Questions tagged [tex]

TeX is a typesetting system, where the output is defined by command-sequences. Note that is specifically dedicated to TeX questions.

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Which is better free application for.tex or Latex? [closed]

I have .tex file but with overleaf it doesn’t work. I am student but our university doesn’t get free access. So I want similar free web based apps like overleaf otherwise it won’t be easy. 2- If ...
Student's user avatar
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Creating a DocX to TeX and Latex to DocX converter in Python [closed]

I have a uni project to make a telegram bot that converts between TeX and Docx and I can't find a way to do so. The telegram bot is not the problem, the problem is with the converting. Unfortunately, ...
Abdullah Libzo's user avatar
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How to make pythontex see PYTHONPATH

I've been working with pythontex for some time and I'm quite happy with the results. After reinstalling the system, however, serious difficulties began. THE PROBLEM: while compiling code (in .tex ...
khaz's user avatar
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How to indent only a part of a sentence?

I'd like to indent only a part of a sentence in LaTex, but it just doesn't work out for me. I tried to use different functions like \parindent or \hangindent, but unfortunately I did not get it. The ...
feg4444's user avatar
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Using optional arguments for \newenvironment in Latex

I defined two new environments (nmlist and nmlistf) in Latex as follows. The former creates a list with a title at the first line introduced by \paragraph, and the latter creates a list starting at ...
Jovin's user avatar
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Jupter notebook to tex to pdf without cell content

I am not entirely sure whether this is the right forum (tag) for this question, so my apologies if it is wrong. The problem I face is the following: I am creating a report that I will be genreating ...
Serge de Gosson de Varennes's user avatar
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How to create HTML links inside a LaTeX block

I'm pretty deep into a yak shaving project and thought it was time to involve a broader audience. I am writing documentation and want to have highlighted text (regular serifed text with yellow ...
John the Bastard's user avatar
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Flutter_tex not working after flutter web deployment using firebase hosting but works fine in debug mode

I am using flutter_tex package on my flutter web app. But after deployment on firebase, the tex widget is not rendering. It's working fine when I'm running locally from Android studio. I've tried ...
Poliin's user avatar
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Is it Possible to Extract Image Dimensions in TeX/LaTeX Without OS-specific commands?

As a follow-up to this question and this and this posts, I am working on a project in TeX/LaTeX and facing a challenge related to image processing. Specifically, I need to develop a macro that can ...
Foad S. Farimani's user avatar
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How To Inverse Search From Internal PDF Viewer To The Actual Code in VS Code for a Latex Doument

I am using VS Code and in it, I am using LaTeX Workshop by James Yu. I am trying to compile my document using LaTeX Workshop. When I compile my code to a pdf file, I can double click or ctrl + click ...
Aaron Jones's user avatar
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Outputting LaTeX command from Lua script

I am trying to use a Lua script to generate LaTeX commands. Here is a minimal lua script: my_array = { cmdone = {1, 2}, cmdtwo = {2, 3} } cmd_template = "\\newcommand*{\\%s}{number one: %s, ...
Peter Baker's user avatar
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Tikzplotlib not outputting Matplotlib's PyPlot colour bars

I'm trying to output contour plots made with PyPlot to Tikz using Tikzplotlib, but the color bars aren't appearing in the outputted TeX code. The contour plots themselves aren't appearing either ...
TheorVHP's user avatar
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Avoid superfluous parentheses in LaTeX from Maxima's `tex` function

I want to use Maxima to simplify expressions and print the result in LaTeX. However, if I enter tex(-2*y); I get $$-\left(2\,y\right)$$ which roughly prints as -(2y) after latex. Is there a way to ...
Bernhard Bodenstorfer's user avatar
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Multi-line TeX expressions with Django MathJax

I am using MathType to convert formulas to TeX notation and pass them as template variables in Django. Most formulas convert to a single line and work fine. But there are some that convert to several ...
VikSil's user avatar
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VSCode latex duplicates the preview window after saving the file if the first preview window is not active

I am using VSCode with the extension latex-workshop on Ubuntu 22.04. No other extensions for latex are installed, nothing but some snippets are modified after the fresh installation. Suppose that I ...
Miles N.'s user avatar
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detailed_entries() not rendering correctly in R vitae package with custom template

I have created a very basic modification for a custom template as described here. However, when I knit the file mycv_public_mod.Rmd it does not render detailed_entries() correctly; rather it only ...
setophaga's user avatar
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How to solve the problem that pandoc fails to convert latex formulas to docx

I want to convert the following latex formula into a formula in docx. The latex formula can be used normally on both mathtype and mathjaxjs. $\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {(m + 2)x = 1}\\ {3x - (m ...
accbear's user avatar
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How do I insert an inline shape into a Manim Mathtex Mobject?

In Manim I'm using MathTex to display equations. I would like to allow variables in the equation to be shapes that I have constructed with other Manim functions. And not just a Circle or Square but ...
Cortado-J's user avatar
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Tex error: Misplaced \omit. Misplaced span

I am still new to LaTex, and I am creating a big table and try to fit it into one page. Here is my part of the Tex, and I keep received error messages like the image attached. Could you please kindly ...
Susie Qin's user avatar
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Remove the table environment using kable (from R dataframe to TeX)

Hello suppose I have my dataframe as: a <- data.frame("column 1" = letters[1:5], "column 2" = letters[6:10], "column 3" = rnorm(5)) I use kable to produce a TeX table ...
Jorge Paredes's user avatar
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"pdfTeX error: cannot open Type 1 font" problem while loading Arabic script on LyX

When I do an attempt to exporting to PDF a document with Arabic text on LyX using pdfTeX engine, appear an error like this. !pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file ae_almohanad_bold.pfb): cannot open Type 1 ...
Muhammad Hikam Zainuri's user avatar
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use macro in doxygen that relies on etoolbox package

I have a macro defined as \usepackage{etoolbox} %to use \ifstrempty \newcommand{\ISet}[1][] { \ifstrempty{#1} {\mathfrak{i}} {\mathfrak{i}_{#1}} } which relies on the etoolbox ...
Simon's user avatar
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Trying to Override the Linguist attributes on GitHub - TeX language

Git hub has detected my repo to contain mostly TeX Language which is incorrect, it is mostly written in Python with the exception of a couple of .spec files. GitHub Language calculation: I understand ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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Unable to use JuliaCall package

I'm new in all this. I had installed in R the packages needed for Julia, i.e (JuliaCall), in Julia terminal I had install also other package called - using Pkg Pkg.add("RCall") when I try to ...
Garzacc97's user avatar
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Running RsTeX on Linux

I came across this interesting project RsTeX that was a manual implementation of Donald Knuth's tex program in C++. As far as I have read, the program appears mature and passed the trip test (tripman....
Talmsmen's user avatar
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Latex: usepackage on part of the document

I would like to use \usepackage{} only on part of my document. The other part of the document is completely made up and now it would be out of order by entering this package in that part as well. But ...
nick_name's user avatar
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Python syntax for path in the package arxiv_latex_cleaner? [duplicate]

I'm trying to delete all comments from a .tex document. The package arxiv_latex_cleaner is supposed to do this automatically and remove unnecessary files. I'm using the syntax as stated in the package ...
PaulG's user avatar
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Removing toprule from Table created using kableExtra not working

I've created a table using kable/kableExtra. This is the code: library(kableExtra) tbl_img <- data.frame( name = c("kableExtra 1"), logo = "" ) tbl_img %>% kbl(booktabs = ...
Vikalp Jain's user avatar
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column_spec function giving error in kable, kableExtra

I'm trying to create a re-usable block to create a table. Table will have just one brown and two columns. First column will have text and second column will have an image. This is what I've come up ...
Vikalp Jain's user avatar
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Change the name of the statistics using tabstat in stata

suppose you have this data input x1 x2 x3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 end then you do this: estpost tabstat x1 x2 x3, stats(mean median var p5 p95 count) c(v) and you want to export it with esttab (...
Jorge Paredes's user avatar
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LaTeX ERROR: "Missing number, treated as zero" & "Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted)."

I can't solve these problems with my latex project. In particular, the errors are: Missing number, treated as zero. Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). I tried to comment every 'suspect package' ...
giuseppeantoniomotisi's user avatar
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Make Pandoc recognize 'ragged right' attribute

I'm converting plenty of documents from Word, LibreOffice and HTML into TeX source. I've encountered this issue that Pandoc is unable to recognize the text being ragged right and thus the text stays ...
Just Bucket's user avatar
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How to prevent LTeX from spamming my "PROBLEMS" tab

I am using the vscode extension LTeX to help me find misspell in my LaTeX documents. But there is one thing that annoys me, it also finds "misspells" in some latex configuration files. How ...
Barboutzet's user avatar
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How do I write something on a page that I have included in Latex using \includepdf?

I included a pdf page on my document (using the pdfpages package) and I want to type on the page that I have included. How do I go about this? I was able to insert the page number on the page using ...
user998479's user avatar
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How write the text "ї φ" at MATLAB?

How write the text "ї φ" at MATLAB? This code: text(0.1, 0.1,'ї \varphi') text(0.1, 0.3,{'ї $\varphi$'},'Interpreter','latex') text(0.1, 0.5,{'\text{ї} $\varphi$'},'Interpreter','latex') ...
Imyaf's user avatar
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How change the FontName of Greek Letters at MATLAB TeX text?

How change the font type of Greek Letters at MATLAB TeX text? The 'FontName' does not work. I try this code: text(0.5, 0.7,'\it\Omega \phi A b','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',50); text(0, 0....
Imyaf's user avatar
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Inserting a SVG into a LaTeX document [closed]

I would like to add a logo into my Latex document. Since using \includesvg did not work for me (I am using ubuntu and I have installed incscape) I resorted to manually converting the svg file into a ...
tomle's user avatar
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Why it's not possible to minify Latex code?

I'm writing Latex code in Overleaf and I was curious if it's possible to minify Latex code. Maybe it isn't possible to fit all the code in just one line (like with Javascript) but it could be possible ...
edoardottt's user avatar
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LaTeX errors from Doxygen Output - Undefined tab position

I am getting LaTeX Error: Undefined tab position, and pdfLatex quits after receving too many (100 errors). My LaTeX generated by Doxygen is such (one instance of many) \begin{tabbing} xx\=xx\=xx\=xx\=...
Sambo's user avatar
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conversion of .tex file into .pdf file in windows

How to convert .tex file into .pdf file in windows by using python programming? I have .tex file and want .pdf file through python code in windows
Shraddha_Mehetre's user avatar
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Org-mode + Pandoc correctly place images in HTML, and misplace them in PDF export

With some org-mode code I am writing, I get the expected images placement when exporting to HTML5 format, but the wrong one when exporting to PDF. This is the syntax I am using: #+TITLE: Article title ...
Pietro's user avatar
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remove thesis title from the abstract section

this xelatex template's abstract section automatically add thesis title at top, here's the template live demo in overleaf: i've looked around for hours and ...
kiswelrg's user avatar
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Unable to have the author name in the report PDF using the NIPS 2015 LaTeX template

I am using the nips 2015 template to write a report. I am unable to have the generated PDF reflect the authors’ names. It just says Anonymous. I am using LaTeX workshop on a windows PC. PS: Overleaf ...
Nasheed Yasin's user avatar
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Create Two Versions of a Document

I am using quarto to create a lesson with lots of mixed in tex. I want two version of this lesson -- one with answers and one without the answers -- in the same document to avoid trying to keep the ...
blahblah4252's user avatar
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Finding numbers with decimal comma in a TeX-File using regular expressions

I have a very large TeX-File wherein we set mathematical text. Unfortunately, TeX sets a empty space after each comma, even though numbers (in Germany) are formatted without space after comma. I am ...
Peter Strouvelle's user avatar
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How can I correctly display text in Tex format?

I am trying to display python sympy expression in the Jupyterhub Notebook in the VS Code. When I do it in the Google Colab, it looks fine, but in the VS Code it remains in Tex format I tried to use ...
8088's user avatar
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tikz: using of cyrillic characters for node label

I'm trying to use Cyrillic characters for node label, but seems like they are ignored. Probably should define label format in some way but wasn't able to find any guide for this. Here is simple ...
alex's user avatar
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pgf backend in matplotlib - "input stack size" capacity exceeded with pdflatex and lualatex

I'm trying to use the pgf backend in matplotlib to create figure files for a manuscript, following the example in the matplotlib docs here. I don't have xelatex so I've tried using pdflatex and ...
PeterW's user avatar
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Position text in margin relative to paper border

I'm trying to write a macro that positions text in the margin of a LaTeX document. The text should appear in the same line the macro is called. Horizontal text position should be relative to the ...
Alex A.'s user avatar
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<apa7> Why is professor, course, and duedate not appearing on the title page?

I am using the LaTeX package apa7 to format my research paper. However, the professor, course, and duedate for the assignment is not appearing in the title when the \maketitle command is called while ...
Anish G.'s user avatar

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