Questions tagged [sublimetext3]

DO NOT USE THIS TAG UNLESS YOUR QUESTION IS SPECIFICALLY ABOUT SUBLIME TEXT ITSELF. Do not tag your IDE or source code editor in questions about unrelated topics. Please make sure you are running Sublime Text version 3 (note that version 4 was released in May 2021 and should be tagged sublimetext4). Sublime Text 3 is a multi-language, multi-platform code editor, developed by Jon Skinner. It has a Python API to allow plugins for augmented functionality.

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2 answers

"Unbound module Pervasives" error when using OCaml build system in Sublime Text 3

I'm trying to create a build system for OCaml in sublime text 3 on Windows 8.1. I installed OCaml via opam in Cygwin and typed the following into the OCaml.sublime-build file: { "cmd": ["C:/OCaml64/...
largecats's user avatar
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Specify a color scheme for specified file type

I want to use Monokai as my default Color Scheme. For JSON files I want to use the Monokai JSON+ Color Scheme. Question: How do I specify which color scheme to use for a specified file type?
Bret Royster's user avatar
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Sublime Text breaks after tree view refreshment and requires an OS reboot to work again (Linux)

I'm currently struggling with a bug(?), which completely breaks Sublime after some time of using it and requires a complete OS reboot to make it work again. The only correlation I found so far is that ...
Marcello Mönkemeyer's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to move data from sorted to unsorted JSON file? [closed]

I have two big JSON files, one of them is sorted alphabetically, and the second one is not. I want to move data from sorted one, to unsorted. How can I do that?
curious's user avatar
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Sublime text 3 settings doesn't reloads until restarting it

Sublime text 3 doesn't refreshes the folder tree or the reflects the output file changes or reflects the changes in the settings immidiately. I have c++ build system setup on sublime which takes input ...
Bhavit Sharma's user avatar
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Error in setting up Sublime text 3 to run and compile java on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I am new to Sublime Text 3 and I want to run and compile java code on Sublime Text 3. However, I am getting this weird error: /bin/bash: javac: command not found [Finished in 0.0s with exit code 127]...
akash yadav's user avatar
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How to make vim with tree representation for indents, similliar to result of terminals "tree" command?

I'm looking for some way to connect indets into tree structure similliar to the one used by terminal tree command. Something that interprets the indents in same way tree interprets file system. ...
Zerg Overmind's user avatar
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Intellisense on object using special comments

In Sublime or VS Code you can define a special comment (DocBlockr or JSDocs as example) that Intellisense will recognize en give you smart tooltip functionality. I have a function which takes an ...
Guido Visser's user avatar
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Find and replace specific number that matches pattern without changing the whole string

i'm using Sublime text 3 search function with regular expressions enabled. I have a big text file, that has text strings surrounded by square brackets in it. For example: blah blah bla bhal [e9] blah ...
iColdBeZero's user avatar
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Transpiled .js files in repo

I'm using this repo to work on a project, and everything is working fine. I'm using Sublime Text as my editor and due to a some combination of keys that I don't know now, I caused the editor to start ...
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With ESLint running in SublimeLinter, is it possible to change the colors for warnings/errors from different plugins?

I'm using a variety of ESLint plugins to develop my application, and it would be immensely useful for me to get SublimeLinter to display a different color for warnings/errors coming from particular ...
thisissami's user avatar
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RegEx: Best way to search and replace $!esc.html($!{XYZ})

I have inherited a project that includes html email templates and the text files that get sent along with it. The back-end puts it all together, so that it's a multipart email message in the end. In ...
Shawn Spencer's user avatar
3 votes
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How to install and build CodeIntel with Pip for Sublime Text

I'm trying to install CodeIntel on my Mac for use with SublimeCodeIntel, but I'm getting an error. I'm running: MacOS Sierra (10.12.5) Python 2.7.10 PIP 9.0.1 When I run: pip install --upgrade --...
MarketHubb's user avatar
10 votes
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Sublime text 3 misinterpreting indentation when code is pasted

Love Sublime text, though I have come across an issue which seems to be an inconsistent issue when copying code. I used tab for indentation, and when I need to copy over code, it seems to attempt to ...
Patrick McDermott's user avatar
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No Output is showing on Sublime text Python Program [duplicate]

I want to run a simple simple print function in python with sublime text. My Python.sublime-build looks like this: `"cmd": [C:\\Users\\Proteeti\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python36-32\\python....
Proteeti Prova's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

multiple syntax highlighting in sublimetext 3 with .sublime-syntax file type

I'm using zk framework and I need to do a sublime-syntax file that highlights in XML syntax, but in the zscript snippet uses java syntax highlighting and in style context uses CSS syntax. This is an ...
Marco Mazzon's user avatar
3 votes
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Sublime Text : Open folder in new window instead of the current one

I am using sublime text 3 on Mac OS. When I have one tab open and try to open a folder, it gets opened in the same window. Like this: How can I change this behaviour to open a new folder in a new ...
Pravesh Jain's user avatar
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Sublime Regex Search and Replace

Trying to use Sublime to update the urls of only some lines in a sql table dump. in this case the line that I need to single out has the string 'themo_showcase_\d_image' which is easy to match. In ...
Nebri's user avatar
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How do I insert an image path quickly in markdown using sublime text

I am writing some markdown file which will show some images in another directory. The directory structure is like the following: D:\NUTSHARE\PERSONAL_NOTE ├─daily_note ├─images ├─misc ├─resources └─...
jdhao's user avatar
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SublimeREPL: How can I automatically close (or restart) the previous console when rebuilding?

I recently switched to using Sublime Text as my Python IDE, and have since installed REPL. In order to re-use the same tab when running my code, I made a few edits repl_python_run command in my ...
acquisto2's user avatar
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Sublime Text consecutive snippets

Whenever I type a keyword and press tab to use my snippet, I have to place the cursor somewhere else with a mouse click to use another snippet. Thats not good at all. I want to be able to type tk;tab ...
Donvini's user avatar
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Sublime text find only <? character

Is there a way to get all content <? but not <?php or <?= in sublime text? I tried <? \n, it doesn't give me the desired results.
FreshPro's user avatar
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JSHint - ES6 configuration is not working in global

Almost seven hours in a row, I tried everything, but it still does not want to work in a global mode with syntax es6 ~_~
Yu Da Chi's user avatar
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Enable Autosave files plugin on Sublime Startup

How can the AutoSave plugin for Sublime Text be automatically enabled on Sublime Text 3 startup? link to auto-save is here
Ahmed Nawaz Khan's user avatar
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Can't get user input using Rust Enhanced package on Sublime Text 3

I've installed Rust Enhanced package on Sublime Text 3 and everything works just fine until I try to get user input!. As you can see in the next picture when I print Hello World! and press enter ...
Rain's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3 - CSS Autocomplete WITHOUT typing property value

So I know autocomplete works great when you start typing a value. For example, the second you type the "c" in text-align:center, the available autocomplete values pop up (such as center, left, right). ...
user1610904's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to "exclude" a blank space from RegExp grouping?

Context I am a front-end developer working on ExtJS framework, and for purpose of speed, I created a lot of Sublime Text 3's Snippets to agilize the work. The models of a task, comes from the back-end ...
Paulo Roberto Rosa's user avatar
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NASM entering the name program never exits

section .data tekst db "Unesite ime" ispis db "Uneseno " section .bss name resb 16 section .text global _start _start: call _ispisTekst call _unijetIme call _ispisIme ...
Zaim Busuladzic's user avatar
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How to setup Xdebug in Sublime Text 3?

I'm using Linux 16.04, my PHP version is 7.0 and version of Sublime Text is 3.0. I followed few tutorials on the topic but none became fruitful to me. In my case after pressing Ctrl + Shift + P, ...
P S's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3 FileBrowser plugin: how to open in new tab by default

I am using the Sublime Text 3 FileBrowser for file navigation on keyboard. While usually I open files in new tabs, with FileBrowser, it opens On the official documentation (
Claire's user avatar
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Sublime text 3 - Change color of php tags

Simple question but I can't figure it out. I just can't find a guide to help with this. How do I can the color of tags,variables, methods in Sublime text 3? Thanks :)
Richy's user avatar
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MySQL Connector not Working: NO module named Connector

OS: Ubuntu 17.10 Python: 2.7 SUBLIME TEXT 3: I am trying to import mysql.connector, ImportError: No module named connector Although, when i try import mysql.connector in python shell, it works. ...
Vaibhav Rathi's user avatar
1 vote
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How to AutoComplete my Functions in Sublime Text 3

In a code like: def Add(a,b): return a+b I write: Add( And I want to see something like: have to give "a" value and "b" value For example: Example in IDLE I have installed ...
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Sublime Text: word wrap toggle from menu disabling syntax specific settings

How do I return to a world where the User customized syntax specific settings are controlling the word wrap? Sublime Text 3, Max OSX El Capitan. Here is my User settings file: # User/Shell-Unix-...
Merlin's user avatar
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g++ is not recognised as an internal or external command in Sublime text

I have set the system path properly and have tried doing this several times. But I keep getting the error that g++ is not recognized as an internal or external command The full error message is: ...
rithvik36's user avatar
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Is there anyway to set individual colour of folders in Sublime Text 3

It would be fantastic if I could to set the colour of certain folders to aid in visual separation and navigation. Such as /public to red, /resources to blue. I'm used to Photoshop's ability to do ...
Jquestions's user avatar
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Sublime text 3 auto-match asterisks and backticks in markdown

When editing a markdown file, I would like to make asterisks and backticks behave like parentheses. For instance, I have made a selection and I press *, I would like the selection to be enclosed ...
shreyasminocha's user avatar
-2 votes
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Branch with specific files in git

So,here is my dilemma!I am a novice in python and web development but I have been developing a web app from considerable amount of time like a year by looking at various tutorial and online courses.I ...
code_tinkerer's user avatar
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i want sublime tab width to be 2 to for .rb files and 4 for .js files

Is there a way to edit the Preferences.sublime-settings file to reflect different settings depending on the file type? Here is the code I currently have in the file. { "detect_indentation": false,...
Timmy Von Heiss 's user avatar
3 votes
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Sublime Text 3 Creating Plugin adding external python libraries

So I'm trying to create a plugin and execute it with the context menu. In my plugin, I want to make use of the mechanical soup module. I have configured the Context.sublime-menu file as follows to ...
StarLlama's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3 Word Wrap (set as default) no longer working

These are my sublime text custom settings: { "auto_complete_triggers": [ { "characters": ".", "selector": "source.js" } ], "auto_match_enabled"...
KeyC0de's user avatar
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Appending values to start in sublime

I wanted to append 360 10056 to my values below.I have large set of values .If there is any plugin in sublime? 176810 f0101bde-2f34-41d5-bbaa-b20082e6c6ec 07F2BBA0-205A-47B0-9AD5-...
shreyas kumar's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Sublime Text 3 Custom Layout

I want a custom layout for my ST3 - specifically, I want this layout structure. Can someone tell me how can I do it ?
Alex Hunter's user avatar
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Correct $PATHs on .bash_profile for npm packages (Sublime)

So I think I somehow messed up my $PATH settings and now only some of my Sublime Text packages are working. For example, I just added Minify (globally), and I can see it in the packages dropdown menu ...
PartyRichter's user avatar
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Sublime text: How to disable automatching 'quotes'

Here's my problem: In common lisp, a 'single quote' is not used for strings and thus doesn't come in pairs with another quote, so sublime text auto-inserting another quote does more harm than good. ...
umnikos's user avatar
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26 votes
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Ignore node_modules from file search in Sublime 3

I want to ignore anything in node_modules folder when I'm searching for a file name. I tried: In preferences > package control > package settings > user - settings I included: "...
Mark's user avatar
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4 answers

Commenting out JSX in Sublime Text 3?

For months now I've been frustrated by the lack of commenting (command + /) in JSX. Is this possible?
Alex Bollbach's user avatar
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sublime text 3 not sending code to sublimeREPL

I installed Sublime Text 3. I installed Package Control, R-Box, SendText, SendCode, sublimeREPL, and 1337 Color Scheme. To test that REPL R is working I ran the code: getwd() The output was R:/...
DU_ds's user avatar
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Find and remove first child element from all HTML files

I would like to know how/if I can use any code editor (like Brackets, Sublime or Dreamweaver) to find and remove the first child element. The HTML structure looks like this: <div class="parent-...
Florin Simion's user avatar
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Delimiting quick-open path with fullstops in Sublime Text 3?

I'm making the move to ST3, and I'm having some trouble. I'd like to be able to delimit the quick-open filepath (⌘ + T) with periods instead of slashes or spaces. However, I can't find the setting to ...
chrabyrd's user avatar
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