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CDS View Table functions Abap Class consume with parameters

I want to select data through a class method implemented in ABAP class. This method takes parameters from the defined table function to filter on POnumber and POitem. Goal is to call this table ...
Sebius's user avatar
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SQL Conditional Logic for BigQuery

I am creating a TVF on my BigQuery which will allow me to take in two date arguments. Based on the date logic, I want to run and return different SQLs. Pseudo code is below- CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE ...
ricardo's user avatar
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3 answers

pass values from a table into oracle table funcion in SQL

I have create or replace TYPE t_process_teilenummer_tab AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(4000); create or replace FUNCTION process_teilenummer ( Teilenummer IN CLOB ) RETURN t_process_teilenummer_tab ...some ...
Pato's user avatar
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Use a Select Statement for Variable Values

In SQL, I have a table function created which, in its definition, includes a variable called @customerid. Therefore, select statements need to include (@customerid). When performing a select statement ...
Data_Science_Mick's user avatar
-4 votes
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Function that receive table name as input variable to be used in CROSS APPLY

I need to create a Db function that returns a list of GUID, but from different tables. So I'm trying to create a db function, that get as input the name of the table, and return a list (table with ...
ff8mania's user avatar
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I am trying to create a UDTF in Snowflake but I get an error on RETURNS TABLE even though it matches the syntax

Alex Markides's user avatar
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bigquery sql table function with string interpolation

I am trying to write a BigQuery SQL function / stored procedure / table function that accepts as input: a INT64 filter for the WHERE clause, a table name (STRING type) as fully qualified name e.g. ...
TPPZ's user avatar
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Use table function to perform actions on every row of data

I have a query that returns multiple records based on the Number ID (parameter) passed into it. I would like to create a table function which takes in "num_id" (number datatype) as a ...
seba1685's user avatar
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Create Dynamic Query in SAP using Table Function

I am trying to create Dynamic SQL query using Table Function, so that it can be consumed in ABAP CDS views. For same I have developed an ABAP Class & defined a method "Get_data". CLASS-...
Urvish's user avatar
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How to insert data from the function into another table using procedure in oracle

I would like to insert the return type of a function into a table using a procedure. Function is returning a collection as its output. We are calling that function from a select statement inside the ...
karthick_senthilnathan's user avatar
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Unexpected behaviour using table functions over multivalued columns with same length

Using table functions I thought that you get new rows associated with the current row, each new row may have more than one column, and each column contains a single value of the values contained in ...
Victor's user avatar
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Oracle 12c table function to select subset of rows with FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED

I have a requirement to return a subset of rows from a table using FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED. Based on application parameters this subset may or may not be ordered by a column. I can't use ROWNUM since ...
andrepnh's user avatar
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How can I enable the "GROUP BY" aggregation dimension as the input for a function created in BigQuery

I need to create a table with the same aggregations at multiple different levels in BigQuery, for example: SELECT dimension_a, dimension_b, SUM(value) AS value FROM mydataset.table GROUP BY ...
Tsunamisabella's user avatar
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snowflake UDTF update array at specific index

i'm very new to JS especially in snowflake and i am trying to achieve a very simple thing - i would like to update an array according to an index for each row. this is my code: CREATE TABLE T1(C1 INT);...
pawelek69420's user avatar
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Snowflake table and generator functions does not give expected result

I tried to create a simple SQL to track query_history usage, but got into trouble when creating my timeslots using the table and generator functions (the CTE named x below). I got no results at all ...
whetstone's user avatar
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AnyLogic: Is it possibile to multiple/sum/subtract/...respectively link two TableFunctions in AnyLogic?

I have two TableFunctions f1: arguments1 -> values1 and f2: arguments2 -> values2 given via their arguments[] and values[] arrays. I want to link them to a new TableFunction g, so that: The ...
DynamiX's user avatar
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How to return thousands of ids from a function accepting input to a select query

Create or replace function f(v_input nvarchar2) Return t_table Is v_table t_table; BEGIN Select id bulk collect into v_table from table1 where "USER"=v_input ; Return v_table; End; / ...
Xyz's user avatar
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Crosstable on multiple rows in PostgreSQL

Hi I want to know how can do a pivot table with crosstable in a table like: user_id action time 1 a 2022-01-01 12:30 1 b 2022-01-01 12:40 1 b 2022-01-01 12:50 1 c 2022-01-01 13:00 1 c 2022-01-01 ...
Alí Meres Vargas's user avatar
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Bigquery - parametrize tables and columns in a stored procedure

Consider an enterprise that captures sensor data for different production facilities. per facility, we create an aggregation query that averages the values to 5min timeslots. This query exists out of ...
Olivier Thierie's user avatar
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How can I write a pivot that takes this form of data to the result desired?

I have a table that looks like this CREATE TABLE foo (id, name, category) AS VALUES ( 1, 'name1.1', 'cat1.1.1'), ( 1, 'name1.2', 'cat1.1.1'), ( 1, 'name1.3', 'cat1.2.1'), ( 2, 'name2.1', 'cat2....
John Doe's user avatar
-4 votes
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Possible to create a function that returns more than one column?

Does SQL have the concept of a function that returns multiple columns, outside of a table function? Here would be an example: SELECT id, SPLIT_NAME(name, ' ') FROM table And I want the ...
David542's user avatar
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How to use DDL statements inside java script UDTF in snowflake

I am trying to use DDL statement like select columns from tables inside java script UDTF.. I am able to achive inside plain UDTF as below create function returntable() returns table(COL1 varchar(...
Santhosh's user avatar
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How do you install the PostgreSQL tablefunc extension?

I am not able to run the following command in my PostgreSQL server: CREATE EXTENSION tablefunc; When I run this command, I get the following error message: ERROR: could not open extension control ...
Blake Bell's user avatar
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SQL: Apply and union table function recursively

I'm using SQL Server Management Studio 18. I have a function that takes a table name as a parameter and outputs a table with info about other tables that have the same columns in it. Each table has a ...
jebk's user avatar
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Oracle - Grouping Sets and Pipelined Table Functions (expected NUMBER got ROW)

I'm working on a report with summary logic using GROUPING SETS, but I'm getting this error: SELECT c1, c2, c3, SUM(c4) AS MySum FROM TABLE(get_data()) src GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((c1, c2, c3), (c1, c2)...
ravioli's user avatar
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Oracle - Table function that returns dynamic column names

I'm building a report that should generate a dynamic list of columns based on the requested years, i.e. 2000 to 2002. The user should be able to run the report via a SELECT statement like so: SELECT *...
ravioli's user avatar
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Oracle - Return a result set via a SELECTable function without explicit object / table types

I'm trying to find a simple and easy-to-maintain way to return a result set via a function that can be referenced in a SELECT statement like this: SELECT u.UserId, u.UserName, up.ProfileName FROM ...
ravioli's user avatar
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Insert into table collection type in table function without using explicit cursor in PL/SQL

I write the following code in PL/SQL and it works: declare type deliveryStat_o IS record ( warehouseName varchar2(20), shipMode char(30), thirty_days number, sixty_days number, ...
surabhi gupta's user avatar
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how to calculate the lift value of table in R?`

library(readr) data1<-read_csv(".../file1") data2<-read_csv(".../file2") table2<-table(data1$`_SEGMENT_`,data2$`_SEGMENT_`,data1$Subscribed) This is the frequency table2 ...
Jason Liu's user avatar
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Create function that returns table in SQL

I wanted to create view with some logic like using (for loop , if .. else) but since that's not supported in SQL I thought of creating table function that takes no parameter and returns a table. I ...
rav's user avatar
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How to edit records in SQL-Server stored procedure

I would like to know the secret of how SQL statements in SQL-Server go from being read-only to editable. Right click on any table, and the interface gives the option of "Selecting" or &...
PeterF's user avatar
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Table Function to get first row of MSEG in CDS view

I'm trying to build a CDS view that uses various fields from invoices in VBRK and VBRP. Another requirement is to display the price listed in the original purchase order (for example, I'm selling ...
susosaurus's user avatar
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How to overcome grouping() function not supported by HANA Table UDF?

I have written some custom logic in HANA anonymous block. I used grouping function somewhere in the middle as a core. It worked well and the result was satisfying. Once I tried to industrialize it ...
wounky's user avatar
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Get the last entered rows of each distinct value of a column

Let the a table be: Product ID | Date of Sale | Time of Sale | Buyer ID | ... ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 | 2019-01-09 | ...
Chronus's user avatar
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How to retrieve multiple result rows in a Postgres functions?

Actually I just want to return more than one result rows by using the code below. But I have received only one row of the result set while calling the function (Date is not an issue because I have ...
abraham's user avatar
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Consuming Oracle Table Function from Stored Procedure

I'm working with an ERP database that stores a lot of data in multi-year tables. (Each new year a new table is created to hold the data for that year) We have a requirement to be able to query and ...
PlasmaX's user avatar
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Is there any way to call PostgreSQL tablefunc module in R?

I have some PostgreSQL/PostGIS tablefunc queries that I want to call in R environnement. Is there any way to perform this? Ex : dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM CROSSTAB( 'SELECT factor1, factor2, ...
Rob Lucas's user avatar
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Dynamic Oracle Table Function for use in Tableau

We have a large amount of data in an Oracle 11g server. Most of the engineers use Tableau for visualizing data, but there is currently not a great solution for visualizing straight from the Oracle ...
HudsonMC's user avatar
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DB2 - how to call a stored procedure that returns a result set in another user defined table function

I have a db2 stored procedure that takes in some parameters, gets some data from somewhere and then returns a result set through a cursor. Now I want to write a table function in db2, that will call ...
Carrington C's user avatar
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Why is the performance of table value function better than select direct statement?

I use AdventureWorks2012 and do a test. and my question: Why is SELECT statement directly performance lower than table values function. I only put SELECT statemnt into table value function and ...
rony Tran's user avatar
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Modifying Parameter in Table Value Function - Datetime - Local to UTC

I am working in a type 2 data vault and currently working on a function to try and simulate a data cube for certain users to do fast data pulls from specific snapshots. At the moment i can modify ...
Dheebs's user avatar
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SQL Server 2012: Procedure is taking very long time to execute when I call a function within it with parameters but it doesn't if a pass raw values

I am asking wondering if any of you can help me with ideas. You see, I am tuning a store procedure, call it proc1, and it calls internally a table function. The procedure have a table input parameter (...
Negarrak's user avatar
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Check existence of given text in a table

I have a course code name COMP2221. I also have a function finder(int) that can find all codes matching a certain pattern. Like: select * from finder(20004) will give: comp2211 comp2311 comp2411 ...
Lilac Liu's user avatar
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How to get dynamic number of columns in Postgresql crosstab

I'm new to the postgresql crosstab function and have tried out a few solutions here on SO but still stuck. So basically I have a query that result in an output like the one below: |student_name|...
Clint_A's user avatar
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Configure Entity Framework to call a SQL Server table function instead of a table on a specific entity

I have a table of entities (let's say documents), where each document may have a different entity connected to it (let's say permission). A permission has a foreign key to the document table. Example:...
Amir Popovich's user avatar
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two different operation in different cases sql table function

I want to program a function that sees how much time the client spent of time without paying the seller. My problem is that I'm kind of confused because this is the function that already programmed: ...
Azouz Rh's user avatar
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In PL/SQL how do you return the results of a query from a User-Defined Function?

I'm coming to Oracle 11g from SQL Server, and I'm trying to use SQL Developer to create a simple function (getIDs) that will return the results of a query (SELECT id FROM employee). Nothing that I've ...
Steven Edmunds's user avatar
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connectby of PostgreSQL gives invalid return type error

I'm trying to recreate the following connect by sql of Oracle's HR Schema in PostgreSQL. select employee_id, manager_id, lpad(' ',level*2,' ')||first_name name, level from employees start with ...
Varun Rao's user avatar
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DRG-10849 - Only when calling from higher level function

I have several tiers of table functions which are used to perform a search. I have a CTXCAT index on the relevant tables. When calling one particular function directly I recieve no errors and get the ...
Zach Ross-Clyne's user avatar
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How can I do this faster than cursor?

I have 2 tables: first is : dept second is : payment I want to compare these tables and make one result table . Tables include : table debt: customerid order amount 1 1 30 ...
CompEng's user avatar
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