Questions tagged [visual-studio]

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3 answers

Can an msi-installer be created using MSBuild + .csproj-file?

For anyone using Visual Studio Express, who doesn't have the setup and deployment project template, can the .csproj file be used to easily create an msi installer? I've read (can't find the link now) ...
ispiro's user avatar
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0 answers

don't start application that targets .net framework under 4.5 in visual studio

I have windows 7 ultimate sp1 and visual studio 2013 with latest updates and I have avira internet security I target .net framework 3.5 for my applications. Most of the times when I click on start ...
saeid ezzati's user avatar
3 votes
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Windows Azure Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again

I have this problem on my windows azure visual studio whenever I want to login, I will get this error message. "Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again." I have entered the user ...
user3632254's user avatar
1 vote
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TeamCity doesn't find csv files for unit tests

After writing unit tests using csv files to add multiple parameter combinations and checking them in, TeamCity which compiles and runs our tests, fails to find the CSV files which are in a data ...
JohnCambell's user avatar
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resx file access

When you create a new C# Windows Forms Application in Visual Studio 2012, It has a Properties folder containing a Resources.resx file. How do I access this file? I have tried: ResourceManager rm=...
Stuyvenstein's user avatar
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2 answers

Windows Mobile application can be deployed in an Emulator, but not in device

I am developing a Windows Mobile app in VS 2005 to be deployed in a Windows Mobile 6.1 device. My application can be deployed in an emulator, but can't be deployed in the device. What can be the ...
vidulaJ's user avatar
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Debug javascript from ASP.NET in Visual Studio

I want to be able to debug the client-side Javascript generated by WebForms for, say, a button click. This should be trivial, but I can't find a simple way to do it. The generated HTML looks like ...
Cristian Diaconescu's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Enforce only one class per file

We want to follow One class per file rule in .NET? Is there a way to check this in a continuous integration system? We're using teamcity, but i guess the product doesn't matter. Can this be checked ...
Manuel's user avatar
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1 answer

Rename output files to lowercase in Visual Studio build events?

For my own sanity when trying to move my files to a Unix machine, I need to automatically rename every output file to lowercase. I currently just rename each of them manually and Windows's ...
Vercas's user avatar
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1 Solution and Multiple Projects , deployment issue

I am confused about '1 Solution, Multiple Web Projects' problem. I am using Visual studio 2013 , (c#). Under 1 solution i have a class library and 2 Web projects. It works well but now when i ...
user3518032's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Using Jasmine and Chutzpah to unit test a AngularJs controller

I am programming with VS2013 and would like to make unit tests on my AngularJs controllers. For example I have a taController.js that looks like: var module = angular.module("MyApp", []); var ...
Nigel Findlater's user avatar
0 votes
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Database: Table isn't appearing under tables folder

I am trying to create a table within the tables folder of a new database. When I create the table and put in the files and save it there is no record of it in the tables folder. It also asks me to ...
Matt's user avatar
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Exclude folders from the build in a publishproj in Visual Studio 2013?

Is there anyway to exclude folders from the build in a publishproj in Visual Studio 2013? There's a folder that contains over 6,000 static HTML, JS, CSS & IMG files which slows down the build. To ...
Gerard's user avatar
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Run ASP.NET project outside of visual studio [duplicate]

I have an ASP.NET project in visual studio which works with IIS Express. I want to build and run the project in the browser without opening visual studio. Is it possible? Remember that I don't want to ...
Saeid's user avatar
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Programmatically updating connections or dynamic connection managers

I will take your guidance for both a 2008 and 2012 environment, as I will need to be upgrading this project. I have an SSIS 2008 project where I need to initially run the whole data flow into a ...
Alex Gordon's user avatar
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What are the C++ improvements in Visual Studio 2013 Update 2?

I'm upgrading from Visual Studio 2013 Update 1 to Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 and Description of Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 mentions only a few minor bug fixes and added code generation for AVX2 ...
Paul Jurczak's user avatar
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Visual Studio restoration of Nuget packages through TFS

Today I ran in to a problem that took me a little while to figure out because of my apparent misunderstanding of how the Enable NuGet Package Restore worked within source controlled projects in TFS. ...
Johnathon Sullinger's user avatar
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Why would removing and adding back a Reference from a different location still reference the old location?

In trying to get a project to build in Visual Studio 2008, I am attempting to reference the DLLs that the project in XP Mode / Visual Studio 2003 uses (it compiles). It's the same source code, so I ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
124 votes
2 answers

How to select .NET 4.5.2 as a target framework in Visual Studio

I have installed .NET Framework 4.5.2 on Windows 8.1. But in Visual Studio 2013 I do not see the .NET Framework 4.5.2 option (see screenshot). How do I target my project for .NET 4.5.2?
IT Hit WebDAV's user avatar
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Alternatives to ItemGroup/Compile and App_Code for running/debugging C# in Visual Studio

In Web Applications, we add .cs files to the .csproj's Project/ItemGroup/Compile.Include attribute. This inputs the file into the build, which compiles it into a bin folder assembly. In Websites, we ...
Shaun Luttin's user avatar
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Visual Studio - How to change project's Entities name?

I want to change entity name for my WPF project, Is that possible ? and how ? Thanks
Abdulsalam Elsharif's user avatar
2 votes
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Running my app on different platforms

I installed Multi-Device Hybrid Apps for Visual Studio but can’t for the life of me figure out how to run my app on different platforms. What am I missing?
missingfaktor's user avatar
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C# Syntax Highlighting for System Types, not User Types

I'm able to change the font color for User Types. However, I can't find where to change the font color for User Types I didn't create; such as, of type "string". Currently, my text editor displays ...
MKANET's user avatar
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Propertybinding combobox setting items does not appear to be an option

I am doing this in Windows Form Application using C#. In my research I have come across the PropertyBinding options which seems to be what I want to do. What I am trying to do is use the Application ...
jAC's user avatar
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"Set as StartUp Project" not changing deploy configuration in Visual Studio

I'm working at a colleagues PC. When I right click on a .Net Gadgeteer 4.2 project in our solution and select "Set as StartUp Project" I expect Visual Studio to set the build configurations so that ...
dumbledad's user avatar
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4 answers

TFS 2013 automated build: Is there a way to run the tests from the src folder

I'm currently using the default build process template in TFS 2013 for my automated builds. I've configured the OutputLocation parameter to be AsConfigured to get the same folder structure as my ...
Gabriel G. Roy's user avatar
4 votes
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Can a std::string be passed by value across DLL boundries?

Can a std::string be passed by value across DLL boundries between DLLs built with different version of Visual Studio?
Paul Kelly's user avatar
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NuGet Package restore failed for project Miscellaneous Files: Value cannot be null or an empty VS2013

I keep getting this error in VS2013. I checked this SO post on it and other search links and they say to upgrade to NuGet 2.8 which fixed this error of 2.7. I have and I keep getting this error. FWIW, ...
user2471435's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2013 : how to open multiple projects in different windows?

I'm trying to open two projects in two different windows but every time I double click an other solution, it closes the old project and then it opens the new project in that window. I mean I could do ...
Bellash's user avatar
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How should I declare my namespace for angularJS ui-router so it's valid in html and VS 2013?

In my index.html I have defined the following: <html class="dark" ng-app="app" ng-controller="appController" id="ng-app" xmlns:ng="" ng-app="...
Samantha J T Star's user avatar
1 vote
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WPF Xaml Designer - Dispose resource at Design Time

I have a WPF window with some resources that create a TCP connection: <HMIDesign:HMIBaseWindow.Resources> <DataSource:MyDataSource x:Key="DataCtx1" /> </HMIDesign:HMIBaseWindow....
rPulvi's user avatar
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Changing output files location in NuGet

How can I change AngularJS or another project's output files location. For example the .js files of AngularJS's default location is ~/scripts folder but I want to move it to ~/content/js folder. It ...
ogun's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2010 setup wizard repair or remove feature

I have a Setup wizard project created for my Forms Application. So whenever i modify the version number and rebuild my setup wizard project and try to install, it gives me this Popup - "Another ...
Rolwin Crasta's user avatar
4 votes
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Debug|Trace.WriteLine from C# plugin in Visual Studio - display via ConsoleTraceListener

I've modified a C# plugin that's part of Python Tools for Visual Studio 2.0, and want to see the output from Debug.WriteLine and Trace.WriteLine statements in the code. Note that the plugin is used ...
Tony Delroy's user avatar
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Load testing of application based on MVC using Web performance test in VSTS2012

I'm doing load testing of a web application using VSTS2012, which is designed on MVC, & Telerik Controls, I created a web performance test, when I'm re-running the same test it fails giving ...
user3627474's user avatar
0 votes
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Waitforsingleobject to detect a system command exit

Hi I want to execute a system command for allegro and wait till it completes, since I need to access the files generated by this command. My code is not working. Can someone please help? Is the ...
PDH's user avatar
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Visual Studio Hangs in debug?

For the past couple of days, Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 have been hanging during debug mode. Most of the time, i dont get this issue until further into my project. When i press the Start Button, ...
Hunter Mitchell's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't reproduce error with .NET

I am pretty sure each of us might have seen this problem at some point I do see it often but can't reproduce it. Here is the problem: When sometimes we name the Namespace and Class with the same ...
Lost's user avatar
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Exclude third party assemblies from getting copied through Post-Build commands

I am referring to third party assemblies in my running assembly. All these third party assemblies are in some Library folder and I am directly adding the reference from the library folder. However, ...
Lost's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Visual Studio can't debug a console application in C#?

Upon writing any console application with C# and trying to run it (even the simplest of code), I get an error noise, the status bar at the bottom turns from blue to orange, the program doesn't run, ...
Chezzy's user avatar
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How can I change the language from VB.NET to C#.NET in VS 2013

How can I change the language from VB.NET to C#.NET in VS 2013? By default VB.NET is set as the language.
user3625611's user avatar
2 votes
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Creating SharePoint App package without Visual Studio

I have multiple ASP.NET applications running in IIS, which I would like to package and deploy to SharePoint 2013 server as apps. The problem is, that these applications are developed by other ...
folt's user avatar
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No Source Available during Minidump Debugging

I am currently stuck with some debugging issues... hope you guys can help me out! I have developed a software and have given it out to some people. Now if the programm crashes, which has happened a ...
JonathanSchmied's user avatar
3 votes
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Automatic upload of Typescript file after change to SharePoint

When developing SharePoint hosted app in Visual Studio, I cannot find a way, how to tell Visual Studio in debug mode to upload typescript and their generated js files to SharePoint after changing ...
folt's user avatar
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change crystal reports ADO.NET(XML) dynamically

I am developing a project using VB2008 and Crystal Reports 11.5. I have added new crystal report to the project and it is working fine with the folowing code. Dim ds As New DataSet ...
Sameera Silva's user avatar
5 votes
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Visual Studio Architecture Code Generation - Create List<type> rather than IEnumerable<type>

Is it possible to configure an Association in a Visual Studio (2013) class diagram so that when the code is generated from it that it creates a property with type List<MyClass> or even ...
Andrew Maggs's user avatar
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Publish Website not working after Visual Studio Update 2 RC

After installing Visual Studio Update 2 RC, I'm not able to publish my current project to any azure websites or FTP. The strange thing is that, publishing by clicking right to project is not working ...
kkocabiyik's user avatar
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How can i save UI Element as a image in Windows Phone 8?

Currently i'am developing app that will be possible to share image, with information take it of longlistselector as is showed in app, i'am trying save an ui element as a image, i don't know how can i ...
Lu1zZz's user avatar
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Custom UserControl is not registering in ASP.NET

Update: J0e3gan tried my code in his own project, and it worked fine (with a minor correction), so the problem appears to be with Visual Studio itself, rather than the code or markup. I have tried ...
FreeRangeOyster's user avatar
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In visual Studio how do I change cursor from replacing my text [closed]

my Visual basic seems to replace characters in front of it and only occurs between brackets. Can someone please tell me how to change it back to normal?
user3600107's user avatar