Questions tagged [timeline]

Time-based information displays and user interfaces. For the Facebook Timeline use [facebook-timeline] instead.

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0 answers

Execution time is not showing for javascript under Sources tab in Chrome devtools

I have started the recording for my page under chrome dev tools performance tab. After I complete the recording and analyse the performance, I find that one specific javascript is take longer time. ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to make a DAX formula respond to a Timeline slider?

In Excel, I have a source table (named 'Cumulative Events') with columns Case_num, PT, and Receipt_Date. I have a pivot table with a DAX formula denom = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT('Cumulative Events'[...
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0 answers

The react-google-charts timeline freezes the browser window when you have two data points, each lasting only one second

I'm currently building a timeline chart and have data that changes partially every second. Through debugging, I eventually found out that the freezing happens when I have two consecutive data points, ...
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0 answers

Dynamically adjust item height in Flutter Timeline based on ExpandableText content

I'm working on implementing a timeline widget in my Flutter app, where each item in the timeline contains some content, including potentially long text wrapped inside an ExpandableText widget. The ...
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1 answer

Twitter embedded timeline is showing "Nothing to see here"

When embedding a Twitter timeline on a webpage, it displays "Nothing to see here". I'm only posting this to try and get the results to display on Google since it wasn't obvious when I was ...
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0 answers

Adding the color argument to my px.timeline figures starts a new y-scale for each category. How do I use color so that the y-scale isn't interrupted?

I am a new hobby coder and I'm trying to plot a traveler's timeline of visits to places around the world. I have an example of the graph I would like but passing the color parameter of Plotly's px....
1 vote
1 answer

Timeline in Python - creating spaces between dates lines

Following by is the code and its output. Is there a way to create space between the date line to the lower event name, so that there will not be overlapping as seen in the figure. There is a space ...
2 votes
1 answer

ApexCharts - "opts.ctx.rangeBar.getTooltipValues is not a function"

I'm using ApexCharts to create a timeline chart that has multiple series and grouped rows. It's very similar to their example chart in their docs located here:
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1 answer

Create a timeline in a table shape

I'm trying to create a pretty specific component that should look like this: I give it an array with id, date and it should display the event in a timeline manner but in a table manner also since ...
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Export to PDF/Jpg functionality unable to export the entire timeine chart as pdf/jpg. Data get chopped off

Using Export to PDF/Jpg functionality, we are unable to export the entire timeine chart as pdf/jpg. We have found the below document, however that just exports the screen image that is visible to the ...
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React Slick: Trigger callback or highlight slide when dragged/swiped slide passes the halfway point

I am using React Slick to create a timeline scroller, with the slides styled as a ruler so the user can visually see the steps moving. See pic. Red highlighted area is a single 'slide' As the user ...
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1 answer

Is there a better way to implement the timeline(see image) so that it is responsive to different screen sizes?

Current Timeline Implementation is based on the screen size of 3800px ish width. I used display: grid and display: flex to achieve the timeline look. I also used ::after to create the vertical line. ...
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0 answers

Google timeline chart is slow for large data

I have a google timeline chart with around 10K datapoints. It takes a long time to draw the chart. Below is the same code that I use. The code snipped generates 100 datapoints and the chart draws ...
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2 answers

How to show multiple same date on timeline chart in highchart

I'm using highchart and I need to show timeline chart but there are multiple same dates which I need to show on timeline but I'm not sure how to show multiple same dates.
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1 answer

Use mat-stepper just for display

I'm trying to display a "timeline" and I would like somting that look like this : For no I have the following : Using : <mat-stepper orientation="vertical" > <div *ngFor=...
6 votes
3 answers

Chart.js timeline

Chart.js is a very popular JavaScript library for making charts. A timeline is a very popular type of chart. It looks like chart.js can make many different types of charts, except timelines. Is it ...
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0 answers

can i stop view or scroll timeline animation when scrolling up?

i am learning css timeline animations with view() and scroll(). it all works great but one issue: unlike when using javascript observation intersection, i cannot seem to stop the animation while ...
97 votes
10 answers

How to create a timeline with LaTeX?

In history-books you often have timeline, where events and periods are marked on a line in the correct relative distance to each other. How is it possible to create something similar in LaTeX?
-1 votes
2 answers

Fill empty cells in a schedule

[1]Datastructure I'm helping my manager working on a personnel planning file and which has 3 dimensions: employee, week, and project name. I want to fill in the blank cells between the project start ...
1 vote
3 answers

horizontal timeline css implementation

I'm trying to implement a horizontal timeline and I'm stuck. I need help implementing it exactly! body { background-color: black; } .timeline { white-space: nowrap; overflow-x: ...
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1 answer

how to mute sound in flash as2

I want to mute the sound not pause....i already using setVolume script on other buttons. If their is any other option for mute please let me know..
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0 answers

React Timelines Plugin Issue: Displaying Message Borders but Not Date Ranges

Hi Stack Overflow community, I'm currently working on a React project and using the React Timelines plugin to create timelines. However, I've run into an issue where only the borders of messages are ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Creating a PowerBI Timeline with Dates

So I have a large set of data which looks something like this: Column A Date Study 1 11-12-23 Study 2 24-01-24 Study 3 09-12-23 Study 4 19-02-24 I want to create a timeline view in PowerBI, ...
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0 answers

which concepts learn in ANDROID JAVA for creating video editing timeline like kinemaster app

hai sir i have a doubt please tel me answer my doubt is which concepts learn in ANDROID JAVA for creating video editing timeline like kinemaster app in android java programming:
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2 answers

Higcharts - timeline series type- continuous color with datetime x axis

i would like to have something like a 'timeline' chart with a label/tooltip mixed with other series type like 'line'. I have a datatipe like a 'flag' that is very repetitive so I would like to "...
1 vote
1 answer

Export or Print Google Sheets Timeline to image\pdf

I have created a Timeline chart within google sheets and it looks lovely, but it does not appear that I can actually do much with it in terms of printing it or exporting it to a pdf or an image. I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Twitter API timeline - one entire week

I'm new to API and Twitter I managed to retrieve the 'normal' 20 Tweets (Status) Is there a way to retrieve a whole week at once? Or do I have to write a code that permanently calls 20 Tweets and ...
2 votes
2 answers

JavaFX animations playing simultaneously in timeline

I'm pretty new to JavaFX. I am trying to make this timeline where each keyframe happens after the previous one has finished. So far, each of the steps happen one after the other like I want it to. ...
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1 answer

Plotly Express Timeline with Time x-axis in two formats

(EDIT: I did figure out that I don't need actual DATA in the added go.Scatter. My code is therefore slightly simplified now. ) I have a Plotly Express Timeline chart showing a set of activities, with ...
3 votes
1 answer

In Chrome DevTools, When done Timeline recording, What is millisecond of sources Panel means?

As you visit and find "Layout Forced" keyword, and you can see the picture of the left panel showing 23.9 ms. I ...
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Switch between Playable assets in ONE Scene at Runtime?

I'm struggling on how to switch between playable assets at runtime in one scene using timeline. What I want to do is something like this I have a scene and have Playable Direction component attached ...
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1 answer

How do I implement parallel VideoTimeline in my android as in the kinemaster app?

Parallel VideoTimeline in Kinemaster app How to implement the above using recyclerview or any other technique to do the same ? I have implemented a single timeline using recyclerview for multiple ...
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0 answers

Is there's any possible way to show both positive and negative numbers in vis-timeline time axis instead of defualt date given by the Library

Is there's any possible way to show both positive and negative numbers in vis-timeline instead of default date given by the Library I was trying to implement a timeline which starts from a negative ...
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0 answers

How to design timeline view in flutter

I want to design the timeline view similar to the image below. I tried searching but couldn't find any way to design this view. I want to show data based on date. Does anyone know how I can do this? ...
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0 answers

Timeline key frame spaces beetween many object position animation

Hello guys I try to make a building animation like all parts arrive in order . BEFORE AFTER . I have like 600 seperated parts like that, Is there an easy way do that? Right now I'm making manually ...
1 vote
1 answer

Adding a textbox to a python Folium map with a GeoJSON timeline

I made an animated timeline map using python Folium and GeoJSON. The map uses lines to show some people travelling from point A to point B. These lines appear over time with an animated timeline made ...
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0 answers

How can I make Timeline / Application Thread notify waiting Threads

I have a big problem with multithreading... I developed a little game and I have a Timeline which updates for example Coordinates of every Sprite in my Application... Now I want to use another Thread ...
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1 answer

How to make treeview fully support right-to-left (RTL) & display outer (UL) as bootstrap timeline

$.fn.extend({ treed: function (o) { var openedClass = 'fa-minus-circle'; var closedClass = 'fa-plus-circle'; if (typeof o != 'undefined'){ if (...
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1 answer

Creating a timeline in R Tidyverse

If I have a dataset (see below) consisting of ID (1 to 20), age, gender, and disease/control group, how do I then create a timeline based on “Age” from 0 to 99 where I would have all samples from the “...
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0 answers

Need to create a filter to identify all months with dates inbetween a specified date range - M Language / PowerBI Query

I have a date range column and alongside this I have created copy columns splitting it to have a start date column and and end date column. I want to select a month from the calendar as a filter so ...
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1 answer

Timeline visualization with ggplot2: How to make parallel events visible?

I want to draw a timeline with ggplot2. Some of the events take place at the same time and ggplot2 tends to draw them on top of each other, such that only one of them stays visible. Here is an example ...
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1 answer

Color discrete map messes up alignment of blocks in plotly timeline

I have a plotly timeline with three blocks. They are nicely aligned when I don't color them. import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { 'y': [2,3,4], 'van': [pd.Timestamp(&...
1 vote
0 answers

How to show the tooltip for the top layer only in multi-layer plotly graphs?

I have a multi-layer plotly express timeline showing grey blocks with blue activities on them. Both blocks and activities have a tooltip. When hovering over them, I want to show the tooltip for the ...
3 votes
3 answers

How to get overlapped bars to be visible

I'd like to know if anyone has a solution to overlapping timeline bars? import as px import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame([ dict(Task="Job A", Start='2009-01-01', Finish=...
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1 answer

Changing ranges in timeline

Following this question I would like to change the X range (date), so that it will be from 1970, 1980,... till 2020 and the events will be a..b, etc... (I have a predefined list of events). I use the ...
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0 answers

How do I resize the Vue JS v-timeline dividers on a horizontal timeline?

I have a Vue JS 3 project where I am using the v-timeline component. I have a table that has monthly columns, each column has it's own timeline. What I would like to do is set the column width to a ...
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0 answers

How to add a Calendar filter for my Pivot Table?

I am building a pivot table in excel for work. Is there a way where I can build a calendar slicer, where someone can click on (for example) the 30th of September, and update the pivot table? The ...
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2 answers

Gsap scrolltrigger with timeline

I'm making react app using gsap. I use scrolltrigger in timeline but it's not working. The scrolltrigger couldn't work.Can someone help me? Here is my code gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); const el ...
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0 answers

ttkwidgets TimeLine isn't expanding properly

root.title('Timeline Test') root.geometry('1440x800') menu = tk.Menu(root, tearoff=False) menu.add_command(label="Some Action", command=lambda: print("Command Executed")) ...
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0 answers

When I change interactive sequences on the slide timeline in powerpoint during a slide show, the changes don't take effect until a slideshow restart

I'm new here, so please forgive any transgressions. I am writing some code which will copy a picture shape on a slide, move the copy to a new place on the slide and add some animations to the new ...

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