Questions tagged [vsip]

The Visual Studio Industry Partner (VSIP) Program (formerly Visual Studio Integration Program) allows third-party developers and software vendors to develop tools, components and languages for use in the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET IDE.

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2 answers

How do I get access to existing icons from other components from a VS package?

I have a Visual Studio package, and I want to display the VS snippets icon - how can I get it?
citizenmatt's user avatar
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How can you tell if a Visual Studio command was triggered by keyboard or menu?

Is it possible to know if a Visual Studio command was triggered from the keyboard or a menu? I'd like to write a plugin that monitored VS commands and suggested keyboard shortcuts for any commands ...
citizenmatt's user avatar
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Programmatically open a Remote url in Visual Studio

Is there any way to open a remote url (i.e. a http url) within visual studio. The IVsUIShellOpenDocument.OpenStandardEditor method sounds promising, but it needs an existing document. Has anyone ...
Sprotty's user avatar
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Customising project debugging in Visual Studio project flavor

I am extending Visual Studios project system, using C# (MPF). I have written a custom 'project flavor', by extending 'FlavoredProjectBase' - and I have 'flavored' the C# Class Library project. I want ...
Adam's user avatar
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Adding a TestSettings file to SolutionItems in VisualStudio

((EnvDTE80.Solution2)dte.Solution).GetProjectItemTemplate("Test Settings", "Test"); I need to add a new TestSettings object programmatically to a C# project in Visual Studio. To do this I need to get ...
jaws's user avatar
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How to Extending vs2010 editor context menu for .js file?

I have a VS2010 VSIP package with several commands,Those commands are added to the javascript editor's context menu,and i am using <Group guid="guidPrettyJsCmdSet" id="ContextMenuGroup" ...
guaike's user avatar
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VSPackage fails PLK verification on clean machine, but passes on Dev machine when /noVSIP is set

I think the title pretty much says everything. But just to be safe... I've got a VSPackage developed on my main machine that has the VS2008 SDK SP1 installed on it. When debugging in the ...
Justin Rudd's user avatar
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Drag Drop Within WPF ToolWindow in VS2010 Extension Not Allowed

I have a strange problem here. I've created a simple plugin using the wizard for a Visual Studio Integration Package / VSIX project with a tool window. Within that window I want to do a simple drag/...
Johan Danforth's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Plk Verification for Visual Studio Package in a VSIP Development Edition

I have a custom domain specific language project which was developed a while back, was deployed and run on the same machine inside the normal Visual Studio hive with no problems. Server has been ...
Alex Duggleby's user avatar