To do this, I have defined an objective function which returns either the sum of squared error or the root mean squared ...
Matt J's user avatar
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Minimizing of function that has a list of tuples as arguments

I need to minimize a function objective() that takes a list of tuples x as argument. But there's a catch : the tuples can only be choosen in a predefined set of tuples. A minimal example would be: ...
Dr. Paprika's user avatar
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Trouble with Refinery Optimization Python Script

Trying to write a Python script to determine how much heavy Canadian oil each of the refineries I have listed process per month based on a few constraints I listed regarding their capacities and ...
jare2620's user avatar
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Runtime error in log function is occurring when using minimize from scipy, how should I fix this?

For context I'm using NumPy. I encountered the following warning message in my code RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log model = ((-2*r) * np.log(1-s*np.sin(2*np.pi*t/p_orb-phi_orb)))...
Tihomb's user avatar
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Why is my scipy.optimize.minimize(method="newton-cg") function stuck on a local maximum?

I want to find the local minimum for a function that depends on 2 variables. For that my plan was to use the scipy.optimize.minimize function with the "newton-cg" method because I can ...
legandro's user avatar
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Optimize numbers so that the sum of the rounded numbers is equal to zero

Within python3, if I have a dictionary containing for example: d = {'C1': 0.68759, 'C2': -0.21432, 'H1': 0.49062, 'H2': -0.13267, 'H3': 0.08092, 'O1': -0.8604} And I have the equation: n1*d['C1'] + ...
scaldedolive's user avatar
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Is it possible to put constraint on a variable that is not the subject of optimization but is a calculation byproduct of it?

So, I tried using scipy.optimize.minimize to find the optimal parameter (stiffness and damping: kx1, cx1, kz1, cz1, kx23, cx23, kz23, cz23) that could equate to a certain value (max tension: T_max_1 &...
Achmad A's user avatar
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Uncertainty of optimized parameters using the scipy.optimize.minimize

The aim is fitting the following equation by optimizing the K's parameters and knowing L: Y_fit = (Ka*Kb**L2) / (1 + K11*L + Ka*Kb*L**2) and Y = experimental points that one want to be fitted using ...
coffeedealer's user avatar
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Using scipy.optimize.minimize to fit the sum of functions to allow individual decomposition

I have some x, y and y_error data The ranges and for my data are roughly on orders of x data: [0,40] y data: [10^-14, 10^-12] y_error data: [10^-15, 10^-14] Plotting this yields the following graph: ...
shram's user avatar
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recusive objective function in scipy.minimize - Bellmann equation

I am working on an optimal execution problem in python but I do not know dynamic programming. Therefore I am trying to write down a recursive minimization problem. v is the arrays of the shares traded ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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multiprocessing stuck using scipy.optimize and scikitlearn.dbscan in ubuntu

I am performing an optimization in Python using the 'SLSQP' method of the scipy optimization library. To improve the speed of Jacobian calculations, multiprocessing was applied to the cost function. ...
lee sunghyun's user avatar
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minimize() - iteration time keeps increasing

tried to understand why my optimization is it taking so long, I put time stamps in my code. the problem is between the stamp just before the return and one in the beginning of the function "start ...
sivan's user avatar
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Scipy minimize returns an array too big

I am trying to minimize this function but using scipy minimize i expect to get in return an array of the same size of the one in input, that is (92445,) but i get an array of size (92445, 92445) and ...
Federico Calabretti's user avatar
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Some problem in package my code into class

My code: from scipy.optimize import minimize import numpy as np class Least_squares: def __init__(self): self.d = 2 #decision_demension self.parameter_sets = np.ones(6) ...
Le Xu's user avatar
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Simple optimization problem with scipy.minimize(SLSQP) gives error "positive directional derivative for lineasearch"

I am trying to solve a simple optimization problem but cant get around the error "positive directional derivative for linesearch" and am wondering what is going on here, i dont see anything ...
spline regressor's user avatar
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Access OptimizeResult in scipy.optimize.minimize callback function

I am trying to define a callback function to be used when optimizing. I am only interested in the current objective function's value for each iteration. The documentation suggests, that most optimize ...
DonkeyMonkey's user avatar
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Solving a constrained linear system of equations using Scipy

I am trying to solve a linear equation (AX=b) where A is an 8x8 matrix, and X and b are 8x1 vectors. X can be expressed by X=[x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4]. However, I have the following 3 ...
Elie's user avatar
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is it possible to change the fitness with callback feature in scipy minimize while itterate?

I am using Scipy. optimize for my optimization problem. i have two optimisations inner and outer, and i want to implement the fitness of the first optimisation with the second one. after a good time ...
greadian's user avatar
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SciPy optimization for FEA truss structure

I am trying to optimize the weight of a truss structure by changing the areas. I have this (shortened/verified code for FEA truss) where x is a array of element areas: stresses = np.zeros(10) def FEA(...
al512's user avatar
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How to use parallel for loop with scipy L-BFGS-B minimzer in python?

I am trying to do inversion using scipy L-BFGS-B optimizer which uses Pool inside for forward modelling function. In my forward modelling function I have a for loop of a function running over subset ...
user155709's user avatar
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Writing Objective Function using scipy.optimize.minimize Troubleshoot

I am trying to solve an optimization problem applied to bridges, in the context of a parametric design. The objective function is to try and split precast barriers into a minimum amount of unique ...
Dragos Seculin's user avatar
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Scipy.optimize.minimize is not working well with these 3 constraints

I have 4 datasets with the same length (701). The first represents the x values (station). The others the y values: one from a measurement (scannedCSLeft), and the rest are representing the permitted ...
Dénes Nagy's user avatar
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constraints are not considered in scipy.optimize.minimize

I want to optimize for 1 parameter only, but as I need constraints, I want to use minimize instead of minimize_scalar. #get_cl(aircraft,FL,mach,mass = aircraft["mass"]): cons = [{'type': '...
Hu gePanic's user avatar
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Python Scipy optimize does not respect constraints

Using Python scipy function Optimize/Minimize, constraint is not respected despite the optimization finishing as "Optimization terminated successfully". from scipy.optimize import minimize ...
DeltaVanna's user avatar
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Unexpected solution when using scipy.optimize.minimize to solve a optimization problem

I'm trying to express the following optimization problem in scipy. Assuming r is a known array with values: [0.96366965, 0.93341242, 0.90676733, 0.88186071, 0.8582291, 0.83472442, 0.80977363, 0....
Broly Cjw's user avatar
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Parameter Optimization in python with differential_evolution or minimize from scipy.optimize

I have a function ,calculate_array, which returns a list of values (for e.g 10 values). I want to optimize two input parameters a,b, in this function so that the first element of the list to be ...
shirin 's user avatar
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Scipy minimize - minimum absolute weights but 0 acceptable

I am trying to optimize a portfolio allocation. I am happy for some weights to be 0 but I do not want to get values that are less than some threshold T. this is on absolute values as negative weights ...
Branck's user avatar
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