Questions tagged [watchman]

Questions about the file watching service from Facebook

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1 answer

Why does the default Ember .watchmanconfig not ignore node_modules?

A lot of people have watchman issues (limits exceeded, etc.), and I looked through the default .watchmanconfig in Ember. It looks like this: { "ignore_dirs": ["tmp", "dist"] } It certainly makes ...
Christian Neverdal's user avatar
0 votes
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Trouble when install Watchman on Linux 16.04

I'm trying to install watchman for React Native and I've followed the Watchman docs... $ git clone $ cd watchman $ git checkout v4.9.0 # the latest stable ...
tjungChaniago's user avatar
10 votes
10 answers

Hot Reload not working in react-native android

I tried it on windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04. In both cases the Hot Reload only works with changes in jsx, but not, when I change a variabel or function or something else in javascript. The Hot Reload is ...
fricko's user avatar
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76 votes
19 answers

Watchman crawl failed. Retrying once with node crawler

Watchman crawl failed. Retrying once with node crawler. Usually this happens when watchman isn't running. Create an empty .watchmanconfig file in your project's root folder or initialize a git or ...
Mandar Belkunde's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Do I need to keep .watchmanconfig file in react-native project

default react native project generates .watchmanconfig file that is simply empty object {}, can I safely delete this? A subquestion would be: is there any watchman configuration I can do / refference ...
Ilja's user avatar
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Brew Error "unknown regexp options - har" in automake.rb:29 trying to install watchman

I am trying to install watchman on macOS according to the official docs via homebrew. I am getting the following error: ❯ brew install watchman ...
ffritz's user avatar
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Xcode build slow for .c and .m files

After updating OSX to High Sierra and updating Xcode to 9.2.0, project build times for bigger projects got out of hand. The build times went from ~10 minutes up to ~120 minutes. While researching I ...
Berik's user avatar
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watchman: precise meaning and handling of "is_fresh_instance"

So far I have considered "is_fresh_instance" as "I don't know about previous history, so I send you all data again". This works fine when my "since" is "0" or similar. I get everything and I interpret ...
jcea's user avatar
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watchman: I am missing file deletions happening before subscription

I am missing deletes in watchman. Version 4.9.0, inotify. My test code: #!/usr/bin/env python3 import pathlib import pywatchman w = pywatchman.client() w.query('watch', '/tmp/z') clock = w.query('...
jcea's user avatar
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Directory not notified as modified when a file is deleted

Using watchman 4.9.0 with inotify. I am subscribed as 'subscribe', '/home/meta', 'Buffy', {"expression": ["since", "c:1517100837:2861:1:1"], "fields": ["name", "exists", "oclock", "ctime_ns", "new", "...
jcea's user avatar
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2 votes
8 answers

Failed to start Watchman watch mode

I am developing a React Native app. My code is error free, but it is facing build problems. I get an error in the Metro Bundler when I execute the command react-native run-android. The error says: ...
SwethaG's user avatar
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1 answer

When I run npm run start I get this error

When I run npm run start I get the following error: ERROR watchman --no-pretty get-sockname returned with exit code=1, signal=null, stderr= 2018-01-13T17:08:24,417: [0x7fff97db03c0] while computing ...
11reed's user avatar
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9 votes
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react native ios build take long time

React native project I build in Xcode, always stuck on "Running 2 of 4 custom shell script" and take nearly 5 min to continue. After that the bundling process in react packager also take very long ...
FeelRightz's user avatar
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Is there a way for Watchman to only process "closed/completed" files?

I'm using Node.js to start Watchman on Windows 2016 with a number of file type filters on a specific directory. This directory is being used for staging. Uploaded files will be routed to other ...
Paul L.'s user avatar
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Watchman keep crashing when I developing react-native

OS:macOS 10.12.6 node -v 6.9.0 npm -v 3.10.8 watchman -v 4.9.0 installed via brew create-react-native-app --version:1.0. As I found, watchman fails to work after I change several files, although it ...
吴环宇's user avatar
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1 answer

Watchman installation error

I started installing all I need according to react-native Get Started guide. I installed Watchman and according to there guide. I got following error while running ./configure command. arafath@dell-...
Arafath's user avatar
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how to terminate server on watchman rebuild

I have a simple watch target in my Makefile watch: watchman-make -p '**/*.go' -t run target run starts a web server and binds to a port. Upon file change, run is executed, but get the error. bind:...
bsr's user avatar
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2 answers

How start watchman in react-native project

I've create my first react-native app with react-native init myProject and running in my android emulator. But, if i edit my index.js, my app don't refresh (i need to push double R). I run my app ...
s-leg3ndz's user avatar
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Error when starting watchman

hi when i want to start my app with 'react-native start', i get this error. Somebody know what to do? I tried to change the permission of the watchman folder and the project folder to chmod -R 777 '...
otto's user avatar
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react-native start "hot reloading" not working anymore on linux/ubuntu

i just started working with react-native a few days ago and everything went well so far. I dont know since when exactly but recently the "hot reloading" functionallity stopped working. When i apply ...
Philipp Wrann's user avatar
6 votes
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Expo watchman Hot reloading not detecting code change in Docker volume

We are currently building a react-native app with expo inside a Docker container. This Expo-app uses watchman to handle hot reloading. Is there a polling mechanism which constantly polls the code in ...
Christophe's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

when using Watchman's watch-make I want to access the name of the changed files

I am writing a watchman command with watchman-make and I'm at a loss when trying to access exactly what was changed in the directory. I want to run my script and inside the script I would ...
ellieHoward's user avatar
3 votes
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ERR! code ELIFECYCLE while running npm start

I've run npm start, npm run start, sudo npm start and sudo npm run start, yarn start, sudo yarn start and am getting the same error: Loading dependency graph...jest-haste-map: Watchman crawl failed. ...
mdash1's user avatar
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React Native - npm start doesn't start

I'm trying to work with React Native in Fedora 26, and I have followed the facebook tutorial until then. Everything was going very well, until I try to start the application with npm npm start ...
Felix's user avatar
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3 answers

react-native run-ios doesn't show log in react packager

I need some help on the "react-native run-iso". There is no error, but the react packager doesn't show the action log with time. Does anyone know what is wrong? Thanks! react-native-cli: 2.0.1 ...
user8638468's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to configure watchman triggers in .watchmanconfig?

Facebook watchman docs describe how to configure triggers by passing json into the command like so: watchman --json-command < ./tasks/cmds/watchman-build-trigger.json where watchman-build-trigger....
user avatar
6 votes
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FSEvents error when running create-react-native-app tests

I am getting the following errors when running yarn run test on a create-react-native-app: $ yarn run test yarn run v1.0.1 $ node node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js --watch 2017-09-13 14:53 node[2839] (...
Le Moi's user avatar
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1 answer

Watchman crawl failed when run npm start in Mac

I created a project then run react-native run-ios and it build successful and it shows No-Bundle URL Present then I run npm start Here is error message. Can anyone please help? Thank you. react-...
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React Native App Crashes on Start

Totally new to React Native. Having installed brew, watchman, node, and react-native, when I'm trying to run a newly initiated app, it crashes upon being opened, as well as it has no icon: The app ...
philfriday's user avatar
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How do I troubleshoot a hang in React Native's Getting Started?

I'm using the React Native Getting Started instructions. I am using a 2010 MacBook Pro with macOS Sierra 10.12.6. The computer has Node.js v8.4.0. I'm new to React Native, and also to React and to ...
D A Vincent's user avatar
4 votes
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Building react native project on xcode takes for ever (very slow) on the process Running 1 of 1 custom shell script

It seems a strange behavior. I have zsh and for development I use nvm But I also seem to have node installed by brew. The packager runs but the xcode appears to wait till the packager is ready but ...
hugomosh's user avatar
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Watchman Installation - Setting PATH on Macbook Pro

As a react-native novice (I started reading about it yesterday), I started installing all I need according to react-native Get Started guide. I installed Watchman and according to react-native, it ...
pixel's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Watcher took too long time to load(NodeWatcher) - React Native

I am trying to run already built application in my mobile. When i start the app with "react-native start" code, it returns the following error message after some time ERROR Watcher took too long to ...
viji's user avatar
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2 answers

jest --watch (npm t -- --watch) throwing errors

node[1265] (FSEvents.framework) FSEventStreamStart: register_with_server: ERROR: f2d_register_rpc() => (null) (-22) This happens when running npm t -- --watch. On my system node v7.4.0 it works fine. ...
Leon Gaban's user avatar
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How can I automatically update my javascript file to import newly detected files?

I tagged watchman as it MIGHT be the solution I'm looking for, but I don't quite know how to use it in this way! I have a directory /imgs /icons /bird.png /cat.png /dog....
Koblinski's user avatar
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React native packager "Requesting bundle" stuck

I running my app in iOS simulator as well as device iPhone6s plus. My react native app not loading in device. My package manager stuck on "Requesting bundle". See in screenshot, Interesting thing is ...
Tirth's user avatar
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How to install react-native on OSX with binary source?

I am trying to install react-native in osx. To do that, I am installing watchman on my machine. However I do not use port or brew. Here is what I did. Install libtool-2.4.6 Install automake-1.9, ...
Juneyoung Oh's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Installing watchman when having a non-standard homebrew install

I am using React Native which needs watchman. When running react-native run-ios, I see this error. watchman --no-pretty get-sockname returned with exit code=1, signal=null, stderr= 2017-05-05T08:17:...
developarvin's user avatar
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Webpack HMR with React Native

Is there a recent Webpack HMR react-native boilerplate out there? I am having trouble finding a best practice for integrating an existing setup with Webpack and HMR to be used with react-native and ...
wswoodruff's user avatar
1 vote
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How to write watchman-make command?

I am wishing to use watchman to rebuild my directory when a change happens. I am using watchman--make command to initialize the command : $ babel ./src/ -d ./lib/ Currently I am using: $ ...
m-arch's user avatar
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Deployer to deploy on file edit

I have php deployer set up which will deploy all my files to staging server whenever I run dep deploy:staging. Now I want to know if there is a way to run that deployer command whenever the file got ...
zaw's user avatar
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23 votes
10 answers

Error when running watchman

When I run react-native start, I am getting the following message Error: A non-recoverable condition has triggered. Watchman needs your help! The triggering condition was at timestamp=1489123194: ...
Geethu Jose's user avatar
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what is the use of watchman for react native?

Can anybody describe clearly what the use of watchman available in npm library? ----Details I found--- npm - npm is the largest NodeJS package manager NodeJS - Server-side Javascript runtime ...
Lakshitha Kanchana's user avatar
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How can I create a watchman trigger to restart the puma/hanami server

I have created this watchman trigger: watchman -j <<-EOT ["trigger", "/home/gergra/code/essence/essence_backend", { "name": "restart_hanami", "expression": ["anyof", ["match", "*.rb"]]...
Shimu's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to watch react-native node_modules changes

When I run react-native start or npm start the packager starts and prompts to be Looking for JS files in /Users/map/repos/myrepo/ I've got Hot reloading enabled. When I change a file located within /...
maraujop's user avatar
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React-native doesn't reload ios application in simulator

i have issue with reloading app, react-native-cli: 1.2.0 react-native: 0.37.0 watchman: 4.7.0 index.ios.js file. import React from 'react'; import ReactNative, {View,Text} from 'react-native';...
Ruslan Alekseyev's user avatar
3 votes
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Watchman: Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.facebook.watchman.plist for write: Not a directory

I'm trying to run a basic react native project (tutorial) on Mac, but when running emulator or deploying to a device I'm getting this: Error: watchman--no-pretty get-sockname returned with exit code ...
o..o's user avatar
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Facebook React Native Hot Reload not working ( Ubuntu 14.04 )

Objective: I'm trying to get hot reload to work, where I make a change in the codebase, and changes appear within the android emulator as advertised. Problem: It doesn't work, I have a feeling it's ...
Andrew Wei's user avatar
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React Native `npm start` with watchman error

I was first getting this issue: Then I followed this solution to resolve for that issue:
Simar's user avatar
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Facebook watchman everytime looses connection on ubuntu 16.04

Facebook watchman everytime looses connection on ubuntu 16.04. Also it gives error "Error: Watcher took too long to load (WatchmanWatcher)". How can I uninstall watchman on ubuntu?
Abhishek Kumar's user avatar