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Empty index.html after building my vite react project

I tried deploying my app with Firebase Hosting, and it shows a blank page. It works normally when I run it locally. Also, when I try to open the index.html, it still shows a blank page. enter image ...
Miles Andray Casilao's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is this says Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map') but when i reload the page it works file

Here is my code , I am making a full stack app where a user asks a question and people can come and reply to those questions but for some reason my code does not work i am beginner and trying to learn ...
Yuvraj's user avatar
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0 answers

FastAPI Error Handling : Need to handle Primary Key and Unique Key Violations but the Code never runs the Exception Handling part'/create') def create_record(request: Request,sid: str = Form(...), name: str = Form(...),last_name: str = Form (...), email: str = Form(...), add: str = Form(...), ...
Myst's user avatar
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Node.js - Serverside Command Promp Commands input?

I´m writing a Web MMO with Node.js and for debug and maintenance reasons i would love to have the ability to open my SSH connection, where i also start my server, and write a command like "logout ...
Toastbot's user avatar
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Network configuration between nginx server (running on WSL) and Beeware app (Build and run from windows anaconda)

my web server is on wsl, and beeware is on anaconda (windows version not linux), how do I configure beeware app to communicate with wsl server. is there a feasible way? current I'm using ngrok host as ...
8lurry's user avatar
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PageSpeed Insights: Reason for long time of "Largest Contentful Paint"

I try to optimize the website When I use Lighthouse within the Google Chrome DevTool, I get really good results and a time of 0.9 seconds for the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) ...
Phantom's user avatar
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1 answer

Is webdev.webserver.exe dead?

I am following an older book and it talks about webdev.webserver.exe to test an APS page. Looks like it used to come with earlier versions of Visual Studio but I don't see in Visual Studio 2019. Also ...
zar's user avatar
  • 12k
11 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to directly connect frontend to the database?

I came across this joke the other day. Someone on the internet was asking why do we need a backend, just connect the frontend to the database. It seemed funny at first, but really is it possible to ...
Gamzosh's user avatar
  • 153
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2 answers

npm related tasks are throwing errors during installations

I've been having this problem recently that nothing related to npm is working for me except npm start. npm install is giving this error: $ npm install @material-ui/core npm ERR! Object for dependency ...
Parth's user avatar
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Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free,How to fix this error in xampp?

guys I'm a newbie trying to learn php. Just downloaded Xampp but can't find the fix for errors. I downloaded apache 2.4 in the past, but after this problem occurred I stopped Apache services and ...
Doctor.phil's user avatar
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Connecting to a Oracle database and displaying the contents in a web browser

I'm new to this. Is there a way to link a Oracle database to a web browser and display it's query results in a web browser with angular or node js. Create something like a dashboard. Basically, I'd ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Download file from webdav server

My VBScript is as follows: Dim myURL Dim password Dim username myURL = "" ' change your URL here... username = "[email protected]" password = "xyzpassword"...
rohit7373's user avatar
0 votes
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deploying project to domain, server error: Connection failed: Connection timed out - Nameserver that godaddy gave me. This is my connection.php <?php $servername = ""; $username = "username"; $password = "password"; $dbname = "...
dave querubin's user avatar
0 votes
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How should i build a javascript page out of a xml file?

I currently am helping my father out with his construction website. He asked me if there was anyway I could automate estimates for his customers "bids" and I built him a desktop prototype application ...
user3086956's user avatar
-1 votes
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PHP request causes AJAX to reload wrong page

I have a function that calls a HTML code switch when the 'signup' button is clicked. The problem I am having is when I test for a wrong password or wrong email on sign up. I successfully check if the ...
odus's user avatar
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How do I ensure my script file isn't cached when debugging a VS MVC website?

I came across a problem today where the only way for the web program I am developing showed the most recent copy of a modified script was to reboot the machine. It is a file bundled in the master ...
Lammy's user avatar
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When should I use WebDev.WebServer.exe?

I have a ASP.NET MVC6 web application developed in VS 2015. I run it on Windows 10. I have client side JavaScript compiled by Gulp which is dropped in the wwwroot folder which I want to debug as well ...
wonderful world's user avatar
-1 votes
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Golang creating dynamic functions (during run time)

I need some help developing a web server in go. I took initial code from , in particular, this example : func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ...
efel's user avatar
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I am trying to get some form data with php and put it in my mysql db, not sure what's wrong

I am trying to teach my self how to code websites and I need to get some info from a form and put it in my mysql db, and from what I have gathered the best way to do what I want is to use php. When I ...
user2865156's user avatar
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visual studio development server automatically redirects to default port with machine ip

This is a weird issue I have been facing for a couple of days now. When I run my ASP.Net web app from visual studio 2010, it starts the dev server and opens IE. I can see the correct URL getting ...
Kedar's user avatar
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Make visual studio stop running dev web server when I attach

Why the heck does visual studio (2012 I'm using, I think previous versions did this too) load the WebDevServer for all web projects in my solution when I tell my solution to attach to another process? ...
Jimmy Hoffa's user avatar
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Using [AspNetDevelopmentServerHost()] for web UI testing

I have a WebApp project that runs normally in debugging. Now I try to run it for UI testing with Selenium: [TestMethod] [HostType("ASP.NET")] [AspNetDevelopmentServerHost(@"D:\WebAppPath", "/")] [...
Dmitry Fedorkov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How does an ASP website match a dll to a webpage?

When you go to the root of an ASP website (either webforms or MVC), how does the web server know which .aspx or .cshtml file to load, and which dll in the bin/ directory contains the code to execute? ...
thecoop's user avatar
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land of lisp src webserver.lisp

while I was learning in "land of lisp" chapter 12 and 13 about "socket". I use lispbox, so I need install a socket.At last, I found usocket available. this is a sample about how to use usocket, to ...
lin yuansen's user avatar
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Block development server window

Is there any way to avoid the window of development server? (Not stopping or avoiding to run the development server, just the window). In Visual Studio 2010 (and before) it only appears when the ...
Diego's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does SimpleHTTPServer redirect to ?querystring/ when I request ?querystring?

I like to use Python's SimpleHTTPServer for local development of all kinds of web applications which require loading resources via Ajax calls etc. When I use query strings in my URLs, the server ...
Marian's user avatar
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Cannot issue PURGE request to Varnish cache

I am using Varnish 3 in front of nginx running multiple WordPress sites. I am using a default.vcl recommended and used by many large WordPress sites. default.vcl: I ...
Michael's user avatar
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3 answers

Websites Without Frameworks

How do I start a website from scratch without the use of a framework? I want to create a web service that communicates with a database and dynamically displays the contents based on a user's activity....
Peregrine's user avatar
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Does Visual Studio's built-in web server support HTTP PUT?

Does the web server built into Visual Studio 2010 (and earlier, but 2010 in particular), WebDev.WebServer.exe, support the HTTP verb PUT? If so, does it support it by default or does it require ...
davidzarlengo's user avatar
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Connecting to Oracle 10g (with the parenthesis bug) DB from VS Dev Server on a 64 bit machine

there's a known bug while connecting to an Oracle 10g database from MS Visual Studio on a 64bit machine because of the parenthesis in "c:\program files (x86)" directory where VS is installed....
maximz101's user avatar
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Start ASP.NET Development Server automatically in unit tests

In Visual Studio, if you begin debbuging on a webservice, the Development Server will start up for you. I have a series of unit tests that rely on this server being here. How can I find out ...
DanDan's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2008 Development Server not starting

I have a C# web service that I am trying to debug in Visual Studio 2008, and when I try to run it, Internet Explorer pops-up as expected, but it just displays 'waiting for response from localhost...' ...
JamesW's user avatar
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Webdev.Webserver40.exe crashes when using Code Contracts

Sometimes when debugging with my application I encounter Contract.Requires() failing due to the condition its evaluating returning false (all good so far). However, if I click the Abort button ...
Ɖiamond ǤeezeƦ's user avatar
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Why do my ETag headers work under IIS but not under the VS2010 web server?

In my ASP.NET MVC 2 app, I have the following lines: Response.Cache.SetMaxAge(TimeSpan.FromDays(90)); Response.Cache.SetETag(lastWriteTime.Value.Ticks.ToString()); Using Fiddler to trace the HTTP ...
Dylan Beattie's user avatar
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WebDev.Webserver40.exe error (not a valid win32 application) - can't compile in Visual Studio 2010

Everytime I try to compile in Visual Studio 2010 I get the error Unable to launch the ASP.NET Development server. Unable to start program 'C\path.......\Webdev.Webserver40.exe I also tried to ...
agarza's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

Unable to map an HttpHandler to a "path/*" wildcard mapping

So I've been trying to map an http module to a sub-path of an MVC3 site. It should be pretty simple as I understand it, but it has not been working. The module is setup like so: <handlers> &...
Chris Nicola's user avatar
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Restart WebDev.WebServer

How can I restart WebDev.WebServer in ASP.NET through code? I'm able to stop it, but I'm not able to start again.
Navin Leon's user avatar
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Why a program starts and exits right away?

This is kind of weird. Sometimes when I start my ASP.NET page in Visual Studio 2010 in debug mode, I can see IE starting, data initializing, controls loading and there is stuff in the output log. But ...
King's user avatar
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4 answers

Firebug equivalent for Internet Explorer

I am looking for a tool/add-on like Firebug on Firefox ( that is immensely useful for debugging web applications) which works for Internet Explorer. Any suggestions ? -thanks
kabir's user avatar
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how to deploy Visual Studio Development Server with web applications

i want to know how do i deploy ASP.NET web applications on client machines which runs with the visual studio development server rather than configure it in the IIS on the client machine? I know its ...
Inam Jameel's user avatar
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Sitecore CMS 6.2 - Fails to start up

My local Sitecore CMS has stopped working. I can no longer start up a local debug build and attach it to IIS or WebDev.WebServer20.exe (The VS2010 built in web server). When I start with ...
Daniel Ballinger's user avatar
1 vote
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Webserver on python3

I've created a web app in Python 3. It all runs beautifully until I have to upload a file... There's no way to find the path or the file in the environment. I am using wsgi and I am thinking of ...
hidura's user avatar
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Using IIS7 to debug instead of Development Server

Can someone please tell me what needs to be done to debug a app using IIS7 instead of the Development server with VS2010. I have found multiple resources online that says how to do it and they ...
B-Lock-a's user avatar
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Is it possible to prevent VS2010 killing the WebDev.WebServer process?

Since I've starting using VS 2010 I've noticed that whne I stop the debugger it also kills the development web server. In VS 2008 I would regularly work without the debugger attached. Is it possible ...
ilivewithian's user avatar
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ASP.NET Development Server - is the source available?

I remember several years back it was called Cassini and the source was available for download. Is this no longer the case? Either my Google skills are lacking or I can't seem to find the source code ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
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WebDev.WebServer.EXE hangs

I am using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 with .NET Framework sp1. I am not using IIS but the built-in server provided by vs 2008. I have an ASP.NET MVC project, which sometimes when started opens the ...
SoftwareGeek's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2010 debug in a fixed port

Is it possible to choose a fixed port for the Visual Studio 2010 debug webserver?
Farinha's user avatar
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VS2010 Ultimate - Unable to launch ASP.NET Development Server

I've worked with ASP.NET once before and had a project where it was potentially useful, so I started creating an ASP.NET website as part of a solution that contained several C# class libraries. I'm ...
sohum's user avatar
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VS2010/Windows 7 -> can't connect to ASP.NET Development Server

I have a clean installation of Windows 7 with VS2010 RTM and am trying to get the ASP.NET Development Server to work. When I run the project, the WebDev server starts and shows that it's listening ...
TJF's user avatar
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Multiple development server ports

I've got a few projects and websites in my solution. When I debug a website, ports are opened for all the websites. I'm thinking this slows down my debugging. How do I switch off these extra ports ...
insanepaul's user avatar