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Gavin Morrow's user avatar
Gavin Morrow
  • Member for 3 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

NavigationView adding top padding

2 votes

Getting rid of the top region above a NavigationView (solutions on Stack Overflow not working)

2 votes

What await does exactly and does it have anything to do with microtask queue?

2 votes

SwiftUI Modifier Order

2 votes

Get or Set leading spacing of Navigation Title on Large Title Mode - SwiftUI

2 votes

How can i show/hide navbar based on scroll position?

2 votes

SwiftUI ZStack first element is not displayed

1 vote

How could I correctly implement favourites in SwiftUI?

1 vote

Swift 5 how to map an array of objects

1 vote

Cant get value of the search bar and assign it into API

1 vote

SwiftUI .overlay() causing data to be displayed incorrectly

1 vote

How can I return null if the data doesn't exist

1 vote

How to fix Type 'ContentView' does not conform to protocol 'View' etc. XCODE - SwiftUI

1 vote

Is there a way to access browser spell suggestions from javascript?

1 vote

Split month into first and second half based on current date and return weekdays (JS)

1 vote

How to find a selected List cell indexPath in swiftUI

1 vote

How to get the value from the localStorage object key? Angular

1 vote

Update SwiftUI Date Picker to match a model's computed property: Cannot assign to property

1 vote

Role of underscore "_" in conditional statement (if else) in Swift

1 vote

Add modifier to all instances of view

1 vote

Everything within if else being executed when it shouldn't

1 vote

Can I generate a sequence of Views programatically in SwiftUI?

1 vote

Set method when instance is created

0 votes

Data unable to save into database IOS CoreData Swiftui Swift

0 votes

App crashed due to implicitly unwrapped optional (SwiftUI, Firebase)

0 votes

Why is Set() repeating values?

0 votes

How to set a custom font and use it in SwiftUI

0 votes

How to use the sum of values in an array inside FOR loop Node Js

0 votes

How can I view the contents of the App Group Shared Container directory when debugging an iOS app?

0 votes

How to check the existence of an element on the page with javascript?