Questions tagged [stripes]

Stripes is an open source web application framework based on the model-view-controller pattern.

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14 votes
2 answers

dependency inject servlet listener

In my Stripes app I define the following class: MyServletListener implements ServletContextListener, HttpSessionListener, HttpSessionAttributeListener { private SomeService someService; private ...
Dónal's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How can I display a JFreeChart in web browser with Stripes Framework

This is the situation: My 'metrics.jsp' page submits a couple variables that are needed to create the chart. The '' calls down to a few other java classes that create the ...
robbie's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

Stripes, Spring, Play (or ?) : which high performance Java framework to use?

We are beginning to build out a webapp which will probably see a lot of traffic. We dont have a lot of money, so we want to reduce hardware cost. More or less, I think that means we will try to be as ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Setting createdBy and updatedBy in JPA entities automatically

I'm working on a JPA (Hibernate implementation of), Spring and Stripes web app. I have a number of JPA entities that have the following fields in common for both audit and query purposes: createdBy - ...
JMM's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Converting a Stripes application to use Friendly URLs

I am working through Fred Daoud's Stripes book and trying to convert the Hello World application to use friendly URLs, as I'm not a big fan of suffix-based mappings like http://localhost:8080/...
Andrew Whitehouse's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Tomcat 6 - The requested resource ... is not available

I am trying to start developing with Java and the Stripes Framework. I have the following in my web.xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <web-app version="2.4" xmlns="http:/...
user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Calling Different Webservices in parallel from Webapp

We've got a stipes (java) web-app that needs to make about 15 different webserivce calls all from one method. For example: ... public Resolution userProfile() { serviceOneCall(); ...
user1669664's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

stripes RedirectResolution redirecting to https url

Lets say the user access a stripes action1 using https. Once action1 processing is complete, it uses RedirectResolution to redirect to action2. At this point, the browser receives a 302 to to action2 ...
coolguy's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How can I read Apache Httpd Env variables from a Java application running in TomCat?

I have a couple of Java applications running in TomCat containers behind Apache Httpd. In Apache Httdp you can set Env variables with SetEnv FOO bar, if you have mod_env installed. How can I read ...
DandyDev's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Shiro always redirects me to login.jsp

Here is the config from shiro.ini shiro.loginUrl = /login.jsp ######### URL CONFIG ################### [urls] /login.jsp = anon /public/login/** = anon /public/app/** = authc Stripes... @...
aks's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Jmockit mock abstract class

I have a super abstract class public abstract class PsActionBeanContext{ ... abstract public Brand getBrand(); .. } I want to mock the abstract class to get default value "...
Jun Jiang's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Problem using MockRoundtrip class

I have following code: @Test public void testSaveValid() throws Exception { MockRoundtrip trip = new MockRoundtrip(mockServletContext, ContactFormActionBean.class, mockSession); trip....
ali's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Hidden field becomes null when binding it in stripes actionbean

I have a stripes action page. and When the page loads, I want to save an originalAssignee by assigning it from an object (i.e setOriginalAssignee (userAction.getAssignee())) so that in case if the ...
WowBow's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Help configuring Hibernate,Jpa, Stripesist on Stripes

I need some help configuring JPA Stripersist and Hibernate on a Stripes project I have the Stripersist.jar and JPA.jar, the book i have is not that clear about how to get the "correct" Hibernate jars(...
JBoy's user avatar
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2 answers

First Hibernate project where to place addAnnotatedClass()

Hello all I'm trying to build up my first Hibernate project for a Web app, but i'm having some issues Trying to find out where to place the method: AnnotationConfiguration config = new ...
JBoy's user avatar
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3 answers

Instance variable in Stripes

I'm trying to find a way to create an instance variable within the Stripes application context. Something that i would do in the init() method of a Servlet while using hand-coded servlets. The problem ...
JBoy's user avatar
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1 answer

Stripes 1.5 - any way to ask the system for a list of all ActionBeans?

I'm building an application where I have my default webpage as 'index.jsp' which consists of a list of <stripes:link...> tags, to link out to my various actionBeans (to their defaulthandlers). ...
monojohnny's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Random Hibernate Exception when using Java 8 ParallelStream in Action Bean

In my Action Bean I load Entities from a database, use data from those Entities to create new EntityObjects using Java 8 ParallelStream, and store those EntityObjects in a List for later use on a web ...
darksmurf's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

create an invoice stripe using google app script

Hi I followed this documentation regarding on creating an invoice on stripe it says here that The ID of the customer who will be billed. so I created a test customer manually on stripe and now I ...
Ginxxx's user avatar
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0 answers

Call JavaScript function in Strut 2

Good day all, I have a html code to call function to do date time picker in Stripes framework which is working fine, the code is as follow : <td class="value" align="left"> <s:text name=...
Panadol Chong's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Multiple file upload(stripes)

I am trying to make a file upload that will accept multiple files using the stripes framework. I have a single file upload working. I am trying to understand the Documentation for multiple file upload....
Sionnach733's user avatar
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2 answers

Maven 3: Stripes Archetype - cannot create project?

I'm following this guide: I run the following command, which reports BUILD SUCCESS: mvn install:...
monojohnny's user avatar
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