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Attila Szeremi's user avatar
Attila Szeremi's user avatar
Attila Szeremi
  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
56 votes

WebStorm, React & JSX curly braces autocomplete

34 votes

sending a large file with SCP to a certain server stalls at exactly 2112 kB

29 votes

Problem with Visual Studio Code using "react-jsx" as jsx value with create-react-app

12 votes

SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from - but works on WAMP

12 votes

What problems could I meet with Laravel 4 on PHP 5.3.3?

9 votes

Cannot create property 'callback' on number - jsPDF in Angular 9

8 votes

JQuery - How to check if a scrollbar is at the bottom for all browsers

6 votes

git thinks files have changed

4 votes

save image to database in php direct from a url

4 votes

Disable request validation redirect in Laravel 5.4

3 votes

Hot Reload not working properly with React-Redux and Hooks

3 votes

Why doesn't Docker Hub cache Automated Build Repositories as the images are being built?

2 votes

git line endings - can't stash, reset and now can't rebase over spurious line endings commit

2 votes

Permission denied (publickey) on github

2 votes

git push origin hangs after the total message

2 votes

Youtube Zend Api Function Interrupts Script

1 vote

Minimum margin for a centered background-image when window resizes

1 vote

How can I keep the following asynchronous pattern DRY in JavaScript?

1 vote

Javascript step event with mouse

1 vote

IE7 - setAutoGrow doesn't work

1 vote

Git on Windows: How do you set up a mergetool?

1 vote

PHP imagecreatefrompng losing color

1 vote

Ext.define and handler scope

1 vote

php using utf8 without utf_encode

1 vote

Github - Git Push Error

1 vote

Git says Automatic merge failed but when i check the file or run the mergetool there are no conflicts they were resolved correctly

1 vote

How to set up tortoisegit to not require password using ssh

1 vote

Displaying column names and values

1 vote

what's wrong with my Self-Executing Anonymous Function in javascript

1 vote

Any way to write this shorter/dryer?