Questions tagged [tempdir]

a temporary folder or temporary directory is a directory used to hold temporary files. Many operating systems and some software automatically delete the contents of such directories at boot-up or at regular intervals.

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I am trying to write a dataframe to aws glue spark local /tmp but unable to find the file

We have a aws glue script to connect to rds and upload to s3. The file size is so huge so we are trying to write to aws glue spark local by creating a new folder like below.And then we will use this ...
Dhamothiran Sabitha's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does chaining methods on a TempDir cause File creation to fail?

I'm a new rustecean, so I apologize if this question is silly. I'm trying to understand why chaining methods on a TempDir causes File::create calls on the same Path to fail. My situation is this: I'm ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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how to use Junit5 @TempDir with Kotlin ? ("JvmField can only be applied to final property" compile error)

I'm trying (without any luck so far) to use Junit5 @Tempdir annotation with Kotlin. Following a previous stackoverflow post (link here), I've tried the code below: @SpringBootTest class MyClass { ...
user2038596's user avatar
1 vote
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Export flextable to word in R

i am new to R. I am very grateful for every help. I created a flextable and want to export the files to a word document. This works fine. I used a tempfile as suggested "https://davidgohel.github....
gideon1321's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to use Junit 5's TempDir with Kotlin?

I want to convert the following (working) java test to Kotlin: package my.project; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import; ...
peer's user avatar
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How to add a file to a temporary directory?

I have created a temp dir using tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(dir, "OAS"). And i used this path to add a swagger extracted from aws to this temp dir. path = tmpDir + "/" + apiName +...
Akshitha Dalpethado's user avatar
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Delete files before creating new from temp using Java file method

I have below code where i am trying to create new file in temp directory which is xml file and its working fine. Now everytime i run the code, i want to delete the previous xml file from this temp ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Download .rds from google drive using download.file()

I am still having trouble getting a large file (.rds) from google drive into R. The purpose is to pull the rds file from drive, for use in an If I use library(googledrive) temp <- ...
Michael Caponegro's user avatar
7 votes
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Junit cannot delete @TempDir with file created by Spark Structured Streaming

I created an integration test for my pipeline to check if the right CSV file is generated: class CsvBatchSinkTest { @RegisterExtension static SparkExtension spark = new SparkExtension(); ...
Krzysztof Atłasik's user avatar
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Change temporary directory without opening R

Today morning when I tried to start R in my Ubuntu machine, I got a new error saying : Fatal error: cannot create 'R_TempDir' However when I search over Internet, I realized that my TMP directory is ...
Bogaso's user avatar
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How to configure root for temp dirs in Java

We run code which does the standard for creating a temp directory: import java.nio.file.Files; And then: tmp = Files.createTempDirectory("ourprefix-"); This, effectively, creates the directories ...
Alfe's user avatar
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4 answers

Rscript running trouble with TMPDIR via plink -ssh on Windows

I want to create my own variant of makePSOCKcluster and newPSOCKnode using ssh connection via plink. So, I rewrite code if (machine != "localhost") { rshcmd <- getClusterOption("rshcmd"...
Dmitriy's user avatar
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deleting existing files from temp directory in Azure

We are using the following to write a file to the temp direcotry in Azure webapp for almost a year: string tempName = Path.GetTempFileName(); using (var tempFile = new FileStream(tempName,...
user1902346's user avatar
11 votes
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Deleting py.test tmpdir directory after successful test case

I'm running tests that create a lot of large files during execution. For this purpose I would like to delete the tmpdir directory if a test has passed. But if a test fails the contents of tmpdir ...
Kanguros's user avatar
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Manipulating temporary file paths

I have a list of files on different temporary paths in tempdir(). The paths are given here, where /tmp/Rtmp9pF0OF is my tempdir() for my R session. [1] "/tmp/Rtmp9pF0OF/4fc42cb004a7160951778110/0" "/...
Agaz Wani's user avatar
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How to add the temp directory in Win 7 as a Python variable

The temp directory in win 7 is %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp and I'd like to add it to a python script as a variable to be used to create a text file there. However, because of the % at the ...
AhmedWas's user avatar
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Error from Google API PHP Config.php file - Fatal Error - Call to undefined function sys_get_temp_dir()

The Google API PHP Client library has a file named Config.php. I'm getting an error from that file, from line 139. 'directory' => sys_get_temp_dir() . '/Google_Client' The error is: Fatal ...
Alan Wells's user avatar
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How to access temp directory of the local machine

I am working on an application in which I need to open attachments. I need to click on the "Open" button and open a pdf file. The way I do it, is by getting the content from the Server and writing it ...
SSM's user avatar
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Initialise struct field as temporary directory and read from directory

I am trying to have a struct which has a field which I assume should be of type Result<TempDir>. When I initialise an implementation of the field with new(), I would like that particular field ...
Lexka's user avatar
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Files.createTempDirectory("") throws NullPointerException

When I call Files.createTempDirectory("") I get the below exception: java.lang.NullPointerException at sun.nio.fs.WindowsSecurityDescriptor.fromAttribute( at sun....
balapal's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Get system folder paths in Go?

Is it possible to get the path of system folders in Go, in a cross-platform way? eg. temp folders, "document" folders, etc. I found ioutil.TempFolder/File but they do something different. Any idea?
laurent's user avatar
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43 votes
6 answers

Change temporary directory

I am using R on windows and need to change the temporary directory where tmp files are stored. I checked a few answers, here, in R-help, etc., but no one is working. Some links I tried: here, here, ...
Miguel Vazq's user avatar
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PHP upload file without having to create a temp

So I am trying to use XAMPP server on ubuntu (Xampp 1.7.7 and yes, I know it is old) to upload files to a specific directory using PHP. I know that it can be done, but every bit of code I can find ...
doglover129's user avatar
123 votes
4 answers

When does System.getProperty("") return "c:\temp"

Just curious as to when System.getProperty("") returns "c:\temp". According to the Java Docs- The default temporary-file directory is specified by the system property ...
Ashish Pancholi's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Permission Denied When Writing File to Default Temp Directory

My program does some fairly intensive operations, so I use a scratch file in order to speed things up. I use the following Java code: File scratchFile = new File(System.getProperty("") +...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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How to solve

I am trying to access client's temp directory through my applet on my web project. When I run the applet by itself, it gets the tempdir with no problem. When I try to get it on my project using ...
Hamit Ocak's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Temporary directory persist across program runs

I need a temporary directory, but I want full control over its creation and deletion. I will use this directory to place git repositories which I want to monitor for new commits, so I need to store ...
umpirsky's user avatar
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Change C# compile directory (Class Library & WPF; not ASP.NET)?

I'm running a Ramdisk in Windows 7. I've modified some web.config files to noticeably improve the compilation times of my ASP.NET solutions. I've got a solution with about 40 WPF and Class Library ...
lance's user avatar
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how to import a jsp from temp directory in jstl

I have some dynamically generated jsp content I'd like to (jstl) c:import into another jsp page. Currently I have the dynamically generated jsp written to a file in the servlet temp directory (javax....
Owen Roberts's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

IIS 6+ASP.NET - many temp files generated

I have a ASP.NET + some .NET web-services running on IIS 6 (win 2003 server). The issue is that IIS is generating a lot (!) of files in "c:\WINDOWS\Temp" directory. a lot of files means thousands of ...
user123093's user avatar
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33 votes
8 answers

Making a temporary dir for unpacking a zipfile into

I have a script that checks a zipfile containing a number of matching PDF+textfiles. I want to unpack, or somehow read the textfiles from the zipfile, and just pick out some information from the ...
Arto Uusikangas's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Crystal Reports 2008 InprocServer + TempDir = "Operation not yet implemented"

I have a .NET web app that uses CR 2008 for reports. The server it's deployed on is saddled with McAfee, and we want to tell CR to use a temp directory other than the Windows temp dir. Google found ...
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