Questions tagged [wifi-direct]

Wi-Fi Direct is an extension to Wi-Fi, created by the Wi-Fi Alliance, that allows for Bluetooth style point-to-point networking as well as the more well known method of networking with access points that Wi-Fi traditionally uses. It is designed to make the process of connecting small intelligent devices like phones and cameras and even home appliances easier and faster. To make it easier to exchange information and files between devices as needed.

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What are the ways to transfer audio data from iOS app to multiple hardware devices through wifi iOS Swift

I want to develop an iOS app that enables users to send binary data representing audio files over a local WiFi network. When the app sends this audio data, any hardware device connected to the same ...
Merry's user avatar
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How to check runtime permission for different Android API levels & how to check whether GPS is always turned on?

I'm trying to learn and build P2P WiFi Direct Android App. I want my App to target devices from API level 25 to 34. As far as I know, for API level(25-32) -> App requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ...
Rohit's user avatar
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Wifi direct (Wifi P2P) connection between raspberry pi 4b and android device only possible after reboot

I am trying to connect my Raspberry Pi 4b with my Android device (Google Pixel 6 with ANdroid 14) using the pbc (virtual_push_button) method. If the Raspberry Pi was freshly rebooted, there are no ...
marlonga's user avatar
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Does ESP32 support WiFi Direct?

I want to use the wifi-direct feature on ESP32. I want to send data from ESP32 to my Android device using wifi-direct. However, I couldn't find definite information or existing examples regarding ...
sema's user avatar
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Can WiFi Direct be used with ESP32?

I want to transfer data between two ESP32 devices using Wi-Fi Direct. I couldn't find definitive information about whether ESP32 supports Wi-Fi Direct feature. Below, I am doing data transfer using ...
sema's user avatar
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In React Native using "react-native-wifi-p2p" this library,so startDiscoveringPeers method is working in debug mode but not working in release apk

In React Native using "react-native-wifi-p2p" this library ,I am trying to connect two android devices for sending data from one device to other device using this library but in debug mode ...
Suyash Bajpai's user avatar
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How to change the channel for android wifi-direct connection?

I'm currently utilizing Wi-Fi Direct to transfer packets between an Android Google Pixel 6a and a Raspberry Pi 4. The Wi-Fi operates on the 5GHz frequency, and the Android phone serves as the group ...
Aria_Z's user avatar
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is there any possible way to assign static ip address to android devices in wifi direct

consider 4 android devices connected using WiFi direct and one device is the group owner.And the go has to assign the static IP address. I have read some documentations but i didn't get any expected ...
Christy Chacko's user avatar
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Local networking without an existing Wi-Fi or Internet connection

I am trying to create an app that can communicate and send data between multiple nearby devices (likely around 2-6 devices at a time) without already being connected to the same network. This would ...
GalaxyShard's user avatar
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Sending data device-to-device, Android or iOS agnostic with React Native

My use case is I want to enable two devices, Android or iOS (between them, or among them), to discover each other and exchange a small amount of data when in close proximity. I'm building the app with ...
mcw's user avatar
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Can i use rn-samsung-tv-remote to other TV by changing the logics?

I am developing an application that serves as a universal remote control for televisions using Wi-Fi. Currently, I'm testing it with a Philips TV, but I couldn't find a library for Philips, only one ...
marcelo colombo's user avatar
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NetworkManager interfers with wpa_supplicant

I'm trying to build an app in C++ to connect 2 Linux devices via WiFi Direct using WPA_Supplicant. Trying to do that in the wpa_cli (with wlo1 interface), I got to the point where with NetworkManager ...
EddyIT's user avatar
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Wifi Direct discovery not working between two avds

Ive been trying to create a WifiP2p application using kotlin but I cant seem to test the working between two avds. Is this just not possible or am I missing some code. I am a beginner to android ...
Chris Kavin Romero Romanus's user avatar
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Brothers Android sdk not detecting wireless printers

I am currently utilizing Brother Android SDK v4.67, and while I can successfully connect to the printer using wireless direct, I am seeking a solution to connect to the printer through a shared Wi-Fi ...
saif rehman's user avatar
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Button Click With Out this Screen Show Printing , Print using Wifi Printer ? Possible or Not

This screen should not appear and direct print to the printer on click of my application button My mobile has Wi-Fi printer connected to it, so I have to print on the button of the application without ...
Jerry Patel's user avatar
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Is there any way to do wifi provisioning using ble in flutter?

I want to scan the BLE device list, connect to that device, set WiFi provisioning for that device, and manage that device using WiFi. I tried many packages and plugins for creating apps for BLE ...
Chirag Rathod's user avatar
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Share files using Wifi Direct virtual adapter in C#

I am creating a app/software to share files from one pc to other pc, By using wifi direct virtual adapter the transfer is high and time getting very less. But I cannot access that adapter using C#. I ...
Anurag Singh's user avatar
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C# WiFiDirect Get Own DeviceId

I would like to access my own WiFiDirect device address or device ID. With C# and the namespace Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect I can access the WiFi Direct functionalities. Using a device ID, I can ...
Simon's user avatar
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How to get a device that can connect to wifi direct on android

I would like to retrieve information about devices capable of wifi direct connection to Android. First, click Settings->Connections->wifi->wifi direct on your Android device and you will see ...
Jungwon's user avatar
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63 views failed to connect : / (port 9999) from / (port 35364) after XXms: isConnected failed

I have an Android app where I'd like to send data between 2 devices using Android's WiFi Direct P2P feature. My app is created based on WiFi Direct Demo. The problem is, I want to send data from the ...
Bhavik Dudhat's user avatar
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Android auto not working, file sharing in hotspot mode

For a long time I observed the problem of transferring data directly between devices without a router and I cannot understand the reasons. Example 1: you need to transfer a large file via Wifi from ...
mixalbl4's user avatar
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wpa_cli events output to file

I have requirement to write wifi p2p application. So I am trying to use wpa_cli commands. I want to write wpa_cli event output to one file. So to handle errors and success events I had referred this ...
deeksha -'s user avatar
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Exchange with Nearby Connection API slower than classic Wifi-Direct

When I exchange data using the Nearby Connections API, between two devices not connected to a network, and then one of them connects to the other device's Direct-Wifi network, the transfer speed is ...
LeoBe's user avatar
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(listAdapter as WiFiPeerListAdapter).notifyDataSetChanged() Causing Crash

override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) listAdapter = WiFiPeerListAdapter(requireContext(), R.layout.row_devices, ...
Tousif Akram's user avatar
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Printing PDF using Wifi-Direct from Android to HP Mobile Printer is producing gibberish while it works for the HP desktop printer

I am using Wifi-Direct to send a PDF file from an Android app to HP Mobile Printer. While it works for the HP desktop printers, it currently produces gibberish (raw PostScript) for a HP Mobile Printer....
Sandeepani Senevirathna's user avatar
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WiFiDirect on Windows how to find devices connected to my host

On a Windows machine I have a process which acts as WiFiDirect Advertisement Publisher. On the same machine I have a service and in this service I need to get a list of the peers connected: I need the ...
peregrinus's user avatar
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How to write Linux command-line app in Kotlin script to make a machine a wifi direct group owner then listen on a port on the wifi direct interface?

I need to write a simple Kotlin script or command-line app to make the Linux machine it's running on a wifi direct group owner, then listen on a port on the wifi direct interface for incoming wifi ...
Matthew Adams's user avatar
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Application to transfer files via Wi-fi direct or other p2p solution

I want to create an application that would allow sharing files across multiple devices via p2p connection. The first thing I wanted to research was Wi-fi direct as I remember it from back in the day. ...
Vendetta8247's user avatar
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How to make the Make method of HString available

I am trying to connect my Surplex VR tracking shoes to my desktop via Wifi but unfortunately Microsoft in their infinite wisdom have depreciated the functionality to setup a simple Wifi hotspot. The ...
zig13's user avatar
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What method to use to connect and embedded android device to a WiFi network

Situation: We build devices with embedded android tablets that run on android 12 (Snow Cone). The screen is not easily accessible What we try to achieve: We would like to connect the embedded ...
Olivier VD's user avatar
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Setup WiFi Direct(P2P) on two raspberry pi by using wpa_supplicant

I want connect two raspberry pi 4B by using p2p. Then i am using wpa_supplicant to set up p2p. However, after i finished set up the wpa_supplicant.conf and run wpa_supplicant sucessful. The wpa_cli ...
YUKI's user avatar
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WiFi Direct (P2P) for Service Discovery not responding to discoverService available listeners

I have been trying to create some simple WiFi Direct prototype apps and have been unable to get WiFi Direct (P2P) for Service Discovery working. (Android docs here:
HoloSheep's user avatar
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Android - when I click on REFRESH button it always goes to onFailure

I'm trying to create a Mancala game. I'm doing a Wifi-Direct, but everytime I'm clicking on REFRESH button, it goes to onFailure method. The purpose of the refresh button is to discover new devices ...
MORAN's user avatar
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Auto-accept confirmation dialog on windows when pairing devices via WiFi Direct?

Using WiFi direct sample at: Doesn't matter which pairing mode I use i.e. PushButton, Pin, Password. Eventually, ...
tunafish24's user avatar
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Android Wi-Fi Direct hotspot failure

I'm new to the Android platform and I want to create an app that creates a wi-fi hotspot so my microcontroller (esp32-c3) can connect to it. Further, the app should only contain a webview and be able ...
ffk27's user avatar
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react-native-wifi-p2p sendFile() and receiveFile() is not working

I have created a react native app where initially the server creates a group, and then the client connects to the group.The server should send those files to the client. I tried sending files by ...
Deepak Pandey's user avatar
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Switching between sender and receiver in Android Wi-Fi Direct app

I am developing an Android app to share files using Wi-Fi Direct. The app works, but I am unable to switch between being a sender and a receiver without closing the app. When I try to switch roles, ...
Bebikananda Waikhom's user avatar
2 votes
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Does any working sample code exist for WiFi-Direct on Android?

The documentation for Wifi Direct on the android developer site includes scraps of code taken from a now defunct sample application (Android Studio baulks at the project structure) that I managed to ...
norlesh's user avatar
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Wifi direct - NetworkInfo deprecated

When one follows the guide for implementing WiFi direct from google doc here you need to use NetworkInfo . The document is last updated: Last updated 2022-10-14 UTC. NetworkInfo networkInfo = (...
Ultimo_m's user avatar
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Device Wifi Setup Walkthrough

Most electronic home goods today are able to be setup through a webpage to connect the device to a home network. Usually there is some sort of bluetooth or wifi direct finding mode to access the ...
zerosandones's user avatar
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Network.framework for peer to peer connection in background mode

Developed iOS application using Network.framework to share data among iOS devices and its working fine. But there are few scenario where its failing to share data : IF two devices wanted to share ...
Shobhakar Tiwari's user avatar
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Proper Way to Disconnect on Wifi Direct (Android) - removeGroup, channel close, or both?

In API 27, Android added a close() method for WifiP2pManager.Channel. Is this a better alternative to removeGroup? Should I do both? If I call close(), after closing, should I call initialize() to ...
johnnyb's user avatar
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Can't establish Tcp StreamSocket connection between WiFiDirectServices

I am running the Wi-Fi Direct services sample on my two Win11 laptops. Using the default ConfigMethod, the WiFiDirectServiceSession can be created. At the step of creating socket connection, I was ...
Ling Chen's user avatar
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Get Internet Access on a Android device from a smartphone without hotspot

I have an Android device that has wifi and Bluetooth modules. I want to build applications to connect the device to the internet using a smartphone's data connection. Is this possible? The smartphone ...
SyncMaster's user avatar
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Is there a way to send connection requests to local devices through an app?

What I'm visualizing: 4 different devices each running the same app while connected to the Internet via their cellular networks. Is there a way I can broadcast connection requests to all these devices,...
karthik leiju's user avatar
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How to avoid InvocationTargetException when invoke WifiP2pManager.setWFDInfo()?

I am trying to create an android Wi-Fi Display (Miracast) application. I use following codes to register a sink port: Class clsWifiP2pManager = Class.forName("
dawenwhen's user avatar
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WiFiDirectDevice::FromIdAsync API returns null for already paired devices

Implemented C++/WinRT Console Application which uses similar implementation of Connector Scenario of WiFiDirect Sample. Running the same application in both laptops, Pairing and connection is ...
Sathish Reddy's user avatar
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Wifi direct P2P aplication

I am trying to create a android Wi-Fi Direct (P2P) application. I found this code (Creating P2P Connections with Wi-Fi : Message passing issue) and I'm trying to test it, but when I run the ...
João Clara's user avatar
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I can only send files with wifi direct the first time after connection

I'm trying to exchange files between two devices using android wifi direct. Any of the device can send and receive files. After discovering and connecting the two devices,I can only successfully send ...
lanezalbryt's user avatar
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How to check whether Wi-Fi p2p is connected?

In my app, I need to check if p2p is connected. Previously I use following code to archive it, but NetworkInfo is deprecated, so I want to implement it in another way. mWifiP2pManager....
Hydrolysis Zhao's user avatar

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