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Hot to fix problem with unconcurrent state crashes?

I have auto slider banner every 3 sec it goes to next banner and also you can manually change banner. That's my launched effect and I use Horizontal Pager from foundation I also needed to calculate if ...
Takeshi567's user avatar
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How does Android render styles after recomposition?

I'm pretty new with Android Compose so I decided to make an app where I can dynamically change the style after the client chooses a fruit. After changing the style, a couple of SVG files take that ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Is it possible to update state in LaunchedEffect without Unsupported Concurrent change problem?

I've got ErrorScreen which is an overlay on my every screen. It collects errors from Flow. It has own errorState. I'm not sure, but is it a proper way to handle this state and update? From my ...
Takeshi567's user avatar
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Volatile struct member assignment: side effects / undefined behavior

I am considering the following code: #include <stdint.h> typedef struct { uint32_t a; } foo_t; volatile foo_t foo; volatile uint32_t b; int main(void) { foo.a = b; return 0; } In ...
radoslav006's user avatar
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2 answers

Will LINQ Any() ever enumerate without arguments?

Given the following: var nums = GetNums(); Console.WriteLine(nums.Any()); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", nums)); static IEnumerable<int> GetNums() { yield return 1; ...
Amber Cahill's user avatar
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When is a value captured by a LaunchedEffect?

I don't understand why the following two methods give different results: @Composable fun MainScreen2() { var counter by remember { mutableIntStateOf(0) } LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit, block = { ...
Programer's user avatar
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Are function calls guaranteed to be strict in C? [duplicate]

In general in the C programming language operators have no guaranteed evaluation order, motivated by the fact that this frees up the compiler to perform optimizations related especially to pipelining. ...
William Ryman's user avatar
3 votes
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Multiple FFI calls to a Haskell function with side-effects

I want to write a Haskell function that receives a vector and returns another one with the same size but delayed by a certain number of samples d (add zeroes at the start). Because the produced vector ...
murf's user avatar
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Usage of RAP Side Effects for field added by virtual element

I have added a field ZTEST using virtual element in C_SalesOrderManage view. Calculation of this field is dependent on 2 fields from another view C_SalesOrderItemManage. Can this be achieved using RAP ...
minha qureshi's user avatar
-1 votes
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In C++, is cout<<printf("2") an undefined behavior? [duplicate]

The question comes from my friends, and they argued a lot about it. The ones that think it's not UB say, obviously, printf is a function, so its side effect must happen before return value is set, and ...
WYXkk's user avatar
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Can a function be declared as pure at definition?

According to Webpack documentation: It can be put in front of function calls to mark them as side-effect-free. Arguments passed to the function are not being marked by the annotation and may need to ...
Alphonsio's user avatar
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How to pass a value from a composable function to another composable function and return it modified to the caller function in kotlin?

I've started recently to learn Android and develop my own personal application. More precisely, I want to make a budget tracker and the problem I've just stumbled on is, as mentioned in the title, ...
jakeprog123's user avatar
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Android Compose side effects: Side-Effect behavior

I'm probably missing some important composable recomposition concepts here but let me explain my doubt. I was reading about side effects in Android Compose and I findout that specifically SideEffect ...
Csar Matas Del Vecchio Domngue's user avatar
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How can I use angular signals for a lot of side effects

So, I have the following code import { Component, computed, model, signal } from '@angular/core' import { IVillageWiseMember } from '../../../types/IVillageWisemember' import { IDataWithPagination } ...
Pranta's user avatar
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Why side-effect for my node.js code not worked [closed]

I'm beginner in NodeJS(version v21.6.1) and I tried to implement a code in multiple modules to understand side-effect concept in JavaScript but the code not worked, why? // main.js import './...
M.javid's user avatar
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Does Rust has a data type for encoding side effects as pure values?

I am doing some exercise from the book Grokking Functional Programming, the origin code examples are written in Scala, and I want to rewrite it with Rust and Rakulang. In Scala's cats effect library, ...
ohmycloudy's user avatar
5 votes
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Does Raku has a data type for encoding side effects as pure values?

I am doing some exercise from the book Grokking Functional Programming, the origin code examples are written in Scala, and I want to rewrite it with Raku. In Scala's cats effect library, there is a ...
ohmycloudy's user avatar
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Angular async signal state management

I'm working on a medium sized Angular app and this is the situation: The user gets auth'd and data A is requested. Once/if that comes through, data B must be requested. Data A is global. Data B is ...
Dan Nisenson's user avatar
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How do I use effects and refs to set an automatic scroll behavoir when a user selects a product?

I'm working in Next using tailwind CSS. The goal is to setup a shop page that behaves like an instagram feed where the user clicks a product photo in the grid and the page renders all the same content ...
Garrett Rozsa's user avatar
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Chained comparisons not always executing functional calls (side-effects) [duplicate]

I was testing out comparison chaining and I noticed that in certain patterns the some of the function calls are not executed. If I plan on using the function calls to do things what would be the best ...
onering20's user avatar
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LaunchedEffect starts more that once

I met the problem, which consists in that LaunchedEffect works incorrectly. I want to block in LaunchedEffect start once, when user click to corresponding NavigationBarItem, because block should send ...
Илья Жиленков's user avatar
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How to Locally modify shared objects in Tasks to prevent Side Effects

I have an object shared between concurrent Tasks. It's for creating different JSONs using the same set of properties. Here is a simplified example of its class: (I call it builder but it's not really ...
SyndRain's user avatar
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Does change in state unmount functional component

I know that change in state triggers re-rendering of component. So my question is that, does change in state also unmount function component as part of re-rendering process? main.jsx const Fullnote = (...
Vishal Sangole's user avatar
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Side effects executed less than expected (LINQ)

Here is a test using NUnit style: [Test] public void Test() { var i = 0; var v = Enumerable.Repeat(0, 10).Select(x => { i++; return x; }).Last(); Assert.That(v, ...
Earth Engine's user avatar
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How to add if then else based on mutable variables in FParsec parsers?

I'm trying to add error recovery to an FParsec parser that consumes a comma-separated sequence in parentheses, e.g. "(a,b,c)". I came across the following problem: Given the two inputs "...
bookofproofs's user avatar
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Does typescript always assumes side effects are not allowed?

I have the following toy example where typescript warns me of an error: type obj = { ok: "ok" | "error", } function main(a: obj){ a.ok = "ok"; ...
cglacet's user avatar
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Updating local variables in jetpack compose and side effects

Reading about side effects in jetpack compose (thinking in compose), I find this example: @Composable @Deprecated("Example with bug") fun ListWithBug(myList: List<String>) { var ...
thetwom's user avatar
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Request permission to send PUSH notifications in Compose and Android 13

A slightly non-trivial task: the project goes to MVI + orbit and a task has appeared to request permission to send push notifications. But the question is, what is the best way to do it? Conditionally,...
Сергей Беляков's user avatar
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what is DisposableEffect and under the hood in jetpack compose?

I've been trying to understand what is DisposableEffect and How it works for a while so I have searched on the internet for this and I saw that most of the documentation are similar explanation for ...
NewPartizal's user avatar
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Haskells bind operator and the >> operator and their relation

I have recently posted a question about the >> operator, because even though I have read the LYAH walk the linee section I still have some gaps in my understanding. Below is some code/MVE that ...
Piskator's user avatar
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Why am I getting a 'StopIteration' error when using mock's side effect?

Please see below my function, which uses the function Path, which I am trying to mock out and use side_effect to assign a different value for two function calls. def some_function(input_file, file): ...
ifrj's user avatar
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Side Effects of Function in Python

I'm a pretty novice programmer, and currently trying to solve the "Palindrome Linked List" program on Leetcode. My idea is to write a nested function called "reverse" which ...
FrankC's user avatar
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How to handle side-effects in the context of Rollup tree-shaking?

rollupjs is flagging a side effect here: renderer/Logger.ts (3:7) First side effect in renderer/Logger.ts is at (2:0) 1: import { Roarr } from "roarr"; 2: export const Logger = Roarr.child({ ...
Gajus's user avatar
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Delayed Side Effect in Compose

I have a delayed LaunchedEffect that runs every 5 second after the user makes camera to move: public var isMoving: Boolean by mutableStateOf(false) LaunchedEffect(isMoving) { if (!isMoving) { ...
Psijic's user avatar
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How to avoid deferring the initialization of static storage duration variables?

I have classes with side effects in their constructors, and objects of these classes are global objects that have static storage duration. During the initialization these objects register their ...
Dmitry Kuzminov's user avatar
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Undeterminable return sideeffect in Powershell

Given the following snipped with input $value='Line\"\nString' and $value_type='Interpolated'. Note: $value contains literal escape sequences, not escaped characters. The following variables are ...
Prophet Lamb's user avatar
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Patching class attribute to return different values?

Given following production code, where file_path is of pathlib.Path type previous_time = file_path.stat().st_mtime # recreate the file ..... if file_path.stat().st_mtime != previous_time: # do ...
AdR's user avatar
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Is bash supposed to evaluate array index expressions for side-effects even when the indexing expression goes unused?

Weird thing I recently discovered: At least on my version of bash (4.2), it seems like the conditional operator does not evaluate the untaken path normally, but it does so for array indexing ...
ShadowRanger's user avatar
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use dispatch from useReducer in useEffect - React

In react I'm trying to do a GET request on first render in a useEffect and then dispatch the response to update the useReducer state. Here is the code: const [{ firstTime, typeOfDev, technologies },...
Simon's user avatar
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Why SideEffect is neccessary?

When I delete this method used in the Google theme class, there is no change. Google documents are also incomprehensible when explaining this topic as usual. Different articles have confused me with ...
6155031's user avatar
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Why does pre-increment not work for an overflow check, but post-increment does? [duplicate]

I attempted to write a function that increments an unsigned integer and checks if the result overflowed, by comparing the old value of the integer with the value after incrementing: unsigned ...
saxbophone's user avatar
-1 votes
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Need clarification of the meaning of "side effect" in C

I have read many discussions of what constitutes a "side effect" in C, and many seem to indicate that it must involve changing something that is not local to the function causing the change. ...
BenevolentDeity's user avatar
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DerivedState inside SideEffect does not cause recomposition

In the scenario where I need to handle side effect and I need to pass firstItemVisibleIndex is bigger than 0 to the lambda function in the composable. Imagine I have this derivedState val ...
Ahmet Gultekin's user avatar
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Are a[i]=y++; and a[i++]=y; undefined behavior or unspecified in C language?

When I was looking for the expression v[i++]=i; why it is to define the behavior, I suddenly saw an explanation because the expression exists between two sequence points in the program, and the c ...
三六九's user avatar
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How can I communicate whether side effects have been successful or not?

With the Rust project I am working on I would like to keep the code as clean as I can but was having issues with side effects - more specifically how to communicate whether they have been successful ...
Agiltohr's user avatar
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Functions that have no effect on global state

We have the notion of a pure function, whose return value depends only and entirely on its parameters, and which does not change global state. Example: def f(a, b): return a+b What would be the ...
rwallace's user avatar
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Alternative to peek in Java streams

There are lots of questions regarding peek in the Java Streams API. I'm looking for a way to complete the following common pattern using Java Streams. I can make it work with Streams, but it is non-...
mjaggard's user avatar
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What's the difference between LaunchedEffect and Composable function

What's the difference between LaunchedEffect and Composable function? Except coroutine scope in launch effect val currentProgress = GlobalLoader.current LaunchedEffect(progress) { progress ?: ...
Vadim Zhukov's user avatar
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RXJS side-effect execution order

I have this huge object that I want to be able to set with a one simple function like below private setPerson = (partialPerson: Partial<Person>) => { this.person$.next({ ...this.person$....
PEPEGA's user avatar
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Why is Racket evaluating both of these functions in one case, but not the other?

Defining the function my-if to use cond internally results in different behavior than using cond directly. Using cond, the DrRacket interpreter only prints the string for the first displayln. Code: (...
in-poster-syndrome's user avatar

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