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Best practices in the formation of the cypress structure

Are there practices that help to group data correctly and effectively? I am very concerned about the question of how best to store records according to some common feature: there are rows where there ...
polRk's user avatar
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not able to connect to ytsaurus cluster using ytsaurus-ui on minikube

I am trying to connect to ytsaurus cluster but get the following errors: Minisaurus couldn't be reached choose cluster It seems it has issues connecting to the cluster: GET http://localhost:30738/api/...
dev's user avatar
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How can I guarantee data uniqueness in the YTsaurus table?

I have a table with several key columns. The combination of values of those columns should be unique for every row of the table. However, duplicate entries may occur due to a human mistake, and that ...
Ivan Smirnov's user avatar
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