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m47730's user avatar
Sysadmin | Programmer | Web Developer
  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
119 votes

Divide two variables in bash

48 votes

How to set PATH only in bash script temporarily?

4 votes

Symfony2 DataTransformer for choice field

3 votes

Conditionally execute command in Linux shell script

3 votes

Why does color prompt is not working when using "su -"

2 votes

Accessing Google My Business API without login (using service account)

1 vote

How to automate a bash script

1 vote

Converting number from float to Int returns unexpected answer.

1 vote

Create a random name for the complete script

1 vote

What does "java -version 2>&1 |awk 'NR==1{ gsub(/"/,""); print $3 }'" do?

1 vote

echo HTML that contains data from MySQL (whitespace)

1 vote

Bash script sending an e-mail with attachment, body and subject

1 vote

Pattern-based substitution in the txt via AWK

1 vote

How do I make query on MySQL view run faster?

1 vote

Regex,Php - find correct names with random numbers in string

0 votes

PHP group multidimensional array to process each group of array independently

0 votes

Bash delete all folders except some

0 votes

How to convert a date say "d/mm/yy" store in a variable to "dd/mm/yy" in shell script

0 votes

Optimizing vncscreenshot scripts

0 votes

error handling in unoconv

0 votes

How can I print the first matched line using sed or grep?

0 votes

Bash to slack error log report

0 votes

Copy files in Unix generated in 24 hours

0 votes

Continuous Background Execution of PHP file in my website

0 votes

preg_match out puts arrays and no content

0 votes

Using the container inside a simple bundle class dont work in Symfony 2

0 votes

How to check if a string is base64 valid in PHP

0 votes

grep multiple patterns from a file and save them into different files

0 votes

Why Ocaml version located on file (4.04.0) different from what terminal says (4.03.0)?

-1 votes

Go directly to end of specific line in Vim