Questions tagged [spinnaker]

For Netflix's continuous delivery platform. For the Flir GenICam API, use the tag [spinnaker-cam]

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Consuming a manifest artifact published by Google-cloud with Spinnaker

I am using google cloud-build as my CI system and Spinnaker as my CD. I have configured cloud-build to copy my manifest and include it as an artifact. that's my cloudbuild.yaml: - name: '
LiranC's user avatar
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Accounts not visible on Spinnaker deck

I have setup a local (debian) installation of spinnaker and everything looks fine. I had also setup the authentication as ldap and able to sign in as well. For authorization, I am using the FILE and ...
Samit's user avatar
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Spinnaker logging out user after SAMLResponse assertion is no longer valid

I've set up Spinnaker to use SAML authentication as per this guide: I have no problem authenticating and logging in to Spinnaker - the ...
Bilbo Baggins's user avatar
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Have multiple Urls for viewing logs in spinnaker

I want to have different urls for different accounts for viewing pod logs I was thinking to pass a variable but the problem is how to get the account variable in deck configuration ?
pavan krishna's user avatar
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Spin-front50 pod is crashing while deploying Spinnaker on Kubernetes with Minio as storage

I am trying to deploy Spinnaker in Kubernetes with Minio as storage which is also running in Kubernetes. Now, spin-front50 pod does not start and is crashing. Looking at the pod logs, it is failing ...
Atishi Sapru's user avatar
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Does Bintray implement the artifactory api?

I am working on a delivery pipeline within spinnaker. Spinnaker has support for searching artifactory for artifacts and then triggering a pipeline. I have been publishing my maven artifacts to ...
Dodd Pfeffer's user avatar
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Spinnaker Docker registry configuration

I am trying to add Docker registry for Spinnaker using the below command: hal config provider docker-registry account add docker-registry-test --address --repositories dept-test/...
user1578872's user avatar
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Custom profile for storage setting in Spinnaker

I am trying to set up Spinnaker on a private Kubernetes cluster. We are using a private S3 backed storage which needs a special param. If I add that in ~/.hal/config, hal deploy apply fails with ...
user1578872's user avatar
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Spinnaker setup on private Kubernetes cluster - Clouddriver cert error

I tried deploying Spinnaker using halyard and running into issue with clouddriver. Have added a corporate Docker registry which needs corporate CA. Clouddriver was failing with the below error. ...
user1578872's user avatar
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Spinnaker Pipeline is failing after starting it manually

Spinnaker on Gke : Pipeline is getting failed after starting manually the first issue is the .spin/config didnt get created, I created that manually as missing in the steps
Vidya Sawanny's user avatar
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Spinnaker setup on private Kubernetes cluster

Trying to setup Spinnaker on private Kubernetes cluster. Can see the GUI but applications are not loading and throwing the below error. Error fetching applications. Check that your gate endpoint is ...
user1578872's user avatar
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Spinnaker bakery error: Subnetwork should be specified for custom subnetmode network, invalid

I have installed Spinnaker version: 1.14.11 (local) from scratch on a GCP VM and did hal config. Spinnaker is able to see the compute instances and network in the project. Spinnaker also works fine ...
Gans's user avatar
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Spinnaker unable to communicate with kubernetes cluster

I am trying to deploy spinnaker locally with minikube and minio, i have everything setted up, my kubernetes cluster is up and running with a composed app on it, details below: | NAME ...
Eric Stoppel's user avatar
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How to fix spinnaker installation error "Failed to deploy Spinnaker." (spinnaker v2 mode installation)?

I am trying to install spinnaker on my kubernetes cluster but while it was being installed it failed to create namespace on my cluster getting error. ERROR Unexpected exception: io.fabric8....
Rudra's user avatar
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Why does Spinnaker need to list namespaces when the namespaces are already known to it?

Kubernetes namespaces are configured before Spinnaker is even deployed, so Spinnaker should be able to deploy into them in a namespace-restricted enterprise environment. But this answer says Spinnaker ...
user2186842's user avatar
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How do I pass a Docker image tag to Spinnaker webhook to trigger a pipeline with a *Run Job* stage

I have a Spinnaker Pipeline with a single stage on it of type Run Job (Runs a container). This configuration has the name of the image to by ran, but the tag specifically says it will be resolved at ...
eriel marimon's user avatar
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Failed to edit persistent store "s3" - with spinnaker storage with s3 configuration

I am trying to configure the spinnaker with hal from the source ( While configuring the storage with s3 in aws I am facing the ...
palani.p's user avatar
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Is it possible to run e2e tests in different google kubernetes engine clusters?

I have two private GKE clusters: the first with jenkins, and the second with an app to be tested. The problem is that jenkins can not communicate with the app in the second cluster. Making a direct ...
user11660353's user avatar
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Need guidance with Spinnaker API for deleting a Spinnaker pipeline

I am using Spinnaker to create a deployment of application on Kubernetes cluster. This is done using C# code, which already exists. Now, I want to create a delete manifest stage and use selector to ...
Samantha Elizabeth Riley's user avatar
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Horizontal pod autoscaling configuration reset

As per our environment, we are using spinnaker for continuous deployment, as soon as we are triggering the pipeline from the spinnaker. Again hpa (Autoscaling) configuration in the terms of ...
shashank's user avatar
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Can't see "Tag Image" stage in Deck UI

Are there any requirements for the pipeline so that Tag Image stage is visible on the UI? A scenario I want to achieve using a Spinnaker pipeline is: trigger pipeline on a docker image update; ...
michal.dul's user avatar
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Spinnaker K8S Manifest based deployment with multiple Docker image triggers

I have a Spinnaker deployment pipeline which is triggered either when a Docker Image D1 or Docker Image D2 is updated in the docker registry. The pipeline has multiple stages, wherein the D1 is ...
mithrandir's user avatar
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Spinnaker UI security(Oauth2.0) with Azure kubernetes throws error

I have installed Spinnaker on azure kubernetes (inside docker container) and accessing spinnaker UI with external public IP and port (configured 2 load balancers) http://externalIP:9000. I am ...
user882481's user avatar
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Spinnaker - Reference ConfigMap versioned value inside manifest

I'm deploying a single yaml file containing two manifests using the Spinnaker Kubernetes Provider V2 (Manifest deployer). Inside the Deployment I have a custom annotation that references the ConfigMap:...
MarcoReni's user avatar
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Installing AWS CLI on EC2 instances via Spinnaker/Terraform

Are there any security considerations in terms of installing the AWS CLI by making as part of baking an image AMI? I can see the following ways in which AWS CLI can be installed: 1. Via baking image (...
Balaji Boggaram Ramanarayan's user avatar
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Sharing baked ami in Spinnaker with Prod account after Staging deployment

I am trying to evaluate Jenkins+Spinnaker as our CI/CD platform and i would like to say it worked perfectly for us till Staging environment. We are using AWS and AMIs for our flow. Now, our ...
Vivek Kumar's user avatar
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Spinnaker CLI when spinnaker auth is SAML

We have spinnaker setup to use SAML for authentication. We do not have a choice about this. It works fine, been using for a year. There are some tasks we would like to execute using the spinnaker ...
Oliver's user avatar
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How to create a Cronjob in spinnaker

I created a cronJob using kubectl. I would like to manage this job using spinnaker but i cant find my created job in spinnaker. I created the file running "kubectl create -f
mgg's user avatar
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How to create service account for Spinnaker

I want to automate pipeline triggers by using fiat service account. So I follow the Spinnaker doc: Then i have trouble to run ...
Shuai Liu's user avatar
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spin: Could not dial http client, please ensure Gate is running

Do you know why I am getting the following error? I have tried to port-forward 8080 and also 8084. spin application save --application-name sample \ --owner-email example@...
Chris G.'s user avatar
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How to use spinnaker Update a pipeline definition API

I am trying to use this update pipeline definition API!/pipeline45controller/updatePipelineUsingPUT Any example for what should I pass in ...
Rainie Li's user avatar
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How do I solve this access error from hal config provider appengine?

I get get an error when run the command blow. Which resources is that I am denied access to? How to I get access to these resources? Steins-MacBook-Pro-2:Spinnaker stein$ hal config provider ...
stein korsveien's user avatar
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Configure Slack alerts in Spinnaker

When a spinnaker pipeline fails, we can see the following: Spinnaker Alerts Bot APP [3:24 PM] Stage failed for APP_NAME Stage STAGE_NAME for APP_NAME's PIPELINE_NAME has failed OTHER STUFF FROM ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Spinnaker AWS Provider not allowing create cluster

Deployed Spinnaker in AWS to run a test in the same account. However unable to configure server groups. If I click create the task is queued with the account configured via hal on the CLI. Anyway to ...
the_frank's user avatar
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How add Bitbucket artifact in Spinnaker?

I was watching a demo on the official Armory youtube channel and found an example of how to add different types of artifacts: but in my case when I open ...
Ihor Mutel's user avatar
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How to get Jenkins Jobs log into Spinnaker UI

I have Spinnaker connected to Jenkins and I am able to trigger Jenkins jobs. Spinnaker only shows a url link to Jenkins jobs : Jenkins Stage Configuration Master prod Job SRE/job/Puppet_Run Build #...
EdgeTekSystem's user avatar
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spinnaker buildRpm task is missing in 1.12.4

I gitclone the latest 1.12.4 release of spinnaker, and found that the buildRpm task is missing from all microservices. Does anyone know why?
Lynn Luu's user avatar
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How do I change Spinnaker configs after an installation with helm?

I'm new to using Spinnaker and Halyard. I'm following this guide by Google. When installing Spinnaker, they use helm and attach on a spinnaker-config.yaml file that looks like this: ./helm install -...
Alexander Kleinhans's user avatar
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Spinnaker configuration loaded as code from gitlab

It is really good that we have spinnaker pipeline as a code from roer and other tools. But is there a way that we will store these pipelines and as well as configurations on gitlab and restore by just ...
Pramod V's user avatar
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Spinnaker: How to bring custom boms into spinnaker pod to be able to deploy it with hal?

I would like to provide a custom BOM (Bill of Materials) to spinnaker so that I can configure the repos according to my needs. I am new to k8s, helm and spinnaker and altought reading the docu there ...
papanito's user avatar
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spinnaker mount volume from configmap in read/write mode (0666)

Spinnaker mounts volumes like this: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: ... spec: containers: ... volumes: - configMap: defaultMode: 420 items: - key: config ...
Oliver's user avatar
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kubernetes Pod's readinessProbe errored but endpoint not removed from Service

I'm running Spinnaker on Kubernetes 1.10.111. One of the Spinnaker services is a Pod running a service called Clouddriver. This Pod was running fine, but then the readinessProbe started erroring ...
David Xia's user avatar
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Trigger Spinnaker pipeline on AWS S3 bucket change

I need my Spinnaker pipeline to trigger on changes to an AWS s3 bucket, specifically when a file is added or edited. I cannot find a builtin mechanism to do that: there is nothing remotely related ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Spinnaker authentication using IAP

We are trying to enable authentication in Spinnaker using IAP. Spinnaker is deployed in GKE using HAL Deck and Gate are exposed to different domains using Ingress and HTTPS is enabled for both. IAP ...
Bhavith's user avatar
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Spinnaker with Halyard from Helm Chart has missing aws cli

I create Spinnaker from Helm Chart ( Then I want to add ECR to my Spinnaker. I connect to haylard: kubectl exec -it -n spinnaker ...
kchrusciel's user avatar
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Do Canary deployment code need to be tested in lower environments?

I recently came across this canary deployment process, it is said Canary deployments are a pattern for rolling out releases to a subset of users or servers. The idea is to first deploy the change to ...
pavan reddy's user avatar
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Can you stop one Spinnaker pipeline based on a different pipeline running?

I have two pipelines as part of my deployment. Deploy: This pipeline bakes a Kubernetes manifest and deploys/test the container including canary analysis. It is triggered when a new version of the ...
Travis Illig's user avatar
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Spinnaker & Okta integration failing

Scenerio: Upgraded Spinnaker to 1.12.0. No other config changes that would impact this integration (we had to modify an s3 IAM because it quit working). Okta integration stopped working. Public key ...
fpmoles's user avatar
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What is the purpose of Docker registry in Spinnaker K8 setup

Lets assume I go with AWS/EKS, kubernetes deploy, as described in this tutorial. Why Do I need to have a Docker registry? The way I understand (probably wrong): After the Jenkins Pipeline is run, the ...
Amiga500's user avatar
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Best practices for passing parameters from one pipeline to another

We're trying to use spinnaker(with kubernetes/helm) to roll out multiple parameterized stacks and gradually promote the new one in an application where each stack has its own database. We've divided ...
juhanic's user avatar
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