Questions tagged [time-series]

A Time series is a sequence of data points with values measured at successive times (either in continuous time or at discrete time periods). Time series analysis exploits this natural temporal ordering to extract meaning and trends from the underlying data.

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How to interpret the stationarity of a time series data with conflicting results among methods used?

I am testing for stationarity on a time series data and found out that it is non-stationary as shown in the first and third column of the image attached. I used the visual method, ADF test, and KPSS ...
Jco's user avatar
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Issue with SARIMA model for PM10 concentration forecasting with m=365

I'm trying to build a SARIMA (Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) model for forecasting PM10 concentrations based on five years of data. However, when I set the seasonal parameter m to ...
Divyansh Sharma's user avatar
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Represent Grafana query in percentage terms instead of absolute

I have the following query in Grafana (data from AWS Timeseries), which plots a graph for the difference in absolute terms. I want the same graph in percentage terms, but I'm unable to figure out how ...
BlueBucket7's user avatar
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Error when plotting confidence intervals with NeuralProphet

I'm following the tutorial on quantile regression in NeuralProphet, but there is an issue when plotting the forecast. confidence_lv = 0.9 quantile_list = [round(((1 - confidence_lv) / 2), 2), round((...
zzzbbx's user avatar
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After successfully deleting the time series data, why did tsfiles still exist in sequence folder of Apache IoTDB version 0.13.4?

For Apache IoTDB 0.13.4 version, I already delete the specified time series regularly. The data should has been deleted every 1 hour, and only the data within 1 hour should be retained. However, when ...
tianyi zhang's user avatar
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3D plot - fill under curves

I have seasonal cycles per year from a time-serie. library(rgl) # example data Month <- rep(1:12, times = 7) Year <- rep(1998:2004, each = 12, times = 1) Sat <- rnorm(84) df <- data.frame(...
Colsourie's user avatar
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ADF test output in R [migrated]

I Run ADF test with R for 3 different models include,1.No deterministic terms, 2. with constant and 3.constant and trend based on the below code.However, I am unsure about which corresponding p-value (...
Neda Fathi's user avatar
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3 answers

Convert energy consumption sessions to hourly energy consumption timeseries in python

I have a dataframe with start and end timestamps, duration in HH:MM:SS and energy consumed. A sample is shown below: start end time energy 0 2024-03-...
Rahul's user avatar
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Trouble doing time series analysis in Python

I am hoping to do an event study analysis, but I cannot seem to properly build a simple predictive mode with time as the independent variable. I've been using this as a guide. import pandas as pd ...
josephbags's user avatar
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Issue with SARIMA model for PM10 concentration forecasting with m=365

I'm trying to build a SARIMA (Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) model for forecasting PM10 concentrations based on five years of data. However, when I set the seasonal parameter m to ...
Divyansh Sharma's user avatar
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How to delete the data branch of sensor devices in Apache IoTDB?

How can I delete the existing sensor branch in Apache IoTDB? When I imported the data from the cvs file to IoTDB server, since I write the data type incorrectly, now the data cannot be written into ...
Sihan Liu's user avatar
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Measures of similarity for time series data [migrated]

I've got two year's worth of energy data in 15 minute increments, and need to develop a similarity score for a forecasted day i.e. identify past days that are similar to the forecasted day. I started ...
Beginner's user avatar
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Is there an algorithm to identify the increasing Period/Interval of a time series?

Is there an algorithm to identify the increasing interval of a time series? For example, to detect that the increasing interval of this time series is located between the time step 2000 and 3000.
fatcat's user avatar
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How to load very big timeseries file(s) in Python to do analysis?

I have some .gz files and they contain data on some timeseries. Naturally, I would like to do some timeseries analysis on this. I tried this: import gzip'data.csv.gz','r') file_content=f....
Fernando Victoria Valpuesta's user avatar
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How to write the query statement of the total number of time series by paging in Apache IoTDB?

My data structure settings in Apache IoTDB is like this: I want to query the total time series number from the device level separated by paging. However, I checked the ...
leonbear's user avatar
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error to generate regular raster stack time series in R

I try to convert regular time series raster stack using bfastts funcion in bfast model in R. When I can generate a time series for 1 pixel (s in the example). However, I cannot generate time series ...
user30985's user avatar
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Plotting Non-Uniform Time Series Data from a Text File

This question is a follow up to How to read a .txt file to graph a plot. I have a file with time series data in the following format: 00:01:28,102,103,103 20-03-2024 00:02:16,111,110,110 00:02:33,108,...
Fabian.GLS's user avatar
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How in SQL can I identify if a value has changed within the current week or vis-a-vis the previous week?

I have several time series (one for each unit in the example below, which focuses on a single unit) with factors that change with no pattern (factors change at different times for different units). ...
Misha's user avatar
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LSTM : predict_step in PyTorch Lightning

I've developed code for an LSTM model, but I'm uncertain about how to utilize it for predictions in a production environment. Could you please assist? In the provided script, I aim to ...
Ankush's user avatar
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Slow SELECT statement, possibly due to WHERE?

Database has a few million rows. This is meant to find products priced above the average price: SELECT ProductName, Price FROM Products WHERE Price > (SELECT AVG(Price) FROM Products); However, ...
user23848102's user avatar
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R: Error in tseries::garch() Function for Auto GARCH Model Detection

I am trying to obtain the best GARCH model for a simulated series. # simulate a time series. tts <- arima.sim(100, model = list(ar = c(-.8), order = c(1, 0, 0))) # obtain best `GARCH` model for ...
Daniel James's user avatar
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LSTM multistep forecast

Is there a way to use a lstm model to make multistep forecast for multiple windows? For example, I train the model to output 5 steps, is there a way that, if I want to predict 10 I could easily do it? ...
Miguel Pereira's user avatar
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Sum column depending on values from another column on a single row (Pivot columns)

I have a table with this schema CREATE TABLE 'trades' ( symbol SYMBOL capacity 256 CACHE, side SYMBOL capacity 256 CACHE, price DOUBLE, amount DOUBLE, timestamp TIMESTAMP ) timestamp (...
Javier Ramirez's user avatar
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gap fill for raster stack in R

I have irregular time series NDVI raster stack over a year and there is no data for July. I would like to generate the irregular time series to a monthly regular time series to run bfast model in R. ...
user30985's user avatar
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Combining two dataframes with different column name in time-series

I have two data frames, one named sensor and one named train. The sensor data frame contains the data of a time series, whose index is the ts_sensor column. In the sensor data frame the names of the ...
Emilio Mastriani's user avatar
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Clickhouse time query seems to be slow

I am moving all my iot data (currently into several small table orginized by tenants) into a general one with several MV. The problem I have right now is that a simple query take long time to execute ...
Anthony Corbacho's user avatar
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How to prevent Pandas from plotting index as Period?

A common task I have is plotting time series data and creating gray bars that denote NBER recessions. For instance, recessionplot() from Matlab will do exactly that. I am not aware of similar ...
Raul Guarini Riva's user avatar
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Time series forecasting data with 5-minute intervals for the next 14 days

I have a task of forecasting the number of calls with a 5-minute interval for the next 14 days. We have data for the last 4 years with a 5-minute interval, and there are only gaps for one month. I ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Time series model specification [migrated]

I want to run a regression analysis in R to explain the variation of my DV g_law_tot which is the growth rate of total budget from t-1 to t. I have yearly data from 1994 to 2023. I have some political,...
user14514023's user avatar
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Pandas - resample timeseries with both mean and max

Given this sample timeseries: price vol 2017-01-01 08:00:00 56 1544 2017-01-01 11:00:00 70 1680 2017-01-01 14:00:00 92 1853 2017-01-02 08:00:00 94 1039 2017-...
Shankze's user avatar
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ARIMA model returning a KeyError

After fitting the train dataset, I'm trying to predict with the fitted ARIMA model but I'm getting this error message ==> The start argument could not be matched to a location related to the index ...
Minerva Ankrah's user avatar
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Date column messes up when using ts() function [duplicate]

I used the lubridate package in order to convert the date column from character to Date format. Then I wanted to create a Time-Series using of the ts() function which results the date column being a ...
Stefan's user avatar
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ARMA(4,4) on Δy and ARIMA (4,1,4) on y with exogenous regressors yield different results in Python

While trying to forecast a non stationary time series in Python, I tried two methods for forecasting - Method 1 : Fitting an ARMA (4,4) after manually differencing the series once Code - data['d1'] =...
Akashnil Datta Mukherjee's user avatar
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How to add Basic Auth to a Caddy config with TLS and auto renewal to Serve QuestDB via Docker

Since QuestDB OSS does not have basic auth and TLS, I want to use caddy to proxy it, and it will also auto renew my TLS certificates. So far I had success on properly serving QuestDB with TLS, but I ...
Javier Ramirez's user avatar
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How to migrate the data to different cluster in cluster version of Apache IoTDB?

I has just recently expanded Apache IoTDB from standalone version to cluster version. I now want to copy the data of cluster A to cluster B. Since for standalone version, I only need to copy the data ...
NKZ's user avatar
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After copying data and system directories of datanode, why did the data still cannot be queried in the new server of Apache IoTDB?

I currently have two stand-alone instances of Apache IoTDB server (A and B). Both of which are run by docker, while server A is newly started. After I copy server B's data/datanode/data and data/...
zlyf's user avatar
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How to filter values from showing up in a Looker Studio Time Series Chart

I have a table from Google Sheets with the following structure: timestamp answer 01/01/2024 00:00:00 1 01/01/2024 00:00:00 5 01/02/2024 00:00:00 4 01/02/2024 00:00:00 2 Now I use a time series ...
Mirco Widmer's user avatar
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15 views time series prediction: How to get prediction that occurs after a leap

Both codes found here seems to produce predictions directly after trained model data: Tutorial: Forecast bike rental service demand with time series analysis and ML.NET ChatGpt answer to my question &...
Eric Ouellet's user avatar
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KeyError: 'The `start` argument could not match a location related to the index of the data.' but when I check my indexes they do exist

i try to predict usinf a SARIMAX model: pred = seas_model_results.predict(start = test_df.index[0], end = train_df.index[-1]) However I get this error KeyError: 'The start argument could not match a ...
Juan Felipe Cardona Arango's user avatar
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Excel formula to change sum field depending on date

I have a data table in Excel in which each row corresponds to a specific deal event and has various different fields associated in the other columns. This data looks something like: Deal ID Amount ...
Stats DUB01's user avatar
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InvalidIndexError: You can only assign a scalar value not a <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

enter image description here Hello I am trying to press the spx with a sarimas model, however i have not been able to solve this error, i would be grateful if you could give me guidance. ...
Juan Felipe Cardona Arango's user avatar
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Fractional ARIMA simulation

I'm trying to design from scratch a function to simulate a fractional ARIMA time series. Unfortunately I dont know how to add the fractional part to the function, while the AR and MA part are already ...
luca donatelli's user avatar
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When querying in Apache IoTDB Version 0.13.3, why results are duplicated for crertain timestamp ranges?

My Apache IoTDB version is 0.13.3. Why are there duplicate data timestamps and values when querying data? The query statement I used is select X1 from root.ops.K01 order by time desc. The result of X1 ...
leonbear's user avatar
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R function to sum/count consecutives values - Rainfall indices

I would like to calculate some rainfall indices using a data frame with year, day and the rainfall values. How to calculate Maximum 5 day Consecutive Precipitation (R5d)? Maximum number of consecutive ...
Marcel 's user avatar
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a multivariate multi-step time series prediction problem

I have a multivariate multi-step time series prediction problem, where I input waterA, waterB, waterC, medicineA, medicineB, and output turbidity. enter image description here Among them, medicineA ...
Roku's user avatar
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What configuration need to be changed for DataNode failed to startup and reported `internal TEndPoints can't be modified`?

I want to change ip address settings in Apache IoTDB. However, after I successfully changed the ip address settings, the system still cannot be restarted. I checked the log records, and find that the ...
Monster Zhang's user avatar
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Resource limit exceeded

I executed a query and the result was: The resources occupied by CnosDB far exceed the resource limit. What is going on? Has anyone encountered similar problems? Details are as follows: start a 3meta ...
Baker X's user avatar
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summary function in R not giving desired output

I am just trying to build an arima model using the arima() function and want to get some summary stats like AIC and RMSE using the summary() function. But the summary function is giving me some ...
ap_2706's user avatar
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Dynamic rectangle

I would like to animate with ggplot a time series and a rectangle. My actual code is the following one: library(ggplot2) library(gganimate) df <- data.frame( x = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), y ...
Rim ManHa's user avatar
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TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object. i want get df of twelvedata.timeseries.timeSeries object how can i do this i was abl todo it b4

i'm trying to make a method that would return me a df: while doing it i am using twelvedata. i am getting a type error but a few days before i was able to run it without errors ! here are syntax and ...
Rushidev Ukalkar's user avatar