Questions tagged [sequence-diagram]

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) sequence diagram, also known as system sequence diagram (SSD), depicts interactions between processes and objects in a time sequence. It is usually used to illustrate events and their order in a particular system for a particular function. Use this tags for questions on [uml] sequence diagrams. Do NOT use this tag for questions that contain a sequence diagram but are not directly related to this diagram.

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3 votes
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Sequence Diagram(termination of object)

I prepared a university assignment where they asked me to create sequence diagram. Here is the diagram. The teacher rejected the diagram and asked me to mention termination symbol in the diagram. I ...
zeshan ahmad's user avatar
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Interactive Sequence diagram using mermaid.js producing parse errors in Observable Notebooks

I tried creating an interactive sequence diagram inspired by The (required) diagram is as shown below: However when I am trying to ...
User 1426833's user avatar
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What's the difference between a signal and asynchronous operation in UML?

Making sequence diagrams my tool allows for communication that is either synchronous operation, asynchronous operation, and signal. What's the difference between the last two regarding program flow?
Andreas's user avatar
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How to show the flow termination in Sequence Diagram

Basically, I'd like to depict the below logic in a Sequence Diagram: if (ShopIsOpen) { if (AccessTokenIsExpired) { if (RefreshTokenInExpired) { return "Not Authorized"; } ...
Hans's user avatar
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When and how can I use an Entity created in a use case X' sequence inside another use case Y' sequence?

I have a use case X' sequence in which I create an Entity Z. I have another use case Y' sequence where I want to use the SAME already created Entity Z. How to do that? Do I have to specify it in some ...
Allexj's user avatar
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Why DOESN'T this Star UML Sequence Diagram have the activation "rectangle" in the Control object?

Why DOESN'T this Star UML Sequence Diagram have the activation "rectangle" in the Control object? Am I doing something wrong? Should I set something in Star UML? How can I add the ...
Allexj's user avatar
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Is database a controller or boundary in a sequence diagram?

I am having issues identifying whether the database is a controller or boundary (view) in a sequence diagram. I have drawn the following sequence diagram for 'call queueing'. Is it correct?
S. Tiss's user avatar
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How can I express interaction via global variable in sequence diagram

I want to draw a sequence diagram for following example. I know that I can use message line when there is a function call interaction for data exchange. But in this case, read function interface is ...
user1808808's user avatar
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Which type of UML diagram is suited for depicting goroutines collaborating via channel?

Let's assume there is a simple integer calculator that only supports addition and multiplication operation. It will receive an integer generator and an integer as additive or multiplier as its input ...
da_miao_zi's user avatar
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How to represent communication with other object of the same class in UML sequence diagram?

I have a question regarding UML sequence diagram. I have actor system, where I have many objects (actors) of the same class communicating with each other. The number of actors depends on the problem, ...
quikq's user avatar
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how to use interaction use in sequence diagram in Staruml

I have created two sequence diagrams and I wanted to reference one of them in the other, I know to do that we have to use interaction use, but I can't write on it or reference the other sequence ...
th3plus's user avatar
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Self Message vs Return Message in Sequence Diagram

What the difference between a self message and a return message. Here 2 examples: Self Message: Return Message: Which example is correct?
Haru's user avatar
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Flowchart or Sequence diagram to describe a process?

Say I what to describe a login process, which involves some steps. Although each step may be an asynchronous interaction, e.g. a http request & response, the overall steps happen in a sequential ...
Qiulang's user avatar
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UML fragment to prevent the further executions?

What is a UML fragment is using in a case representing a check operation that either stops the further execution on a failed check or lets it go, kind of a programming statement if role != 'admin': ...'s user avatar
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Representing consume/produce event as UML components from microservice to Message queue[Kafka] in sequence/class diagram

I have a usecase of producing some event, consuming event produced by other microservice & also produced by own. How to represent the Kafka system, microservice in play & producing/consuming ...
Mani's user avatar
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How to represent a complex use case where every step of the main flow can have multiple scenarios (alternative or error path)?

Little background I'm new to writing use cases and representing their scenarios. I'm dealing with a complex system. In the first step of analyzing the system, I created a use case diagram where each ...
Parsa68's user avatar
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create class diagram from sequence diagram

I have a sequence diagram, and I would like to create a class diagram from it. This is the sequence diagram: I'm struggling with classes operations (which class should I give what operations)
MiRAY's user avatar
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create sequence diagram based on flow of events

I have a use case - Maintain Timecard, a brief description of it and the flow of events, including alternative flows. I have to create a sequence diagram based on the information given from ...
MiRAY's user avatar
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Represent sequence diagram from flow of events

I have a flow of events and alternative events for a Login use case. Basic Flow: The actor enters his/her name and password. The system validates the entered name and password and logs the actor into ...
MiRAY's user avatar
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How to build sequence diagram with 3 actors?

Overview: This is my activity diagram for the stock management subsystem. I have 3 actors which are the admin, manager, and employee. Question: Can someone explain to me how can I do my sequence ...
adstrumm_'s user avatar
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Is nested alt in sequence diagram a good practice?

I have created a sequence diagram, and found it has multiple nested alt. Is this a good or bad practice? If it is a bad practice, what should I do instead?
Ngọc Nguyễn's user avatar
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Including a create message inside a combined fragment in sequence diagram

I am working on my assignment about sequence diagrams. my question is if can we include a creation or deletion message in a combined fragment
th3plus's user avatar
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Is it possible to add hyperlinks between sequence diagrams, in UMLet

I'm looking to make a sequence diagram, using UMLet, for multiple scenarios, but all of them having same "core" functionality. So, I was thinking of defining this core functionality as a ...
Raj Kumar's user avatar
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auto-connect nearby connectors in imported file?

I am importing flowcharts from another platform and most of the objects come through intact, but connectors are not attached to their intended shapes. Manually connecting every one of these lines is ...
Hunter Ashmore's user avatar
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Delete message in Sequence diagram MVC

The below image is a sequence diagram for deleting a user out a users list page (UsersView). Once the user clicks a delete button of a user row in the Users View, I'm supposed to delete that specific ...
Yeshan Santhush's user avatar
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Is it a must to have a reply message for synchronous message in sequence diagrams

I just have 3 doubts regarding sequence diagrams. Is it a must to have reply message for every single synchronous message, where also i want to know whether reply message is a method or just a ...
Yeshan Santhush's user avatar
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UML sequence diagram: Is it possible to demonstrate an object being passed as an argument to another object's function?

Accepting that (1) I want to use a sequence diagram and not a class, communication or any other diagram and (2) I am not using official UML specification and am prepared to bend the rules, the ...
Seymour Azzes's user avatar
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How to generate javadoc with puml diagrams?

I am trying to generate my Javadoc with my sequence diagrams integrated using Gradle 8.0(7.2). my build.gradle : apply plugin: "java" apply plugin: "application" mainClassName = '...
João Marques's user avatar
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Eclipse Theia with Graphical Language Server Platform

I know it's bit theoretical question, but just wondering if anyone has done the GLSP with Eclipse or Theia ? if you can anyone give proper direction on same. I just read their documentation, but ...
midhun k's user avatar
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Where is " alt " tool (in order to create an "If else" condition) in IBM Rational Rhapsody?

Where is alt tool (in order to create an "If else" condition) in IBM Rational Rhapsody in a Sequence Diagram? P.S. Preferably with an example. Suggestion: Is it correct to use Guard ...
Questioner's user avatar
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What's the more appropriate UML diagram for describing a cyclical pattern?

I am developing a simple microservice that has a cyclical nature: waits until someone pubblish a message on an MQTT topic performs actions sends a reply and then waits for the next message I need to ...
moussakaChaos's user avatar
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how do you represent this.println in a sequence diagram?

public class ReportPrinter { public static void printStudentReport(Student s) { CorsoDiLaurea cdl = s.getCorsoDiLaurea(); Carriera c = s.getCarriera(); String a = s.getInfoAnagrafiche()...
Elax46's user avatar
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Is there any difference between these response messages in sequence diagram

Is there any difference between the response messages in the following sequence diagrams? Moreover: Should a sequence diagram be accurate in exposing actors' messages or could it abstract from ...
steame's user avatar
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Is there a way to run the ObjectAid Sequence Diagram Eclipse plugin despite the site being closed?

Related to the question "ObjectAid homepage is no longer accessible", the solution given which involves installing from the archive did not work for me since the license validation process ...
Bob's user avatar
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Something confused about the sequence diagram

I'm new to the sequence diagram. I'm confused in the rules of the return message. For example, the line of displaySupplierRecord() should be dotted line or solid line? And also the arrow of the line ...
fallenhamster's user avatar
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Rules, which object‘s method to write on arrows in UML sequence diagrams?

Are there any rules, if methods written on arrows in uml sequence diagram (related to say java code) are the methods of the object, where the arrow comes from or where it goes to? Does this depend on ...
MagisterInformaticus's user avatar
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What do I really need to be included into sequence diagram?

I am kinda confused about what shall be included into the diagram and what shouldn't. For example, should I include a UI kind of stuff before the system? I notice that the system does not prompt user ...
Chin's user avatar
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Modeling a VUE app with UML Class and Sequence Diagram

I am trying to model a part of my VUE app with UML. I used a class diagram to show the structure and a sequence diagram to show one specific behavior. There are some things I am not sure about: in ...
axylotl's user avatar
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How to create dashed-border rectangle in plantuml

To create a rectangle, I can simply rectangle "Rectangle Label" as RectangleName, but how to make its border dashed? like below?
Loi Nguyen Huynh's user avatar
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Can I use a communication diagram for a high-level view?

Is it correct to use a communication diagram to model communication between packages rather than communication between objects? I would like to model communication at a higher level, but I would not ...
Luigi's user avatar
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Multi-tier architecture Sequence Diagram Advice

I'm creating a Multi-Layer Pattern supplier sequence diagram with CRUD functionality. Supplier web form(using client browser) will go through the REST Service starting from the Supplier Controller, ...
Robert Pho's user avatar
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Is there any way to differentiate Lifeline and Other elements in SYSML Sequence diagram through API or DB?

I have Actor and Sequences as life lines in my sequence diagram in Enterprise Architect. . This diagram has a fragment also in it. I tried to fetch the diagram object through java API. I'm able to get ...
Raj kumar's user avatar
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Interaction time out in a Use case sequence diagram

I'm looking to put an interaction time out on a use case in a sequence diagram. For example, when the system has had no input/interaction in 60 seconds, it ends the use case. I am not sure how to ...
Aniotazero's user avatar
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How to represent standalone functions calling other standalone functions

I'm documenting the current state of a javascript package which is comprised of several modules predominantly consisting of standalone functions. As the result of using callbacks extensively, the ...
RAM's user avatar
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UML sequence diagram: How to draw creating an array of objects?

In a UML sequence diagram, how do I draw the process of creating an array of objects? E.g. (simplest case): object1.function = function() { return [new Object2(), new Object2()]; }; I presume ...
Seymour Azzes's user avatar
7 votes
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how do i choose the right UML diagram for front end

I want to develop mobile applications, but I only focus on frontend development not on the backend. I want to make a UML diagram, but I am confused about what to do, at this point I think I will make ...
Mustika Farma's user avatar
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Is it necessary to write exact method names that we intend to use when coding as messages when drawing a sequence diagram?

I mean, my supervisor said that the messages in my sequence diagram need to be the same as the function name that I intend to use when coding. So I am wondering a sequence diagram like the following ...
Nguyễn Nam's user avatar
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How to represent a self call function which calls other object/entity in a sequence diagram?

I have created a sequence diagram and one of the objects will do a self function and inside of the function it will call the other class object function. How do i represent this correctly in a ...
Silent's user avatar
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Can a sync message have an async message as a response instead of a reply message?

The first picture shows the sync message exportDeclaration(id) waiting for a reply message download(file). The second picture, I used an async call as a response to the sync message exportDeclaration(...
Mami's user avatar
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Changing color of font in mermaid js for a single message

I'm using the mermaid plugin in my react project. I was wondering if there's a way to change the font color of a particular message when I render a sequence diagram.
Rumena's user avatar
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