Questions tagged [singlestore]

For programming questions relating to the use of Singlestore (formerly known as MemSQL), which is a distributed SQL database.

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0 answers

Read singlestore data from spark using python

I am totally new to spark and singlestore. I am trying to read data from singlestore using spark,this is the code i have written - from pyspark.sql import SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder \ ...
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1 answer

Unknown system variable when calling Procedure in SingleStore

I've created the following procedure in SingleStore DELIMITER // CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE updateColumnModelName(tableName TEXT, columnName TEXT) AS DECLARE has_column INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE ...
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0 answers

Encrypt in Single Store and Decrypt in SQL Server

I have a dataset in Single store. The objective is to encrypt a few columns within Single store, load the data into a SQL Server instance and then decrypt it there using an encryption key. I tried ...
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1 answer

SingleStore (MemSQL) how to parse json field to column

I have a table source id json 1 {"some_id":{"some_text_1":"90","some_text_2":"50","some_text_3":"30"}} 2 {"some_id":{&...
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0 answers

Writing to a reference table in single-statement transaction don't work

I have error   WARN com.singlestore.jdbc.message.server.ErrorPacket - Error: 2549-HY000: Writing to a reference table in multi-statement transaction is not permitted on child aggregators. Try the ...
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0 answers

error when connect to singlestore through django

I want to connect to singlestore through django with the following config: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'mysql.connector.django', 'HOST': 'HOST', 'NAME': 'NAME',...
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0 answers

Ingesting Confluent Kafka stream as SingleStore pipeline - Failed to look up or compile schema id

I'm trying to understand the SingleStore platform by ingesting a Confluent Cloud Kafka topic. I'm getting this runtime error and not sure what I'm doing wrong. I confirmed that I can ingest the ...
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0 answers

Enhancing Template Search API - Need Guidance on Vector Search Implementation

Introduction: I am currently developing a Laravel-based search API that retrieves relevant templates based on user queries. However, I've encountered challenges with the current vector search approach....
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0 answers

Singlestore SQL - Split string on column and insert new rows

I have a sql table which has a string column serial_numbers which is comma separated. I want to split this string on the comma and generate records based on how many serial_numbers were inside and ...
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0 answers

Can I pass the stored procedure name as a parameter in spring jdbc? I want to ensure that there is no SQL injection as my procedure name is user input

I am using Spring JDBC and I want to call a stored procedure which will have only 1 String argument. My problem is that the stored procedure name is a user input. How to avoid SQL injection while ...
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How to enable Singlestore studio in Singlestore Kubernetes Operator

I deployed a singlestore test cluster using the documentation from on AWS. The deployment was successful, and I managed to get the cluster up ...
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How to access a value of a dynamic key in memsql

I have a MemSQL database with a table: MyTable primaryId configuration 1 { [keyID]: { status: "open" } } 2 { [keyID]: { status: "closed" } } The key keyID is a dynamic key e.g ...
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0 answers

Connect to SingleStore from SSRS

Does anyone know if there is a possibility to connect data in SingleStore to SSRS? I have googled this question but there are no(?) good articles about Microsoft SSRS and SingleStore. Might there be a ...
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0 answers

Single Store getting SQLSTATE: 42S01 namespace already exists error while using Recursive CTE in multi-threaded environment

Getting namespace already existing error in Singlestore while using recursive CTE in mutlti threaded environment. I have a table in db that contains enitire tree data id, parent_id and name and the ...
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1 answer

Single store to Cassandra migration

We are in the process of migrating Singlestore DB to Cassandra database . As an initial setup, data modeling needs to be done. We are planning to use data-xtractor for this modeling/migration ...
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0 answers

Why is there no consistency between how parameters are processed in DATEDIFF and TIMESTAMPDIFF in singlestore?

SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, '2014-12-04', '2014-12-05') as DAYS_DIFF returns 1 ,but SELECT DATEDIFF('2014-12-04', '2014-12-05') as DAYS_DIFF returns -1. Why does TIMESTAMPDIFF do date2-date1 whereas ...
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1 answer

Need to connect DataStage with the SingleStore cloud db

I tried creating a connection with the SingleStore cloud db, but IBM datastage isn't able to connect. Have added all the necessary details like hostname, port, username and password and still is not ...
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0 answers

How to migrate from siglestore to mariadb

I have looked in a lot of places and cannot seem to get some information on the matter. I am interested in migrating from singlestore to mariadb, but there doesnt seem to be any documentation on the ...
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1 answer

How to append results from multiple tables in SQL?

I have 3 tables in singlestore (Memsql) that I want to query and have the results appended. Orders part_number received_qty update_ts partA 10 Monday PullSheet part_number pull_qty return_qty ...
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2 answers

How to connect SQLAlchemy (SQLDatabaseChain from langchain) to SingleStoreDB

SingleStoreDB langchain more info from medium From local able to connect throught using this uri but in single store it is not working with same. mysql+pymysql://user:pass@some_mysql_db_address/...
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1 answer

Parsing Nested array within a nested array in MemSQL

I am trying to extract data from Avro schema and insert the data to db in MemSQL. I have the below Avro Schema { "doc": "Sample schema to help you get started.", "...
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0 answers

bootstrap aggregator force failed to connect to itself: self check failed error for singlestore db in ubuntu

When I am trying to deploy a 2 node cluster ( 1 aggragator and 1 leaf) to ubuntu using hyper v from windows for singlestore db, i get the following error: bootstrap aggregator force failed to connect ...
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0 answers

Single Store CTE table does not exist

I keep on getting the error Error Code: 1146. Table 'cte' doesn't exist. Below is the query. What's causing the error? WITH cte (tree_id, node_name) AS ( SELECT tree_id, node_name FROM ...
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0 answers

SingleStore MEMSQL Listing all Tabular content data along with column names sequentially

Have 100+ columns in Departments Table in SingleStore MemSQL DB. Looking Best way to show Table contents/data based on Name, Age, City... in ascending sorted order along with columns also in ascending ...
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2 answers

Singlestore (MemSQL)

I have a Singlestore (previously MemSQL) cloud database set up. My software is running in the background, constantly writing to a table. When I try to query this table, it takes 10+ seconds. When the ...
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0 answers

How can i get two values of status_code , message_error when i call procedure?

In my procedure has a: Return query : RETURNS query(`status_code` int(11) NULL, `message_error` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL How can i get two values of status_code , ...
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1 answer

SingleStore Stored Procedure Unable to Execute With Variable Table Name

I am trying to get the count of rows into a variable, withing a stored procedure.. the below one WORKS: DELIMITER // CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE tmp_into_var () AS DECLARE row_c INT; qry VARCHAR(50);...
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1 answer

Does rowstore table storage type support data type modification or not in Singlestore DB

I'm currently working with singlestoredb. default storage type for my db is columnstore. I'm aware that columnstore tables will not allow datatype modification in singlestoredb. can anyone please ...
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1 answer

Syntax error on creating an computed persisted column with CASE

I need to create a computed persisted column, which returns an BIGINT (1,2) based on the result. DROP TABLE measurements; CREATE TABLE measurements ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ...
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1 answer

Memsql query throwing LLVM out of memory compilation error

I have a Python Flask application which is calling memsql to get list of users. select lower(user_id) as user_id, user_role_list AS user_role from users The code is throwing below error. sqlalchemy....
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1 answer

MySQL Privileges to CREATE DATABASE/SCHEMA for the user with default rights

I am investigating user privileges in a MySQL database. CREATE USER 'reader' IDENTIFIED BY 'reader'; As per MySQL documentation, the user gets created with the least privilege--SELECT. How is it ...
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1 answer

Nano seconds convertion to hours and minutes

How can I convert the Nano seconds to hours and munutes format. The below query is not working properly. select date_format(timestamp_ns,"%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S.%N") from information_schema....
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1 answer

Oracle to Singlestore real time replication

I have a specific requirement, Ingest real time data from Oracle to Singlestore(we are searching a very fast search database). Volume will be quite high(100 million records in one table and we have ...
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2 answers

Singlestore database with one leaf

I have one singlestore database with two Leaves. Each leaf size is 1 terabyte so it make hard to backup VM.How I can remove one leaf without data loss.
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1 answer

SingleStore Updates and Deletes on reference table

I have a reference column-store table in my single store that have roughly 2 million rows and is running on 7 leaf nodes, everyday we get around 10k updates Now updates are not good on single-store so ...
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1 answer

MemSQL: I got error when inserting data with spark to the DB

The Error: Could not query S3: An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadObject operation: Bad Request What is the cause of this error? thanks!
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3 answers

SingleStore (MemSQL) How to flatten array using JSON_TO_ARRAY

I have a table source: data { "results": { "rows": [ { "title": "A", "count": 61 }, { "title": "B", "count": 9 } ] }} ...
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1 answer

How to run delete query on Memsql/singlestore using pyspark

I am able to connect to singlestore and load the data into a dataframe using"memsql") and also write to singlestore using dataframe.write.format("memsql") But I ...
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1 answer

Reading from MemSql (SingleStore) in case of multiple snapshots

I have a usecase where my memsql db will look something like this DB- USER country company user_id passphrase timestamp India google 123 xyz 10:00AM India google 123 ABC ...
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1 answer

Singlestore partition on timestamp

I have a table in SingleStore with ~10M of rows, each row representing a single event (with event name, user id, and event timestamp). Most of my queries are filtered by the event timestamp, in other ...
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1 answer

How to start singlestore docker container quickly?

Is there way to disable studio, toolbox, make less leaves? I use singlestore for spring boot tests in testcontainers-spring-boot and I want to container start quicker as studio and toolbox is not ...
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2 answers

[DataDirect][ODBC lib] Driver Manager Message file not found. Please check for the value of InstallDir in your odbc.ini in Informatica

I am using informatica, I have Singlestore DB which I am trying to connect. I am able to login to singelstore DB using Singlestore ODBC Driver as below. Singlestore version:8.0.5 SS ODBC Driver ...
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1 answer

how to do set union operations on arrays?

Here's what I want to accomplish - I want to have an array[string] column in a singlestore columnar table Do a set union operation on this column over some time range/conditions. I don't know how to ...
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1 answer

Get last executed query id in SINGLESTORE

Is there any way to get the last query id executed in Singlestore? I need a query that returns the identifier of the last query that was executed.
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1 answer

Memsql connection via keytab

We have application which connects via user name from white listed ip. Now we want to change this authentication mechanism with keytab file. We have system user keytab and we want to connect to memsql ...
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1 answer

Laravel and MemSQL columnstore, unbuffered queries are active

i'm currently working with MemSQL Columnstore and trying to integrate it with laravel 5, but everytime i tried to make a query I got the following error SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2014 Cannot ...
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1 answer

How to place variable name instead of direct values in json_array_push_json in single store query?

In this query I have given the dummy values and it is working fine in single store String cucpcelllocalidUpdate = "UPDATE deviceconfig SET operator_rw_config\\:\\:cells = " + ...
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1 answer

Is it possible to use memSQL/SingleStore with Spring Data JPA?

I want to use SingleStore database with my Spring Boot Application which uses Spring Data JPA. How it can be achieved?
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is there any better approach to sync data from Bigquery to singlestore throgh pipelines?

I have data in the Bigquery table and wanted to sync it to singlestore table. I can see the singlestore pipeline documentation here
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1 answer

Cannot rename table because it is referenced by pipeline `fdext`

I am getting below error when i am trying to rename my table in singlestore .how to fix it? ERROR 1945 ER_CANNOT_DROP_REFERENCED_BY_PIPELINE: Cannot rename table because it is referenced by pipeline ...

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