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jerry's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
23 votes

Detection of Negative Binary

11 votes

Why do Clang and VS2013 accept moving brace-initialized default arguments, but not GCC 4.8 or 4.9?

8 votes

Why is boost's random number generation (on a normal distribution) always giving the same values?

8 votes

ClientBase doesn't implement IDisposable member

7 votes

VS 2010 Setup Project is NOT removing previous versions

6 votes

specializing iterator_traits

6 votes

How to capitalize a word in a C++ string?

5 votes

Ocaml stack overflow with easy computations

5 votes

What does A a() mean?

5 votes

Bypass memory corruption limitations

5 votes

convert system date to M/d/yyyy format irrespective of system format using C#

4 votes

Linked list assignment operator

4 votes

Should I use "&&" or "and"?

4 votes

How to convert last 4 bytes in an array to an integer?

4 votes

C++: error LNK: unresolved external symbol, resulting from virtual functions

3 votes

How to include image in html email

3 votes

How can I get this += operator to work?

3 votes

Why does the VC2012 compiler get into a stackoverflow (error C1063)?

3 votes

I can't assign value to array

3 votes

C# encrypt string

2 votes

Hand Pointer in Kinect

2 votes

Difference between std::exception and "..."

2 votes

Segmentation fault while reading a file into a linked list

2 votes

Max output is incorrect

2 votes

C++ #include of file makes std types unknown

2 votes

Check if a system implements a function

2 votes

Why is max([1.0,1]) 1.0 and max([1,1.0]) 1?

2 votes

concatenate variable onto another variable

2 votes

Overload `unsigned` specifier for classes

2 votes

super simple currency converter switch acting oddly?