3 votes

How to vary x-axis scales by column in facets

Depending on your desired result patchwork will give you the most flexibility. A second option which at least gets you close to your desired result would be to use ggh4x::facetted_pos_scales which ...
stefan's user avatar
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How do I get 'zero' matplotlib spines to clip outside of the axis limits?

Not sure why you would want to do this, especially since you will lose information about where you are on the grid if you are far from the origin, but here is a possible solution. It involves a few ...
Krishnadev N's user avatar
1 vote

Applying identical axis format to all subplots

I think you're confusing a Figure and an Axes. You could just loop over fg.axes: for ax in fg.axes: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.DayLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mdates....
BigBen's user avatar
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Weird margins when using curvilinear axis

Change: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, axes_class=Axes, grid_helper=grid_helper) to ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, axes_class=Axes, grid_helper=grid_helper) i.e., the Matplotlib example expects you ...
Matt Pitkin's user avatar
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How to change the color of axes values in chart_Series()?

The parameter th$col$labels should do this, but the color is too hard-coded inside quantmod::chart_Series, so you have to alter the function. Use my_chart_Series <- fix("chart_Series") ...
Jan's user avatar
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How to vary x-axis scales by column in facets

Here's another approach which relies on adding dummy points for each facet + group with the desired range of x and a y value greater than the maximum of the whole data. Those points will be taken out (...
M--'s user avatar
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