When we have great achievements all of our failures are just decorations.
I realized the truth that my existence on this earth is just for ~100 years so I don't regret what I gained and lost so far.
val myFullName = "Visruth CV"
int **visruth;
Object visruth = null;
var visruth = null;
const visruth = null;
let visruth = null;
export VISRUTH=$VISRUTH:visruth
visruth = None
val description = """I'm surfing stackoverflow from its beginning. It gave me a chance to learn a lot of technical & non-technical things, even I could improve my attitude, mentality, behavior, professionality, work culture, analysis, way of development, way of thought, etc.. etc.. etc... with the interaction of community members via forum post/comment & via private chats. Thanks to stackoverflow!"""
Mob/Whatsapp of my PA: +91-9539304988 (No marketing calls please!)
Forum interactions will reveal the level of knowledge in a particular period of time:- openkm, vaadin