Questions tagged [w3c]

For questions about standards published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). W3C is an international community that develops and publishes specifications and guidelines that define technologies like XML, HTML, and CSS.

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IIS starting Issue"Process W3SVC can't be started on this computer . " - cant remove Windows components?

I have some strange behaviour trying to starting my IIS 10. infos about services: W3C Protokollierungsdienst -> runs, stops after a while WWW Publishingservice -> cant be started (see ...
GreenLion's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to trigger event on target's sibling

I have the below mark up and scripts. I have a span with rootnode as id and it's sibling is input checkbox. my requirement is when i click on the span, input check box onchanange handler should call ...
Hrusikesh Bunu's user avatar
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Default rules of HTML elements - is it a part of HTML standard?

Create simple web page like this one: <h1>Heading</h1> <p>Simple text. <strong>Bold</strong> text.</p> and open it in any mainstream web browser. The rendering ...
john c. j.'s user avatar
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Bootstrap 4.0.0 fail W3C validation?

I'm encountering a problem with an application I'm making, which try to Minificate my whole .css files. It seems that bootstrap is failing W3C validation, on both normal and .min version. Any clues ...
markzzz's user avatar
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xml:space="preserve" effect on space between XML attributes?

I know that <a xml:space="preserve"> <b></b> </a> is different than <a xml:space="preserve"> <b> </b> </a> However, what about <a xml:space="...
XenoAmess's user avatar
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Why is it not possible to access the Content-Length response header even when I can access the actual contents of the file? (for a CORS request)

In JavaScript, the Fetch API's access to certain headers is restricted for security reasons during a CORS request. We can see the actual headers of a resource using curl in the terminal: curl -I ...
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Load average increased after clear the W3cache plugin cache

I have maintained the wordpress blog site. Once i have test my site load average time in JMeter. Before delete the w3cache plugin cache i have initiate load count 100 and my load average was 05.34MS. ...
Kanewilliam's user avatar
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Start a chromedriver session using w3c webdriver api

I'm trying to start a Chromium session using the chromedriver and w3c webdriver API, I send a POST request to http://localhost:9515/session with the body { "capabilities": { "alwaysMatch":...
L.V.A's user avatar
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How to keep video full size while minimizing?

I am trying to set full screen autoplay background video. Here is the link where I got the video, It looks quite well on ...
Ra Ha's user avatar
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Can a multi-part message contain raw binary content?

I want to transfer binary content via HTTP. I have doubts, whether sending a "multi-part" body consisting of the binaries and a short meta-data content is a good idea. Can I send binary content in a ...
slartidan's user avatar
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Find Xpath of W3C Dom Nodes in Java

I want to find/generate Xpath of Nodes/Element of W3C DOM in Java. I am using JOOX library: with this code: String xpath = $(element).xpath(); But the xpath given by ...
Mustahsan's user avatar
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CSS and HTML 4.0 errors causing blank spaces in rich text method(QT)

There is a method called drawRichText where is a input parameter 'option' containing string text. The bag is caused by string "]]>ibroketheconfig". The Qt translate it to HTML 4.0 strict. I need to ...
Petr Janata's user avatar
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w3c link checker says "400": malformed URL that cannot be parsed by the server

I have a small website and am just about to update and fix mistakes in order to get clean code. I checked with w3c link checker and it says on 50% of my pages: code 400: malformed URL that cannot be ...
schwaebischhaller's user avatar
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phonegap with server rendered html form produces null referrer error

I have a basic phonegap app with just default index.html, once the index.html is loaded and device_ready event fires, i load the html form straight from the server using ajax and replace just the body ...
doriniro's user avatar
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what is the status of css nesting modules?

In LESS/SASS you can nest css modules like this: .sidebar { .title {..} } this says it was in draft for CSS3. So where is it?
Muhammad Umer's user avatar
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Are there W3C specifications for line wrapping behavior in an HTML <textarea>?

I'm working on a project to generate an image that replicates user-entered text input in a <textarea>. The best approach I've found is to read the <textarea>'s value and draw it on a <...
Bungle's user avatar
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Understanding visibility: collapse on table column according to W3C documentation

From W3C's Dynamic rows and column effects This collapse value causes the entire row or column to be removed from the display, and the space normally taken up by the row or column to be made ...
ZerosAndOnes's user avatar
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Payment Request API - Pay Cash option

Is it possible to add a "Cash on Delivery" option to the Payment Request API ? Can I solve this problem with methodData?
Kloot's user avatar
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floats and Stacking Context

As background, below are the two relevant sections from W3C's CSS2.1 specification, chapter 9. Within each stacking context, the following layers are painted in back-to-front order: the ...
Magnus's user avatar
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Why is there no foot tag in HTML5?

We have a head tag and a body tag. For the body tag we now have header, main, and footer tags. Why is there no foot tag to correlate to the head and body tag? This foot tag would be perfect for ...
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Are Block-Level Boxes Enclosed in Line Boxes?

Is there somewhere in the W3C spec, that specifies that block-level boxes get surrounded in line boxes automatically? Background As we know, vertical padding and border of inline boxes do not affect ...
Magnus's user avatar
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Contradiction in Definition of Inline-Level Boxes and Inline Boxes (W3C)

W3C source for the quotes below. The following values of the 'display' property make an element inline-level: 'inline', 'inline-table', and 'inline-block' Thus, an element with display: inline-...
Magnus's user avatar
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What Are "Non-Replaced Inline Blocks"?

Background Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification, chapter 9 Visual formatting model, specifies that: Not all block container boxes are block-level boxes: non-replaced ...
Magnus's user avatar
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How to understand service worker registration's task queue?

From W3C specification A service worker registration has one or more task queues that back up the tasks from its active worker’s event loop’s corresponding task queues. (The target task sources for ...
Van Jia's user avatar
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How to check if a listener event is a passive event?

I'm writing a gesture/action library that also manages event listeners and triggering. I have implemented my lib to support gesture objects setting passive listeners via an API that looks like this: ...
dotnetCarpenter's user avatar
9 votes
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W3C don't validate Viewport

W3C don't validate my viewport meta tag any idea why? <title>DIDIx13</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-...
Didix's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Does W3C offer an explanation of the additional user-related benefits of increased Levels (A through AAA) conformance

I am not asking for the "Level A: Meets all level A standards" definition (which is completely useless to anyone other than lawyers or software developers.) I need the ones about each level that ...
ThisNameNotUsed's user avatar
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META tag 'content' attribute limitations

The W3C doesn't specify a limit on content attribute length for META tags and leaves it to the browsers. I'm looking to understand the limits ...
donohoe's user avatar
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2 answers

HTML <li> can't go in <div>

I am currently coding a website for a school project, and I have boxes that grow on a mouse hover that are in a div. An example of one grow div: <div class="grow"> <div class="...
mrjodicow's user avatar
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Can an XML start with anything else than a "<"?

Can an XML start with anything other than a < character? It was a random thought I just had, when I was trying to define how to differentiate a string containing a XML and one containing a path to ...
Kilazur's user avatar
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Is there an official complete table with all CSS properties and all possible values?

Is there an official complete table with all CSS properties and all possible values? I'm looking for all possibilities, including the latest "CSS4"/modules. I'm looking for the all encompassing ...
Native Dev's user avatar
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How CSS module level number is being chosen by W3C?

I'm trying hard to understand the proccess of W3C's workflow. The main thing that I'm trying to understand at the moment is how do they choose what level is particular CSS module. For example there ...
StupidUser's user avatar
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Nu HTML Checker reports mysterious script tag

This seems to be a common problem: Stray start tag returned by the Nu HTML Checker. My HTML reads </body>, while the Checker says </body>↩<script>'undef. The only usage of <script&...
Joel DeWitt's user avatar
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Are CSS Variables a part of the official W3C Specification?

Most major browsers support css-variables at this point but my question is whether or not it is officially a part of the W3C Specification. The latest document I have been able to find is from 2015 ...
ayyron_lmao's user avatar
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snyk dependencies download issue

I am trying to install the dependencies of respec project of w3c and I am getting this error npm WARN prepublish-on-install As of npm@5, `prepublish` scripts are deprecated. npm WARN prepublish-on-...
Ayush Mahajan's user avatar
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SortSite Text Not Allowed message

I am using SortSite to check my website for accessibility. I have one error I just cannot clear and I was hoping to get more eyes on it to see if anyone can tell me what is wrong... the error only ...
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12 votes
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Why can you use new Image but not new Div or new Span?

In examples I've seen new Image() to create a new HTML image element but when I try new Div() there is no support. Is there a reason for this or any plan in the future to add it? Example: var image ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
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Is there an HTML way to indicate that an attribute value is "temporary" (until Javascript changes it)?

I have a SVG element feTurbulence, and I want to put a random value for its seed. So I've set the seed attribute value to 0 in the HTML the browser downloads, and put a JS code to change it afterward ...
Xenos's user avatar
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HTML CSS Display different image on pop up

I'm looking to display a thumbnail of an image and then onclick show a different image, can't seem to get this to work but I am sure there is probably an easy solution. Currently it shows the full ...
Charlotte Holroyd's user avatar
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HTML: Does text need a container element conform to standards?

Is the following W3C Compliant: <div> <h3>Heading</h3> This is the text for this section. </div> Or does the text require a container element? <div> <h3>...
Geat's user avatar
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Firefox navigator get blocked because navigator.appName does not contains "Microsoft Internet Explorer", how to hack this?

A stupid application blocks my Firefox navigator because navigator.appName does not contains "Microsoft Internet Explorer". I want the javacsript code navigator.appName to retrun something containing ...
MUY Belgium's user avatar
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DOM keydown event with a long key press

I want to be notified when a key is pressed down, and then not notified until it is released. Is this possible? When the key is held down, listening for keydown appears to repeatedly trigger the ...
Ben Aston's user avatar
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Changed "name" attribute to "id" but images don't show

Error: The name attribute on the img element is obsolete. Use the id attribute instead. <img src name="slide" width="1714" height="500" alt="slideshow" /> Above you can see I have this error ...
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How browsers keep sync with the W3C standards?

I always follow to track the updates on CSS or HTML. Today morning when I was checking, W3C published the new draft on CSS-GRID. So I want to know how browsers keep track of ...
Pavangowda S U's user avatar
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Java: How to remove xmlns from DOM element?

Collegues, can't find decision for my problem... This is my code which add SngtrSt element to Envlp: SupplementaryDataEnvelope1 supplementaryDataEnvelope1 = new SupplementaryDataEnvelope1(); //...
May12's user avatar
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W3C Validation - Attribute buttonindex not allowed on element a at this point

I getting the error "Attribute buttonindex not allowed on element a at this point". My code is <p><a class="btn btn-success_ar hidden-xs" id="indexCarouselBeforeBtn2" buttonindex="2" role="...
Twinxz's user avatar
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How can I have the text in this accordion be visible when the window is small or on mobile devices?

I have some code that uses HTML, CSS and JS. When you shorten the window or view on a mobile device, the text goes behind the accordian tab below it. How could I make it so the text has a small margin ...
Paul's user avatar
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Can I use Saxon over org.w3c DOM model?

On our project, we have our own implementation of org.w3c.dom.* interfaces. Does Saxon support evaluation of XPath 2.0 queries not over XML itself, but over instances of org.w3c.dom.* instances?
Vladyslav Lubenskyi's user avatar
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Trying to understand the W3C specifications about defer and async?

See: That link will give you the W3C specifications about "defer" and "async". They are saying about it: If neither attribute is ...
Maarten Bruins's user avatar
2 votes
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What's the use of ParentNode.append() if there already is Node.appendChild()?

ParentNode.append(): MDN, W3C Spec Node.appendChild(): MDN, W3C Spec Both methods seem to do the same thing. What's the use of having both?
Robert Kusznier's user avatar

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