Questions tagged [xmlhttprequest]

XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is a JavaScript object that exposes an API for making asynchronous HTTP requests from frontend code running a Web browser — that is, for enabling the programming technique known as AJAX. The XHR API is a legacy API. It has been superseded by the Fetch API.

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PHP-Laravel Amazon feed XML Parsing Fatal Error at Line 1, Column 1

<AmazonEnvelope xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="amzn-envelope.xsd"> <Header> <DocumentVersion>1.02</...
Mica's user avatar
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Curl in PHP to XMLHttpRequest Javascript

I'm trying to convert this CURL in PHP to XML Javascript, but can't find the equivalent of some parameters So I have this in my PHP : $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( ...
Lidya's user avatar
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HTTP Form Element vs Fetch and XMLHttpRequest

I am currently learning about web development and came across HTTP. One thing that is confusing me is how exactly to make HTTP requests. In the videos I've watched the main way they send HTTP requests ...
He llup's user avatar
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XMLHttpRequest with form data how upload works

I am uploading files to to nodejs server on client side the code is const uploadEvent = () => { setDisabled(true); if (file==="null" || file===undefined) { setText(&...
newbie's user avatar
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axios Can't POST nor Http, not Https from https website to CRM["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; axios .post('', new URLSearchParams(p).toString()) ...
sonofcodelight12's user avatar
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Error when using Axios-based package in a Chrome extension background script

I'm currently developing a Chrome extension using React, and I've encountered an issue in the background script of my extension. The problem arises from my use of a package that internally relies on ...
Akhil's user avatar
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XMLHttpRequest for receiving Server Sent Events (SSE) is only working after browser page is opened

In our react native app we are using binaryminds react-native-sse library for receiving Server Sent Events (SSE). In our case we are using it for receiving notifications sent by the backend. The ...
Tom B.'s user avatar
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C++ HTTP server file downloader problem with Ajax uploader

For some reasons and educational purposes, I developed myself a C++ HTTP server from scratch which should capture file uploads from an HTML page with AJAX handling dynamic requests and save it in the ...
CoderBittu's user avatar
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Detect if Sentry.captureMessage(…) or Sentry.captureException(…) gets blocked in an JavaScript app (e.g. by an ad blocker)

Setup We have a Javascript (Angular/TypeScript) App, which uses for error reports. If a throw happens, a global error handler takes care and shows a custom modal to the user, with a textarea,...
DerZyklop's user avatar
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Suitable HTTP response for "not authorized" but without giving a WWW-Authenticate header

I am writing a HTTP service. I want the status codes to distinguish between two states: user is not logged-in user is logged-in but may not perform a given action It seems like HTTP 403 Forbidden ...
spraff's user avatar
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HTTP GET Request method sends '?' instead of '/'

I have generic method to communicate with my Swagger API: get<ReturnType>(url: string, params?: HttpParams): Observable<ReturnType> { return this.http.get<ReturnType>(...
Horsebye's user avatar
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"CORS fail" when using self-signed certificate with HTTPS

I have two devices. A and B. Both of them have HTML pages and rest APIs and the connections are protected by HTTPS with a self-signed certificates so the browser will show a potential risk warning ...
Bruce Hsu's user avatar
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Getting an error "Missing image file in request. (Perhaps ...)" while generating image variations using openai and JavaScript

I am getting above mentioned error. I think error is due the fact that I am sending ImageData. Even in the documenation, it is written that you can send ImageData but that example is specifically for ...
WasimSafdar's user avatar
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HTTP API endpoint to check the current latest macos version available?

I need to get the current latest macOS version using node js. Is there a free public api endpoint I can use?
rb27's user avatar
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XHR requests occasional timeout or network error on Safari iOS devices caused by HTTP/3

We currently have a Vuejs web app using axios for communicating with our API server. All is working well on all devices except we are getting reports from users complaining that they are occasionally ...
Amr El Aswar's user avatar
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HTTP/2 client preface string missing or corrupt. Hex dump for received bytes: 00016501250000000180000000db02074f5054494f4e5341

I'm trying to debug an HTTP2 connectivity issue. Strangely, the behavior that I observe on Google Chrome is that the Preflight (OPTIONS) fail intermittently. It fails for a while and then it starts ...
Sid Parekar's user avatar
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Intercepting XMLHttpRequest originating from third party components to SetRequestHeader. But xhr readyState sometime showing UNSENT

We are trying to intercept all the xhr request in angular application to setRequestHeader. here is the code example trying. export class AppComponent implements OnInit { uuid:string = '1234'; ...
cj devin's user avatar
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What is a good pattern for preloading asynchronous data?

I am building some functionality in Zendesk using mostly vanilla JS (jQuery is available too) and I have a button that needs to run an API call to get some data first before it can do its "real&...
T Nguyen's user avatar
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Failed to download file from the URL. The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=Content-Length header value is invalid

I'm facing an issue with downloading a file from a specific URL when using a desktop browser, while it works perfectly on a mobile device (Chrome browser). I've thoroughly tested this in multiple ...
Mehadi Hasan's user avatar
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how to download zip file used by AJAX java

After passing the data to the controller through ajax, I finished creating a zip file in the C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp folder. It does open well in above folder I mentioned it. But when I click ...
King Henry's user avatar
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I can post to my IIS server with c# but get a 405 error when posting to the same server with Javascript

I'm trying to post to the same server as my client on Windows 10. I can post from a c# program in the code behind but not to the same url using Javascript... which fails with a 405 Method Not Allowed ...
Velocedge's user avatar
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how to custom XHR (XMLHttpRequest) packet size in polling request?

When a poll request is sent to the server, I have noticed that several XHR packets are sent to the server with a maximum size of 500 KB. In some cases, the procedure can be very lengthy and risky, ...
Nabil Jlasssi's user avatar
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How do i create a cookie for the first time in flutter

I want to create a cookie for storage for a post request but i am facing challlenges on what to understand I tried creating a cookie class and a handle cookie method but the creation doesnt seem to ...
Tatenda Mhaka's user avatar
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How can i prevent a function to be fired before the execution of an other

i use a function to extract data from an XMLhttprequest, this data is pushed to a variable array outside of the main async function, everthing works for this part, but when i call this function, ...
Fefe's user avatar
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Abort an ongoing file upload via JS File Upload API

I'm currently developing a small web application which utilizes Laravel Livewire's File Upload. I can remove the file once the temporary file is done being uploaded but since it handles up to 1GB of ...
Virus5600's user avatar
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Scrap data from "dinamic" XHR - this request does not appears in HTML

I'm trying to scrape data from URL that get the data from an API. But, the problem of the XHR request it's that the URL generate is dinamic. I mean, whenever we do a request in the same URL, the XHR ...
Daniel Bailo's user avatar
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CORS Error when invoking 'GET' from external API in JavaScript

I have a normal HTML/JavaScript application where I am trying to request a GET from the API's URL. When I ran the program, it returned this error: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'URL' from origin 'null' ...
John Arc's user avatar
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How to call XML API in Python

I am learning Python and want to build a small project to query flight price data. The airline provided the API, but it's XML format. how do I call it? Very appreciated.
Erik Johnsson's user avatar
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angularjs ng-bind-html to iframe is rendering HTML outside of <html> tags

I am loading a page from $http.get into an iFrame. The $http.get retrieves the full HTML page as if it were natively navigated to, but when I am attaching the content to the iframe, the content is ...
rolinger's user avatar
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I got an error while trying to login into my app

I am trying to an app but during login, I am getting a XMLHttprequest error! This is really frustrating and I do not know what to do.. I'll give you my code: Login Screen:- import 'package:docs_clone/...
Mumum's user avatar
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XMLHttpRequest GET call returning 500 error, but curl works

I am trying to retrieve data from an API, but am getting a status 500 error. I am able to get the data perfectly fine when running this in my terminal: curl -u myApiKey:
Conner's user avatar
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$_POST is empty while Request Payload shows data, XMLHttpRequest [duplicate]

Have a good day! I'm using a JavaScript function to call a self-made php page via the post method, the $_POST variable remains empty though. I'm pretty new into PHP world and my problem might be a ...
Merlin the Immortal's user avatar
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Find the null value inside dynamic array list and get the value of this parent

My "spreads" have dynamic array number inside (different numbers per events). Each of the arrays have this alt_line_id: null. I want to get which array object does have this value null value ...
iMarkDesigns's user avatar
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How to display the value in javascript object array

How can I get the value of "Home" & "Away" from the "money_line" in this flow. I want to display the value of Money Line > Home & Away to my table column. Here'...
iMarkDesigns's user avatar
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Building a dashboard UI with 20+ charts in React; should each chart component manage it's own data request?

I'm building a dashboard UI that will contain 20+ charts in React. I've got an API that returns the data for each chart, and using Axios to make the requests from the React components to the API. I ...
mattstuehler's user avatar
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JS XHR Upload Error When Changing Browser Tab in Firefox

I'm encountering an annoying issue on a website I'm developing. Essentially, I need to perform a direct upload via the client to a presigned S3 (Scaleway) URL using XMLHttpRequest. The process is ...
Federico Marolla's user avatar
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XMLHttpRequest being blocked by CORS Policy : No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Trying to use a proxy

I'm trying to obtain an access token to access the Graph API from Microsoft in a SharePoint Add-ins. When loading a page from the add-ins, a js script execute to obtain the access token. However, when ...
Ron's user avatar
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XMLHttpRequest not defined in Manifest v3

I had made a chrome extension in v2 which i'm updating in v3 My Code const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), item = {}; xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == 4) { const ...
Dhruv's user avatar
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xmlhttprequest response is unreadable symbols for values <1000

I have a S7-1500 PLC webserver and I want to get data from it and display on html page. My problem is that I can read the tag value successfully if it is > 1000, otherwise I get strange symbols and ...
Khaled's user avatar
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Formatting the columns in the dataframe before saving it to excel

''' def excel_data(request, data): # Create an Excel writer object with custom formatting excel_writer = pd.ExcelWriter(BytesIO(), engine='xlsxwriter') data.to_excel(excel_writer, sheet_name='Sheet1', ...
Prasad's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy - "Error 403 forbidden"

I've installed the Docker version of Alfresco that use a Nginx as reverse proxy. My problem is that (I think) the NGINX proxy refuse PUT and DELETE http calls if I do them from browser (i tried with ...
Fabio's user avatar
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2 Ways of Javascript Get Requests Failing - Did I skip a step for calling APIs?

I think I ams kipping steps in the process here becuase nothing is happening call wise. I put he same get request in postman, I got my response. The following webpage: Debug - after the first fetch ...
Jon Billingsley's user avatar
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XMLHttpRequest() response is empty in Edge but not Firefox

I use the following function to load a large file (+500mb); I am not able to split this file because it is provided by another entity and the file content is very hard to split into smaller chunks; ...
Markus's user avatar
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Why are preflight requests categorized as 3rd party requests in chrome DevTools network tab?

I'm looking at network tab in chrome devtools and see that preflight requests are categorized into 3rd party requests whereas the actual cors request for which preflight request was made is ...
Harshit Saini's user avatar
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Cookie and Request Header Mismatch In Javascript

I am sending request to my server with "XSRF-TOKEN" in header fetched from cookies of my browser function sendRequest() { let xsrfToken = getCookie('XSRF-TOKEN'); let decodedToken = ...
WagonWolf's user avatar
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Why setting 'Accept-Time' header manually with timestamp would always have 'undefined' when using XMLHttpRequest?

I was trying to send POST request in the console of DevTools by using XMLHttpRequest. My JavaScript code is as following: var serverTime =, post_data = 'token=......', xhr = new ...
Scott Paang's user avatar
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undetected chrome extension with Opera

I have just installed Opera and add three extensions, none of them has this id : chrome-extension://bgpmiljelfnilfcfmoppijdkmccbccel/isolated-first.jst Does anybody know which plugin is hidden behind ...
Tabasco City's user avatar
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I'm using React and Express for my application. I work on a local network, on my computer, the request is made perfectly, but the other computers that are connected to the same network can't connect ...
Bruno Henrique's user avatar
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Error: XMLHttpRequest error when I try to send an email using SendGrid API, Flutter web and Firebase

I try ro send email using SendGrid api and flutter web. I use a firebase as a backend but I got this error message. Error: XMLHttpRequest error. dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/patch/...
Faris Albagdali's user avatar
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How to clone XMLHttpRequest object?

let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;'GET', '/', true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Test', 'test'); let clone = ....? xhr.send(); clone.setRequestHeader('Test2', '....'); clone.send(); Attempt 1 let ...
Ivan's user avatar
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