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DenNukem's user avatar
DenNukem's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
233 votes

How to take a screenshot programmatically on iOS

190 votes

C# Sanitize File Name

44 votes

How to create an "array of selectors"

37 votes

Pass data to layout that are common to all pages

36 votes

Laying out & sizing of subviews in a UIViewController

32 votes

UITableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath called twice

19 votes

Convert integer to hex and hex to integer

19 votes

Why should I use Amazon Kinesis and not SNS-SQS?

18 votes

How to persistently set a variable in Windows 7 from a batch file?

15 votes

Is SHA512Managed considered the best one-way hash available in .NET 3.5 for security?

14 votes

Synchronisation algorithms

12 votes

How do you redirect to the calling page in ASP.NET MVC?

12 votes

Is it possible to debug the system .NET DLL's as unoptimized?

11 votes

Cocoa - Notification on NSUserDefaults value change?

9 votes

NSDateFormatter, am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

9 votes

Intellisense in mvc4 project not working in vs 2012 professional?

7 votes

How to start a 64-bit process from a 32-bit process

6 votes

Parsing unsupported date formats in via Cocoa's NSDate

6 votes

symbolicatecrash doesn't like my dSYM file

6 votes

Detecting Tap & Hold in UITableView cells

5 votes

Calendar control for cocoa touch

5 votes

LINQ recursion function?

5 votes

Strange crash when presenting modal UIViewController

3 votes

sql server 2005 .mdf .ldf files

3 votes

When should I use the addSubview method of a view controller?

3 votes

Array versus linked-list

2 votes

Create iPhone app programmatically, in its entirety

2 votes

Prevent status bar from receiving touch events

2 votes

Select Top 5 records of every employee in SQL Server

2 votes

Couchdb Replication: which protocol is used?