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Creating and naming subfolders off of data cells in sheets

Yes another boring data entry and tracking question. This has probably been answered already on here, but I'm a super noob, so go easy one me. I get roughly 100 shift reports daily within each report, ...
B Rad Rogers's user avatar
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PyCharm creates environments depending on which unittest I run (using unittest library)

When I run tests, there are different ways. You can right click and run on: triangle next to test triangle next to test class definition space in the file above the test class For some reason, all ...
Калин Кръстев's user avatar
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I'm trying to solve a captcha image I downloaded by editing a code on github

import keras import pandas as pd import numpy as np import cv2 import glob import imutils from imutils import paths import os import os.path import sys import tensorflow print(os.getcwd()) os.environ[...
RonS's user avatar
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How do you create a file directory where you can change file paths for an Android app?

More specifically, how do you create folders that the user can move saved files in and out of by changing paths in an Android app? For example, a photo gallery app where you can create folders to put ...
Bob Rasner's user avatar
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Can I configure a custom (separate) Downloads folder for web apps that I access via VSCode?

I am testing a web application, which I access with use of VSCode debug tool for Chrome. This allows me to separate the default web browser and the testing web browser. I was wondering if there's a ...
ProteccYaNecc's user avatar
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Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code No Longer Recognize Working Directory—Why?

Starting this week, my Jupyter notebooks in VS Code have stopped recognizing the working directory correctly. Previously, everything worked as expected without any manual configuration. When I run a ...
Yves ROBERT's user avatar
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How can a script in R call other scripts without problems with the working directories?

I have a script called Main/Main.R.In a sub folder I have Main/SubFolder/Part1.R, that reads some excels from other folder called Main/Input/Excel.xlsx. I face the problem when I run in Main.R the ...
FrMS's user avatar
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PyCharm with Snakemake refuses to recognize correct working directory

I have a project that uses Snakemake with the following files: Project/envs/config.yaml and Project/workflow/Snakefile. I have installed SnakeCharm. I want Snakemake to access this config file. At the ...
Shruteek Mairal's user avatar
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How to configure VS Code interactive window workingdirectory to a script in a subfolder?

My project is organized as follow: ├── data │ ├── processed # The final data sets for modeling │ └── raw # The original data files. ├── src ...
R L's user avatar
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How to make Python script use a designated directory as source for imports (from within the script)?

I am currently stuck on a Python issue where I want to import scripts from another directory that is removed from the current one. The import structure is relative in certain scripts, and I do not ...
Matej Spisak's user avatar
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3 answers

How to get the path of a file without normalisation in ruby?

My current directory path is /a/b/c/ When I do fname = File.path("../test.rb") ::File.absolute_path(fname) output is: /a/b/test.rb What I am expecting is the output something like this: /...
Prateek Sen's user avatar
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How to set the location that JavaCompiler executes from?

I am working with, using it to programmatically compile Java code from my running Java application. Everything is working great, except that I don't how to execute the ...
davidalayachew's user avatar
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Why my program can't find the file when opening .txt files?

I'm currently learning file I/O in C++. I can open the file by using the full directory of the .txt file which is C:\Users\mfkha\cmsc202\inclass\scores.txt. The path of the program file is C:\Users\...
Muhammad Khan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Read image from a file using OpenCV

I want to convert PNG type flowchart to the graph by using Graphviz Python Package. Here I have already installed relevant packages by using pip install opencv-python pytesseract graphviz After I ...
Kanchana Kariyawasam's user avatar
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the working directory options does not exist in scheme on Xcode 15

When I runned the app on Xcode 15 sees my older project directory address but I don't working this directory. how can I change the working directory. I searched for this errors but. I think the ...
Yunus Gündüz's user avatar
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Running same Java Spring Boot Application in different Working Directories

I need to run one java spring boot application (REST API) with external jars twice at the same time. So I created two "working directories" for the external jars and tried to let the ...
Chaosking's user avatar
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Issue with Reading a File Using Relative Path in Python

I'm currently working on a Python script named which is located in the /HW directory on my system. The script needs to read an image file named lenna.png that is located in the /code ...
Songhua Zou's user avatar
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What is parent directory of a process?

In lsof output, it mentions 3 types of directories, cwd, rtd and pd. I understand cwd and rtd. But what is pd aka., parent directory for a process? I tried lsof | grep ' pd ', but I got no output. So ...
Sourav Kannantha B's user avatar
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create a folder out of working folder without use of double period with Dir.mkdir

Is it possible to create a folder outside of working folder without direct use of double period with ruby's Dir.mkdir s or mkdir_p s. I am interested in linux-like systems only. My goal it to sanitise ...
Serge's user avatar
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How do I find and remove a setting value in Visual Studio Code?

I am using Visual Studio Code and the terminal extension keeps trying to start using an invalid folder. I have tried setting "terminal.integrated.cwd" for both User and workspace but the ...
Trevor Budd's user avatar
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Can I get the current console filepath from which a script was invoked from within said script?

If I am in the console/terminal at the C:\temp location, and I invoke the script C:\scripts\test.ps1, how can I get the path of the current folder (C:\temp) from inside the script I just invoked? None ...
ZEE's user avatar
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Set working directory for Visual Studio 2022 CMake projects with Ninja generator

I need a way to set debugger working directory for my Visual Studio 2022 CMake project with Ninja generator. Setting VS_DEBUGGER_WORKING_DIRECTORY target property doesn't work: only launch.vs.json ...
DaniilV's user avatar
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Upscaling with Realesrgan

I am trying to create a cpp file to use the RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime model to upscale an image. I did the following: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <net.h> #include &...
Carol.Kar's user avatar
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Why doesn't `console.log(Deno.cwd())` print anything in the debugger?

I have a simple path/to/test.ts script: console.log(Deno.cwd()) It runs fine with deno run --allow-read .\test.ts and returns path/to as expected. However using the debugger it returns nothing before ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Visual Studio Cannot Locate jpeg File

I am trying to experiment with OpenCV's C++ Library. However, I encounter an issue when trying to read an image. Here is my code. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <...
idontknowhowtoprogram's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to "close"/"disable" root folder temporarily without removing it from workspace in VS Code?

Do you guys know the way to disable certain folders temporarily (to exclude them from searches, only see the git repo linked to open folder, only run Java build task with open folder etc.), but ...
Jocular's user avatar
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Why can't I read these files? multiple libraries couldn't find them

Unsuccessfully trying to solve a seemingly simple problem: get dimensions of the image located in a folder using cv2.imread. The folders structure as follow: Main Folder -- ... -- input ...
Serg's user avatar
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Store path/filename uses space on user selection Batch File to create a shortcut

I'm writing a bat file to finds all .exe files in current my bat folder location, and lists them 1 going up and then user can select the file to create shortcut. The problem I'm having is when it ...
yoky's user avatar
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My custom Python logger function doesn't work with OpenCV

I have a custom logger function for my program that logs what was done by whom and at what time (it's a facial recognition software/database editor for a multi-locker safe).: def logger(what, who, ...
TheArturro's user avatar
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How do I set working directory for R scripts in Snakemake?

I have used the following recommendations as a guide for building the directory structure. If I have an R script (e.g. script2.R) ...
Robin Garcia Victoria's user avatar
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how to get the path to file with python when working directory is different

Consider the following Python file structure Root |---- SubFolder | |---- | |---- config.json | |---- import os def main(): ...
OJNSim's user avatar
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easyocr throws ValueError: Invalid input type. Supporting format = string(file path or url), bytes, numpy array

after including all necessary libraries and doing following steps : image_path=r'uptosomething.jpg' img=cv2.imread(image_path) reader=easyocr.Reader(['en'],gpu=False) text=reader.readtext(...
anu's user avatar
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Folder not allowed to Rename a sub-folder or delete a non empty-sub-folder while the parent folder is being watched using Chokidar

While watching folder which has subfolders using Chokidar,The watch folder cannot be renamed. Versions:     Chokidar version: 3.5.2     Angular CLI: 12.0.2     Node: 16.17.0     Package Manager: npm 9....
A User's user avatar
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Problem while trying to save a frame after every 1 second using opencv

I tried running the code below, it runs successfully but the images are not saved anywhere on the system. Does anyone know where the problem is or the solution? import cv2 import time # open the ...
Darsh. S.'s user avatar
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PyCharm and AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape' [closed]

I have installed opencv-python and imported cv2. But none of the functions for CV2 is showing up and when I run the code below I get an error that says: "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no ...
BZ2021's user avatar
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How to Knit a Rmarkdown file into different directory in a R project

How can I set a specific output directory without changing my working/project directory when I knit the file? I am trying to knit an output (html or word doc) from my rmd file into a directory that is ...
Izzy_oz3's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code: FileNotFoundError. Execute in File Dir broken, and unable to access file's absolute path

I am trying to open a CSV file without using its absolute path, but I cannot access it because my files are located in /Users/foo/Machine Learning/Multiple Linear Regression/, which is a child of my ...
Vasyl Shevtsov's user avatar
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create and move to a new directory [duplicate]

I'm writing a program that asks the user to input the name of a new folder. then it creates the path and moves to it to save some data. I have the code to ask and create the path, but can't get it ...
Philip's user avatar
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Why do I have to run `setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path))` twice for it to work in R?

setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path)) is used to set the working directory as the foder containing the current script. I have noticed that I have to run twice for it to work, ...
Julien's user avatar
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Error with passing string using ifstream?

Im trying to use a program in order to load an obj file and display it. When running the program, I am getting the else statement to print, as it cannot open the file, any ideas as to why? Here is the ...
nickn17's user avatar
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Read csv data into R (read.csv)

I want to read in a csv (excel) file in my R file. Usually I use read.csv but this time it does not work can anybody help me? My code: persons <- read.csv("persons.csv", header = FALSE, ...
Mario Francesco's user avatar
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Change working directory to file importing my module

I've found plenty of similar questions online but I'm unsure if they solve my problem. I'm coding a Python module with that structure : mymodule |--- |--- resources |—-- myfont.ttf |-...
Papipoulpe's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape' (How to loop and compare 1 images with multiple images using python)

I am trying to compare an image with multiple images by calculating the SSIM value. I'm using the code written in the answer as reference: How do I compare SSIM between one image and many others using ...
Expired_rice's user avatar
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Cant change directory in CMD, but Powershell works fine [duplicate]

I have tried cd E: cd "E:\android\webrtc_tutorial" cd .. However, i noticed that cd .. will successfully go up a directory. But I still cant change it to E drive. or the desired directory. (...
Saad Mansoor's user avatar
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error: OpenCV(4.7.0) FAILED: fs.is_open(). Can't open "EDSR_x3.pb" in function 'ReadProtoFromBinaryFile'

Im trying out this article. But it doesn't work as intended. This is the Python code copied from the article: import cv2 from cv2 import dnn_superres # Create an SR object sr = dnn_superres....
EtiNL's user avatar
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python: opencv,some issue when count pixel

I use opencv to count the number of white and black pixels of picture(I have convert them into black and white image), and everytime I run my code it return the number is 0,and the code is output_path ...
Eave_Z's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the working directory of a current python script if it is in One Drive?

My existing python script is in the One Drive and I want to get its path. I have tried all the solutions but none of them worked. This code did not work at all. import os sys.getcwd() It brought C&...
hkay's user avatar
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Showing error in fname and working directory even after importing os in jupyter notebook, Python 3.9

I am currently working with TROPOMI data. To explore the intricate parts (metadata, QA etc) of data. Run this code for import libraries in Jupyter notebook in Windows. #Block 1: Import libraries #...
23122312's user avatar
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Python is throwing error for a file path inside the Project folder

Python is throwing some inconsistent error for a file reference inside the Project folder based on 'Working Directory' in the script configuration My Project Structure is f = '' def ...
rams's user avatar
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Linux .NET 6 exe seeks DLL in current dir instead of its own

I just upgraded a .NET Core application from .NET 5 to 6. I used to start this application via a symbolic link in my home directory. However, after updating the link to the newly-created .NET 6 ...
Medinoc's user avatar
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