Questions tagged [slam]

This tag is for code related to SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) which is the computational problem, often related to robotics and/or drones, of constructing or updating a map of an unknown environment while simultaneously keeping track of an agent's location within it.

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SLAM with multiple ultrasonic sensors

My question is this: I have a robot on wheels and it has two ultrasonic sensors in the front and back, I have them stored in URDF and I can visualize them in rviz2 and Gazebo, but when I thought that ...
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2 answers

Loop Closing 3d Point Clouds

I am looking to understand how to implement a simple loop closing algorithm. Here is my situation : I have x numbers of point clouds, and I have used a registration algorithm in 3d that has given me ...
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How to build a point cloud of the environment in nvidia isaac sim such as the env “small warehouse with multiple shelves”?

Does Isaac Sim provide some off-the-shelf solution to get a point cloud map of the entire environment? Does anyone have a good idea? For example, traversing all objects in the entire space, or setting ...
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1 answer

How do I stream data from TUM RGB-D to ORB-SLAM3 and analyse/record data from that

I'm very new to the ROS/Slam? can somebody point to any documents/article on the topic of analysing the slam method of running it on several datasets? i already managed to run the algorithm on the rgb-...
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How to fix no transform from left and right drive wheels of the mobile robot to map in rviz2 in RPS2?

I have mobile robot publish /cmd_vel topic from Roboteq Motor Controller. Also have 2D Lidar publish /scan topic with a frame id laser_link. My RealSense Depth camera D435if publish angular velocity ...
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How to install qt4 on Jetson Nano with Ubuntu 20.04 for Hector Slam?

How to Install qt4 on Jetson Nano (ubuntu 20.04) for Hector Slam Firstly, I tried sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rock-core/qt4 this code and tried to install the needed libraries, but in my opinion it ...
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calculate the relative rotation based on the pose matrices in visual SLAM

In visual SLAM, given the poses of two consecutive cameras, how to calculate the relative rotation of the latter camera with respect to the former one based on the pose matrices and obtain its Euler ...
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Extracting obstacle information from hectorslam map data

Under 3.1.2 on the following page,, and based on the map data described here: I am trying to figure ...
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1 answer

cartographer: Why does the position of radar not change during real-time mapping?

result Map No matter how I move the radar, the position of the radar that rviz shows don't change. Why is this happening? Do I need to add odom information to it? I want the radar position on the map ...
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How do I build ORB_SLAM3_ROS2

When I'm trying to run ORB_SLAM3_ROS2 from, during the build process, enter image description here. Does anybody know how to solve this? I've tried ...
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In ROS2 the Map in RVIZ is overlapping when using an odometry coming from 2D lidar and real sence camera with IMU with real robot, how to fix it?

Im using ROS2 humble and having 2D lidar and Realsence D435if camera with IMU. Created icp odometry from the 2D Lidar with rtabmap package and here is the launch file import os from click import ...
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1 answer

MRPT(Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit) Kalman filters

 I'm new to the domain of SLAM. Recently I found the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit and I want to learn the extended Kalman filter in it.But frustratedly I think the sample bayesianTracking/...
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Error while visualizing map from Slam_toolbox on Rviz

"vertex program:rviz/glsl120/indexed_8bit_image.vert fragment program:rviz/glsl120/indexed_8bit_image.frag glsl link result : active samplers with a different type refer to the same texture image ...
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Google Cartographer: Internal coordinate systems

I am studying Google Cartographer SLAM. Working with submaps in the library API (which is not at all documented) I discovered the following entities representing coordinates: Trajectory (list of ...
-1 votes
1 answer

OpenCV translation vector having near 0 value for z coordinate

Hope that everyone is doing well. I'm working in visual SLAM. The video I'm using right now is a car driving down a road. The issue is that the rotation matrix seems right, however, the translation ...
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Why Map is not correct when using slam_toolbox with a real mobile robot?

I have a mobile robot that is able with 2D Lidar , Realsence Depth Camera with IMU and Roboteq Controller for brushless DC Motor. Im using slam toolbox for SLAM. So first, run the lidar with ros2 ...
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3D plot from SLAM pose estimations

I am working with a SLAM system that is based on ORB-SLAM3. I am at the results stage, where I am trying to write a python script to take the SLAM output files trajectory.txt and trajectory_keyframes....
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Import real world map created with SLAM to CARLA

According to the CARLA doc.( You can add real-world maps using roadrunner or manually. CARLA primarily supports importing maps using ...
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How to configure Cartographer_ROS to create new submaps when trajectory path elevates on Z axis?

I have configured the cartographer_ros to run with my Ouster LiDAR according to configurations given in: ouster_example/cartographer_ros. When I run the realtime/offline SLAM using the my LiDAR it ...
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Visual SLAM a straight corridor, if move robot backwards to the starting point, does the loop closure optimize the result?

Graph-based VSLAM needs loop closures to minimize the long-term drift. For most studies, the SLAM datasets are quite complex, and have many loop closures. However, if we try to SLAM a longe, straight ...
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Ceres: LocalParametrization -> Manifold

I am new to c++, ceres and SLAM applications in general. I am currently working on the following paper: I am currently ...
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I was learning ROS2NAV2, following the documentations, when I launched the file, The ODOM TF started moving itself in the space

I am learning ROS2 NAV2, created a URDF file, it runs perfectly in Gazebo...But after 20-25 seconds the ODOM Tf automatically starts moving upwards or sometimes goes down it the grid, For the code, I ...
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Error ROS2 Humble slam_toolbox message filter dropping message: frame 'laser_frame' queue full

I am working with ROS2 Humble on a diffdrive robot. I am trying to launch slam toolbox but every time i get the error that the queue is full and the message are being dropped. Here is an image of the ...
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How to perform using lafida data set in the cubemap slam?

I want to do Lapida dataset with the cubemap slam code currently running on mp4. So when I convert the lafida dataset into an mp4 video and run it on that slam, the slam is executed, but it's not the ...
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How can I establish a very stable connection between my host computer and Jetson NX Devkit?

I am working on a RC car project. Currently, the issue that I am facing is network related. I am trying to map and localize myself on the third floor of an old building. At the same time, I would like ...
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SLAM not working in m-explore-ros2 package

I am using a TurtleBot3 and I want to use the m-explore-ros2 package to introduce autonomy to my robot. I included the package in my launch file and got the MarkedArray display in Rviz, however, I am ...
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Steps to run MatLAB Slam with $GPRMC INS Data + Hesai Lidar scans

I hope you are all well. I was wondering, if I had $GPRMC INS Data and Hesai Lidar data, is there a way to use it in MATLAB together to run 3d slam? I tried looking through the documentation but I was ...
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Is SLAM with occlusion possible in web-based AR apps without WebXR?

I am new to AR and trying to develop a web-based augmented reality app for to place large 3D objects in the real world. I need SLAM features such as being able to anchor the object in 3D space in a ...
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Pose estimation of 3D object and 2D picture, but it's X-ray volumetric data (DRR of CT/MRI)

How can I localize 2D projections in (dense, transparent) 3D volumes? I seem to only find algorithms that work on datasets with non-transparent surfaces. Those algorithms rely on geometric assumptions ...
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Encountering Rviz issues while trying to create a map with Hector SLAM

Rviz screenshotI am currently trying to run Rviz to create a map of my apartment. I finally got everything to run without errors, my Lidar is outputting data properly (I double checked by looking at ...
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1 answer

How to implement ICP with point-to-plane distance

I'm implementing 2D ICP(Iterative Closest Point). I tried to use point-to-point distance but the loss is large. In fact, the loss between two adjacent frames is acceptable but, for example, when I ...
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Roll, Pitch and Yaw Estimation with Visual Odometry using Monocular Camera

I am currently using OpenCV functions to read a video with the .mp4 extension. This video is from a forward-facing camera on an aerial vehicle. In this video's consecutive frames, I'm detecting ...
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Getting memory error "core dumped" while using Yolov8 in DSP-SLAM

I have replace the MaskRcnn modle of DSP-SLAM with the yolov8 module and have rewritten the codes in the original repository. However, I keep getting a error "Aborted (core dumped)" when I ...
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PIONEER 3DX for gazebo ,ros noetic

I am new to ROS. My goal is to implement a slam algorithm on a pioneer 3dx robot. Where can I find a package for the PIONEER p3dx robot for ros noetic? Any assistance is appreciated I found a ...
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Can not receive image using ROS2 functions in the node?

I created ,monocular-inertial node for ORB_SLAM3 in ROS2 humble. Its can build without any errors. My camera image is RGB image . So I have the function to get the image in this way cv::Mat ...
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2 answers

Error with FAST_LIO_LC package: Invalid quaternion in transform

I'm using the FAST_LIO_LC package ( which integrates the fastlio package with a graph optimization method. When running the roslaunch fast_lio ...
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(ORB_SLAM3) ROS stereo-inertial ORB_SLAM3 producing "segmation fault (core dumped)" crash randomly during operation

After numerous failed attempts of building all dependencies and the algorithm itself (with no prior experience of programming), I finally got the algorithm running on my ubuntu 18.04 machine. Sadly ...
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1 answer

Why does mapping out the Turtlebot 3 World from Gazebo in RViz SLAM GMapping result in a spontaneously cut off map?

Working with Visual Studio Code. WSL. Ubuntu 20.0.4. ROS Noetic. Following this guide: I have tried to map this out on both my ...
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Image alignment (camera pose rectification) by using vanishing points and gradient descent

Is it possible to use vanishing points and gradient descent to align two images or conduct pose rectification? The case is, I'm using SLAM and have a prior 3D model. I have two images A and B. Image A ...
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1 answer

How to fuse Visual SLAM (ORB_SLAM2) with detected obstacle using 2D Lidar and IMU to obtain robot localization?

I would like to fuse Visual SLAM (ORB_SLAM2) with detected obstacle using 2D Lidar and IMU to obtain robot localization(lateral position and heading angle of the robot). Already successfully detected ...
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imu&camera calibrate runtime oveor::The time sequence must be nondecreasing. time 5 was not greater than or equal to time 4

i just use the kalibr to caliibrate the imu and camera. my imu is the ttl-485 wit HWT905-485,just one request and one answer. first i just record a rosbag by subing the /imu and /usb_image_rect_raw....
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Need a theoretical explanation about the Cartographer's file, especially the function CairoPaintSubmapSlices and the function PaintSubmapSlices

Need a theoretical explanation about the Cartographer's file, especially the function CairoPaintSubmapSlices and the function PaintSubmapSlices. I understand that a big map contains ...
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1 answer

Visual SLAM on Android Device using single-frame Pointclouds

I have developed a Python application that uses the Intel RealSense D455 camera and the library open3d to perform realtime and, later, slower high definition 3d reconstruction. The algorithm used to ...
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1 answer

Raspberry Pi3 Lidar mapping hector mapping error

Hi I'm new on the ros and actually I don't know anything but I have a project and I installed ubuntu on raspberry pi 3 and I installed ros and I followed instructions on this repo
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ROS project: "no map received" in RViz despite successful data publishing to /scan topic

I'm using an RPLidar A1 sensor to generate a map of the environment using the gmapping node in ROS. I've configured the RPLidar node to publish data to the /scan topic, and I'm using the slam_gmapping ...
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ROS - LaserScan moves instead of robot

I recently run into following problem. While trying create a map from simulation data using slam_toolbox, my laserScan data are shifting based on robot movement instead of him. Robot stay in 0,0 ...
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Error run stella vslam with RealSense D435I

Good afternoon I ran into this problem when running a stella vslam project with RealSense D435I connected. I tried updating the drivers on the camera, and a few configuration files for the camera, ...
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1 answer

SLAM Toolbox Mapping Issue?

I am currently using ROS2 Humble and RP Lidar. I want to use SLAM with this so I am trying the Slam toolbox. So first I am doing: ros2 launch rplidar_ros Then in another terminal, I ...
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No map received SLAM Toolbox

I want to use SLAM Toolbox ( but I get a WARNING: No map received in RVIZ. In the config file, I define base_frame as base_footprint I publish Odometry (...
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2 answers

Error while running ORB_SLAM2 Library

As per requirement mentioned in this link, I have installed all the required components like Pangolin, OpenCV etc...Now after building the ORB_SLAM2 library, I am getting the following error... make[...

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