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Jacopo Mosconi
  • Member for 4 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
17 votes

Solidity: Why use Initialize function instead of constructor?

5 votes

How do I change the linter/formatter in VS Code?

3 votes

Can different websites hosted at different providers use the same domain, safe for the subdomain?

2 votes

Solidity - how do i transfer from another contract to msg.sender

2 votes

is two different ERC721 contract can mint same NFT

2 votes

What unit does "amountIn" have in UniswapV2Router02 contracts?

2 votes

Solidity Blockchain - Memory,Storage and mapping explanation brief explanation

2 votes

Solidity memory in a function

2 votes

Create two different instances of ERC-721 in the same smart contract

1 vote

I am getting "The called function should be payable if you send value and the value you send should be less than your current balance."

1 vote

Duplicated function in mint contract / solidity

1 vote

Why is it not possible to directly choose a random element in solidity?

1 vote

Is it more gas expensive to import an array from ipfs or create a state variable in solidity?

1 vote

Example for addLiquidity method of UniswapV2 Router

1 vote

How can i select rows for specific cells from same table?

1 vote

SELECT rows between two dates in azure cosmos db

1 vote

Excel - sum base on row and multiple columns

1 vote

How to write a where on column base another column?

1 vote

how to redirect non logged users to login page and redirect to another page with saved data?

1 vote

How to ignore a line/block of code if the condition is met?

1 vote

What does eta @ symbol mean in Java language?

1 vote

Solidity Subtracting msg.value or address(this).balance

0 votes

Javascript: How to compare two arrays, and return the name of the array with highest value in a certain index

0 votes

Visual Studio 2019 how to open the default tabs

0 votes

how to change the database time zone to IST in oci?

0 votes

Use PHP exec to execute Minecraft command

0 votes

What is the maximum length of Shopify CustomerID in customer response JSON

0 votes

Phone pattern for <input type="tel"> in HTML

0 votes

Update database in PHP using AJAX on click of button. What should I put in data tab?

0 votes

Getting compiler error when trying to verify a contract importing from @uniswap/v3-periphery