Questions tagged [shortcut]

A route more direct than the one ordinarily taken. A method or means of doing something more directly and quickly than and often not so thoroughly as by ordinary procedure.

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How to add Vim Keybind? (C-M-S-p)

I want to map the :PrettierAsync command from the prettier plugin to the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P. I have tried the command: map <C-M-S-p> :PrettierAsync but that did not work. How would I go ...
Quinten C's user avatar
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Can't add '0' as a shortcut to Qt app, others work

I'm making a calculator and I wan't to make the 0-9 digits capable to be entered from the keyboard. So I've created QPushButton's connected them with my slot and to each button I added a shortcut (0-9)...
Greg's user avatar
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6 votes
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iOS Swift 5 - How to implement Siri VoIP command "Call Person using the Example app" support without having to add shortcuts?

Goal I want to be able to trigger a VoIP call with Siri saying "Call Emily using the Next app", without adding shortcuts. Emily is a contact I added to my contacts, which holds my own ...
Lex Brouwers's user avatar
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Batch/VBScript/Powershell hybrid script for creating shortcut to shell folders

As stated in Q-title, I am trying to create and automate script for creating shortcuts to Shell-Special folders which doesn't have a valid path per path-string validation rules. I have tried both ...
Vicky Dev's user avatar
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Swift: escaping a closure based on external boolean?

My app need to connect and write to a Bluetooth device by Siri shortcut intents. As soon the completion handler in the IntentHandling class is called, the connection process is terminated. The ...
schindt's user avatar
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How to set this command "flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer html" to run as default on VSCode?

When I choose Chrome to run my Flutter app, the resizing page doesn't work correctly and by searching through the internet I found this command to solve the problem: flutter run -d chrome --web-...
GoodMan's user avatar
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How can I save custom icons for shortcuts

I have a shortcut with a custom icon on it, the icon shows fine until I try copy the shortcut to another machine. I have the icon saved in the same folder as the shortcut yet it still does not show ...
red's user avatar
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Ubuntu - How to replace language shortcut from only Super key

While installing Ubuntu 20 (upgraded from 18) the wizard let me choose the key combination for changing input language. The key combination I had in Ubuntu 18 was Super+space, but I didn't find it ...
Guy Arnon's user avatar
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How do I format the Target field of a Windows SendTo shortcut to quote the paths I'm passing to it?

OS: Windows 10 I have a Windows shortcut in my SendTo folder with the following Target: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c "C:\Program Files\Path\To\Executable.exe" This works just fine if I ...
livefree75's user avatar
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Add a shortcut to do something through photos app with React Native iOS

I want to make a shortcut through the photos app to do something when the user clicks it. Is there a documentation somewhere I can read to do this? There would be a button from my app to do something ...
Grayseon's user avatar
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How to Turn on/off Wifi using Keyboard shortcut

I tried creating an automator to create a shortcut to Toggle Wifi using keyboard shortcut. But I get this error message: Syntax Error A “{” can’t go after this “)”. This is the script I ran: ...
Yves's user avatar
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Android Home Screen App Icon With Unwanted Mini-Icon Badge

After adding code that populates the device's home screen with a shortcut icon for my app, the icon appears as an aliased icon, with the main icon I'm trying to install on the home page and a mini ...
MKE's user avatar
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Shortcut keys to comment on HTML code in Atom

I want to use shortcut keys to comment on some HTML codes in Atom. But when I use 'ctrl'+'/', I got {# html_code_block #} instead of <!-- html_code_block ->. What are the shortcut keys to ...
escloud's user avatar
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how to create a cmd shortcut to a project directory

I want to be able to open cmd and the do :cd project and this will put be in this directory> C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Projects\Random_shi\NWT I know its possible ...
ieh_hei's user avatar
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Login into webpage and load a link using IOS Shortcuts

I'm trying to create a shortcut to login into my gym webpage and load a QR code in my account to access the place. On pc, it works correctly: 1 - Open:
Gustavo Rodriguez Coronas's user avatar
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Can I set a Up/Down/Left/Right shortcut with Esc + j/k/h/l in VS code for faster movements in code?

Using arrow keys while coding is very cumbersome. Learning Vim bindings will be helpful but I want to know is there a way to set shortcuts with combining two buttons(Esc+ other) just for the movements ...
anta79's user avatar
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GitHub .md keyboard shorcut for <br/>

When editing a on GitHub, is there a keyboard shortcut for <br/> in GitHub? (Especially, when writing the tables, I type a lot of <br/> tags) Regards, Saeid
Sydibyd's user avatar
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How do i open the list of sibling files on the top navbar in vscod

at the top of VS code breadcrumbs, theres a list of sibling files. i want to open it with a shortcut. By the way, to switch between files, I use CTRL+TAB
David's user avatar
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I can't use the shortcut Ctrl + . (dot) on Visual Studio Code on my Linux machine (ubuntu 22.04 LTS)

I have a problem on my Linux machine (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS). When using Visual Studio Code I can't use the shortcut Ctrl + . (dot). This shorcut will help me get faster when using Flutter.
Mikelenjilo's user avatar
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How can I create a keyboard shortcut to execute a button on a webpage that uses javascript?

I daily use a webpage that has a button that I have to "manually" press everytime. So I was wondering if there is a way to create a keyboard shortcut for that button, using its javascript ...
Felipe Castillo's user avatar
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Create multiple shortcuts to subfolders with the same name

Beginner Here, i PUt together this but cant make it work.. I have multiple folders each of them contain own subfolder ‘zero’ , I’m trying to create shortcuts to each of those subfolders with the name ...
autopilot1's user avatar
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! + enter, doesn't work, vs codeJune 2022 (version 1.69) update , HTML [duplicate]

After the new VS Code update, I'm not able to use ! + enter to do my base code automatically anymore. The onyl change was the new update and I also opened up a new Git repository and ignored the vs ...
typer_panda's user avatar
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create shortcut to run python app using anaconda env

So downloaded an app from github, and set up a conda env to run it. I can run the app without problem when i open my anaconda prompt, activate my environment, and then run the file. Now, i want ...
rémi couturier's user avatar
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How to create a desktop short cut Ubuntu use a custom command [duplicate]

i want to create a desktop shortcut that execute a command Line example: /home/Xerty/document/wine executable.exe How I can do that ?
Xerty - Minecraft's user avatar
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My html quick fill in vs code is not working

My shortcuts like "tab + !" cannot generate the html example. I've tried change the language,but not working. And when typing "li*3 + tab", it used to quick fill. But now all not ...
emma's user avatar
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Git checkout shortcut: Using numbers [duplicate]

Is there any way to create a shortcut for git checkout such that you can git checkout <number_of_branch_in_list_of_branches> For example, I would like to do the following sequence: $ git branch ...
Yousif Askar's user avatar
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intellij shortcut 'Add selection for next occurence' in eclipse

i find very useful the intellij shortcut 'Add selection for next occurence'.It basically adds to the current selection the next occurence of the same selected text,allowing so to modify a lot of same ...
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Prevent Xterm Built-in Shortcuts

Can I prevent XTERM.JS from handling shortcuts such as Ctrl+Shift+- / Ctrl+7? (Erase line) I have searched through the project for the combination handling with no success..
Galefino's user avatar
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How to use special characters on keyboard without pressing shift key?

How can I use number keys on top of the keyboard just for special characters like (@#$) without pressing the shift key to use that? For example, when pressing the num2 key, just show @; I searched ...
Masoud's user avatar
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Figma search for component shortcut key

Is there a shortcut key to search for an instance, component or any object in figma? I couldn't also find a tool in the menus
Abraham's user avatar
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QMenu action entry with ampersand shortcut

I tried to set an action in a QMenu with the ampersand shortcut (&) but the shortcut is not rendered. I should have a rendering like the "Help" action with the F11 shortcut. The code: ...
Theo's user avatar
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Folders path available too all users in diferents computers

here's my problem, I'm doing an internship in a company and I was asked to find a way to make a shortcut in a folder that is in my Pc but I want it to work in any other computer. To do so, I want to ...
José Carvalho's user avatar
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Why isn't shortcut made programatically working properly?

I use this code to make a shortcut to my app while installing it : private void CreateShortcut() { object shDesktop = (object)"Desktop"; WshShell shell = new WshShell(); string ...
Csharp Newbie's user avatar
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How to create a Chrome shortcut that prepends the current URL with another?

I wanted to create a shortcut on Chrome that will add a string to the front of the URL of the current page, and load this new page on the same window, for example: I am currently at https://...
Persio's user avatar
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iOS - connection to Bluetooth peripheral not working when shortcut option 'Show When Run' is disabled

In my app the shortcut intent handler is scanning for Bluetooth devices and based of a given selection it connects to them devices and perform some actions. Now as soon the option 'Show When Run' is ...
schindt's user avatar
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Did Spyder ever add a "Find all references" shortcut for Spyder 5? Is this really STILL not available? IF so, probably have to switch to pycharm or go with Eclipse as this is mad.
Prospero's user avatar
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Change keyboard backlight with a keyboard shortcut on MacBook Pro using Automator, Shortcuts, or AppleScript [closed]

Apple has decided to remove keyboard backlight control keys from the keyboard on the new 2021 M1 MacBook Pros. I would like to reassign the keyboard backlight down/up functions to e.g. function keys ...
Nuka Kola's user avatar
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Set keyboard combination for .lnk shortcut [duplicate]

I am trying to set keyboard combination for a .lnk shortcut using vbs. For some reason the 'shortcut key' section will not accept emulated letter key presses. All I get is pause key. For some reason ...
Nawad-sama's user avatar
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Are there any common key-map for different IDEs?

I have been developing application in VSCode. My team suggested me to switch to IntelliJ. The shortcuts are new to me. Is there any universal Keymap is followed for all IDE's.
Vishwa Mahadevan's user avatar
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Shortcuts for Mac Users: Eclipse

I want to use a shortcut to autocomplete System.out.print in Java, I read that I should use Ctrl+Space, but I have a mac and when I do Ctrl+Space it shows Spotlight Search, do you know if there is ...
Ramenyum's user avatar
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Remove shortcut for Jupyter

I use Jupyter lab on OSX with a Swiss-German keyboard layout; in this layout the '@' character is bound to the operation «Jump to line». How can I unbind this shortcut (globally)?
Urs-Martin's user avatar
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Spyder IDE: Previous and Next Cursor Position shortcuts are not working properly at all

I will often use Ctrl+G to go to a definition of some variable and then use the "previous cursor position" shortcut to go back to where I was after viewing. This is easy to achieve in ...
Prospero's user avatar
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python selenium sendkey doesn't work in chrome

I'm trying to launch some browser (Chrome) functions by sending shortcuts I have tried several methods but they all cannot work. I do this by following these steps Initialize the browser from selenium ...
silver's user avatar
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Is color of icon in a shortcut always black?

I am new to app shortcuts in Android. I am using ShortcutInfo.Builder for that. I also set an icon with the SetIcon function. But the icon is always (at least on Pixel devices) displayed over a white ...
Ton's user avatar
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Intelij Rider arrow keys moves next word instead of next character

A few days ago I was playing around with some keyboard shortcuts and changed something, but have no idea what i changed. Since then, when i press <right-arrow> my caret moves forwards to the end ...
Luke_'s user avatar
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Vscode run current line and go to next line or new line

I am using Vscode for python programming. In spyder, there is a feature that if after running the current line, it will automatically go the next line. I configure my vscode according to this post and ...
Christine's user avatar
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How to programatically set Shortcuts TargetPath to a website?

I want to use powershell to modify the TargetPath of a shortcut to open a website I found the below script that almost works function Set-Shortcut { param( [Parameter(...
I am Jakoby's user avatar
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How to get path of shortcut's icon file?

Is there a way to get the path of an .ico of a short cut? I know how to change the shortcuts icon, but how do I find the path of the shortcut's icon file?
I am Jakoby's user avatar
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How do I get the target of a web shortcut lnk file?

This is a rather unique issue, I'm finding. I have created a web shortcut using the following script: $target = "http://internalwebsite/subsite" $shortcut_lnk = "$publicDesktop\...
Finch's user avatar
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How can I make Apple Shortcuts speak text in a different language than the one set for the device?

My iPad Pro is set to work in language x (let’s say, English). I’m writing a Shortcut that’s supposed to speak text in language y (let’s say, Italian). Shortcuts instead speaks the text in English. ...
Lucio Bragagnolo's user avatar

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