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Is the distribution of an odd function symmetric?

An odd function is defined as, f(x) = -f(-x), which suggests that it has same distribution for positive and negative values. In other words, it seems that the distribution p_f(y) = p_f(-y). This seems ...
Chanu Yang's user avatar
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complex eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix

I am solving a standard eigenvalue problem Ax =lambda x, where A is a real symmetric matrix. A is perfectly symmetric and can be decomposed into LL.T using cholesky decompositon, suggesting A is ...
Pukhraj Sahu's user avatar
-2 votes
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Easy way to store SciPy sparse symmetric matrix in a local file, load it into shared memory (shm), and reconstruct it from shm?

Easy way to store the upper diagonal (including the diagonal) of a SciPy sparse matrix in a local file, load the file into shared memory (shm), and reconstruct the sparse matrix from the shm? ChatGPT ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Matrix reconstruction by SVD in tensorflow

Suppose A is a symmetric matrix whose SVD is A= USV^T, and let B = U\sqrt{S}V^T, then B^2 should be equal to A. But when I implemented it using tensorflow, B^2 and A does not match. Highly appreciated ...
Evergreen's user avatar
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Symmetric projection method (Geometric integration on manifolds)

I am studying the transition of numerical methods from the classical setting to the manifold case in the context of geometric numerical integration. Precisely, I am studying the paper "GEOMETRIC ...
ececececec's user avatar
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SymmetricDS - Detected losing row for batch [[batch]] for missing foreign key parent [[table]]: [[id]]

I'm having an issue with SymmetricDS when it comes to sync. So the issue is as follows, I have an HQ (1) and one Agency (2). This issue does not happen in the HQ --> Agency route, and only in the ...
RedNet's user avatar
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2 answers

Compute symmetric matrix of a large file size using awk

I have an OD matrix (origin-destination matrix) written in list form, like this inputfile.csv: "origin_id","destination_id","trips" "0","0","20&...
ElTitoFranki's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Compute symmetric matrix of a large file with awk

I have an OD matrix (origin-destination matrix) written in list form, like this inputfile.csv: "origin_id","destination_id","trips" "0","0","20&...
ElTitoFranki's user avatar
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2 answers

Convert a vector to a symmetric hollow matrix in Matlab

I would like to convert a vector to a symmetric hollow matrix but I am not really familiar with Matlab. For example: r2 = randi(10,276,1); and convert it into a symmetric hollow matrix, so a ...
labgeek's user avatar
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Why do I not get a symmetric matrix

expected symmetric matrix Why is the resulting matrix not symmetrical? Jim Hand multiplication gives a matrix that is not symmetrical
jekain314's user avatar
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How to generate an orthogonal symmetric matrix?

I want to create an orthogonal symmetric matrix of size 5 and size 6. Is there a way for me to generate this type of matrix? An orthogonal symmetric matrix is when a matrix A is equal to its transpose ...
user20772188's user avatar
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I there a possibility to limit the values needed, in list comprehension for my function "isSymmetric", which determines if relations are symmetric?

I have a problem in the code for my function isSymmetric, which tests if a relation is symmetric. In the following, I am going to describe my problem further. It is important to mention that I am only ...
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Symmetric django model

I want to create a model, which is symmetric on two fields. Let's call the model Balance: class Balance (models.Model): payer = models.ForeignKey(auth.User, ...) payee = models.ForeignKey(auth....
koPytok's user avatar
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Calculating center of symmetry between zones in a image in Matlab

I have images such as below (I am pasting only a sketch here) where I want to calculate the center of symmetry and the displacement between the 2 marked zones in the image(Marked in Red and blue). ...
iyer's user avatar
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2 answers

symmetry matrix behavior on R 4.1

I want to test the symmetry of matrices in R 4.1.1. I have a dataframe and then I convert it to a matrix. The data type with class() function returns now both a "matrix" and an "array&...
peixe's user avatar
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Recursive Anti-Symmetrical Counter SML

This is an anti-symmetrical recursive function that will take a list of pairs If the list is anti-symmetrical then an empty list will return and if the list is symmetrical it will return only the two ...
jwolf's user avatar
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Data structure for indirect symmetrical synonym

I have a set of synonyms for example like this: big large large huge small little apple banana Meaning big is a synonym for large, large is synonym for huge, small for little, apple for banana and ...
choki1708's user avatar
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Symmetric ds skipping batches issue

I'm facing an Skipping batches issues with my symmetric ds setup,don't know the exact reason behind this because its not having the same pattern but when this event happened the data getting ...
Suraj Sawant's user avatar
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5 answers

How do I make a symmetric matrix using R?

I am trying to make a symmetric matrix using R. I already have a matrix. My matrix is very big so below is a simple example. EX. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I need to make them like this. 1 2+4 3+7 4+2 5 ...
Mir's user avatar
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TSQL -- Does ordering of on clause matter

For the simplified query: Select t1.c1, t1.c2, t2.d1 FROM table1 t1 LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON (t1.c1 = t2.d2) It seems from math by the symmetric property that this would be exactly the same as if one ...
JosephDoggie's user avatar
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Take Symmetrical Mean of a tibble (ignoring the NAs)

I have a tibble where the rows and columns are the same IDs and I would like to take the mean (ignoring the NAs) to make the df symmetrical. I am struggling to see how. data <- tibble(group = ...
zimia's user avatar
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use 2 private keys to encrypt content that could not be accessed by single key owner

I need to provide a security mechanism like one used in the "2-key nuke button" of nuclear submarines movies :D. I need to encrypt files that no-one could decrypt, neighter the one owning ...
Federico Allegretti's user avatar
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How to efficiently check that a matrix is symmetric with respect to the secondary diagonal

I know how to check for the main diagonal symmetry. for (line=0;line<size;line++) for (column=0;column<size;column++) if (matrix[line][column]!=matrix[column][line]) ...
aku jack's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to check if a binary tree has mirror symmetery in its stucture (not values)

I am asked to write a recursive algorithm which checks if a binary tree has mirror symmetry in its structure (not values). For example: 1 / \ / \ / \ 3 5 /...
mohelt's user avatar
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Why the Symmetrix matrix is showing not symmetric in R?

I have the following matrix (covariance matrix) that is used to generate multivariate normal random variables using the rmvnorm(1,mean_vec_mis,var_mat_mis,) function. > var_mat_mis X1 ...
MNU's user avatar
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Fortran + BLAS: Full symmetric rank-1 update / mirror a matrix block along the diagonal

I have a general matrix with a symmetric block, say, M = [ x, v^T u, A ] where A is the symmetric block, and u,v are some column vectors. I would like to perform a symmetric rank-1 update on ...
jinzx10's user avatar
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Subset a distance matrix in R by values

I have a very large distance matrix (3678 x 3678) currently encoded as a data frame. Columns are named "1", "2", "3" and so on, the same for rows. So what I need to do is ...
Nancy's user avatar
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How to populate a square, symmetric DataFrame with elements from a Series based on pair names?

In the following empty DataFrame, which is a square, symmetric matrix, df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((6,6)), index=names, columns=names) df looks like MCD VZ JPM PG WBA NKE MCD 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...
develarist's user avatar
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How to not repeat permutations of i and j in “i not equal to j” loop in Python?

An exhaustive “i not equal to j” loop typically starts out as for i in range(t): for j in range(t): if i is not j: To avoid repeating symmetric results (i.e. any i with j just gives the ...
develarist's user avatar
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3 answers

Recursive function to check if a matrix is symmetric

I have an assignment to implementthe matrix class and a method that checks if the matrix is symmetric. The method has to be recursive and then I have to calculate its complexity. After I have to ...
Jonathan Zinzan Salisbury Vega's user avatar
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How to build a covariance matrix from eigen vectors wtih the same size

I have 2 eigen vectors sets X and Y with size=(7,7) (so 7 eigen vectors of 7 components). I am looking for a way to build a covariance matrix from these 2 eigen vectors sets. In a first time, I did ...
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Racket: How can I fix my code so that it will return all the flipped pairs that is missing?

This function should return the symmetric closure of L. Examples: (Symmetric-Closure'((a a) (a b) (b a) (b c) (c b))) ---> '((a a) (a b) (b a) (b c) (c b)) (Symmetric-Closure'((a a) (a b) (a c))) -...
user14581149's user avatar
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Normalize a symmetric matrix by fixing unique diagonal value

I have a symmetric matrix a for which the diagonal elements can be different. >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.array([[3, 7, 6], [7, 2, 5], [6, 5, 1]]) >>> a array([[3, 7, ...
user14340851's user avatar
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2 answers

Does HTTPS use Asymmetric or Symmetric encryption?

I have searched all this morning but I've found websites where it is said that data is sent through an asymmetric encryption using the TLS protocol. Then I found the contrary. Please can you tell me ...
CrazyGamerYT55's user avatar
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Cannot get symmetric key from keychain

Try to create and retreive a symmetric key from keychain : Add the key let key = Data(repeating: 0xee, count: 32) let name = "test" let attributes = [ kSecAttrKeyType: ...
Stephane's user avatar
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Create a symmetric matrix from circular shifts of a vector

I'm struggling with the creation of a symmetric matrix. Let's say a vector v <- c(1,2,3) I want to create a matrix like this: matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 3, c(1,2,3,2,3,1,3,1,2), byrow = FALSE) ...
noriega's user avatar
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Generating a Strongly Symmetric Matrix in Numpy

Any ideas on how to efficiently generate an arbitrary numpy array of fixed dimensions (n,m) where all the rows are permutations of each other and all the columns are permutations of each other (i.e. ...
Samuel Liebana's user avatar
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Efficient way to create dictionary of symmetric matrix with colum-row pair as key, and corresponding value in matrix as value

I want to create a dictionary in the form of (row, column): value, from a symmetric matrix (like a distance matrix) as depicted below, whithout taking into account the NaN values or zeros (zeros is ...
kyra's user avatar
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How to set palette symmetric gnuplot

Do you know how to set a symmetric palette color ? I mean dark/blue for z=0, red/orange z=1.5 and z=-1.5 and yellow z=3 z=-3 with still a gradient color between color level. If you have any ideas ...
Suntory's user avatar
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Is there a way to generate random square matrixes until there is one that is symmetric? (C)

What I need to do is internally create a random matrix of 3>=n>=8 rows and columns, the program should do so until it finds one that is diagonally symmetric, and then print it, the random numbers must ...
Daniel Rodriguez's user avatar
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How to manually determine if a matrix is symmetric?

I tried to test if the matrix is symmetric, but this doesn't work. > View(new.function) > View(new.function) > new.function <- function(a){ + for(i in 1:nrow(a)){ + for(j in 1:...
jay's user avatar
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How to create a symmetric matrix in R counting how often two columns have the same values?

Suppose I have a dataframe like this: ID sp1 sp2 sp3 1 NA 1 1 2 0 0 1 3 1 NA 0 4 1 1 1 Here is what I wanted to get: ID 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 0 2 2 1 1 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 4 2 1 1 3 ...
YannZ's user avatar
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I don't know how to chech if a string is symmetric or not in mips

i'am new at StackOverFlow, i get into trouble and i need your help. I'am student and i need to write a MIPS program that checks if one string is symmteric. *sample symmetric strings : ana, asddsa, ...
Filip Gorgievski's user avatar
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OWL:SymmetricProperty not give the desired result

I have similar it's owl:SymmetricProperty <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#similar"> <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/> <rdfs:...
amiar's user avatar
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Divide integer into an "as symmetric array as possible" in python3

I'm trying to split a Integer into an "as symmetric array as possible" in python3 but just doesn't seem to get it right. The desired input/output can be described by this Data Pattern Table. # data ...
Grebtsew's user avatar
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Calculate if two lines are symmetrical

I'm developing an app to check if a draw is symmetric or not. All the users line are stored into an ArrayList composed by a list of points, structured as well: private ArrayList<ArrayList<Pair&...
Babbara's user avatar
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Creating a symmetric array with power of an element

I am trying to create an array which is symmetric with elements placed as below I have written the following code to get this form with parameter being 0.5 and dimension being 4-by-4. import numpy ...
learner's user avatar
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ASP.NET Symmetric Encryption of string - getting the value System.IO.MemoryStream instead of encrypted name

I am doing a symmetric encryption of a field in a database "name", just to test it. I have never done it so I'm kinda new to this. I am getting the inputted name by the user, encrypting it using a ...
Rick Astley's user avatar
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Should autoencoders be symmetric?

I always find myself wanting to make the decoder side of an autoencoder as symmetric as possible with respect to the encoder side, because it feels like an "elegant" design decision. But I suspect ...
etotheipi's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to find the biggest symmetric word using Python in quick way?

I have a text like this: a ab aba bob dod doood zoroz rar goog bnb and I want to find the biggest symmetric word in this text. How can I do it? I'm looking for the fastest way possible.
Keivan's user avatar
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