Questions tagged [starttls]

STARTTLS is an extension to plain text communication protocols, which offers a way to upgrade a plain text connection to an encrypted (TLS or SSL) connection instead of using a separate port for encrypted communication.

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Public key pinning vs Certificate Pinning in mobile apps

Scenario : I have pinned public key pin SHAs of 3 certificates : Root CA , Intermediate CA and Leaf CA in my android application. What I have understood ( Please correct me if I'm wrong anyway here ...
Natesh bhat's user avatar
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Unable to use openldap olcTLS attributes

I've been working on trying to migrate an openldap instance from CentOS7 to CentOS8. RHEL deprecated the openldap packages in RHEL8, so I've been trying to migrate to the Symas packages. https://...
M4v's user avatar
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nodemailer error when used self-signed cirtificate

I am running an SMTP server using NodeMailer (smtp-server) module. It is accepting all the incoming emails. Currently, it is using plain text mode, I want to use a self-signed certificate for the ...
vikas kv's user avatar
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GMail SMTP STARTTLS on Port 587 no longer works

My company has 4 different third party applications that use 4 different gmail addresses to send mail over port 587. One of the applications is distributed across over a hundred clients. All four apps ...
user2437443's user avatar
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How to resolve SMTP could not connect error? [post STARTTLS problem]

I have installed php mailer using composer composer require phpmailer/phpmailer. I followed instructions from this website Below is ...
Web Developer's user avatar
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Frozen on "Opening STARTTLS connection to ‘’...done"

I referenced the answer to question sending-emails-with-emacs24-via-smtp-with-gnutls-and-extra-arguments and set my config as (setq user-mail-address "[email protected]") (setq user-full-name "...
Wizard's user avatar
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SMTP: got response code 530, with response: 530 5.7.57 issue while performing email configuration using POM.xml file

I am using following plugin in POM.xml file for sending reports on email after completion of test execution. But getting following issue - SMTP: got response code 530, with response: 530 5.7.57 ...
abhishek narayan's user avatar
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530, "5.7.0", Must issue a STARTTLS command first

My friend ask for help he has a new job but he encounter this issue. 220 : ESMTP b190sm10750343lfd.39 - gsmtp HELO Sage 250 : at your service MAIL FROM: 530 : 5.7.0 ...
Phaykie's user avatar
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Crash reported in the openldap library while using the starttls function ldap_start_tls_s (ldap_int_tls_start)

I am using openldap-servers-2.4.40-16 on the CentOS 6 server and linking it using -lldap flag while building it in C++. I am making use of startTLS function (ldap_start_tls_s) to start the TLS ...
Akshay Dabholkar's user avatar
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Unable to execute python file using command prompt. Gives error "No SSL Support included in this python"

I have .py file that simply sends an email with excel attachment. From visual studio code it executes and delivers the file with no problem. But when I execute this file with using command prompt it ...
Serdia's user avatar
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I'm trying to send an e-mail from my software but it started showing an error.. It was working just fine, and then this error showed up.. I've tried using SSL and TLS.. I've searched a lot about this ...
Rodrigo Costa's user avatar
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Does Java support StartTLS with LDAP referrals

We have an Active Directory server that uses referrals and we want to talk to it using the JNDI Java client library. We also want to use StartTLS to encrypt the connection. I understand StartTLS can ...
Philippe Marschall's user avatar
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my code results an error with STARTTLS how can i solve it?

I wrote the whole code and imported mail, activation, com.sun.mail, and smtp jars, but it still giving me an error in starttls this is the error : javax.mail.MessagingException: STARTTLS is required ...
Hanin Qaddoura's user avatar
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11k views Inbound closed before receiving peer's close_notify: possible truncation attack?

I am netty 3.10.6 version, while communicating to server i am getting following error: Decoding WebSocket Frame opCode=10 2019-04-30T14:31:36,002 UTC DEBUG (New I/O worker #5) [netty(?:?)] Component:...
Manish Kumar's user avatar
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Postfix relay server with TLS/certficates and username password

I am charged with setting up a SMTP relay server that will relay all mails to a 3rd party secure SMTP server. This 3rd party server requires a secure connection with certificates and username/password ...
koma's user avatar
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Is SMTP plain authentication secure when using STARTTLS?

I am writing some linux code which requires sending emails. My question is: when I do use STARTTLS (starttls on in msmtprc) is it secure to use plain authentication (auth plain)? Is the connection a)...
Damago's user avatar
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Smack: SSL/TLS required by server but disabled in client

I am developing one to one chat , but i am facing the issue SSL/TLS required by server but disabled in client ,don't know what i am doing wrong , please help me out to figure out the mistake My ...
Amit Ranjan's user avatar
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XMPP with TLS implementation

How can I connect to XMPP server over TLS? I've read both the book and the RFC doc about it and the instructions are clear on the high overview, but I'm missing details. I am constructing my own ...
Norgul's user avatar
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Send email using outlook smtp through Node js

I'm trying to send an email using Nodemailer package. I am getting different errors may be because of wrong configuration setting of TLS. My outlook SMTP uses STARTTLS but I don't know how to use it. ...
Ajay Kumar's user avatar
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How to accept self-signed certificate from e-mail server via smtplib (TSL)?

My script from stmplib import SMTP con = SMTP(server, port) con.starttls() con.login(user, pass) con.quit() falls with error: python2.7/", line 847, in do_handshake self._sslobj....
Serenity's user avatar
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Sending email from Office365 with STARTTLS fails

I am trying to send an email from an Office365 server but I become the following error: panic: tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake The account configuration is the following smtp....
Battalgazi's user avatar
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Mailkit SMTP TLS version 1.3

Does Mailkit SMTP support TLS 1.3? This is a short and sweet question, but in my googling for an answer I couldn't find a definitive response. Further I couldn't find a simple test email server, or ...
user2845090's user avatar
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Why is PHP/OpenSSL rejecting this wildcard TLS certificate?

I'm trying to use PHPMailer to send emails via SMTP over TLS. I've found that when PHPMailer attempts to connect to the SMTP server and STARTTLS is invoked, the connection immediately fails - unless ...
Hydrargyrum's user avatar
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How to troubleshoot PHPMailer/OpenSSL TLS SMTP on Windows?

I'm running PHPMailer with OpenSSL on XAMPP on Windows. I'm having trouble establishing TLS-encrypted SMTP connections to our mail gateway. I've turned on SMTP transcript debugging for PHPMailer. ...
Hydrargyrum's user avatar
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Cannot send with StartTLS on Postfix

I setup a mailserver with a couple different tutorials of Postfix and Dovecot. None of them seemed to actually work 100%. I did get it working with IMAP with SSL on 993 and SMTP with StartTLS on 465. ...
Shane Becker's user avatar
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PHP stream_socket_enable_crypto hangs indefinitely. Anyway to fix?

I have a PHP script that I use to send emails to my newsletter list in one of my sites. The script uses STARTTLS for encrypted connections, using the following line to establish the SSL handshake: ...
Miki Berkovich's user avatar
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How to send encrypted/TLS emails with NodeJS from localhost using send mail

I want to be able to send emails from my local domain without using gmail or other SMTP servers. I'm currently using SendMail: const sendmail = require('sendmail') ({ logger: { debug: ...
now_world's user avatar
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How do I create a connection with the equivalent of `-starttls smtp` using rust-openssl?

When I run the following command in the terminal openssl s_client -connect -starttls smtp I get a CONNECTED(00000005) response. I am trying to achieve the same ...
jeanpaul62's user avatar
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LDAP with starttls on redmine

Redmine does not use StartTLS by default. When I configure my LDAP server to require TLS, redmine fails to authenticate users. With openldap you might see "Confidentially required" error message in ...
Julius Žaromskis's user avatar
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Why am I getting an NodeMailer HELO 501 hostname error?

I am getting an NodeMailer error when I try to connect to my NodeMailer SMTP server (which happens to be on the same machine): error: { Error: Invalid HELO. response=501 Error: Syntax: HELO hostname:...
now_world's user avatar
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How can I send an email via PHPMAILER without SSL - port 25?

I want to send an email without SSL using PHPMailer. I have enabled the debug mode so that I can check the details in the logs. $mail = new PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(...
Danyal Sandeelo's user avatar
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Gmail not using TLS to deliver email to apache james server even with Starttls enabled

I am using Apache james 2.3.2 server as an email proxy. Even though I have Starttls enabled on my server and all the ports. Gmail is not delivering the emails through TLS rather sending it non secure.
Dhananjay Gupta's user avatar
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PHP imap_open unable to check certificate

I'm trying to connect to IMAP mailboxes using PHP imap_open() function. The error I get is "Certificate failure for []: Unable to locate common name in certificate." Trying with { [...
dexamenos's user avatar
8 votes
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Login via starttls method from smtplib to old e-mail server

I use: Python 2.7.15, OpenSSL 1.1.0h (27 Mar 2018), MS Exchange 2007. My MS exchange allows to send login/pass only after STARTTLS. In python I try to connect to server like: from stmplib import ...
pcu's user avatar
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Sending Sparkpost smtp Email using c#

I have looked at numerous answers in stack overflow and other places and I still cannot find a good example on how to: in C#, Successfully send email via sparkpost smtp after STARTTLS was introduced. ...
Guttorm's user avatar
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Getting SMTPServerDisconnected error sending email through python

When trying to send the email with the P it is raising an error like This is my code: import smtplib s = smtplib.SMTP('', 465) s.starttls() s.login(&...
sivamohan's user avatar
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Available ciphers web application

This java application needs to send email using SMTP and TLS. The mail sending code works fine when executed in a standalone java app (java MailClient) and in our previous environment, but fails ...
GriffoGoes's user avatar
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Send an email as a google group from python

I want to send email in python and the following code works. However I want to send the email as a google group. Since a google group has no password, I am not able to login to the server. Is there ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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STARTTLS connection with Ruby and OpenSSL

Using openssl s_client on the command line I am able to establish a comection to a POP3 server which requires STARTTLS. openssl s_client -connect -starttls pop3 How can I ...
Denny's user avatar
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Getting FIN ACK message just after doing 220 start TLS negotiation

I am getting FIN ACK once the server is doing Response code: Service ready (220) for TLS connection. Packet capture 1, Packet capture 2 I am not sure about the reason why my server is FIN the TLS ...
user8709290's user avatar
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javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses; nested exception is: com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPAddressFailedException: 550 Relay access denied

I have received Exception on While try to Send mail in java application javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses; nested exception is: com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPAddressFailedException: 550 ...
saagar's user avatar
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2018 (March) Java SMTP TLS connections (only) from development (localhost) started failing -- production servers working

In development, which has worked for a few years now, we suddenly started to get SMTP certificate failures when trying to send email to either Mailgun (RackSpace) or AWS. While we don't need to send ...
Techmag's user avatar
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EOF caught while checking if connected phpmailer

require 'PHPMailerAutoload.php'; $mail = new PHPMailer; $mail->SMTPDebug = 3; // Enable verbose debug output $mail->isSMTP(); ...
Webdeveloper_Jelle's user avatar
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Does libcurl support sending e-mail without any encryption?

We have an application which sends notification email through exchange server. Right now if exchange is configured for SSL or TLS encryption, we are able to send the mail. If exchange is not ...
DTdev's user avatar
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(TLS v.1.0)Along with ServerHello comes something else

Instead, something else is sent from the ServerHello(2). I can not understand what it is. It looks like a certificate, but it's one. Then the certificate chain is sent. I using WireShark. Help! To ...
Илья Петров's user avatar
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Unsupported or unrecognized ssl-message exception at startHandshake after issuing STARTTLS command in a java program

I have written a simple e-mail client in java without using the JavaMail API, as by what I read from the documentation it seems necessary to split the messages up into head and body and in the single ...
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Please clarify SMTP encryption protocol and ports (between servers only)

Could someone please clarify the typical ways a mail SERVER connects to another in order to deliver an encrypted email? I understand that the STARTTLS command is intended to upgrade the tcp ...
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PHPMailer & STARTTLS not sending email

Message not sending with such settings $mail = new PHPMailer; $mail->SMTPDebug = 4; $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->Host = "...
zzmaster's user avatar
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Configure SMTP Server with Authentication TLS

I am configuring my microservice to send emails when an event occurs (in authentication mode, using TLS), but I have not obtained the desired result. This is the bean of my context: <bean id="...
Maria Montenegro's user avatar
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certbot using weak diffie hellman encryption

I was reading here If I verify security on of one of my sites using certbot I get rated B because of that is there a solution? ...
Toskan's user avatar
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