I Design, Develop, Deploy bespoke OpenText-Gupta based Information Management systems, making your business life easier....
...by harnessing the power and productivity of Gupta Technologies TD.Net ∙ TeamDeveloper ∙ Centura ∙ SQLWindows ∙ SQLBase toolset against any dBMS, to transform your business data into your business asset.
♦ UK ♦ Australia ♦ New Zealand ♦
✸ I am available for local or remote OpenText-Gupta based consulting/development/support work.
See my profile and Connect with me on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/steveleighton-guptadeveloper and we can negotiate your Gupta requirements - large or small ✸
Object Orientated system design and build - Gupta Technologies ∙ TeamDeveloper.Net ∙ Centura ∙ SQLWindows ∙ SQLBase ∙ ReportBuilder ∙ ANSI SQL ∙ OOD ∙ OOP - running against any dBMS ∙ Oracle ∙ SQLServer ∙ Informix ∙ SQLBase ∙ DB2 ∙