Questions tagged [unicoins]

Unicoins are a mythical monetary unit that is only of use in lands inhabited by unicorns and on StackExchange on April Fools Day 2014.

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-3 votes
1 answer

HTTP 418 while automining Unicoins [closed]

Clicking rocks is fun, but I wanted to automate the process of mining unicoins. I found the following code while googling for "Satoshi Nakamoto". It will exploit a flaw in the Unicoin ...
André Laszlo's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Set unicoin amount [closed]

I've tried StackExchange.uc.setBalance(99999999); and it was nothing more than a visual thing. Also, I bought the power up and now I want an inspirational answer. Because I fell that the unicorns ...
Albzi's user avatar
  • 15.5k
9 votes
1 answer

in Q, how to speed up unicoin mining? [closed]

There's a new language Q, based on R, which was based on S ... you get the idea. Sadly, Q appears to be very slow in automining unicoins. Plus, Q : we don't have TIME for your little games!
Carl Witthoft's user avatar