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  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
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48 votes

How do you use authenticate_with_http_token with rails-api?

29 votes

Foreign key from one app into another in Django

28 votes

django models without database

26 votes

Django 1.8 KeyError: 'manager' on relationship

24 votes

How do get a random DateTime rounded to beginning of hour in Rails?

21 votes

Environment-based host in Ember CLI app

17 votes

How to reload modules in django shell?

15 votes

Failing to bundle install tiny_tds on Mac OS X 10.8 with Homebrew FreeTds

13 votes

Why does Rails 4.2 + responders keeps telling me to add responders to the Gemfile?

10 votes

How to pass parameters with the action Helper of Ember.js inside an input field from an Handlebars template?

10 votes

Ember data 1.0.0 Beta: RESTAdapter endpoint customization no longer works

10 votes

Non CRUD actions with ember-data

9 votes

Load a model manually with EmberData

6 votes

HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape() doesn't work

5 votes

emberjs handle 401 not authorized

4 votes

Ruby Feature Switches / Feature Flippers

3 votes

Ember switch/index if, etc

3 votes

Delete associated model with ember-data

3 votes

Rails-style polymorphic model in ember-data

3 votes

dc/d3 line chart crashing down to 0 on the y axis after filtering

3 votes

Error installing gnureadline via pip

3 votes

How to change input helper's class based on some condition in Ember

3 votes

Detect if a newly created model has changed attributes

2 votes

Ember-Data 2.1.0 hasMany not working (cannot read property 'replace' of undefined)

2 votes

Can I POST multiple models using Ember Data?

2 votes

Ember Cannot read property 'path' of undefined

2 votes

Redirect to Login Route from Application Route if user is not authenticated

2 votes

Do Postgres JSONB key lengths matter for disk space?

2 votes

Ember Cli not compiling with broccoli-emblem-compiler

2 votes

Does Ember have the equivalent of ruby's method_missing?