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Configuring permissions to invoke tc qdisc shell commands requiring CAP_NET_ADMIN in C/C++ program

I have a C++ program that intends to set queuing disciplines by invoking (iproute2) tc shell commands. Example code: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> int main() { const char* ...
Mitja Rislakki's user avatar
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Issues with Googlebot crawling and negative number pages

I am dealing with very heavy load from Googlebot, I have hundreds of sites running on multiple IPs all on the same server and googlebot is constantly crawling these sites causing a lot of availability ...
Julien's user avatar
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How to put a "Pause" or "stop" button in labview

I have this easy code, its a traffic light enter image description here Its simple, past 1000ms, it switches to the next case to turn a different light. enter image description here I build it like ...
Erick Escobar Muñoz's user avatar
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intercept a packet/request and block it in python scapy

I am working on a project where I analyze the traffic of my computer with scapy, I would like to be able to intercept the request and when it is a request to a certain IP address to be able to block ...
theo labarthe's user avatar
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Url rewrites to other domain in nextjs 14

I have two domain let say domain and now my goal is when user on website hit should show the content of the Now i am able to achieve this from the nextjs rewrites in ...
yaman jain's user avatar
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Mitmproxy doesn't capture the traffic I need

Here is my problem, the thing I'm trying to do is to capture the market activity from a game (I need the api key), but mitmproxy only captures player settings and a config, is there a way to get more ...
Xinon's user avatar
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SOMU randomTrips did not generate

I have some issues with SOMU randomTrips and I do not find anything useful on web, so I should ask, please help me... senario: 0- I made a map.xml with a small area. 1- I ran command prompt in this ...
Parisa Partovinia's user avatar
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Gurobi unable to find the most optimal Link Utilization

from gurobipy import Model, GRB, quicksum, Env def calcMLU(trafficMatrix, adjNodes, OSPFflowPaths, SDNNodes): params = { "WLSACCESSID": '', "WLSSECRET": '', "LICENSEID&...
TAN JASON's user avatar
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Heatmap using latitude and longitude coordinates

I have a very large dataframe of +10Million rows containing information about route points of vessels in maritime traffic. I wanted to create a heatmap to highlight the areas with higher traffic flow ...
Coki_23's user avatar
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SUMO Traffic Simulator - Find neighbouring traffic lights

I have this simple SUMO simulation traci.start(["sumo", "-c", ".\sumo_test_simulation\sumoconfig.sumo.cfg"]) steps = 0 waiting_times = {} waiting_cars = {} while steps &...
Georgi Kolev's user avatar
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HTB overlimits traffic BW

I am using TC Linux HTB to limit traffic bandwidths in the egress interface. For it, I've set the following instructions on a linux container: tc qdisc add dev eth2 root handle 1: htb default 12 tc ...
Aitor Encinas's user avatar
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Sorting out the API traffic in Jmeter

I am beginner on Jmeter and many parts is complicated to understand. When I use "HTTP Test Script Recorder" to record my test script in Jmeter, it records a lot of API traffic calls. How to ...
Juli's user avatar
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How can I solve a multi-class traffic assignment

I am working on a project which needs to use aequilibrae python package. I am getting an issue while doing a multi-class equilibrium task. I am getting an error after assig.execute() as "...
MIr Raisul Islam's user avatar
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Can nRF sniffer for BLE capture Packets in the connection sent between the two devices in the connection?

I'm currently trying to capture the BLE communication packets sent between the smartband and my phone after connecting them. I have tried the nRF sniffer for Bluetooth LE of Nordic semiconductor, but ...
qiu ye's user avatar
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TomTom traffic api integration in ESRI js api

I'm facing issues displaying results from the TomTom API in my ArcGIS JavaScript application. Despite configuring a Vector Tile Layer with TomTom traffic data, the results are not showing up on the ...
ahmed mahfoz's user avatar
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Traffic light sumo simulation

I have python AI YOLO model that use 4 cameras in each road to manage traffic light Based on number of cars in each road... Can i simulation this model in SUMO ? Is there any possible to simulate this ...
Shagla's user avatar
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Do github traffic insights include visits to the raw versions of files?

I'm wondering whether the traffic insights are just for people visiting the main repo pages, or if they also include when people visit the raw version of a file?
Ben Holness's user avatar
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jmeter SampleResult.setSuccessful(false) not working

I'm using a loop of beanShell samplers starting threads and, for each thread, a python script is executed, that returns a particular string. I want the thread to fail if the returning string contains ...
ing-95's user avatar
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How to filter traffic by Client IP with istio on GKE

I'm trying to make a traffic management in my k8s cluster with istio My goal to achieve is looking like this: I have 2 versions of my application running, V1 and V2. I want to make sure that all ...
Semen Kolesnikov's user avatar
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Traffic Manager and CNAME

The company has decided to implement geo-located multi-region solution. The Traffic Manager Geo was selected to route the traffic between regions. But there is some issue. The previous solution based ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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How is communication between the vehicles themselves and the vehicles and RSUs?

I am studying UVCAST protocol for VANET that consists of group of vehicles and RSU. you know ,that communication between vehicles themselves and between vehicles and RSU is done using IEEE 802.11p ...
Hanadi Darwisho's user avatar
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some website's traffic didn't go through burp suite proxy

My problem is when I configure burp suite as a invisible proxy for my android phone. I can capture most website's traffic but I can not capture some website's traffic like facebook. more information ...
Huynh Van's user avatar
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How can I retrieve historical incident data from Tomtom's API using Python requests?

I am trying to retrieve some historical data regarding incidents from Tomtom's api using requests module in python. I tried this code: #defining the retrieved properties of the incident query = '{...
Bashar Moalla's user avatar
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use sql to sessionize traffic data - gaps and island problem

I have an activity table called myTable, the data looks like this: CREATE TABLE myTable ( userid text, webid text, "ts" timestamp ); INSERT INTO myTable ("...
olivia's user avatar
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how to sessionize the activity data in consecutive way - gaps and island problem

I have an activity table called myTable, the data looks like this: CREATE TABLE myTable ( userid text, webid text, "ts" timestamp ); INSERT INTO myTable ("...
ccwiris's user avatar
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Here-api. Upgrade to version 7 from 6. We use (RWS -> RW -> FIS->FI->TMC - DE ) in the xml file. Is it possible to get this data in version 7?

The new version of the [here-api] api doesn't have this data and the json file does not contain this data. How does get this data? Example responce version 6 and 7 I tried to find a description of ...
mSamwolf's user avatar
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Istio: How to do canary deployment

Currently there are 3 possible values which we can receive in the header like A1, A2 and A3, and we have three different services running for each value like Service-A1, Service-A2 and Service-A3. ...
Yash Mehta's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to forward traffic from LAN Network to WAN network?

____________________________________________________________________________________________General information: Daisy chain network ubuntu 22.04 Network id: and goal ...
user20753039's user avatar
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Installing 'traffic' for use in JupyterLab

It is not possible for me to install the python library 'traffic' and get it running. I'm trying to install the traffic library for python. So far, nothing has worked out. When using pip install ...
Lucas_Hoef's user avatar
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I am trying to find out the traffic confilct. My code is: I am trying to find out the traffic confilct. My code is: import os import math fileset=os.listdir('C:\Users\Tawkir\Desktop\Lab Work') for ...
Tawkir Ahmed's user avatar
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Is there a way to measure CPU usage inside the Kubernetes POD?

In CNF world, measuring the CPU usage on a POD with usual commands for example, top command doesnot actually provide the POD's actual CPU usage, instead it will be like you run it on the host system/...
user3065099's user avatar
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Set individual timeout for each arrival in simmer R

In simmer, is it possible to assign an individual timeout for each arrival (at the same point in time)? I am developing a discrete event simulation of vehicles travelling along road segments. The ...
jimbo's user avatar
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Initiator of request - Burp Suite

I am analyizing the traffic of an Android application via the Burp Suite and the emulator of Android Studio. How can I find out the initiating App of a request? I would like to know if a request is ...
Stefan Klaus's user avatar
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Why this vehicle can't turning left in SUMO Traffic Simulation?

I can manipulate SUMO Traffic Simulation with TCP/IP. I am always feed SUMO with data. But traffic can't move because some vehicle do not turn. I added picture below; Picture of trouble
burakseyitkara's user avatar
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Can you change the phone number on a website based on the source of the traffic?

We are going to start running various ad campaigns and want to track which calls come from which source but our landing page is the same main website. Is there a way to change the phone number ...
Epaulson2's user avatar
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Is it possible to log traffic (responses in particular) on a domain using javascript?

Is it possible to log HTTP responses on a domain using javascript? I know this is possible using the developer console, but I'm looking for a way to log the incoming traffic on a webpage with js only
Shungite's user avatar
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How to setup stop condition on VEML7700 through I2C library? I am not getting the ACK from reading

int I2C_Master_ReadReg(unsigned char dev_addr, unsigned char reg_addr, unsigned char count, unsigned char *pData, void (* Sub)(void)) { uint8_t cnt; start(); sda(dev_addr); ...
NoUdemy's user avatar
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Uwsgi Locking Up After a Few Requests with Nginx/Traefik/Flask App Running over HTTPS/TLS and Docker

Problem I have an app that uses nginx to serve my Python Flask app in production that only after a few requests starts locking up and timing out (will serve the first request or two quickly then start ...
Justin Hammond's user avatar
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Convert Elastiflow network flow into 3D graphics

I am looking for a way to show Elastiflow's Netflow traffic in 3D graphics and I would like to know a solution that I could implement. Flow Trafic Like: The 3D presentation I would like to achieve ...
withesoc's user avatar
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Intercept Https/Http Network Traffic from my windows machine

I am trying to figure out technology that we can use to intercept a specific request from my decide(laptop). Example: I would want to validate the request(post, put, get) being made from my device to ...
Syed Adil Shariq's user avatar
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Difference in network traffic between webapi and direct database access?

General question. Which option would have less network traffic. Option 1: A single database connection to a WebAPI, with multiple clients communicating via the API using the standard request / ...
user3265613's user avatar
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get the id of all connected devices on my network

I am trying to get the IP of all the connected devices on my network using python code, but I only get the IP of my device and of the router. why is this happening while I suppose to get the IP of all ...
Esra Issam's user avatar
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Default Network Policy in K8s

I am really confused about Kubernetes default Network Policy. By accessing the official document, I can read that: By default, a pod is non-isolated for egress; all outbound connections are allowed ...
Unknown developer's user avatar
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GA4 - filter internal traffic - issue

I am the owner and admin of a ga4 property. My goal is to exclude internal traffic from one or more IP addresses from reporting. Into settings -> Stream I defined the internal traffic with internal ...
Diego P's user avatar
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How to set up traffic forwarding so my origin IP address remains the same when calling an external API from Azure or my laptop

I have an Azure App Service and multiple Azure Functions that need to call into a specific external API - let's call it I also frequently run the App Service and Azure Functions ...
Calum Peebles's user avatar
3 votes
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How to delete the latest revision on Cloud Run (GCP)

I'm trying to delete the latest revision "editor-v2-0-0" but there is the message "Latest revision cannot be deleted." as shown below even though it doesn't have any tags and 0% ...
Super Kai - Kazuya Ito's user avatar
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How can I get item views from ebay api for my seller account?

I have a seller and a developer account for the ebay api. I need to get traffic data, specifically the number of times one of my items was viewed. I think I can do this by retrieving my items with ...
Boris's user avatar
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Azure External Endpoint Configuration

I'm trying to add two External Endpoints to Azure Traffic Manager. I have hosted two react apps (Same app) in both Firebase Hosting and GCP App Engine (two regions) The URLs are https://XXXXX-alt.el.r....
Ravindu Fernando's user avatar
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To clarify the difference between security groups and Internal prefix list which would be best and to have a brief explanation about that

Wanted to know the difference between security groups and internal prefix-list and to know which would be best for not allowing the external traffic to enter the cloud?
teja's user avatar
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Server for traffic redirection with static IP

I use app engine on google cloud for my webserver. The webserver must communicate with APIs to fetch all kind of data from clients. For a specific client, I need a static IP for my server for it to be ...
plotop's user avatar
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