Questions tagged [windows-key]

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0 votes
3 answers

What is the powershell code to simulate pressing the windows key?

I'm trying to make a .ps1 program to auto-refresh a site in edge - and I also want it to position the window. I need it to simulate pressing Win+RIGHT but I cant find the code for the windows key. $...
3 votes
2 answers

Tkinter windows key event

What is the event for the Windows key in Tkinter? I'm using Linux, but I would like answers for both Linux and Windows. If Mac has a similar key, feel free to let me know the binding for it. I imagine ...
11 votes
3 answers

How to setup Super/Windows/mod4 key bindings for eclipse

I'd like to setup some key bindings in eclipse (3.7.2) involving the key ("windows" key), but it doesn't seem to be picking up that modifier key when I press it. Why? What can I do so it detects it?
1 vote
2 answers

Python key changer program

I have got a keyboard with a non-working windows key. I tried to fix it with Python if I press the > key, the program will press the windows key, but it's not working. Here's the code: import ...
1 vote
0 answers

X11 stop windows/supper key event from reaching the OS

I am making a program that locks my computer by creating a full-screen window and disabling all ways to unfocus the window. For that I need to programmatically disable/enable the Windows key: Is ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to disable the Win key if it's the only key being pressed using AutoHotkey?

I often find myself tapping the Win key by mistake, how to disable it when it's the only key being pressed using AutoHotkey? In other words, tapping Win shouldn't bring up the start menu, but the Win ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I create a global hotkey combination that includes the windows key?

I'm using SetWindowsHookEx to capture the keyboard in order to show a running application. I can create combinations using CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, and regular keys. However I can't create a combination ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to cycle between open and closed firefox windows?

Trying to cycle between multiple open or closed Firefox windows fast instead of cycling through the virtual display with alt tab. Whats the quickest way/shortcuts?
0 votes
0 answers

How to setup a KeyListener that listens to the Windows key in JavaFX without the OS using that keypress as an action?

How do I setup a KeyListener that listens to the Windows key in JavaFX without the OS using that keypress as an action? Here is my code so far, but my OS just recognizes the keypress as an input and ...
1 vote
2 answers

How can I send a right windows key with Dragon NaturallySpeaking's advanced scripting?

How can I send a right windows key with Dragon NaturallySpeaking's advanced scripting? Looking at What is the difference between the commands SendKeys, SendSystemKeys or SendDragonKeys? it doesn't ...
0 votes
2 answers

How can I capture a global Win+* hotkey?

I know there are a lot of resources already on how to capture a global hotkey with C# (using Ctrl, Alt, or whatever else), but I haven't seen any that work with the Windows key. Is it possible to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Autohotkey remapping Alt Gr to Win Modifyer

I am trying to build a very simple AutoHotkey script but it doesnt seem to be working. I've bought a keyboard with no Win key and no programable hardware layer so I am planning on using AHK to remap ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to disable Windows keys (logo key and menu key) using Javascript

I write this Javascript code but it doesn't disable 2 windows keys (I mean logo key and menu key), though: document.onkeydown = function(e) { document.title = e.keyCode; if (e.keyCode == 91 ||...
2 votes
1 answer

Map Windows + JILK to Arrow keys using AutoHotKey?

I can't seem to find how to bind X + Y => Z. Most links online show how to do the opposite. I'm trying to achieve this mapping: RWin + j :: Left RWin + l :: Right RWin + i :: Up RWin + k :: Down ...
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0 answers

Preventing the start menu from appearing

I'm writing about the age-old problem of trying to keep the start menu from appearing. I've read everything I've been able to find on the web, including 2 previous stackexchange threads on closely ...
1 vote
1 answer

AHK recursive map? (Map RAlt to RWin which is mapped to other keys)

I have a bunch of RWin+X => Y mappings. I would like RAlt to be mapped to RWin so that RWin+X == RAlt+X. For example: ; RWin+J => Left >#j::SendInput,{LEFT} Which works fine, I can hold ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I change Windows 8.1 key to Windows 10 key? [closed]

I bouth laptop with pre-installed windows 8.1 a half year ago. I copied license key and erased the system. I installed windows 10 and I want to activate it with my key, but it does not accept it. ...
1 vote
2 answers

Web browser is not able to capture Windows key + D, why?

Web browsers fail to capture windows key shortcut. For instance, Windows key + D displays the desktop. However, in the browser, JS could only detect the keydown event of the Windows key, but is not ...
1 vote
2 answers

C# detect pressing Windows key

I create a text box for entering a combination of global hot keys, which can then be used in the program. For this purpose I use event TextBox.KeyDown and look the KeyEventArgs. But the problem is ...
3 votes
3 answers

how to detect if the windows key is pressed?

I would like to be able to detect when the windows Key is pressed. I tried with getasynckeystate function bug didnt found the right virtual key. thanks for your help !
0 votes
1 answer

Handling windows button during Async BeginGetResponse in wp7

is there any way to handle the Windows button keypress within the *.Xaml.cs especially when the app is busy getting a request processed using an Asynchronous BeginGetResponse. is there a override ...
6 votes
2 answers

Linux: Mapping Windows key to M-x for the purpose of emacs usage

I am an emacs user (on linux laptop) looking to make better use of my keyboard settings. The windows key is unused on my keyboard... is there any way to map it to m-x? This might make many emacs ...
1 vote
1 answer

Use the Windows-key for another purpose in C#

Is there a way to disable the standard built-in function of the Windows-Key (open the start-menu) and activate instead of that function for instance a delegate or an event in C#? I want to use this as ...