Questions tagged [database-migration]

database-migration is the process of transferring data between storage types, formats, or computer systems. Also refers to migrating the database from one vendor to another, or to upgrading the version of the database software.

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A dual write proxy for Cassandra to aid in data migrations

We're planning to migrate data from one Cassandra cluster(Apache Cassandra) to another cassandra cluster(Apache Cassandra). Looking for a dual write proxy for Cassandra to aid in data migration from ...
Murthy's user avatar
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Migrate Postgre DB to a higher version server remote server (eg. 13 to 15)

I have copied a database from source server (Postgres 13) to target server (Postgres 15) with the well-known commands run on the target server: pg_dump -h -p 5433 -U postgres -d db -f db....
Roman Reimche's user avatar
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Which field from `show slave status` should I use as the binlog position for on-going CDC in MariaDB?

I am following this guide to migrate my MariaDB RDS to AuroraDB. However I am not sure what should I set as ...
tom10271's user avatar
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SSMA SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle

I have no experience with SSMA other that what I have gained over the last couple of days, and I am hoping that someone might be able to answer some questions I have from their own experiences with ...
Fletch's user avatar
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Entity Framework Core update recursive json table column data if match some criteria

I need to update a JSON table column on migration but is a recursive object and is near impossible doing it using plain SQL. I tried this in 2 ways: Creating a stored procedure to do the migration ...
Santiago's user avatar
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Migrate data in Azure SQL from dev to test (and prod)

I have a dev, test and a prod environment, all stored on different AzureSQL Servers and resource groups. My task is to copy all the data from dev to test (and later prod, but for now test first). I am ...
max's user avatar
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AWS DMS Migration Task Fails with "No Tables Found" Using Wildcard in Schema Mapping for MySQL. Wildcard mapping rule is not working properly

I am working on migrating data from MySQL to S3 using AWS DMS. I want to employ wildcard mapping for the schema name in the DMS task's selection rules. Specifically, I aim to include tables from ...
bob3409's user avatar
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There was an error during migration in Laravel project setup

An error occurred during the migration process in the Laravel project setup. SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes (...
Stacker Kenny's user avatar
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Django migrations not creating tables on PostgreSQL despite successful execution

Description: I'm encountering an issue with Django migrations on a PostgreSQL database. Despite running python migrate successfully without any errors, the tables are not being created in ...
true_ostik's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to specify a float/decimal value for a column inside an insert in liquibase changelog?

I'm just starting to learn liquidbase, I wrote a changeset with an insert, here's part of it: databaseChangeLog: ... - changeset: id: "all_types_table" changes: - createTable: ...
Madiyar Nurgazin's user avatar
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Run the migration script in the container

I built a rest api application using nest.js, with the migration source code in one project, so that when I created an image and then a container, the migration source code was in both the image and ...
Catur Wicaksono's user avatar
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Is it possible to downgrade an Entity Framework Core code-first migration without the migration present in the code base?

Imagine a micro services architecture using EF Core code first with migrations. A kubernetes init container will migrate the SQL Server database before running the actual application container. But ...
kipusoep's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core SQL Server connection - migrations

I encounter this error when I use 2 different foreign keys. Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_Comments_Posts_Id' on table 'Comments' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE ...
OnurcanOgul's user avatar
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Couldn't find driver exception when running php artisan migrate

I found a problem in my code like this: Illuminate\Database\QueryException could not find driver (Connection: mysql, SQL: select table_name as `name`, (data_length + index_length) as `size`, ...
NyK's user avatar
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SQL Database in production migration - Best approach

I have a SQL database (postgres using amazon RDS) on production with several records, some tables go up to a few millions rows and need to have some structure changes, in my particular case I just ...
lgiusti84's user avatar
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How to setup Flyway migrations for multiple schemas

I'm currently using Quarkus and imported Flyway extension to perform database migrations. Currently it is working fine for the default schema 'public', but it doesn't seem to be able to pick up other ....
vincentyeung's user avatar
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mysql to postgres query convertion - COLUMNS.COLUMN_TYPE and information_schema.SEQ_IN_INDEX

I have two databases(replicas one is mysql, another is postgres).I have a mysql query which gets column names, and other column related info for the table, if a table misses any column, we use this ...
vasu's user avatar
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golang-migrate command "freezes" during migrations, takes too much time to migrate (10 minutes for 10 rows)

when running the migrate on VPS the command freezes. After that I can abort, reboot the VPS, and see that the migration version is one higher, but the DB is dirty. I have no idea how to debug this! ...
Sam's user avatar
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Performance Issues After Migrating from MariaDB 10.3.39 to 10.6.16 Due to Changes in Query Execution Plan

We recently migrated our database from MariaDB version 10.3.39 to 10.6.16 and have encountered significant performance issues with many of our older, mostly unoptimized queries. We've isolated one ...
FabianP's user avatar
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How to generate migration scripts in EF6 with custom SQL?

I'm trying to generate migration scripts in EF6. However, due to EF6's shortcomings I need to call some of SQL manually. It looks like this: public override void Up() { // ... using (var ...
Spook's user avatar
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Unable to create a 'DbContext' of type ''. The exception 'Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContextOptions`1[Comm

I'm following a video on GraphQL (min 1.28.22), and when I run the command "dotnet ef migrations add AddPlatformToDb", it returns the following issue: Unable to create a 'DbContext' of type ...
kamil's user avatar
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node-pg-migrate not able to run migrations from config defined with .env variables

I have a workspace where I want to use the npm package node-pg-migrations to handle database migrations for all of my databases. .env file variables: MULLIGAN_DB_USER=my_user MULLIGAN_DB_PASSWORD=...
IncrediblePony's user avatar
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django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: column app_table.field does not exist

I have a django app which is already in production. I added some new tables and new fields to existing tables and all went well in the feature branch, but when I merged it with the main branch then i ...
Ameer Hamza's user avatar
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How to seed data to a many-to-many link table in Entity Framework Core? [duplicate]

I have these two tables: public class Resource { public int Id { get; set; } public string? NumberA { get; set; } public string? NumberB { get; set; } public ICollection<System>...
otk's user avatar
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Applying a rename migration with a Temporal Table gets SqlException (0x80131904) mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements

We have a model-first approach in a recently migrated project from .NET5 to .NET8 and to EF 6. Our model has an entity with a SQL Server Temporal Table related. The problem arises when we want to ...
Marcel Alfonso's user avatar
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Empty Migration in first Migration in 8

This is my connection string : "ConnectionStrings": { "EvSefDBConnection": "Server=.;Database=evsef_db;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true\"\"&...
masoud mazloum's user avatar
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The database platform service with type Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.Sql160DatabaseSchemaProvider is not valid

I'm trying to deploy to Azure SQL Database a dacpac generated by a Visual Studio build output file. I'm using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18 and SQL Sever 2022. This is the error I get. ...
Alejo Villores's user avatar
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Dynamic table names in snowflake with FLYWAY

I want to have 1 migration scripts in flyway, where I will have a create table statement. I would like to have dynamically name of the table with the use of placeholders, which will create as many ...
Falo Zapasowy's user avatar
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Migration in cakephp5

I install a userManager plugion in my app that i've used before, so it has 6 table already define in the plugin. in the past i've tried Django and the is a migration function so you can biuld the ...
Ignacio Ramirez's user avatar
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On AWS RDS, why does MySQL replication break only after upgrading the replica's Engine Version from 5.7.x to 8.0.x?

Edit: I found a solution, but not sure that it is the definitive answer. Information at the end of the post. On AWS RDS, I have created a read replica from a master database running 5.7.44 (extended ...
johanmynhardt's user avatar
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Laravel. Disable system migration create_password_reset_tokens_table

I have a Laravel project. I already have a database with system tables: users, migrations, jobs, etc. However, when I try to run the command php artisan migrate I get an error ...
KordDEM's user avatar
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Db migration Onprem oracle to GCS

In our application Documents stored in clob format in oracle in Onprem db Looking for a tool/process/procedure to read and move the document from oracle to GCS (google cloud storage ) The total data ...
Karthick's user avatar
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How to move a specific customer data from one Postgres RDS to another

I'm using a Postgres DB, in which I have database "a" with a schema per customer id. I sometimes need to move a single customer schema data to another RDS. A single schema can weigh up to ...
ShayA's user avatar
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Alembic async SQLAlchemy OperationalError during migration to the database

I initialized the asynchronous alembic directory for base migrations, specified the base path in the .ini (I created the migration for an unchanged model and loaded it successfully and the file ...
Magan's user avatar
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Liquibase PSQL Create Function Fails with Trivial Conditional

This statement works without issue when I run liquibase update (notice that the conditional is commented out). --liquibase formatted sql --changeset --rollback DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ...
Justin Behnke's user avatar
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How can I migrate flow information from a local SQLite database to a PostgreSQL database in Prefect 2.14?

I'm using Prefect 2.14 to manage my workflow, and currently, the flow meta information is stored in a local SQLite database. I want to migrate this information to a more reliable PostgreSQL database ...
余至诚's user avatar
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Added new column in laravel users table

Added new column in laravel users table What is the correct way to add a new column in the Laravel users table? what I do, first make a command in the terminal make:migration add_role_to_users_table -...
Irfan Chaniago's user avatar
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Asp.Net Identity - Migration update results in error "There is already an object named 'AspNetRoles' in the database."

I have a fresh SQL Server database, hosted in Microsoft Azure. Whenever I run the following commands in the Visual Studio for Mac terminal window: dotnet ef migrations add "...
Goober's user avatar
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migrating two Mongo collections to new Mongo DB, and retain objectIds

This is for a Node + Mongo back end. Requirement: To migrate two collections(c1 and c2) from db1 to the same in db2. The objectIds of documents within c1 and c2 are cross referenced. When the c1 and ...
hemant's user avatar
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Aerich "empty" migrations

Aerich doesnt generate migrations if model is changed. Example: Model before: class Order(BaseModel, UserMixin): """ Base class for all orders Future orders are not ...
lazoreth's user avatar
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Sql Database error showing on my Azure site

Below I add an exception that I recieved when I login on my site. The site and database both are hosted on Azure. Probably this is a migration issue. So I deleted the [dbo].[__MigrationHistory] table. ...
Arsalan Qaiser's user avatar
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Is there a painless way to migrate existing Parquet files to a new schema? I wish to update an AWS Glue table column data type

Background We use AWS Glue 4.0 for ETL processing jobs. Each Glue job (PySpark) reads from and writes to AWS Glue tables. These tables are defined using CloudFormation templates and store data as ...
Andrew Parsons's user avatar
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postgresql migration: Dirty database version xxx. Fix and force version

Failed to upgrade schema, error: "Dirty database version 3. Fix and force version." failed to migrate the database, error: Dirty database version 3. Fix and force version. I was trying to ...
k9ne257's user avatar
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How to add and backfill a column to a ClickHouse materialized vew and the underlying table

I'm working with a ClickHouse database and facing a challenge related to table structure modification and data backfilling. We use a materialized view to populate a table, and we need to add a new ...
LAP's user avatar
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How to ensure schema compatibility between EF Model Snapshot and current database schema?

Considering a .NET development using code-first approach to create and update the database schema state, I'll provide my last scenario with migrations to clarify my question. After some development, I ...
Pedro Faria Fernandes's user avatar
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Problems restoring data to a table, ERROR: value too long for type character varying(257)

I'm trying to do a "migration" from Aurora Postgresql to Postgresql on an AWS RDS server. I already have all the infrastructure for the database basically setup and most of the data migrated,...
ejigu's user avatar
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An error occured when use dotnet ef migrations - No database provider has been configured for this DbContext

I face this error when I try to do the EF migration on my ASP.NET Core project. The command I executed is: dotnet ef migrations add "InitialMigration" -o Data/Migrations This is the error I ...
naser shanti's user avatar
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SQL Server to postgres - Identity tables are not getting created

I have developed a ASP.NET Core MVC application which was connecting to a SQL Server database. Now, I changed the target database to PostgreSQL by following below steps Step #1 - Changed the ...
kudlatiger's user avatar
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what is the Postgre equivalent data type for mysql YEAR data type [duplicate]

we are migrating data from mysql to Postgre. what is the equivalent data type in Postgre for Mysql YEAR data type.
vasu's user avatar
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How do I extract/seed Large Objects into a Postgres Database using a Migration?

How do I extract/seed Large Objects into a Postgres Database using a Migration? Inside my Postgres database, I have a set of large objects including one that is a json file. The information kept ...
crazyjackel's user avatar

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