Questions tagged [ubuntu]

GENERAL UBUNTU SUPPORT IS OFF-TOPIC. Support questions may be asked at Ubuntu is a free desktop and server operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux. This tag is for programming questions specific to Ubuntu.

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Can I safely uninstall the snap package core20 from ubuntu server 22.04? [closed]

I have an Ubuntu server 22.04 VM. Security scan software is flagging the openssl program inside the snap package core20 as having security vulnerabilities. According to the core20 github repo's ...
RBWolf's user avatar
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"Unidentified reference to main" when attempting to build PractRand [closed]

screenshot of error message in Linux command prompt Hi, I'm new here so forgive me if the question isn't entirely clear I'm attempting to build PractRand on a VM running Ubuntu 22.04, the latest LTS ...
MattH's user avatar
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Block Http requests using Squid Proxy

I need help with setting up Squid proxy on my Ubuntu machine. I want to configure it to use basic authentication and block any calls made on this machine that don't provide correct proxy credentials. ...
John Seen's user avatar
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How to get correct accents char within javascript on Ubuntu?

Surprisingly, this simply code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h1> Keyboard input test</h1> <script> document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { ...
Karen Fisher's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Can I prevent a user from taking screenshots in linux? [closed]

I'm seeking ways to bolster the security of my Ubuntu system by curbing the ability of users to capture screenshots. Given that I'm using the X11 desktop environment, I'm particularly interested in ...
user4331548's user avatar
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tensorflow not detecting gpu in a conda environment on ubuntu 22.04

Ubuntu : 22.04 rtx 3070ti notebook + i7 12700 conda 24.1.2 tensorflow 2.16.1 Driver Version: 535.161.07 CUDA Version: 12.2 Build cuda_11.5.r11.5/compiler.30672275_0 I tried pip install tensorflow[...
physics_freak963's user avatar
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How can I capture XDND information while dragging files between different directories in unbuntu

I wrote a demo to capture XDND type messages for dragging files between folders in UBUNTU22.04. But I found that even though I set the mask for all message types, I still couldn't catch messages from ...
Overflow's user avatar
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3 answers

Laravel [NGINX] 404 NOT FOUND on sub-directory or images even though they exist

NOTE: This project works well on my localhost. I installed this Laravel project on my server with Nginx as the webserver. It installed fine since I followed the instructions but when I upload an image ...
I.Am.That.JUDE's user avatar
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How remove icons of folder or file when i Drop in Tauti

I'm creating a Tauri app, but when I try to drop any file or folder, works fine in logic, but in the desktop the icons of this elements never despair, how I solve that because is very annoying. I ...
SonickSeven's user avatar
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OSError: [Errno -9996] Invalid input device (no default output device)

So I have already installed pyaudio but it returns an error, I'm using WSL. import assemblyai as aai import openai import elevenlabs from queue import Queue from elevenlabs.client import ElevenLabs ...
Izabel Maely Gonales Guerreiro's user avatar
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Ubuntu DNS resolve broken for some sites [closed]

Hi I've got a weird problem here; I've got a machine running Ubuntu 23.10. This is connected to the Internet via some Docsys modem using TV cable. The modem doesn't allow setting DNS-Servers so I'm ...
derelektrischemoench's user avatar
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The newline (\n) is not working in END block in bash [duplicate]

I need to define the "\n" in END block as it will be passed to other bash script as an argument. I have added an empty newline at the begin and at the end. But only the begin empty line (\n) ...
stackbiz's user avatar
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error with config gcc for setting up atheros csi tool openwrt

I am currently trying to setup openwrt on ubuntu virtual box but there is an error with config the file the gcc, verison is the latest and its installed when i run make menuconfig command this is the ...
sevinc's user avatar
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In Ubuntu I get error groups: cannot find name for group ID 1004 [closed]

I had a group called sknowed. It was group ID 1004. The user admin was a part of this group. I then deleted the group with sudo groupdel sknowed. When I execute groups command, I get a list of ...
spreaderman's user avatar
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Where do I put my PHP files on my EC2 Ubuntu server?

I've been working on my first full stack web dev project for a little while now. To summarize it, I have a small Vite app with a form that can take in data from a user and then use a php file to ...
Weldin's user avatar
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How to resolve abnormal file paths during FTP uploads [closed]

When an FTP user enters a file path, how does the FTP server respond? I have an FTP user, and when uploading files to a server I've set up locally, the paths are all normal. However, on another server,...
李浩然's user avatar
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Why the NodeJs stop when I put call to Morgan [closed]

I'm trying to install Morgan in NodeJs, but it's not working, when I change my app.js, I put the request to Morgan, the application stops. If I remove the call to Morgan, the app work. My Node.Js ...
Victor's user avatar
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Can't volume map nginx.conf to directory in container

First of all, I am only experiencing this issue on my Linux VPS. This issue doesn't exist on my Windows development machine. My VPS is running Ubuntu 23.04 The issue When I attempt to launch my docker ...
Hayden Gorringe's user avatar
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Problems installing packages for R in Ubuntu possibly related to non-writable folder

I installed and ran R in Ubuntu, including several files. However, problems arose when I needed the package tidyverse. Judging from what I know now, it is not the only package with issues installing. ...
JAP's user avatar
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Installing Wordpress on Ubuntu 22.04 Cannot change default webpage [closed]

I am trying to install wordpress on ubuntu 22.04, I am following this guide to the letter: ...
Alex's user avatar
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K3s device plugin is in CrashLoopBackOff

We are using docker as container engine (25.0.3) and configured container runtime according to document
NVNK's user avatar
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Locking NVIDIA GPU for User in a Shared Resource System [closed]

Requirement We have a multi-user shared machine with 2 NVIDIA GPUs (A6000). Multiple users may be logged into the device, and the GPU must be checked to see if it is engaged (via nvidia-smi). ...
varungupta's user avatar
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Installing Tensorflow (building pip package)

I'm tring to install tensorflow 2.6.0 on WSL2. I follow the guide ( and after: bazel build //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:wheel --repo_env=WHEEL_NAME=...
Jakub Maciążek's user avatar
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error: module not found: javafx.controls on ubuntu

I have a problem running Java FX code. I use Ubuntu 22.04.03 and openjdk 17.0.10 . I downloaded javafx from the link here Then, according to its documentation, I typed this command in the terminal: ...
Mohammad Abdollahi's user avatar
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‘_mm_loadu_epi8’ was not declared in this scope [duplicate]

My code is calulating L2 distance between vectors. __m512 sum = _mm512_setzero_ps(); __m512 dot5 = _mm512_set1_ps(0.5f); __m512 const_255 = _mm512_set1_ps(255.0f); for (int i = 0; i < d; i +...
Kevinzz's user avatar
-3 votes
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What is the default username & password for Oracle sql in Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS?

I have installed oracle sql on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS by watching a youtube video. i am stuck connecting to the database. i don't know what is my username and password for connecting to oracle database. ...
Durjoy Dey's user avatar
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system snmp error -snmp::get(): No response from cacti [closed]

Problem, Im in a virtual machine Ubuntu distribution. Please help ( I´m trying to add a device on cacti but it says system snmp error -snmp::get(): No response from ...
Nick T's user avatar
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sudo systemctl daemon-reload not working through ssh command [closed]

After modifying systemctl myService.service file, when command "sudo systemctl daemon-reload" is executed remotely via SSH through a bash sh script: The myService.service file is modified ...
Confitero's user avatar
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VSCode not opening browser

I've created a simple html doc on the WSL/Ubuntu terminal and opened it in VSCode. Once there, I tried to open it in the browser and it won't display plus I have this message: Could not read source ...
Raul Bonilla Claramunt's user avatar
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Tensorflow using Cuda strangely in WSL Ubuntu

I use tensorflow in the environment of WSL Ubuntu for higher version because Windows cannot support. I use TF 2.14.0 version and training my deeplearning model. However, As shown above, when training ...
MCPMH's user avatar
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Buildozer failing to complete last command

So I'm trying to convert my python code to a .apk file using buildozer, but buildozer isn't working. when I run buildozer -v android debug, this is what buildozer says: # Check configuration tokens # ...
user24067968's user avatar
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Getting 'TLS handshake timeout' error when using kubectl to access Kubernetes readiness check endpoint

The objective is to run 'kubectl get --raw='/readyz?verbose' command to access & check endpoint of the Kubernetes API server in a raw format On ubuntu, when i run " kubectl get --raw='/...
Emna Sallemi's user avatar
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Picamera2 installation issues in Raspberry Pi 5

Does anybody know how can I install Picamera2 on Raspberry Pi 5 (Ubuntu 23.10)? I've two Noir V3 Camera modulus, and I want to use Python code for my image processing work by open cv and qt5 (like ...
Civil.Shakeri's user avatar
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How to make a c exe global in Ubuntu [duplicate]

I have a file called fsm.c and with the command gcc fsm.c -o fsm I have a new file called fsm. I want to execute the particular file wherever I am while using the terminal. I tried to move it in the /...
CuriousDev's user avatar
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What is the difference between nginx config files? [closed]

I have noticed that nginx has a number of configuration files such as nginx.conf in the /etc/nginx directory and 2 others one in the /etc/nginx/sites-available called default and one in the /etc/nginx/...
hackermade's user avatar
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Python & Django web app - auto emails not sending - troubleshooting Cron

I have a webapp running on an ubunti vps. Cron is scheduled to run a task evry sunday morning, however, I found it ran once and not again the next week. I have been reading about cron and how to ...
Tom's user avatar
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there is an error with config gcc for setting up atheros csi tool openwrt

I am currently trying to setup openwrt on ubuntu virtual box but there is an error with config the file the gcc, verison is the latest and its installed, when i run make menuconfig command this is the ...
sevinc's user avatar
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PyPSA-Eur Error in rule build_renewable_profiles

The problem: I am getting the following RuleException/Error in rule build_renewable_profiles when running the snakemake --cores 'all' resources/networks/ RuleException: CalledProcessError in ...
M. Damarija's user avatar
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How to update python to the latest version (3.12.2) in WSL2?

My Python version in my WSL Ubuntu is 3.10.12 and it's not upgrading through these commands even though 3.12.2 is released now. (My WSL Ubuntu version is 22.04) sudo apt update sudo apt install ...
Paris's user avatar
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Tesseract-OCR cannot find input file

i was working locally, i installed tesseract-ocr via sudo apt install tesseract-ocr and use pytesseract to extract data out of the image and it worked perfectly fine. but when i was working remotely, ...
poojay's user avatar
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return back to root after starting spring boot in ubuntu

i am starting my spring boot jar as follows.. root@srv500720:~# docker run --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway -p 8088:8080 app:latest after this, i am able to start my spring boot ...
pappu_kutty's user avatar
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Installing Python Packages on Linux

I have some python code that I have written on my windows computer and runs and works fine. I am trying to get that same code to work on my Linux computer in Visual Studio Code. I have installed all ...
Dowlan's user avatar
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SSL from container to local host not working

I am having problems reaching an HTTPS site hosted by local host (the docker host, where docker is running) from within the container. This is the error I get: $ docker exec -it sonarr curl https://...
MajorDeew's user avatar
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unable to configure conda environment

I am currently working on a project where I need to work with very specific gpu drivers and python packages. I am able to build the environment with those packages but they do not reflect in the ...
deepak jowel's user avatar
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I am unable to compile a c# application that uses the microsoft.extensions.configuration.configurationbuilder json api with mono mcs under Ubuntu

I am attempting to compile a simple example code snippet that can be found here: but I haven't had any luck to get it to compile without errors. First, I wrapped the code snippet on the web site into ...
AWM's user avatar
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Can't add CA certificate for localhost [closed]

I have Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. I've been developing telegram bot and tried to create nginx configuration for remote server. During this i've broken my localhost certifiate. Now when i run my react app on ...
Ratuster's user avatar
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while upgrading from 18.04 to 20.04 ,dpkg error is occurring

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade Setting up mariadb-common (1:10.1.48-0ubuntu0.18.04.1) ... update-alternatives: error: alternative path /etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf doesn't exist dpkg: error ...
user23844783's user avatar
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ODBC file configuration

I'm trying to configure the ODBC.ini file My server is Ubuntu 22.04 How should I configure the odbc.ini file. These are my configurations and it doesn't work. [ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server] ...
Marco Attanasio's user avatar
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I already have the plugin GLPI Inventory on my GLPI 10.0.12 and the problem is that I can't join it from another machine or my own machine

I'm having trouble connecting to my GLPI server for inventory from my virtual machine. Here is the error message generated by GLPI: root@assane-VirtualBox:~# glpi-agent [info] target server0: server ...
Assane's user avatar
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Blocking [IPaddress:8080] on nginx

I have an app working on port 8080 perfectly with the domain and now when I hit the Public IP address of the Server, I can still view the same app running using the server's ...
Desh Deepak Dhobi's user avatar