Questions tagged [tabular]

Tabular indicates a display format that mimics a table entity.

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1 answer

How to split the long headings of a table in multiple lines using latex?

How to create a table using latex exactly as follows. The table has to fit 1 column in the 2 column page format but the table headings are too long and the content in the first column also too long. ...
Tina's user avatar
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Custom titlepage in LaTeX

I am trying to create a custom title page in LaTeX according to my organization's template (in Word). I managed to get close to it with the following code: \documentclass{report} \usepackage[a4paper,...
Alessandro's user avatar
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Tabularx behaves differently inside Tikz Node

I've created a tabularx table that behaves differently when I put it inside a Tikz node. My objective is to fully justify the text inside the cell. You will find my LaTeX code below. Sorry for ...
joelun37's user avatar
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User in two roles with rows security filters and object-level security filters

I am implementing a dynamic filter in roles that I have in my SSAS Tabular cube. I have a user that is in two different roles. If I test my data using this user only in one role everything returns as ...
Ricardo Castro's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to format result from csv file to look more like a table

How to format output into a table similar to below design while leaving out the unnecessary columns? I am working on the def two and it gives back the raw data I want but I dont know how to format it ...
bexi's user avatar
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SSAS Tabular Model - Size Reduction

I try to apply some optimization to reduce the overall size of my Tabular model. In many article, we can find that the best solution is to remove the unnecessary columns and split columns with high ...
msta42a's user avatar
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Cannot rename columns from a table/ list object. (python/tabular)

I've been struggling with this matter for 2 full days now due to my incompetence. After trying almost all stackoverflow and other solutions I could find sadly still no luck. I'm using Tabular-Py to ...
Texie's user avatar
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Recreating Excel pivot tables in R - tabular or qpvt

Here is a sample dataset of patient data (the actual one has ~26k rows). library(pivottabler) library(tables) library(tidyverse) df <- tribble( ~Patient, ~Physician, ~Specialty, ~Duration, ~...
tonybot's user avatar
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3 answers

How to css styling inside the slot in custom element?

I am applying table styles inside the shadowDOM custom element template, inside the slot, it's not accepting the table th and td CSS. class Table extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(...
Sanjith's user avatar
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SSAS MDX Calculated Members's equivalent in Tabular model

I am new in SSAS tabular and need your help. Is it possible and how to write the following MDX statement in DAX : CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures][Duration none justified] AS ([Event][EVT]&[...
dymo's user avatar
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Converting Text Tables Into CSVs in Python

I'm looking to convert tabular data into CSVs, but I'm hitting a roadblock when the table has rows with certain missing values. Input looks like the following table, systemd 1 ...
QuantAC's user avatar
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Getting actual memory usage per user session in SSAS tabular model

I'm trying to build a report which would show actual memory usage per user session when working with a particular SSAS tabular in-mem model. The model itself is relatively big (~100GB in mem) and the ...
sloggi's user avatar
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SSAS Tabular model performance problem under high pressure

In our company we have "office Monday", that means every office/shop/department (circa 2000+ distinct user) should generate their reports, especially shops (SSRS with connection to tabular ...
msta42a's user avatar
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How to clear cache ssas tabular

I had some problem with ssas model. becous the deployed model did not show the changes. I wana clear chache hope to solve the issue. But I do not know how to clear chache.
Zahra's user avatar
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SSAS Tabular Extended Events Session Randomly Deleted

SSAS Instance: 1200 Version: 13.2.5830.85 Hi I created an Extended Event on the Instance to minimally capture usage of our Tabular cubes (this blog was my guide
Danny McGreevy's user avatar
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White space in siunitx columns

I am trying to format a table of numbers with units using the siunitx package to align the numbers on the decimal. I am having trouble controlling the amount of white space that siunitx is allocating ...
Blair's user avatar
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Wrap Sentences in Tabular Environment [closed]

I'm using the tabular environment in Latex (Overleaf) and would like my text to wrap automatically and be justified. The closest I can get to this is to use the \\ syntax. This is laborious; further, ...
Collective Action's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I efficiently extract tabular data from a PDF in R?

I want to use R to efficiently extract tabular data from thousands of PDF documents. I would typically convert the PDF data to text strings and then extract information by position, but these specific ...
Nicholas George's user avatar
4 votes
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How to center text vertically in table cell in LaTex tabular environment?

I would like to center the text in each cell horizontally and vertically. With the code below, the text is centered horizontally but not vertically and appears at the top of the cells. Thanks in ...
Marie's user avatar
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DAX Counting Groups of Repetition in Row

Not long into my DAX understanding and i've hit a brickwall. I need to create a measure that counts if a RANDOM_PERSON_ID is repeated 5 times. So, my measure value with the test dataset should be 1 (...
Danny McGreevy's user avatar
-2 votes
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Move every 2nd and 3rd row to the end of the 1st row

I'm not really sure how to explain this one but I have a spreadsheet that i pulled into python with no headers, and the data pertaining to each unique id is grouped into rows of three so the columns ...
raleta2's user avatar
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How to remove extra space between rows in LaTex?

There is extra space between the 1st and 2nd bullet points on the right column. How can I remove it? Thanks in advance! \documentclass[jou]{apa7} \usepackage{tabularx} \begin{document} \begin{...
Marie's user avatar
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SSAS Tabular Process Add

first I´m sorry about my terrible english. But, Anyone knows if : Process Dimensions or Partitions using option "Process Add" in SSAS tabular bring the updates from source ? Or only new ...
Wellington Silva's user avatar
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SSAS tabular project does not show query mode options

I am working on a SSAS tabular model project in VS 2019 and deploying to a Azure Analysis Server. But I am not able to see the query mode option under deployment properties, can anybody help ? enter ...
user14044496's user avatar
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Extra space between text of first and second rows in LaTex tabular environment

How to remove the extra space between the text of the first and second rows? Thanks in advance! \documentclass[jou]{apa7} \usepackage{siunitx} \usepackage{textcomp} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{m{...
Marie's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Pdfplumber cannot recognise table python [duplicate]

I use Pdfplumber to extract the table on page 2, section 3 (normally). But it only works on some pdf, others do not work. For failed pdf files, it seems like Pdfplumber read the button table instead ...
Joan Mok's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to split a cell in a table in latex?

I am wanting to create a table as a header in LaTeX. 3 columns, the first cell must span two rows, the second cell must span two rows and the third cell must be split between the two rows. So 4 cells ...
Duncan William Gibbons's user avatar
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Printing dictionary as table with header in vertical column

I am quite new to Python and still figuring out how to use formatting properly. I have a bunch of data in a dictionary that I want to print as a table with headers in the left column. I did a lot of ...
Panda142308's user avatar
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Long text file (186 million lines) takes up too much space when parsed into a table format

I am running a simulation in Python3.7 that outputs a log file. This log file contains information for 4 columns that I want to extract ('Rank', 'Particle', 'Distance', 'Time'), however, the file is ...
Patrick's user avatar
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How do I sort a column which has a Text Data Format by another a column which has a Text Data Format in a Tabular Project in VS?

I have two columns "Accounting Period" and "Accounting Period Desc" in my Tabular Model as given below. The "Data Format" property of both the above columns are set to &...
Panchali Nanayakkara's user avatar
2 votes
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How to view Neural Network model internal architecture (embeds Module List) and (Layer) details in FastAi?

I am trying to view the internal architecture of my trained neural network in FastAi. My model is trained using FastAi Tabular. How can I view the internal details of the model? I need to see the ...
navin twinmos's user avatar
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Latex table too wide

The code below shows my table but its obviously too wide. I am not familiar with packages like tabularx or tabular* so I am really not sure how to adjust the table to make it properly fit on my page. ...
Ralf Ralfsen's user avatar
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How to convert a tabularx table into longtable in twocolumn class?

I have created a table. I used template of springer which has a \documentclass[twocolumn] class. the table is shown in the following figure: my code : \documentclass[twocolumn]{svjour3} % ...
stevGates's user avatar
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Exporting a tabular type object into a spreadsheet

I have data such as this: require(tables) varList <- 2:4 lapply(varList,function(x,df,byVar){ tabular((Factor(df[[x]],paste(colnames(df)[x])) + 1) ~ ((Factor(df[[byVar]],paste(byVar)))*((...
NewBee's user avatar
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Powershell - Display multiple columns from hash tables next to each other

My powershell code: $h1 = [ordered]@{ "item1" = "command1" "item2" = "command2" "item3" = "command3" "item4" = "command4" "item5" = "command5" } $h2 = [ordered]@{ "col1" = "...
howdoicode's user avatar
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2 answers

How to present tabular data using Python (and maybe pandas?)

I want to create a table (say in a Jupyter notebook) based on a function and the product of two lists. To give a concrete example, assuing my data is: rows = [1, 2, 3, 4] columns = [100, 200, 300] f =...
meto's user avatar
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Is tcolorbox compatible with tabular, tabularx?

Some combination betwen tcolorbox, listing and tabularx tabular do not compile. Is it possible to solve problem between tabular tabularx and tcolorbox and tabularx and listing? Is tcolorbox ...
Manmax's user avatar
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Android: Fixed-width numbers being shown (incorrectly) in API 29 and up

I've tried so many ways to dive into this issue but can't find a fix. Has anyone had something similar? On phones with API 29 and up, Android is showing our font with tabular (i.e. fixed-width/...
Codepunk's user avatar
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Read ASCII text tabular format into R - list format

I am trying to read an ASCI text file into R. The format however is a little difficult, with categorical variables appearing as a list name would, rather than as a variable in one large dataset. ...
MorrisseyJ's user avatar
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newcommandx in tabularx

I would like to make \newcommandx and \renewcommandx work in tabularx. In fact, when I call them inside the tabularx environment, they are ignored. Does anyone has a solution ? Here's a minimal ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Converting a Model.bim from SQL Server 2017 to 2019

I am new to tabular and I have created our first SSAS tabular model in 2017 ok and deployed it fine. We have now upgraded our server to 2019 so I am trying to change the Compatibility Level of this to ...
angus jordan's user avatar
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How to store all the tables from pdf file to excel sheet using python?

1.I am able to get all the tables of PDF file.. but when I want to store all table, only the last table get saved in my excel sheet. 2.How to deal with these Overwritten values. 3.for loop last ...
San's user avatar
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Create a sub-cube in SSAS Tabular

I have an SSAS Tabular Cube, which I refresh daily. It's big and not efficient for some use-cases. I want to create a sub-cube with filtered data and deploy it as a separate cube. How should I do it? ...
Egor Burlakov's user avatar
3 votes
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Centering LaTeX tabulars within enumeration/itemize

New to stack overflow, forgive me if I forget to include something... What I'm trying to do is get rid of this space above my centered Table (tabular environment). The problem is that if I do not ...
Diegovo's user avatar
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Correlation Table with Color alignment issue

I'm reproducing a previously asked question: Here is my latex code: \...
OliverZ's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2017 crashes when attempting to open an SSAS Tabular Model.bim file

I am on a Windows 7 64 bit machine running Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise 15.9.22, SQL Server Data Tools 15.1.62002.01090, SQL Server Management Studio 15.0.18330.0. I have been working on SQL Server ...
Tum's user avatar
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bert + text and structur data

For each instance, I have the text and tabular data. I was wondering if there is any way I can use Bert_classification and combine the result to classify the whole dataset without overfitting. Is ...
Sahar's user avatar
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Can I process SSAS tabular partitions in SSIS using the Separate Transactions transaction mode?

I'm using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) 2019 tabular (1500 compatibility) and I would like to process the model using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS using Visual Studio 2017 and SQL ...
Tum's user avatar
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3 answers

Find values in one column that have association with certain values in another column

I have the following example pandas dataframe: df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a1', 'a2', 'a4'], 'B': ['b1', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b6', 'b6']}) I want to find the values ...
Reveille's user avatar
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Print nested list in tabular form - Python (without Pandas) [duplicate]

This is what I have: list1 = [[7, 1, 0], [10, 2, 5], [6, 5, 9], [9, 9, 9], [1, 23, 12]] I want to print it like this in the output WITHOUT using pandas library: 7 1 0 10 2 5 6 5 9 9 9 9 1 23 12
vine_J's user avatar
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