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Suryakant Bharti's user avatar
Suryakant Bharti
Android Developer
  • Member for 5 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

What are different types of match in Firebase Storage Security Rules?

3 votes

Why won't Google maps auto zoom to user location when it first starts?

2 votes

Android code help for removing from end of the list

2 votes

I have some errors in sending volley request to the server ...Anyone can help me

2 votes

Java in-built JSON parser

2 votes

LeetCode 3Sum Time Limit Exceeded

2 votes

I am trying to check for Anagram

1 vote

Gson deserialize into a JsonObject instead of a certain object

1 vote

How To Rounding BigDecimal with Scale zero

1 vote

Why does inc/dec channel not do anything?

1 vote

I wanted to know how the following patterns works

1 vote

How to change text value using Strings.xml - AndroidX

1 vote

Finding it difficult to add jar files to build path

1 vote

Null Safe Compare two bigdecimal objects having 0.0 and 0

1 vote

How to send local notification everyday at specific time in Android (API > 26)

1 vote

Getting wrong value for AM/PM from 12:00 to 12:59 when converting from 24-hour format to 12 hour format in Kotlin Android (Minimum Android Version 21)

1 vote

How to select a video from the gallery and get it's real path?

1 vote

align android popup dialog with the expected area of the screen

1 vote

get Locale sometimes return "en", sometimes return "en_US"

0 votes

Android - Get current position from recyclerview with listener when position changed

0 votes

App removed from Google Play store not showing Publishing status even after update. Any ideas?

0 votes

How can I fix errors (red texts) in XML which are preventing from showing preview or running the app on Android Studio?

0 votes

The ad unit ID must be set on InterstitialAd before loadAd is called

0 votes

How to draw arc with starting text

0 votes

Permutations of a set of data in Java

0 votes

Printing message only once after iterating through the first column of a 2d array

0 votes

Stream binary data (created using FlatBuffers) from Node backend and receive in Android frontend

0 votes

add constraints so that each text view is one below the other

0 votes

How to iterate through HashMap in Java

0 votes

How to make a wait period between the lines of code