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Java: Set is empty even though it is not? [closed]

Context: I have to create a program with a basic GUI that acts as an ordering system (for burgers and salads). The idea is that the first window asks them if they want a burger or salad in the form of ...
Paddy Bear's user avatar
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shell exit function for set -e

I have a script.command file with a shell script inside, so that I can double click it to execute in a new terminal window. When it finishes the script it automatically closes regardless of the exit ...
Masuk Pavel's user avatar
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Aproximation Algorithim for Max Subset Problem

I'm looking for an approximation approach to what I am assuming is an NP hard problem. Given a list of sets F = {S1,...,Sm) that contain at most n elements from (0,...,n-1): what is the largest subset ...
user3220162's user avatar
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Why can I unpack a Python set when sets are unordered?

I am quite used to unpacking sequences in Python like: my_tuple = (1, 2, 3) a, b, c = my_tuple I have noticed that I can also do it with sets: my_set = set((1, 2, 3)) a, b, c = my_set Why can I do ...
Thomas Arildsen's user avatar
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Python Set&Dict — random probing [duplicate]

I have some working experience with C++ and now I'm trying to master Python. I have a question about Dictionaries and Sets in Pytnon. First part of my question As far as I know, dict is a hashmap in ...
Gleb Shvedov's user avatar
-3 votes
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symmetric_difference() multiple sets in python [duplicate]

I have three sets and I want to get the symmetric_difference. primes = {1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11} odds = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11} threes =. {1, 3, 6, 9, 12} Using the regular way set(primes) ^ set(odds) ^ set(...
punsoca's user avatar
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Multiple elements in set with the same hash

I was reading through SymPy 1.13.0 release notes when an entry caught my attention (emphasis mine): The hash function for Floats and expressions involving Float now respects the hash invariant that ...
Davide_sd's user avatar
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How can I update certain rows based on a criteria?

I am struggling with implementing two 'flag' columns to show whether an applicant has been through a process called 'Clearing' or not, and whether that applicant had a prior standard application to ...
Breen's user avatar
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CurrentDb.Execute strSQL - Can't get table values to set to new user input

Access BD, VBA / SQL Newby -- Please forgive my ignorance I have a form that should update a users password entered in to PWord1, and re-entered into PWOrd2. If they did everything correctly then the ...
Helspont666's user avatar
-1 votes
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CodeForces Contest > 1761 \ Problem C (Set Construction) - How to solve this problem?

Guys I have been working on this problem since morning (4 hours ago) and still couldn't find a proper answer. How can I set the Subsets with these conditions? So for example an A Set is a subset of A2 ...
Game of HB - YT's user avatar
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bitmasking for values over 2³²

I know PHP integers are between -2³² and 2³² and unsigned integers don't exist. Would there be a way to bitmask for values over 2³²? I'm looking for a way to implement a effecient Set class using bit ...
theking2's user avatar
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Listing all sets of 5 teams that has one element of each rank

This will be used for a fairly-ranked team-picking (each team must have exactly one element of each rank). One example of elegibe players would be: Rank 1:'Liam', 'Emma', 'Noah', 'Olivia', 'Ava' Rank ...
Daniel Rodrigues's user avatar
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How to find duplicates in a text file in python and create a new text file with out them

I am trying to remove duplicates from text files to make a current process more efficient Example input: 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 Example Output: 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 my issue is when ...
Kaleb Brookshire's user avatar
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Why it Kotlin's Set implementation mutable under the hood?

I just noticed something interesting about Kotlin's Set data structure and its interaction with Java. Consider a List object first. If I have this code in Kotlin: private val aList = listOf(1,2,3) ...
J-bob's user avatar
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How do You Convert a List of Strings into a Frozenset and Add it to a Set of Frozensets?

I have a variable with n words, separated by whitespaces. str.split() returns a list of these words, which is then converted to a tuple with tuple(), which is finally converted to a frozenset and ...
F-22 Destroyer's user avatar
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reference_wrapper in c++ containers

Consider following snippet: #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int x=3; int y=1; int z=2; cout<<(&x)<<' '<<(&y)<<' '<&...
Rupa's user avatar
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Data rolled back after 5-7 minutes of running the update on table successfully

I ran an update on the SQL table using the below code, and it updated the table correctly. But after 5-7 minutes, the data rolls back. Why does this happen? I don't see any logs or errors in the SQL ...
Rohmun Bikram Shahi's user avatar
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Why could I allow a duplicate on Kotlin's sets? [closed]

It is known that the set in Kotlin prohibits the content of duplicates. But I was able to create such a set: var c = Card2.`2c` var cards3: Set<Card2> = setOf(c, c) Why is this acceptable? Or ...
Сергей Ружейников's user avatar
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set c++ own comparator function find could not find an already inserted element [duplicate]

I wrote an comparator function for my set which will store an vector of 3 elememts. Those 3 elements will be sorted always. Now i insert the 2 elements in the set. But when i try to find the 2nd ...
lotus airtel300's user avatar
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Conditional Classname with Tailwind React Not Updating Style

selectedTopics.has(topic) is not returning True when it should in this case to display the conditional styling. When I replace selectedTopics.has(topic) with true, the conditional styling is applied ...
SwigitySwogity's user avatar
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searching performance in list is better than in set

Searching an element in a set takes O(1) time complexity while searching in a list takes O(n) time complexity. The n is the number of elements in a set or list. In my test on the real searching time ...
Simon Wang's user avatar
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TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' in array to set

in this def i get TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' in line retrieved_indices_set = set(retrieved_indices) def evaluate_retrieval(query_idx, retrieved_indices, relevant_indices): # ...
Erfan Hamidi's user avatar
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Julia equivalent for MatLab ismembertol

I have two different datasets, say A of dimension (N1,3) and B(N2,3). I want to identify the rows in A which are approximately equal to some rows in B with tolerances tol = [tol1, tol2, tol3]. In ...
green20770's user avatar
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How to add/remove an element from a set in Java while iterating [duplicate]

I know there's a way to do it with ListIterator, but I can't find a SetIterator. Is doing something like this even possible?
CodingMike's user avatar
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Overloading Set in Swift

Some background I am very new to Swift and MacOS and trying to learn the Swift way to do things. This started because I realized that tuples are not hashable so I rolled my own: struct XY: Hashable { ...
nilgirian's user avatar
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Can I update value of the private member in another package by using Java encapsulation concept?

Input: Name: PAN: Phone: Account_no=987452 For all users account no should be updated in increasing order. I tried encapsulation concept Getter and setter method And taken all input from the users But ...
Anjali Singh's user avatar
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How to force DynamoDB to use List<Sting> instead of Set<String>

When I insert a string array column the AWS SDK insert a sring set. Is there a way to force DynamoDb to use List instead? { "pk: "test", "tests": ["a", "...
M07's user avatar
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Why is there no method in Java [closed]

There is a method in JDK but there is no So if I need to convert some stream to List I can use stream().toList() or I can use stream()....
D00de's user avatar
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How to recursively join subsets into a list in python?

I have a list of sets: my_set = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 5], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8]] I want to join all subsets that have elements in common (at least with one subset) in this list, into a single subset: ...
Daniel's user avatar
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why does jupyter notebook print such an output?

enter image description here I used a set to assign values to names. jupyter notebook gave this output. Can anyone explain this? I expected {"aaa", "bbb", "ccc"} as the ...
MAHALAKSHMI M's user avatar
-1 votes
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Define a variable and "return" an expression all within a single C macro

NOTE: I am not interested in using GCC statement expression! I am implementing a set data structure using a Red Black Tree and to make it work for multiple types I am using macros. This is a ...
Warm Red's user avatar
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Compute largest subset of a set such that all the elements of the subset would pairwise respect a certain condition

I have a set S consisting of natural numbers and a function that when given two natural numbers as an input it returns either true or false. Let's call the criteria based on which it computes the ...
H-a-y-K's user avatar
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Set Type Typescript has no isSubsetOf

I would like to use sets like they are implemented in MDN with typescript. I have the latest typescript installed in my package: "typescript": "^5.4.5" and in my tsconfig I have: &...
Nighel's user avatar
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Scope of an entry added to a c++ set?

Let's say I have a globally scoped set defined as follows: std::set<Person> people; I also have a function where I create an instance of the class Person, and add it to the set as follows: void ...
SimpleCoder's user avatar
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Can someone explain why I cannot swap_ranges between std::set and std::vector?

int t[] = { 210, 90, 8, 0, 52, 53, 23, 34, 91, 88 }; set<int> s1(t, t + 10); vector<int> v1(s1.rbegin(), s1.rend()); swap_ranges(s1.begin(), s1.end(), v1.begin()); // error here I've ...
Paradox Resolved's user avatar
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SEGV in c++ std::set erase [closed]

I am getting segmentation fault in c++ std::set erase function. I don't know the reason of SEGV. please check the code below and help me know the reason of this SEGV. #include <iostream> #...
user22379956's user avatar
5 votes
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Why `set` objects do not use `__newobj__` function to unpickle like other built-in container types?

I am recently writing a batch of customized container classes which are mostly inherited from built-in list, dict and set types, and I surprisingly encountered an error that the interpreter will raise ...
ZHANG Wuji's user avatar
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Time Complexity For "Longest Consecutive Sequence" Leetcode problem solution

SO I had question regarding the time complexity for my solution for the LeetCode problem "Longest Consecutive Sequence". In this problem, we're given an unsorted array of integers, and need ...
user24982840's user avatar
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deepcopy fails with object that contains objects that contain sets that point to each other with __hash__

This MWE builds a Network class and a Node class. A Node has attributes called predecessors and successors, each of which is a set that will contain other Nodes. Functions in the two classes manage ...
LarrySnyder610's user avatar
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How to induct on mapped sets or...?

Working on verifying a version of the counting inversions algorithm. I feel like pairMapSize has everything it needs but it times out instead. I could try to do induction on slices of the array but I ...
Hath995's user avatar
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get group of sublists that share common elements but those elements are not the same in all sublists

I have to group sub-lists with a common element in set "p", using python. p elements are not always in 1st or las position on the sub-list. Grouped (result) lists is list r. Result list r is ...
Hernan19's user avatar
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Function that constructs a Set of all elements that statisfy a given condition in Isabelle

I am trying to learn set construction in Isabelle but I am failing. Consider you want a function that gives you all natural numbers that are smaller than a given number. I thought this should work: ...
Jonas's user avatar
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In JavaScript, what is the difference between a map, a Map and a Set?

This concept probably wouldn't confuse me except that two things have the same name and seem to do completely different things. There is the array method aka which is basically (I know ...
Patrick Reid's user avatar
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Rust BTreeSet insert unique values with duplicate ranking field

I need an ordered set so I'm using BTreeSet. I have an Item struct which contains a unique id, and a rank field which may be duplicated. I only want uniqueness to be considered for the id field and ...
mepmerp's user avatar
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About the sets in python

import string alphabet = set(string.ascii_lowercase) def is_pangram_alternative(s): return not (set(alphabet) - set(s)) input_string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' if ...
purplcow's user avatar
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Why is the "set.union()" function much slower than the set union operator "|" in this code?

I have been revisiting my solution for Here is my old code: from functools import cache from helper import directions_2d # [(0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0)] def ...
ultinvincible's user avatar
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Sets and Constrains in Pyomo

I have the following problem: I would like to define multiple Constraint in Pyomo. I have an indexed Set, where every row has an index (1,2,3..n_generators) and they corresponds to different time ...
Federico Sartore's user avatar
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How to Enumerate Pandigital Prime Sets

Project Euler problem 118 reads, "Using all of the digits 1 through 9 and concatenating them freely to form decimal integers, different sets can be formed. Interestingly with the set {2,5,47,89,...
Julian's user avatar
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How to assign a name to values within a set of IDs so that a Python Algorithm will run through them

I will try to not be too lengthy. I will include what I believe is necessary to help me solve my issue. There are some algorithms referenced that I won't include. Just know that they do work as ...
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How can I copy and paste a value from a column to the same column

I am trying to take a value in a column. (An ID) and paste that same value in all the rest of the rows in that column that are null (the ID is missing). Can someone explain how I can do that? Thx ...
Andy Martin's user avatar

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