I am having problem with my design:

I have some base class

    public class ReportConfig<T> where T: class
        public string ReportSavePath { get; set; }
        public string ReportTitle { get; set; }
        public T ReportData { get; set; }

and this class can be extended into (one of possible subclass presented):

    public class CsvReportConfig<T> : ReportConfig<T> where T : class
         // some extra class specific props

Then, I have a ReportGenerator abstract class

    public abstract class ReportGenerator<T> where T : ReportConfig<T>
        public ReportGenerator(ReportConfig<T> config)
            Config = config;

        public ReportConfig<T> Config { get; set; }
        public abstract ReportGenerationResult GenerateReport();

and then, I would like to extend the `ReportGenerator` class into:

    public class Csv1ReportGenerator : ReportGenerator<CsvReportConfig<DataObj>>
        public Csv1ReportGenerator (CsvReportConfig<DataObj> config) : base(config)


        public override ReportGenerationResult GenerateReport()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

And here, I am receiving an error that "`CsvReportConfig<DataObj>` cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in generic type or method `ReportGenerator<T>`".

What am I doing wrong and how to correct this?