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3 answers

Separating a Dataframe Column by Multiple Delimiters Into New Columns Using Pandas

I have a table similar to the one below where I have a summary column with groups and an associated value separated by a colon where each separate group with its value is separated by a comma. (group1:...
Aaron Horowitz's user avatar
-2 votes
0 answers

Index out of array range even do its below range? [duplicate]

Debugger says maxRows = 6 and j = 5 but it throws a System.IndexOutOfRangeException ? I am trying to split a string into a twodimensional array. after ';' -> next entry after '#' -> next row ...
Marczinyas03's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Split on regex (more than a character, maybe variable width) and keep the separator like GNU awk

In GNU awk, there is a four argument version of split that can optionally keep all the separators from the split in a second array. This is useful if you want to reconstruct a select subset of columns ...
dawg's user avatar
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2 answers

How to split a column into two columns to separate two values in a cell when some cells don't contain two values to split using dplyr in R

Issue I want to split a column named 'Date' in my data frame into two columns called 'Date' and 'Survey_Number' The column 'Date' either contains one date '08/04/2012' or a date and survey number '24/...
Alice Hobbs's user avatar
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How to split a string into only two parts (and not discard other parts)

Say that I have these data: clear all set obs 2 gen title = "dog - cat - horse" in 1 replace title = "chicken - frog - ladybug" in 2 tempfile data save `data' I can split these ...
bill999's user avatar
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How to extract convert date in written text to numeric

I've a problem where I from a product description need to convert the months of the description to a billing period. Example description: Transaction packages 2500 transactions / year included (JUNE-...
karlosicolombia's user avatar
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match random lengths of string using regex (preg_match) [duplicate]

i have need to split string, by regex: split digits together split letters together [ each part should contain between 3-5 chars RANDOMLY ] so if i have: '...
mr.baby123's user avatar
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Spilt dataframe colums and create new dataframe with Pyspark

I have pyspark dataframe with only one column having below data Gourav,Joshi,"Sibley Grove,402,wmbley,London,United Kingdom",E1234,44982728930 Is there is any way to split this columns and ...
Gourav Joshi's user avatar
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Fix csv line splitting

I have a csv file data like below with nearly 1 million records sno, name, address, mobile 1, shekar, hyderabad, 651584651 2, naveen, ban galore, 61353384 3, eeshwar, warangal, 65133133 What I want ...
Jagapathibabu's user avatar
-8 votes
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In C#: #13 is "\r", "\n", or "\r\n" [closed]

I have a «Requirements Specification» document detailing how to construct a text. #13 is part of the concatenation. What is it the meaning of #13? I know that you must use Environment.NewLine to ...
wreta's user avatar
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3 answers

Weird behaviors around "." string manipulation in PowerShell

I'm using PowerShell 7.4.5. First example: 'a.b' -split '.' does not give you a two-element array of a and b, but a four-element array of empty strings. Another example is 'rodtipsqleastus2.database....
Lingxi's user avatar
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2 answers

How to ignore double spaces in txt file (Powershell)

I have a powershell script to "convert" txt file into xlsx. The text in the txt file has a very specific structure so it can be worked with. It looks like this: Student:: Doe John Username:: ...
Petr Synek's user avatar
-1 votes
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Text is split depending on the order of specific delimiter [duplicate]

The code is supposed to split the string without removing the delimiters. import re operations = '8-8/84' operations = re.split(r'([+,*,/,-])', operations) Executing the code, operations ends up with ...
eye egg's user avatar
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How can I split this filename to get the date only

How can I use VB.NET to split the below file names with one variable to extract the date portion of the filename? I'm initially getting the filename from a path. Two examples: Mozart - Cpt - 03 Aug ...
Skye's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Placeholders wrongly replaced with % char [closed]

I want to change placeholder in a string, separated by % char. For example, %test% should be replaced by SERVER (in the example here). Others cases would be like %name% changed by the user name. One ...
Elikill58's user avatar
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Split and Arrange columns pandas

I have one raw column like this: enter image description here variant_label XL / White Black/ S White / S L/ White X/ Black Black / XL White / M Black / M Black / M Black / L XL / White I want to ...
Ngoc Nguyen's user avatar
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How to separate a specific part of the text from a text in golang

guys i want have input and split that one specific part of that for example input is : "bla bla bla (asd) bla bla bla" output is: (asd) and when found parentheses in my input get it and my ...
Sepehr's user avatar
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Split String in Pandas Series

Can I use the split() function to transfer this series: s = pd.Series(['adh', 'bei', np.nan, 'cfj']) To either one of those outputs: s = pd.DataFrame({ 'A': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'B': ['d', 'e', '...
Mohamad Osama's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to split a string of numbers into an array of integers? [duplicate]

I have an string of numbers with spaces as below: std::string str{"1 2 3 4 5"}; I'd like to convert it into an array of integers: std::vector<int> str_int{1,2,3,4,5} This is my code, I ...
tadm123's user avatar
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Split a string with multiple required delimiters

I have the following string Text1:/nText/nText2:/nText/nText/nText3:/nText I'm trying to split it into a dictionary where any line with a ":" is key and anything without that is in value. ...
Matt Cottrill's user avatar
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Polars split column and get n-th (or last) element

I have the following code and output. Code. import polars as pl df = pl.DataFrame({ 'type': ['A', 'O', 'B', 'O'], 'id': ['CASH', 'ORB.A123', 'CHECK', 'OTC.BV32'] }) df.with_columns(sub_id=...
Phil-ZXX's user avatar
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Is there an efficient way to sum over numpy splits

I would like to split array into chunks, sum the values in each chunk, and return the result as another array. The chunks can have different sizes. This can be naively done by using numpy split ...
Aleksejs Fomins's user avatar
-1 votes
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splitting a string into workable lists (Python)

I want to be able to turn a user input string into a string list and then modify that list as needed.For example sake I will be useing: (a+b)(b+a). where the final result is list[0]=a+b and list[1]=b+...
George Volz's user avatar
-2 votes
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Batch Script to split record by fixed length [closed]

I have an input text file with a single line having thousands of records one after another. I want to split them after length of 10 characters each. **Input Record** - ====================== Begin of ...
Prashant 's user avatar
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Can I split excel cells word by word into rows where every cells contains only one word using Python?

i have an excel file with texts in a lot of cells and i want to split these texts word by word and organize into cells in one column by rows. Like every cell contains one word. it is because after i ...
Szabó Kornél's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I convert an id that defaults to comma-separated string to an array of strings?

I am trying to pass data from Formidable Forms to Brevo with an API. Here is my code so far: { "updateEnabled": true, "email": "[376]", "emailBlacklisted&...
Danielle Potter's user avatar
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string_split SQL Server [duplicate]

I have a list of conditions, comma delimited, within a column and I'm trying to convert the list into rows within a SQL view, using string_split. Unfortunately, the list of conditions within the ...
Haus's user avatar
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Split columns of a table into multiple columns

I'm trying to code a powershell script that can iterate through the whole table, find every column with multiple values (they're delimited either by ";" or "/") and split them. but ...
Kiba97's user avatar
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How do I get unique pairs based on shared values in two grouping variables?

I have used Florian's answer to this question to get the unique pairs separately for the one shared (grouping) variable. Can this be extended to the case where there are two grouping variables, and ...
Michelle's user avatar
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7 answers

Splitting and substitution by comma is not working in shell script

I have a string z="job_name=market_scenario,channel=GOOGLE FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM,time_limit=60sec" Now I want the data in the below format: job_name=market_scenario channel=GOOGLE,FACEBOOK,...
abhi pratap's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro SPLIT BY that also joins the data of the split feature to the target feature

Layers: I have two features layers in ArcGIS Pro: a zoning base feature layer that is the target layer a zoning overlay feature layer that will be used to split the base layer Goal: to essentially ...
raygo's user avatar
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split pandas datafram based on given row string

I have a text file with a data set of the form Line 1 Line 2 ! 1.01499999 0.504999995 6.19969398E-7 5.38933136E-7 1.35450875E-6 1.74000001 0.220000029 7.92876381E-6 4.1831604E-6 6.61433387E-6 2....
Py-ser's user avatar
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Java String split by empty lines including empty lines at the end [closed]

I have seen many questions and answers online, but it seems that I cannot find the case that I have. String s = "a\nb\n\nc\n\n\n\n"; String[] split = s.split("\\R"); //is the same ...
Matjaz's user avatar
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terra::split | R session aborts when splitting polygon fatal error

When trying to split a polygon R runs into a fatal error and aborts. This happens when using R Studio and R on itself. I wrote the code on an earlier version of R on a different machine (also a mac), ...
Amantil's user avatar
3 votes
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Split a string in JavaScript when last number arise

I want to split the string "111A1A.11111.SL.111FUND II" when last number is arise. string="111A1A.11111.SL.111FUND II"; output="FUND II"; I ...
chandaneswar kuanar's user avatar
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rust `split` split before the pattern match

I'm trying to split up a String retaining each pattern match but with the matched part retained as the beginning of the next sub-string rather than the terminator of the last. Current implementation: ...
Pioneer_11's user avatar
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Word splitting bash parameter on whitespace respecting and retaining quotes

Given the bash parameter foo='ab "cd" "e f" x="1 2" ' I wish to produce an array equivalent to foo_transformed=( ab '"cd"' '"e f"' 'x="1 2&...
Zorawar's user avatar
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Pyspark SQL not splitting column

I was trying to split my column using pyspark sql based on the values that are stored in another column, but it doesn't seem to work for some special characters. Here is my code: df = spark....
Sr Jefers's user avatar
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Split a video with ffmpeg, without reencoding, at timestamps given in a txt file

Let's say we have a video input.mp4, and a file split.csv containing: start;end;name 00:00:27.132;00:07:42:422;"Part A.mp4" 00:07:48.400;00:17:17.921;"Part B.mp4" (or I could ...
Basj's user avatar
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Splitting up a variable range of time into multiple cells

I need to split up a range of time from a variable input in excel, for example Start End 11:00:00 13:00:00 I would like to have the input split up in segments of 30 minute intervals (input is only ...
nocluewhatimdoing's user avatar
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Parsing a string with text within it

I'm trying to read in and parse a CSV output file from PostgreSQL, but there are some oddities in the data. The data contains vehicle details. One problem is with old Land Rovers which have models ...
Doc Tim's user avatar
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How can a number range and value be extracted from this complicated string using Python?

I have a complicated string that includes a kilometer range and a fee for users that fall into that range. Ideally, I would like to transform the string into something that I could use to easily ...
Feiznia's user avatar
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Split out numbers in a column

I'm trying to split out the two numbers in the cell into separate columns I've tried "text to columns", using the delimitator "space" but it removes the second number in each of ...
William Bamber's user avatar
-4 votes
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Python - Extract data from text

I have lots of files in a database and with a command I can retrieve information from a file, but the problem is that I get this very abstract result, for example [File({'added_on': 1720455648, '...
Whykioh's user avatar
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Need help in using SQL split by delimeter, and get data from another table from the results of split data [duplicate]

I have 2 Tables Table -1 Soltid SlotName Amount 1 Slot-1 100 2 Slot-2 150 3 Slot-3 150 4 Slot-4 125 5 Slot-5 100 6 Slot-6 100 7 Slot-7 150 8 Slot-8 125 9 Slot-9 100 10 Slot-10 150 11 Slot-...
Sathesh Kumar's user avatar
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Huggingface library not being able to replace separators in create_documents: "AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'replace'"

I'm a beginner in the chatbot developer world and currently building a rag code to create a context based chatbot, but I keep getting this error, I believe it happens when the text is being split, ...
user25991121's user avatar
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Extract and process substring between varying numbers of delimiters in a variable length string

I have a table dates with a column SENTDATE where each row has a varying number of dates in it, separated by a semi colon (;). The dates are currently in the format YYYYMMDD - for example: 20240529;...
MeltedMetal's user avatar
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How can I split a string on whitespaces or quotes if they're present

Context: I have a list of keywords that sometimes consist of one word (e.g. poisson, normal, ...) and sometimes consist of two words, which are then within single quotes ('Two-way ANOVA', 'Generalized ...
A. Bohyn's user avatar
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text slitting in R

item<-c("A","B") Type<-c("P400","1200C") > test_df<-data.frame(item, Type) > test_df item Type 1 A P400 2 B 1200C test_df<-test_df ...
Bubbles's user avatar
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column splitting /filtering in R and

I have the below sample data frame: item<-c("A","B") Type<-c("403P","1200C") test_df<-data.frame(item, Type) > test_df item Type 1 A 403P 2 ...
Bubbles's user avatar
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