Questions tagged [tail-recursion]

Tail recursion is a recursive strategy in which a function does some amount of work, then invokes itself. The "tail" refers to the fact that the recursion is at the very end of the function. Many -- especially functional -- programming language compilers can turn these types of calls into iteration, meaning tail recursion in supported languages can be used without fear of a stack overflow, regardless of the number of calls.

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3 votes
2 answers

Can tail recursion support shorten the stack for other function calls?

Can languages that support tail recursion apply the same technique to non-recursive function calls? For example, if the last thing that function foo does is return the value of calling bar, might ...
Nathan Long's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is this tail recursion?

I have tried to find examples of tail recursion and I really don't see the difference between regular and tail. If this isn't tail recursion, can someone tell me why its not? public static long fib(...
BluceRee's user avatar
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clang infinite tail recursion optimization

#include <iostream> int foo(int i){ return foo(i + 1); } int main(int argc,char * argv[]){ if(argc != 2){ return 1; } std::cout << foo(std::atoi(argv[...
cfy's user avatar
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5 votes
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F# tail recursive call

I have this code: let rec collect ( t : BCFile list ) ( acc : Set<BCFile> ) : Set<BCFile> = match t with | [] -> acc | hr::tl -> collect ( tl ) ( Set.union acc ( ...
phwp's user avatar
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8 votes
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Tailcalls in Mono

I have some code in F# that works fine under .net but overflows the stack under Mono. A related issue is that it seems to do so long before the stack space supposedly available to it runs out (it is ...
Joe Huha's user avatar
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1 answer

Multiple recursive calls inside if/else statements and tail recursion

I hope this question is not a dupe. It seems most questions refer to multiple recursive calls in one statement, ie.:return func(n - 1) * func(n - 2). My question involves multiple recursive calls ...
Roberto's user avatar
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Evaluating Performance of Functions

The "oneToEach" function adds 1 to each element of a List[Int]. The first function is not tail recursive, whereas the latter is. If I had a one million length List[Int] that I passed in to these 2 ...
Kevin Meredith's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Why we can't use static variables to achieve tail recursion?

I am learning C, so I am writting some little exercises in C to practice the language. I have experience with functional code, so I love recursion. I think that it would be great to achieve tail ...
Josell's user avatar
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1 answer

Scala tail recursion intersect between 2 lists

I'm pretty new to scala and programming in general (just for fun) and I'm trying to understand tail-recursion and collections but debugg is really hard. I've 2 lists : val quoters = List[Map[String,...
user2648879's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

How to implement a pure tail-recursive insert for BST?

All implementations on insert for BST is non-tail recursive. Is that possible to write a tail-recursive insert for BST? If it is possible, how?
Jackson Tale's user avatar
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Tail Recursive function or not

Can anyone help me with this please? (define f (lambda (x) (cond ((null? x) 0) (#t (+ (* (car x) (car x)) (f (cdr x))))))) I couldn't understand if this function is tail recursive or not? ...
user2631892's user avatar
0 votes
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Looping Recursive Function c++

I am using Qsort, based on employee.lastname. left is the counter of how many we've ran through. emptotal, (or right) is how many total there are. Since I know there are 5 I forced the pivot point ...
Camber Menschel's user avatar
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print binary numbers in ascending order

I was trying to print binary numbers in ascending order of 0's (00 then 01, 10, 11). Such that the zeros are before. I tried using the below code from here but this does not give the right op (...
Pradyut Bhattacharya's user avatar
1 vote
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Can Strictness Guide Recursion?

Let's say we have a simple tree creating algorithm in Haskell: data Tree a = EmptyTree | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq) makeTree :: Tree Int -> Tree Int makeTree (Node 0 l r) =...
user1104160's user avatar
1 vote
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Recursion in Python with Beautiful Soup

So I'm probably just being dumb here and don't understand a basic mechanic of python, but I'm trying to go through and crawl through a webpage, and then get a new link and continue on recursively. ...
Kelan Poten-Coyle's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is difference between tail recursive and stack recursive functions?

In pure functional languages, say writing factorial function as, fact.0 = 1 fact.n = n*fact.n-1 as this function is stack recursive, could anybody explain difference between stack recursive and tell ...
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31 votes
2 answers

Can Tail Call Optimization and RAII Co-Exist?

I can't think of a true RAII language that also has tail call optimization in the specs, but I know many C++ implementations can do it as an implementation-specific optimization. This poses a ...
Louis Jackman's user avatar
1 vote
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Local variables in Tail recursion?

I have been reading a lot of articles about tail recursion.But i am still unclear about how the tail recursion uses no stack space. What about the local variables and function arguments? They are ...
Rahul Kurup's user avatar
20 votes
8 answers

How to think in recursive way?

In order to understand the advanced algorithm concepts like greedy methods and dynamic programming, one first need to be well versed in recursion. I am relatively new to recursion. Whenever a ...
Rahul Kurup's user avatar
14 votes
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Scala: Tree Insert Tail Recursion With Complex Structure

I'm creating a tree of custom objects in scala and my insert method throws a stack overflow because it's not tail recursive. However, I can't quite figure out how to make it tail recursive. Related ...
The.Anti.9's user avatar
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Anything prevents optimizing tail-recursion?

I'm solving a knapsack problem in Haskell using Dynamic Programing. My first attempt was to build a two-dimensional table. But the memory easily gets blown up when the input is large(e.g. a 100 * ...
cfchou's user avatar
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Is this not tail recursive? (stack overflow error)

This is a small function I have written to check whether an integer is a prime or not: int prime(int x, int y = 2) { if(y <= x/2) { if((x % y) == 0) return 0; } ...
user1831704's user avatar
1 vote
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Broken Tail Recursion?

I have studied programming language course, I have this variant of Scheme code in the slide: ; (listof any) -> (listof any[no-cons]) (define (remove-pairs l) (cond [(empty? l) '()] [...
user1732445's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

Prolog performance and recursion type

I was playing with permutation in a couple of programs and stumbled upon this little experiment: Permutation method 1: permute([], []). permute([X|Rest], L) :- permute(Rest, L1), select(X, L,...
lurker's user avatar
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Deconstructing a recursive process - SICP

Consider the following definition: (define foo (lambda (x y) (if (= x y) 0 (+ x (foo (+ x 1) y))))) What is the test expression? (write the actual expression, ...
user2465378's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a way to break out of @tailrec in Scala?

I have a method that is recursive. Is there a way in scala to break out based on the size of the buffer (as shown below)? A case for breaking out when elementList.size > 5 for example? val ...
user786045's user avatar
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Why the following function doesn't generate tail recursion with Clang?

Under clang the following function generates object code for a tail recursive function: template<typename T> constexpr bool is_prime(T number, T limit, T counter) { return counter >= ...
oblitum's user avatar
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What's the most efficient tail recursive prime verification function known?

I was experimenting with meta programming to this point: // compiled on Ubuntu 13.04 with: // clang++ -O3 -ftemplate-depth-8192 -fconstexpr-depth=4096 -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -lcxxrt -ldl compile-...
oblitum's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I turn a recursive algorithm into a tail-recursive algorithm?

As a first attempt to get into merge sort i produced the following code which works on strings because they are easier than lists to deal with. class Program { static int iterations = 0; ...
user1909612's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Tail recursion in clojure

This is a lisp code that uses tail recursion. (defun factorial (f n) (if (= n 1) f (factorial (* f n) (- n 1)))) I translate this into clojure code expecting the same tail ...
prosseek's user avatar
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4 answers

Common Lisp: Why does my tail-recursive function cause a stack overflow?

I have a problem in understanding the performance of a Common Lisp function (I am still a novice). I have two versions of this function, which simply computes the sum of all integers up to a given n. ...
oarfish's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

When executed will this be a tail call?

Once compiled and ran will this behave as a tail call? let rec f accu = function | [] -> accu | h::t -> (h + accu) |> f <| t Maybe there is an easy way to test behavior that I'm ...
Iter's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How can I convert this binary recursive function into a tail-recursive form?

There is a clear way to convert binary recursion to tail recursion for sets closed under a function, i.e. integers with addition for the Fibonacci sequence: (Using Haskell) fib :: Int -> Int fib ...
user1104160's user avatar
0 votes
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Tail v. Head Recursion

I was wondering if you would identify this as a head or tail recursive function: int exponentiation(int x, int y){ if(!y) { return 1; } return y > 1 ? x * exponentiation(x, y-1) : x; }
user2364260's user avatar
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Sudoku algorithm with backtracking does not return any solution

i'm a bit stuck with the Sudoku algorithm, i coded it using backtrack, and following the theorical steps this should work, and i tried to debuge it, but is too hard (and yes, it solve some numbers and ...
Santanor's user avatar
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F# lazy recursion

I am have some problems with recursion in Lazy Computations. I need calculation the square root by Newton Raphson method. I do not know how to apply a lazy evaluation. This is my code: let next x z = ...
user2304064's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Is this function really tail-recursive?

I read about recursion in Programming Interviews Exposed (3rd ed.) where they present the following recursive factorial function: int factorial(int n){ if (n > 1) { /* Recursive case */ ...
beta's user avatar
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How to Convert Recursion to Tail Recursion

Is it always possible to convert a recursion into a tail recursive one? I am having a hard time converting the following Python function into a tail-recursive one. def BreakWords(glob): """Break a ...
kirakun's user avatar
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tail recursion fails (possibly because of implicit cons conversion)

I have what I believe to be a fairly simple tail-recursive function. However, @tailrec tells me otherwise. @tailrec def _next(continue : String, current : List[Long], first : Boolean ) : Stream[...
Martijn's user avatar
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python - traverse a graph (find all issues linked)

I'm bit stuck trying to solve a simple task of getting all linked issues. This is basically a graph task I guess - I take a jira issue, find all its links and then go to linked issues for their links ...
abolotnov's user avatar
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"Replacing" an element matching a predicate in an arbitrarily nested List in Scala

I have the following list (just an example - the list can be of an arbitrary depth); val foo = List(1, List(2, List(3, 4)), List(5, List(6, List(7, List(8,9,10))))) I want to traverse the list, and "...
Bob's user avatar
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Postfix expression list evaluation

I have written a program to evaluate a post-fix expression in prolog recursively from an expression list. For example, given the following list: [+,1,2] It should return 3. They way I have ...
thegalah's user avatar
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Tail recursion in gcc/g++

I've tried to search, but was unable to find: what are requisites for functions so that gcc would optimize the tail recursion? Is there any reference or list that would contain the most important ...
dtldarek's user avatar
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43 votes
3 answers

Generate tail call opcode

Out of curiosity I was trying to generate a tail call opcode using C#. Fibinacci is an easy one, so my c# example looks like this: private static void Main(string[] args) { Console....
devshorts's user avatar
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tail recursion and Boolean operators

I am currently learning F# on my own (via the try f# site). I have the following (imho) tail-recursive function for existential quantification of a unary predicate (int->bool). let rec exists bound ...
D.F.F's user avatar
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13 votes
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why do continuations avoid stackoverflow?

I've been trying to understand continuations / CPS and from what I can gather it builds up a delayed computation, once we get to the end of the list we invoke the final computation. What I don't ...
dusio's user avatar
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Tail recursion - will this make optimal use of frame and how do I check if compiling as tail recursive?

In the below code - quite trivial max and sum of lists - I have a recursive function called at the end of a method. Will the scala compiler treat this as tail recursive and optimize the stack frame ...
JasonG's user avatar
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two dimensional tail recursion in scala

I am new to Scala and started to learn about tail recursion. I learned that tail recursion in functional programming is a counter part of iterations (for loops) in imperative programming: Simple C++ ...
tommyk's user avatar
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Prolog Sum of All Instances in a List of Facts

I have a list of facts. Each fact defines a relationship between two subjects and the number of projects they've completed. They're defined like this: label(allGroups,[group(a,b,10),group(b,c,3),...
user2217780's user avatar
1 vote
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Is this scheme code tail recursive?

EDIT: Thanks to everyone. I'm new to the language(just started using it two days ago), so that's why I'm unfamiliar with conds. I may rewrite it if I have time, but I just wanted to make sure I had ...
user2012892's user avatar

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