Questions tagged [spatstat]

spatstat is an R package for analysing spatial data, mainly Spatial Point Patterns.

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1 vote
2 answers

How can I convert a 'pp3' dot pattern into an 'im' object in spatstat?

My goal is to create an im object from terrain elevation data (pp3's z-axis), similar to bei.extra ($elev and $grad). I started by creating a pp3 object from my data set: x <- elev_test$x y <- ...
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1 answer

How can I get multiple outputs from single operation?

These are the codes that have been written to analyze within and between interactions of different species. in this code, I tried to get separate outputs from each analyzes unsuccessfully. ...
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1 answer

spatstat or R alternative to ESRI Point Density Tool?

I am trying to figure if it is best possible way to replicate ESRI point density tool in spatstat R package. I got bunch of archaeological sites location with associated size and would like to compute ...
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1 answer

It's possible to create envelopes for combinations of mark correlations with spatstat , generated from markcrosscorr?

I would like to know if it is possible to create envelopes for combinations of mark correlations with spatstat , generated from markcrosscorr. In the example on page 645 of the book (2015), I saw that ...
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2 answers

Is it reasonable to use AIC to rank point process models that are based on different likelihood functions (Poisson and Gibbs in this case)?

I am using spatstat version 3.0.2 to explore settlement patterns in archaeological data in five different periods throughout prehistory. I have formulated several point process models with different ...
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1 answer

Interpreting spatial relationships between points with different marks (multitype point pattern) - using spatstat - and better visualize the results

Let me start off by mentioning that I have no training in statistics and I am new in this field for both spatial statistics and coding in R. However, I am trying to learn how to identify and ...
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1 answer

How can I improve the estimation for clustering models using kppm function in spatstat

I have simulated some point pattern from Thomas and MatClust models and, I was trying to fit the parameters of the model using kppm() function from spatstat. Nevertheless, I obtained a no good ...
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1 answer

Is there a way to compute the standard error for GAM models using effectfun() within spatstat?

I am using spatstat version 3.0.2 to explore settlement patterns in archaeological data in five different periods throughout prehistory. I have formulated several point process models with different ...
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1 answer

Building kppm model from clusterfit parameters

Following the steps in the answer given here, I've fit Thomas cluster model parameters kappa and sigma to the pooled Kinhom functions of a set mppm intensity predictions. By "transferring" ...
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1 answer

How to interpret the different results of pcfcross, markconnection and markcorrelation function?

I want analyze the spatial correlation between different life history stages of different tree species. I used three different summary statistics, namely, pcfcross, markconnect and markcorr functions. ...
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1 answer

'spatstat' package: Fitting cluster process models

I have several questions regarding fitting cluster process models using the spatstat package, to solve a problem I am working on. Is there a recommended minimum sample size consideration when fitting ...
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How to make the covariate in rhohat() a factor?

I'm trying to use the rhohat() function to estimate changes and I have my ppp file and image file. When I run the fuction I get this error Error in spatialCovariateEvidence.exactppm(model = list(X = ...
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1 answer

Show all symbols in legend in spatstat

I'm plotting a forest with trees as in the sample data lansing in spatstat. My code is as in this example: plot(lansing, cols=rainbow(length(unique(lansing$marks))), leg.args=list(y.intersp = ...
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2 answers

spatstat integer overflow error in Kcross and crosspairs

I'm working with spatstat 2.3-4 in R 4.1.0 on a 64bit windows 10 pro machine. Recently I ran into the integer-overflow error while using Kcross with a large number of points (i.e. the number of ...
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1 answer

Using nndist.ppx to obtain near neighbor distances in multidimensional point pattern

I am fairly new to R and programming in general, so I appreciate your input. I'm trying to obtain the nearest neighbor distances for a set of points. My data consists of the scores on the first 4 ...
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1 answer

Is there a way to perform quadratcount() in spatstat without ignoring the marks?

Imagine I have a point pattern distribution in a square and all points have marks (i.e. plant trait data). I want to divide this square in f.e. 4 quadrats. Now I am interested in the spatial ...
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1 answer

Model a 3D Point Pattern using spatstat

Is there any way to fit a spatial statistical model to 3d data in spatstat? I have tried using the functions such as ppm and kppm but they are not working for pp3
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1 answer

Error: x,y coords given but no window specified (spatstat)

I am generating a landscape pattern that evolves over time. The problem with the code is that I have clearly defined a window for the object bringing up the error but the window is not being ...
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1 answer

where do I find the definition of class objects in spatstat

I would like to know what kind of information an object of class Spatialpolygons has versus an object of class Polygons.
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1 answer

Gibbs models for numerically marked data?

I am analyzing data similar to the "anemones" data in spatstat, where my data also consists of disks of varying diameters. My goal is to test for significant regularity, or inhibition ...
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1 answer

Simulate a list of kppm objects in R spatstat

I would like to use envelope simulation on a list of kppm objects. I have a point dataset that is in a grid pattern. I would like to shift each point such that its position in the cell is random, then ...
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1 answer

Area under the curve for Kcross: Multitype K Function

I am using spatstat to run Kcross: Multitype K Function (Cross-type). Here is my data set and here is the script plotting K Cross df <- read.csv(file = "trees_rocks.csv") df.test <- ...
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0 answers

draw figures on a map with `sf`

I am struggling to find a systematic way to convert coordinates and geometries to km. Let's say I have a .shp file, which I read with st_read. I want to draw a circle of radius 10 kms around a city. I ...
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1 answer

Receiving different measured values from crossK and lohboot

I have a marked ppp dataset looking at crimes and their relation to locations. I am performing an inhomogeneous cross-K using the Kcross.inhom, and am using lohboot to bootstrap confidence intervals ...
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1 answer

Analysing polygon marked point patterns using spatstat in R

I have a dataset (data) I want to analyse using spatstat in R. The observed area is a polygon. The marks for my data are numeric values, 1 and 0. If the spot (circle) has a mark of 0, it will be white,...
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2 answers

Error: objects 'ripras', 'as.ppp', 'delaunay' are not exported by 'namespace:spatstat'

I got following error whie executing the code. Code:install.packages("ithir", repos="") Error: WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is ...
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1 answer

How to make a better plot with label for marked point patterns using spatstat in R

I have marked point pattern data data. I want to plot the marked point pattern where the marks are only valued at 1 and 0 hence there are two colours only. This is what I have done so far x = c(3,0.5,...
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2 answers

How to get the best polygon point pattern data in spatstat analysis in R

I have a dataset of spatial locations data. I want to do a point pattern analysis using the spatstat package in R using this data. I want the best polygon area for the analysis instead of the ...
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1 answer

Spatstat: Cluster processes for interactions in marked point patterns?

I am trying to identify clustering patterns between different marks using point process models. Multitype Strauss is the only model I have found thus far which can compare interactions between ...
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1 answer

spatstat: Multidimensional Space-Time Point Pattern

I'm trying to model a Multidimensional Space-Time Point Pattern (ppx object from spatstat package). But I didn't find any way at package documentation. I tried this: library(spatstat) set.seed(2022) ...
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1 answer

R package 'spatstat' not loading

I have downloaded and installed the 'spatstat' package multiple times, including by downloading the files. But every time I try to run it i get this error Failed with error: ‘package ‘’ ...
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3 answers

R spatstat, plot function

In this figure, the axes are not displayed on the plot. How to fix it? Can anybody help me, thank you! plot(swedishpines, axes=TRUE) > dput(swedishpines) structure(list(window = structure(list(...
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1 answer

Append spatstat intensity outputs across tesselated surface (derived from shapefile) back to SpatialPolygonsDataFrame for plotting in R

Anyone have advice for retaining (or appending) attributes from a Spatial Polygons Data Frame after conversion to an owin object for pattern analysis in Spatstat? Using spatstat to calculate point ...
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2 answers

Unit of a gaussian smoothing of an image

I had a raster with values from 0 to 0,3 which I transformed into an image. Then i gave all values <=0.3 the value 1. I thought it makes it easier if i calculate this for a single value. I applied ...
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1 answer

Creation of correlated marks. E.g. point sizes varying with inter-point distances

I recently dabbled a bit into point pattern analysis and wonder if there is any standard practice to create mark correlation structures varying with the inter-point distance of point locations. ...
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1 answer

how check overfitting on point pattern on a linear network using spatstat

I have been using lppm (point pattern on a linear network) on spatstat with bunch of covariates and fitting a log-linear model but I couldn't see how to check over-fitting. Is there a quick way to do ...
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1 answer

Homogenizing scale for density plot

I am making a series of plots from a point pattern (PPP) with the density (kernel) function. I would like that the maximum plotted number is 200 in all cases and just the heatmap accordingly (two of ...
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1 answer

Simulation of Poisson cluster process on linear network

On pp. 73-74 in "“Stationary” point processes are uncommon on linear networks"* by Adrian Baddeley, Gopolan Nair, Suman Rakshit, and Greg McSwiggan, the authors introduce a Poisson cluster ...
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1 answer

Can't plot image which is converted from a raster

I converted a raster to an image and wanted to plot it. However, I then get the following error: library(raster) r #class : RasterLayer #dimensions : 23320, 37199, 867480680 (nrow, ncol, ncell) ...
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2 answers

missing functions in spatstat library (such as Kest, and rpoint)

i'm trying to use the Kest function (and many other in the spatstat package). i have made a ppp point pattern data set (ppp.1) summary (ppp.1) Planar point pattern: 189 points Average intensity ...
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0 answers

Spatial randomnes of observations (point pattern)

I want to assess if the observations in my data are spatially randomly distributed over the sampling area (Sweden). I wanted to reproduce the example given in this answer: Spatial Autocorrelation ...
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1 answer

R package:s spatstat.explore and spatstat.model need spatstat.random but not available?

I try to install from github spatstat.explore and spatstat.model but this does not work because spatstat.random is needed. I cannot find the latter. Is the development not yet finalised?
2 votes
1 answer

Does {spatstat}'s `nearestsegment()` produce imprecise results?

Although, the figure is rather small, one can see that several points/events (lightred) do not lie on colored line segments and vice a versa. Where does this deviation come from? Is there a way to ...
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1 answer

Reference bandwidth smoothing in spatstat

Is there any way to use reference bandwidth selection for kernel smoothing in spatstat package?
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0 answers

Internal error: X pixel values were NA, even after projection

I am using a library (sparr), which relies on spatstat. After executing a function from sparr, namely LSCV.risk() I am getting the following error: Internal error: 1498 pixel values were NA, even ...
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1 answer

Smoothed partial residuals of a covariate in a point process model in spatstat

I am using spatstat to build point process models using the ppm function but I have problems in validation, when I use the residual plot parres to understand the effect of a covariate. The model is ...
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1 answer

How do you format a hyperframe in spatstat to be able to run the "mppm" function for point process models?

Below is a list of 3 point patterns with measured tree data. ppp_list [[1]] Marked planar point pattern: 3 points Mark variables: SPCD, DIA, HT window: polygonal boundary enclosing rectangle: [-...
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0 answers

Tessellation error in spatstat - Error in : Can't convert X to a pixel image

I have been dealing with this for several days and can't find a way out. I'm using spatstat in R for spatial analysis of my cells. I have follow some tutorials, but as always happens, things don't ...
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1 answer

Converting intensities to probabilities in ppp

Apologies for the overlap with existing questions; mine is at a more basic skill level. I am working with very sparse occurrences spanning very large areas, so I would like to calculate probability at ...
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1 answer

Custom smoothing kernel

I would like to use Smooth.ppp in spatstat to calculate a sort of "moving average" according to a specific function. The specific distance-dependent weights I would like to use are given by ...

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