Questions tagged [textures]

Textures are series of images used in computer graphics to associate locations on a visible surface with varying values. This association is typically done by mapping locations on the texture (usually two-dimensional, but other dimensions and types of textures exist) to locations on the rendered surface. Filtering is often used to smooth away aliasing when sampling values from the texture, usually involving multiple images within a texture called mipmaps.

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3 answers

glTexImage2D + byte[]

How can I upload pixels from a simple byte array to an OpenGl texture ? I'm using glTexImage2D and all I get is a white rectangle instead of a pixelated texture. The 9th parameter (32-bit pointer to ...
miniMe's user avatar
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Opengl transparent background and Camera Preview don't like texturing

I have been working on creating an opengl camera overlay and succesfully placed a 3d cube with a transparent backround over a camera preview however the problem occurs when adding a texture. The ...
Dervis Suleyman's user avatar
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Paintbrush-like textured strokes in WPF

I need a way to draw lines in WPF that have a rough, textured or distressed effect, as if they've been drawn by a real brush or pen stroke. I can go some way to doing what I want using graphic ...
user814425's user avatar
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When using 3D Texture In CUDA, why we don't need to set Texture coordinate?

In OpenGL, after creating a 3D Texture, we always need to draw a proxy geometry such as GL_QUADS to contain the 3D Texture and set the texture coordinate in this function: glTexCoord3f. However, ...
TonyLic's user avatar
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JOGL texture not working

I'm trying to fill a torus texture of wood, but leaves only one color: img The image is 128x128 png. What am I doing ...
mmatviyiv's user avatar
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2 answers

GLSL 4.2 Image load and store & memoryBarrier

Using image load and store, i would like to do the following in GLSL 4.2: vec3 someColor = ...; vec4 currentPixel = imageLoad(myImage, uv); float a = currentPixel.a/(currentPixel.a+1.0f); vec4 ...
matthias_buehlmann's user avatar
2 votes
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Applying Visual Effect to Images using OpenGL ES

I am using libgdx for making an Android app that will be using TextureRegions which defines a rectangular area of texture. Now I wan't to apply some visual effects to the TextureRegion using OpenGL ES ...
Rafay's user avatar
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Cocos2D. Endless background in all directions

I have one texture that i need to set as a background. Scrolling should be in left, right and bottom directions. I have tried to change texture coords, to swap row of 3 textures down and then swap ...
Oleg Korban's user avatar
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Open GL ES texture: Set a transparent color || alpha of a color to zero

I've got a texture in which I want to set the alpha for a single color (e.g. (255,255,255)) to 0. I use this calls at the moment (self.texture is a CCTexture2D from cocos2d) glBindTexture(...
Max's user avatar
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GopenGL align texture coordinates to world, not to face

What I currently have: Generating of texture coordinates given the width and height of a rectanlge along with a scale factor for the texture. this is woking fine: vertices = new float[] { ...
Andreas Linden's user avatar
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Stretch jMonkey texture without anti-aliasing/blurring

In JME3, when a texture is loaded from an image, it stretches it to the size of the quad I put it on. But it also blurs it, and I don't want this (I'm making Minecraft style graphics), so how can I ...
Jwosty's user avatar
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OpenGL ES 1.1 Combine two textures into one reusable texture

In OpenGL ES 1.1, I would like to take multiple texture Ids and combine them into a single textureId. Then I would be able to use this resulting texture multiple times in the future. My texture ...
user1318504's user avatar
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Where is texture tool located in Xcode 4.3.1?

I have installed Xcode 4.3.1. I am looking for the "texturetool" that is used for converting PNG's to PVR files. According to :
Rahul Iyer's user avatar
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iPhone - OpenGL ES 1.1 - Alpha Blend make texture wrong color

I'm newbie in OpenGL ES 1.1 for iPhone. Today, I tried to draw png texture on black background (the texture includes the alpha chanel) but the result is diference from source png file. The Result on ...
Incpt.Mobis's user avatar
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AndEngine GLES2 | Making Font resizable?

I know all the basic resizing stuff in AndEngine now but I haven't stumbled upon a good way on how to make text resizable. Basically what everybody is doing is that all fonts get declared as bitmaps ...
Martin Braun's user avatar
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texture projection + perspective correction, getting the math right

I render animated geometry. In each frame, I want to texturemap the geometry with a screen-space-texture from the previous frame (projected onto the geometry as it was in the previous frame). so the ...
Mat's user avatar
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3 answers

Java3D: How to avoid OutOfMemoryError while using textures

I'm creating several visual objects in loop: ... Package packet; // a visual packet for(int i = 0; i < numberOfSteps; i++){ packet = new Package(packetSize, packetSize, packetSize); // ...
user283494's user avatar
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Opengl es 2.0 3d

I am looking for a tutorial about opengl es 2.0 for android, until now I have been using andEngine for 2d opengl es 1.x, I am looking forward being able to build an app in 3d from scratch, not using ...
Baruch's user avatar
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C#/XNA - RenderTarget2D.GetData(), RenderTarget2D.SetData(): is it efficient for cloning textures per frame?

So, since the last question, I found that my solution is to duplicate the texture to prevent reference issues. However, I'm questioning: Color[] color = new Color[screen.Width * screen.Height]; ...
Jared's user avatar
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texture transparency

I got some problem with texture transparency, I hope ya can help. Details: XNA 4.0 Texture source is BMP, what I make transparent by code: public void Feketealapú(string Azonosító) { //textúra ...
Zéiksz's user avatar
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2 answers

2D LWJGL with OpenGL - Enabling depth testing for layering 2D textures?

What would I need to add to my OpenGL init method to enable depth testing, and how would I actually use it for texture layering? I would have to extend the last parameter of glOrtho to something more ...
GlassZee's user avatar
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Improve full screen Core Graphics image blending performance?

I'm working on a game in which the game elements look like they are made of construction paper. To achieve the texture effect I blend a fullscreen image at the end of each draw cycle: - (void)...
Daniel's user avatar
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iPhone - Image created with CGBitmapContextCreate as Opengl texture

I want to call CGBitmapContextCreate with texture->data to create a CGContextRef, and create a CGImageRef by CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context). However, the image created is not as expected :( The ...
LKS's user avatar
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How to 'send to back/front' or in other words change 'priority' of textures?

I'm making a 2D Java program with LWJGL and its OpenGL. It uses LWJGL's display. I would like one image to show above the second image on screen, but it's blocked out, I assume by default. Does LWJGL ...
GlassZee's user avatar
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2 answers

OpenGL Multitexture - Second texture operation has no effect

I'm doing a multi texture operation that blends a certain amount of grey into a texture, then further tints the texture with another color. Note that the original texture has pre-multiplied alpha. ...
Guy Moreillon's user avatar
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OpenGL LWJGL re-sizable textured cube

I'm trying to make a method that will draw a cube with a specified size and texture. Problem is, when I resize the cube, the texture isn't resizing along with it. For example, if I draw with size .5F, ...
Colby's user avatar
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LWJGL/OpenGL Disable Smoothing Textures When "Zoomed In"

I have a 16*16 texture, and when i draw it to the screen, It seems to be zooming in (I think its called MipMapping) , but "smoothing out" the texture, whereas I just want the pixels to increase in ...
Name's user avatar
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OpenGL color index in frag shader?

I have a large sprite library and I'd like to cut GPU memory requirements. Can I store textures on the gpu with only 1 byte per pixel and use that for an RGB color look up in a fragment shader? I ...
spinning's user avatar
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My original Java Font Program - Skewed when using different letters?

The output of my font program is skewed. I'm pretty sure that the problem has to do with x and y, and how printLetter() uses them. It's possibly getting confused with multiple numbers for x and y? ...
GlassZee's user avatar
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why, in my case, the texture memory is slower than the global

Please help me. I can't understand why this function, that uses texture memory __global__ void corr (int * data) { int idx = (blockIdx.y*blockDim.y+threadIdx.y)*64+ (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + ...
Александр Мочалин's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Managing assets between desktop and device version in libgdx

I'm building a little Android game using libgdx. For now I have a copy of the game's assets in the desktop project folder and the Android project folder. For some strange reason I have to access those ...
Boris's user avatar
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Hack to implement something like ARB_texture_float when it isn't supported?

I'm doing some glsl processing on an integrated Intel GM965 graphics processor. For this, I need access to the full range floating point representation of a texture, rather than it be restricted to 0....
Henry Gomersall's user avatar
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Texture Coordinates in Cuda

Im looking at this implementation of DCT using cuda: The part in question is here: __shared__ float CurBlockLocal1[...
Bob gilong's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Updating a texture in OpenGL with glTexImage2D

Are glTexImage2D and glTexSubImage2D the only ways to pass a buffer of pixels to a texture? At the moment I use in a setup function glTexImage2D passing null as the buffer, and then on the render ...
Perraco's user avatar
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Transparent areas PVR textures loading white in cocos2d

I'm loading a large number of PVR texures in cocos2d in an iOS app, but the transparent areas of the PVR textures are loading white. I've created the textures using the command texturetool -e PVRTC -...
tobyc's user avatar
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3 answers

android & libgdx - disable blurry rendering

i'm trying out libgdx as an opengl wrapper , and i have some issues with its graphical rendering : for some reason , all images (textures) on android device look a little blurred using libgdx . this ...
android developer's user avatar
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Augmented reality in iOS 5 VS. iOS 4 - Textures not load after deployment

I am using qualcomm's ar sdk, I have added the Eaglview to one of my view controllers. The project builds successfully and run perfectly on iOS 4. On the other hand, the project deploys successfully ...
Legnus's user avatar
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Automatic texture mapping of orthographic pictures

So I have this object modeled in my 3d program, and I took these photos of the object in the real world, from all the sides and also top-view and bottom-view, using a green screen for segmentation ...
M Rajoy's user avatar
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OpenGL ES 2.0 loading dynamic textures

I have a view that needs to render multiple images at once, and i have a lot of textures to work with. Problem is, the textures are changing because i cache a limited amount of images at any given ...
saarraz1's user avatar
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OpenGL 4.2 use same texture as image and as sampler

Is it legal (and well defined) to use the same texture as an image2D as well as a sampler2D? currently I use imageLoad() and imageStore() within the GLSL shader to write and load from a image2D. ...
matthias_buehlmann's user avatar
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Texture feature extraction using Gray Level Cooccurence Matrix

I'm doing a project in liver tumor classification. I used this code and it gave some output. I don't know whether I'm correct. Actually I initially used Region Growing method for liver segmentation ...
Gomathi's user avatar
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OpenGL issue on Galaxy S

I've been trying to build myself a little game framework to toy around with writing some basic games for android. I had been testing on a Sony Arc and Galaxy SII without any issues, but recently I ...
PaulJButler's user avatar
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OpenGL ES 1.1 Color over Font Texture

I currently have a texture serving a font, that is on the topmost (last) render in OpenGL for the iPhone. The texture is white glyph with a transparent surround. My aim is to have another color ...
Overflowed's user avatar
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Some (random) textures rendering upside down in OpenGL?

I'm using GLKit (OpenGL ES2) in Objective-C to make an iPhone game. I haven't had a lot of experience with this, so it wouldn't surprise me if I was doing something wrong, but I am generating a heap ...
Nick Duffell's user avatar
4 votes
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optimizing openGL ES 2.0 2D texture output and framerate

I was hoping someone can help me make some progress in some texture benchmarks I'm doing in OpenGL ES 2.0 on and iPhone 4. I have an array that contains sprite objects. the render loop cycles through ...
yiannis's user avatar
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undefined reference to glCompressedTexImage2D

I am trying to load some .dds textures for my game. My IDE is Dev-C++ with GLUT 7.6 installed. When I use OpenGL functions like glTexImage2D() or glVertex2f() my programs compile normally but when I ...
slaviber's user avatar
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Jogl - Picture won't load on texture mapping procedure? (JAVA)

Can anybody see what's wrong? I am trying to load an image on a QUAD shape and display it on a frame. When I run it, there is nothing to be shown, neither the quad, nor the image. The program code ...
Alex Encore's user avatar
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OpenGL resizing a Texture/Quad

I'm implementing a pan/zoom viewer for jpegs. I show one image at a time mapped to a texture, then on a key press, swap between images. My problem is that although the image does change, the size of ...
Awalias's user avatar
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How exactly is GLSL's "coherent" memory qualifier interpreted by GPU drivers for multi-pass rendering?

The GLSL specification states, for the "coherent" memory qualifier: "memory variable where reads and writes are coherent with reads and writes from other shader invocations". In practice, I'm unsure ...
metaleap's user avatar
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Reading a float texture with glGetTexImage as int output?

I'm trying to read a texture that's been loaded with floating-point values using my generic code for reading images, which tries to read it out as (8-bit) integer values. I was expecting it to clamp ...
dascandy's user avatar
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