Questions tagged [umijs]

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Jest does not recognize es6 imports on Umijs Max Project using Pro antd

I m trying to create tests in my react aplication built with ReactJs and @umijs/max CLI ( I use the same umi cli to generate Jest files but when i run the tests ...
Gabriel Mazurco's user avatar
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application 'xxx' died in status SKIP_BECAUSE_BROKEN:[qiankun] Target container with xxx not existed while '#xxx' mounting

I have a Qiankun application with multiple nested layers (three layers). Opening the grandchild application for the second time results in an error (application 'xxx' died in status ...
summer's user avatar
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React Wysiwyg editor actions stop working with umi js (React v17)

I have been working with react-draft-wysiwyg in umi js framework alongside React version 17. The problem I am facing is some of the actions are not working like in my case font size(dropdown), font ...
Muhammad Umais Hassan's user avatar
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Build standalone React component to delivery on CDN using umijs

After building my React application and MyModule I create an html file for test : <!-- MAIN.html --> <body> <div id="root"></div> <script src="http://...
A.Azzouz's user avatar
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Could not locate module @@/umiExports mapped as:

I'm running to this error: Could not locate module @@/umiExports mapped as:'[Myrootdirectory]\node_modules\umiExports., I'm using 'Umi.js' library with 'Jest' unit tests, all my unit tests are working ...
HoussamHT's user avatar
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Why is ant design pro not using despite correctly passing in UMI_ENV=dev

Currently, I have a folder structure that looks like this . └── config/ ├── ├── config.local.ts ├── config.ts └── defaultSettings.ts My Package.json commands look like ...
Amr Shawki's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

what is the difference between Convention Routing and Configuring Routing?

I want to create an admin project, but now I have some questions about routing method. There are Convention Routing(like next.js) and Configuring Routing(like umijs, vue-element-admin), I don't know ...
Ccgo's user avatar
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Antd Pro - Dynamic routing configuration with a parameter

I have a tricky issue with parameter routing on my antd pro application. My router configuration is following in routes.ts. export default [ ... { path: '/board', name: 'Board', icon: '...
Liki Crus's user avatar
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User preferred language saved but the page content language didn't change only after I reload

I'm using ant design pro. The idea is In the platform we have 2 languages to choose from Fr(French) and En(English), I want the user when he logs in and change the language to English for example when ...
wathek ghenimi's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

AADSTS9002326: Cross-origin token redemption is permitted only for the 'Single-Page Application'

I am trying to send cross origin request to get access token on my React spa app localhost. I got the first 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' error, to solve it I defined proxy to webpack. When I run the ...
CodAvo's user avatar
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How to detect URL changes in UmiJS React Web application?

There is BasicLayout.jsx in my application which pass down the props for main components and render the child components inside the layout. I want to perform some logic depends on URL changes inside ...
Amirhossein Rahmati's user avatar
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dvajs model namespace or state not saw in props.state or redux devtools

i work on (dvajs+umijs+reactjs) project ,issue in this project is dva model state not saw in my function props or redux devtools, All required or related file below . src/pages/Model/HomeData.js ...
praful's user avatar
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Cannot find module 'umi'

I just start to learn umijs so, when I try to start (npm start ) then it saw error (Cannot find module 'umi') Cannot find module 'umi' Require stack: E:\Umijs\myapp.umirc.ts
praful's user avatar
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How to pass own environment variable to UMIJS application?

I have created an application using UMIJS and is working fine. But now I want to load some environment variables to my application using the .env file or by exporting them. But none of the variables ...
CoderXT's user avatar
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How do you get the result from action in another action?

I am new to dvajs. I am using React 17,x, Typescript 4.2.3, antd 4.15.0, umi 3.4.7 The problem. If I navigate to the /s/ page, the code should get some categories from the API and make another request ...
bldg's user avatar
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How to integrate Worker-load with antd pro?

I would like to use web worker inside an "Antd Pro" project. I've tried different ways found on the net but none of them works. "Antd Pro" is drived by Umijs framework who uses ...
jarjar's user avatar
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browser cache problem with umijs throws uncaught syntax error in production

This app is built using umijs and antdesign pro for frontend and node js express server for backend hosted on a Ubuntu server and Cloudflare is used for DNS management. If the app is being loaded for ...
Prajwol Adhikari's user avatar
2 votes
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how to change default fields of Form.List in antd pro

how I can add my own fields to fill it in the form list <Form.List name="products" > {(data, { add, remove }) => { console.log(data); ...
mahdi ashori's user avatar
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antd ProLayout component - fetch menu data from server

I'm using UmiJs for my configurations and I want to add Routes that I fetch from an API. My problem is that the data are too many, being used on other parts of the app and has possible changes in the ...
jhimanjhi's user avatar
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how to disable Umi UI bubble in Ant Design Pro?

I am new with Ant Design Pro, I get project from git repo of Ant Design and I want to disable/hide Umi UI bubble on display. I refered to many pages and Google but It did not work for me. It taught me ...
littleAnt's user avatar
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7 votes
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react-pdf generation is very slow in combination with umijs

I included react-pdf in a fresh umi project: PDF-Generation 150 Text-components took arround 311.44 ms without umi Using umi: 7179.40 ms Every single element takes about 10X more in umi projects! ...
mleister's user avatar
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how to prevent a logged in user from going to the login page using antdesign umijs dvajs

I am working on a project using template antdesign pro with umij and dvajs, I will want to know what to do after storing the token in localstorage if I am logged in not to be redirected to the login ...
Oumar Diallo's user avatar
2 votes
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Refresh Token for umi request interceptors response

I use tokens as authorization, when the token expires, I want to create a new token using the refresh token. I can do this with the axios library but I couldn't find how to do it with umi request. ...
CodAvo's user avatar
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Problem in adjusting website to mobile (Devtools vs real)

I've implemented Media CSS in my website and when I resize it in Chrome-Devtools it adjusts fine. But when I try it on mobile it shows like in a full desktop page. Here's my website: dinf when ...
kambi's user avatar
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Hide messy rendered page until DomContentLoaded

My website is showing messy components until DomContentLoaded. I would like to show a loading-spinner or hide the content until page is loaded. I'm using React SSR with UmiJS3.
kambi's user avatar
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How to access DVA Store in UMI application?

Hi most of the react developers would find dvaJS and umiJS, heaven for state management and application development. Dva is elm based state management tool that use react-redux for state management. Q:...
Charanjit Singh's user avatar
2 votes
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UmiJs Unit test error - _umi.connect) is not a function

I am new in unit testing in reactjs. I tried to test my login component rendering For testing, i am using JEST and enzyme. [This is the error, i am getting] Test case code: import React from 'react'; ...
Tanuj Gupta's user avatar
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Any idea how to add manifest.json to html head dynamiclly

I realized that, by default, the umi project does not have manifest.json. I added the file to the public folder manually. Then, after compiling the application through the umi build command, my custom ...
ivrusson's user avatar
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How to fix problem: TypeError: self.env.emit is not a function?

When executing the command "yarn create umi", then select antd in the step "What functionality do you want to enable? antd" and then press ENTER, the whole process will always exit and get the ...
fengnix's user avatar
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8 answers

'HTTPS' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I want to run a React project in my Windows (as a virtual machine of my Mac). In a Command Prompt, after running yarn to install dependencies. I did yarn start. And it gave me 'HTTPS' is not ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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'Proxy' is undefined in IE

I have built an Excel add-in by React+Node+Umi. We have implemented our authentication system. The authentication works in Chrome and Safari, I just realized that it does not work well in IE11; F12 ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Print every URL visited in the console

I'm taking over a web application written by someone else in React+Node+Express+Redux+Umi. I'm new to React+Redux+UMI. It is not a web site that we could see Url in a web browser. But I can use ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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how to load images from a local directory and display them in reactjs app?

hello dear developers, i'm using ant design app template as frontent and a graphql api serving as backend, i have reached a situation where i would like to fetch list of posts, everything is working ...
Mohamed Aarab's user avatar
5 votes
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How to Disable Row in Antd Table

so I worked on a project using react js with umi js and antd as additional dependencies, I had a problem when I got the task to disable each row in the antd table, I tried to read the documentation ...
Heru Wijayanto's user avatar
2 votes
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How to prevent uglify in Umijs in build?

I'm using UmiJs framework , In its build script it uglify all the files , how can I prevent it from uglify them ?
URL87's user avatar
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How to get the token from response?

I'm relatively new in this environment. I use "Ant design pro 4" with React and Typescript for a new project. I call successful my IdentityServer 4 for a token for a login. I see my response in my ...
Roland Schumacher's user avatar
3 votes
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Internal/modules/cjs/loader.js: 584 error

I am facing an error when I am running npm commands for running a umi app project. This is the error I see when I run the code. I have tried checking the node module for the loader.js file but I ...
Caleb Yang's user avatar
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Behind-scene after "umi dev"

Just started learning React js and then I found this enterprise-level react application framework called Umi. Since I am just a beginner with Node js too, I am having a hard time understanding what ...
NJUHOBBY's user avatar
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