Questions tagged [communication]

Communication is the activity of conveying information.

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Python Can-bus comunication doesnt stop sending messages

Good day. I have the following python code: #!/usr/bin/env python import time import can import os import csv import pdb os.system('sudo ifconfig can0 down') os.system('sudo ip link set can0 type ...
Cactus's user avatar
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IMS service android

IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) is a framework that facilitates the delivery of multimedia services over IP networks, including voice and video communication, messaging, and other rich media services. ...
Hiko Deven's user avatar
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A strange CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) algorithm in Matlab

I'm trying to understand the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) algorithm and I'm having trouble identifying the polynomial used in a particular CRC implementation. function[output_data]=ASK_AddCRC(...
zy h's user avatar
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Setting up an Energy Analyzer using Modbus

I am working on a setting up a Janitza Energy Analyzer UMG96S using RS485 cable connections via RS485 to USB converter. At first i was unable to communicate with the analyzer but after selecting the ...
Muhammad Hanzala's user avatar
-1 votes
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how do i communicate 2 bots in webot using emitter and reciever i need creative idea to implement a specified motion

basically i would have 2 mobile bots at the starting of a path lets imgine the path shape as T and at the long end of T and both bot starts from rest and the bot in front reaches the left or right at ...
user23871802's user avatar
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How to plot out-of-band emission for ofdm signal?

After taking IFFT at transmitter for OFDM, I want to plot the out-of-band emission to compare between OFDM and SC-FDMA (using MATLAB) I tried using the 'periodogram' function in MATLAB by plotting the ...
Amitabha Bhattacharjee's user avatar
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How can I monitor/locate specific communications between programs on WIN10?

Background information: I use a Scientific Program that collects data and writes it to a .raw format file. In this program is an option to launch an .exe file to perform post processing once the .raw ...
Trevor McDaniel's user avatar
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Communication between 2 flutter apps (mobile and web) with webview

I have 2 flutter apps: 1 mobile app and 1 web app. I display the web app in my mobile app with a webview. I can send message from web app to mobile app. But i don't understand how to answer with a ...
redDwarf's user avatar
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How can Java write commands to the GHCi?

I'm making an application (Windows) using Haskell to implement numerical methods to solve problems and Java for the GUI and to process user input. For inter-process communication, I'm having them both ...
atoa's user avatar
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accessing MainActivity from long running async task safe way (eg after conguration change)

I have a long running (really long, more than 60 seconds or more) async task. Sometimes this task has to access the MainActivity (mostly UI updates, but sometimes accessing Shared Preferences and ...
Peter Varga Developer's user avatar
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How to make LDPC Simulation

I'm trying to create an LDPC code simulation for learning with matlab. The code I made earlier is as follows. % Define DVB-S.2 LDPC code parameters dvbS2Rate = 1/2; % Code rate for demonstration ...
Soybean's user avatar
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How to get audio using INMP441 with esp32 to Android application for 2 way audio communication?

I want to make a project using the esp32 cam microcontroller and INMP441 sound module to communicate esp32 with an Android application. I want to get audio using the sound module and send it to the ...
Janaka Prasad's user avatar
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How to disrupt WiFi communication between two esp's?

I have 1 ESP01S transmitter and a NODEMCU12E receiver that communicate through my home router using the same IP through client.connect(server, 80); The application is not professional at all, but the ...
tecoverflow's user avatar
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How to receive messages from unet audio with python

we are currently testing communication using unet audio, we have downloaded unet audio on both devices on the computer and raspberry.We have successfully sent and received messages using unet audio in ...
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I2C Communication Issue with STM32 Nucleo Board: Unable to Find Slave Address

I am working with the STM32H743ZI2 NUCLEO BOARD. I have configured and programmed the board for general purposes, including GPIO, ADC, PWM, I2C, and SPI. To validate the I2C part, I created a test ...
Kaan Kurtça's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Communication between Service and fragment

How can we communicate/pass data betweeen service and fragment I am trying to make a service and i am doing some action in that and i want to update my fragment ui state according to that action which ...
Usman Mahmood's user avatar
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Communication between Activity and Fragment Using Viewmodel

Comunication between activity and framgment is not working, observing barcode is executing when ubdating barcode LiveData value. MainActivity private val viewModel: BarcodeViewModel by viewModels() ...
ASLC's user avatar
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Flutter how to exchange data or message like map model info between devices on internet and ip base

Effortlessly exchange map model data between internet-connected devices using Flutter and IP-based communication. Streamline information sharing with a robust solution tailored for seamless ...
kapil sharma's user avatar
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Power Spectral Density and Total Power Calculation for Signal

I am currently working on analyzing a signal with the autocorrelation function given by: R(τ) = 100 * cos( 10000 * τ*pi) .* (Λ(2000τ))^2 I need assistance in plotting the power spectral density Gf​(ω) ...
Javad Ibrahimli's user avatar
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How can I read a 4-byte data that is stored in two different register address from modbus?

I am using an Energy Meter to read different parameters from a power plant (voltage, current, etc.). This Energy Meter is connected to a Weintex PLC in order to show this data on an HMI. The thing is, ...
adrian_enneo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Spring Boot with mysql containerization

version: '3.7' services: mysqldb: image: mysql:8 restart: always healthcheck: test: [ "CMD", "mysqladmin" ,"ping", "-h", "localhost&...
Vinu's user avatar
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minimalmodbus.NoResponseError: No communication with the instrument (no answer)

I'm trying to get data from an Aims Power Pure Sine Inverter but I couldn´t connect directly with the inverter so now I'm using an external panel that show some information of the inverter. This panel ...
Stacey Bermúdez's user avatar
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ESPNOW ValueError in esp.irecv() - Micropython

I am part of a student organization called "Formula Electric Belgium". As part of my project, I must establish communication between two modules. While researching my options, I stumbled ...
Dries Vercauteren's user avatar
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Is there a way to count the number of discord messages for other users in my server?

I am trying to count total messages for each coach in my server but they send direct messages instead of the actual server, is there a way to count total messages from direct messages from people ...
Tommy Nguyen's user avatar
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How can I establish communication between a desktop app and a web app without the need for a backend server?

I aim to create a web application capable of processing data received from a desktop application running locally on each user personal machine. Additionally, I want the web app to be able to send ...
user16829029's user avatar
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Reading data from BBC micro:bit from Raspberry Pi command line

I'm trying to use a BBC micro:bit instead of a LIS3DH accelerometer to read accelerometer data on a Raspberry Pi. The LIS3DH is used in this project:
AxAn's user avatar
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Availability of SOME/IP Fire and Forget mechanism implementation steps or code

I was trying to implement communication between two devices using vSOMEIP repo by fire and forget mechanism without service discovery. But, there is very less documentation and technically no code ...
Jenny B Joseph's user avatar
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Loading remote libraries from different package

I had a situation where I am going to develop two android applications and lets say the first application App A will be having the different libraries in it and the second application lets say App B ...
Muthyam Sriram's user avatar
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Is it possible to put an encrypted message inside another message in Python using AES?

I have to implement the following communication scheme between Alice and Bob in Python. I happen to be having some problems in step 5, as I have to concatenate one encrypted message inside another, ...
xxjmpxx__'s user avatar
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Check if UR10 (Universal Robot) Finished job successfully

I am communicating with UR10 with C# under automation NuGet package. How can I know if robot finished given job successfully? we are giving UR10 jobs with scripts like this: def FullCommand(): ...
Vazha's user avatar
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One-way communication in python

For the last day I've been trying to get some one-way continuous communication between two python scripts as an exercise for a bigger project. However, subprocess.communicate only allows a one-time ...
comarocket's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the behavior of error recessive nodes in can protocol

I found this in can microchip datasheet?"The error passive station waits for six consecutive bits of equal polarity, beginning at the start of the passive error flag. The passive error flag is ...
Omar Said's user avatar
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Flutter : OBD2 connectivity using wifi

I want to communicate with OBD2 from my Flutter App using wifi. But I don't know how to establish a connection using wifi and how to get information from OBD2.
Mohsin Naqvi's user avatar
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JS - What is the equivalent Mutation Observer of an EventListener that listens to messages?

I am currently implementing an iframe into my web-application. This iFrame is a WYSIWYG Editor that should resize automatically based on the content inside of it. Later I also need to communicate the ...
DonMarc0's user avatar
-2 votes
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Proper communication [closed]

I'm wondering which communication method use in my app. There will be python server displaing data from website and from android app. That is easier part where I will use REST. But then I need ...
olo00olo's user avatar
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Communication between two apps

At the moment I am planning on using flutter and dart to create some apps to run on windows/linux/web. Both apps will be running on the same pc. I want to create two different apps. One will be the ...
jas's user avatar
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How does Grpc Server perform and modify objects in WPF application

I'm new to GRpc and trying to implement the following: I have a WPF application which is running on .Net Framework 4.7.2 I have a Mobile application(used MAUI) which has to communicate to WPF ...
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1 answer

C# SDK - Problem with Gocator Accelerator

I want create an C# WPF SDK application that controler a Gocator camera. When I connect my SDK application C# with the GOCATOR, I have no problem. But if I try to connect the same application with the ...
F A Fernández's user avatar
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Is it possible to establish peer-to-peer communication between two remote clients without centralized server?

I had read the following paper but not able to undserstand how p2p communication established without server? Also not able to understand ...
Dipnarayan Das's user avatar
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Why does ReadAsync on a NetworkStream read data twice?

I am currently working an a piece of TcpIp communication in which we have to send/receive JSON strings back and forth. While sending the data I first send the length of the JSON string, (call it the ...
Jurgen Wilsch's user avatar
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WebUSB doesn't recognize Windows device

I'm trying to make communication between my Android phone and Windows PC via WebUSB. My PC can see my phone withput any troubles, but my phone can't. Code I'm using, actually it's part of a function ...
pepa z depa's user avatar
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Reading data from a flowmeter on a microcontroller

For a personal DIY project, I want to make an app that measure water consumption and send the data to an API. I have the Keyence FD-Q50C clamp on flowmeter that has a screen to display the data. The ...
Mathis Metereau's user avatar
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Invalid index error simulating bipolar NRZ on SCILAB

I'm trying to simulate a bipolar NRZ of [1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1] on SCILAB. But I keep getting error of "invalid index". Need help... This is the error that I get on SCILAB. invalid index This ...
Davin Dempster's user avatar
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How can I secure the connection between my android app and the web server

So Basically I'm building an android app that needs to communicate critical information with the web server, I need encryption method suggestions on top of https to improve the security and how can I ...
Elio Bteich's user avatar
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send a message to a vehicle by using omnet++ and sumo

I would like to use SUMO and OMNeT++ to send a message to a vehicle using the VEINS framework. For example, I want to change the route or direct a vehicle to a specific destination by using a Roadside ...
younes amadiaz's user avatar
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Passing sensitive information from one component and other component

There are two components to interact and the user id is passed from one component to other to track the record of the user activity. However , the cyber team informed the user id should not be passed ...
RagaSGNur's user avatar
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Trying to get data from two rs232 to single rs232 port

I'm doing a barcode project, The system is having only on single rs232 port only. I have two scanners where the data has to be sent to that one single port of the system. A-scanner (Output) B-scanner (...
mani kandan's user avatar
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Building a Scalable Real-Time Communication System for Web Application: Recommendations for Low Latency, High Concurrency, and Fault Tolerance

I'm currently working on a web application that requires real-time data synchronization between multiple clients. I need guidance on the recommended technologies and techniques to implement a scalable ...
FriedRobot's user avatar
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Communication between electron and rust desktop app

I'm currently building application which consists of multiple parts: Service that doing some operations with OS API (currently its only Windows), and stores some data within SQLite database. This ...
dalvi's user avatar
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how to communicate between independent components in reactJS

I have 2 components 1: modal component 2: table component when we add a data in modal component api call is made and i will get the response on success need to refresh table which no where related to ...
DhanaLaxshmi's user avatar

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